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1、剑桥商务英语高级-56 及答案解析(总分:99.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、READING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、PART ONE(总题数:1,分数:8.00)A You probably need to reduce the number of people. Cost savings through combining redundant tasks is a common goal for mergers. The trick is to release the individuals least well equipped to contribute in the new

2、 organisation and to hold on to the best people. Make sure the evaluation of “best“ looks at both companies“ people equally After all, you don“t want to lose a great person from Company B so you can keep a mediocre person from Company A. B But signing a deal to join forces is only the beginning. The

3、 crucial next step requires knowing how to merge fast and well. In the Internet economy, that means more than changing a logo or reconciling two chief executives“ egos to the fact that they can“t both be boss. A successful merger requires an unflinching commitment to what the new strategy will be, a

4、long with a focus on making sure that vital but fragile assets-customer lists, engineering-talent pools, and so ondon“t get trampled by the deal. C A horizontal merger is when two companies competing in the same market merge or join together. This type of merger can either have a very large effect o

5、r little to no effect on the market. When two extremely small companies combine, or horizontally merge, the results of the merger are less noticeable. These smaller horizontal mergers are very common. If a small local drug store were to horizontally merge with another local drugstore, the effect of

6、this merger on the drugstore market would be minimal. In a large horizontal merger, however, the resuiting ripple effects can be felt throughout the market sector and sometimes throughout the whole economy. D Impact of mergers and acquisitions on top level management may actually involve a “clash of

7、 the egos“ . There might be variations in the cultures of the two organisations. Under the new set-up the manager may be asked to implement such policies or strategies, which may not be quite approved by him. When such a situation arises, the main focus of the organisation gets diverted and executiv

8、es become busy either settling matters among themselves or moving on. If however, the manager is well equipped with a degree or has sufficient qualification, the migration to another company may not be troublesome at all. E How your company deals with merger issues such as communication, employee re

9、tention and/or layoffs, customer notification and reassurance, consolidation of staff and integration of systems will play a huge role in determining the overall success or failure of the merger or acquisition. Don“t wait until the deal is finalized to think about these issues. Assemble a team of st

10、akeholders and experts to analyse the challenges and risks of integrating the two companies and have an action plan in place long before the official merger date.(分数:8.00)(1).It elaborates on what horizontal integration is and its effect on the market.(分数:1.00)(2).It stresses staff of both companies

11、 should be considered fairly in business mergers.(分数:1.00)(3).It talks about the factors that ensure business mergers are fruitful.(分数:1.00)(4).It implies large-scale mergers may have a chain reaction on the whole market.(分数:1.00)(5).It considers that top level managers should adapt to the new compa

12、ny as soon as possible.(分数:1.00)(6).It suggests that enough preparations should be made before the merger.(分数:1.00)(7).It considers a well-qualified manager should react actively to the mergers to ensure smooth transfer.(分数:1.00)(8).It stresses on keeping the outstanding employees and eliminating av

13、erage ones in mergers.(分数:1.00)三、PART TWO(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Customer Co-ProductionWhen we began the very first research for The Social Media Bible we asked 1,000 people to participate. The first discovery was that they didn“t want just another business book. A typical business book is 250 pages, 60,000

14、words, 20 chapters, 3,000 words per chapter. It“s a formula. I“ve written five of them. What they said was, “First, we want a business book that shows the tactics of social media.“ What are blogs? What“s a podcast? What“s a Vlog? What“s all this stuff about micro-blogging and Twitter? Second, they w

15、anted a guide. They told me, give us all the companies that actually offer all of these services; who they are, how they started. 1 They said that “Now that I know the tactics and the tools, how do we apply them to their businesses? How do we develop a strategy?“ John Wiley they are happy to do it.

16、More than 300 people out of the 1,000 asked to participate as reviewers and collaborators. Ask your customers to participate in your brand, get them engaged. and ask them to be collaborators in your offering. A Every one of these experts participated in three, four, five pages and even the editing o

17、f every chapter of the book. B Isn“t that what marketing is supposed to accomplish? C A typical business book is 250 pages, 60,000 words, 20 chapters, 3,000 words per chapter. D In the book, I reached out to the top people in the social media industry throughout the world to talk about their persona

18、l experiences with social media. E Once you have them convinced that the book will change the way they do business for the better, they will buy it in droves. F Last, they wanted a third business book, which was a book on strategy. G The Social Media Bible is the largest book Wiley has ever publishe

19、d in 200 years, but in four days it sold out in six major metropolitan areas across the country. H They“ve been publishing for 202 years.(分数:6.00)四、PART THREE(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Recruitment Process Outsourcingbetter known as RPOhas gained significant market momentum in recent years. Yet it has taken a wh

20、ile. Given that employers have been seeking help in their recruiting efforts for decades, it seems odd that the rise of RPO as a service solution has taken so long. Isn“t outsourcing of non-core functions a widely accepted business strategy? Isn“t recruiting one of the largest line items for many or

21、ganisations and not a core function? Today, however, organisations that consider outsourcing their recruiting efforts can pore over and compare tangible outcomes seen by those successful early adopters of RPO. But tread lightly. There have been a number of very public RPO failures where results have

22、 fallen woefully short of expcetations, sending business leaders and the marketplace back into the boardroom to debate yet again the viability and sustainability of the solution. Can RPO be truly successful? If there are companies out there who are reaping the proposed benefits of outsourcing, what

23、are they doing that others are not? The fact is there are common elementslet“s even call them tenetsthat when followed, can greatly increase the effectiveness and ultimate outcomes of the RPO solution. Before we look at those tenets, however, it“s it“s important to understand the history of RPO. Rec

24、ruitment process outsourcing is the culmination of an evolutionary process that started with third-party recruiters engaged at the line manager level or as an adiunct to an organlsatlon“s internal staffing initiatives. Utilising the approach was simple: call your preferred recruiter(s) with a job de

25、scription and expect screened candidates to be sent to you. Overall, this process continues to serve as a highly scalable option in many talent acquisition strategms, but it is extremely costly. Moreover, based on the transactional nature of the relationship, it comes with high risk and little accou

26、ntability for results. Companies soon realised they could bring the same talent in-house as contractorstheir intentions clearly centered on achieving the same scalability but with reduced cost and greater control of the outcomes. In practice though, this model proved to be almost as expensive as hig

27、h agency utilisation and surprisingly, with co-employment and other new issues, even more complex. Worse yet, the rates for contractors continued to climb as corporate recruiters began to seek out these new, more highly paid “nomad“ positions instead of their corporate roles. The desired “direct sou

28、rcing“ impact these recruiters were supposed to have never materialized as skills, and innovative approaches floundered without the access to best practices and innovative techniques that contingency recruiting agencies cultivated. At the same time, traditional recruiting providers began to assume a

29、 more prominent role in assisting their customers with new ways to handle huge spikes in hiring. Although this represented a new challenge for both companies and providers, the solutions were primarily project-based and, therefore, rarely focused on achieving strategtc improvements. Over time, the R

30、PO paradigm changed to finally justify its title, while providers literally began assuming delivery of an organisation“s internal staffing function. This early model was fraught with mistiming because most organisations treated RPO solutions like earlier transactional recruiting solutions. In additi

31、on, most providers simply weren“t ready to deliver at the levels they had signed up for. As the burgeoning industry learns from itself, organisations have honed their approach to RPO vendor management and some providers have refined their solutions to near industry-standard levels.(分数:6.00)(1).What

32、can we learn about Recruitment Process Outsourcing in the first paragraph?(分数:1.00)A.All companies tend to outsource their not so important services.B.It gained wide acceptance among the employers as soon as it came out.C.Recruiting is an important department of many organisations.D.It took a long t

33、ime before RPO finally became popular.(2).What should the employers do to ensure expected result of RPO?(分数:1.00)A.A company should copy other companies“ RPO solution directly.B.A company should only learn from the successful examples of RPO solution.C.A company should learn from both the good and u

34、nfruitful outcomes of RPO and follow some principles as well.D.A company should learn the history of RPO first.(3).What does RPO start with?(分数:1.00)A.Third party recruitersB.Contract recruitingC.Internal staffing AgencyD.In-house recruitment(4).Employers try hard to find talents by themselves to(分数

35、:1.00)A.make recruitment a core department of their companies.B.cut cost and guarantee better results.C.ensure the effectiveness of the recruitment process.D.come with little risk and high accountability for results.(5).Traditional recruiting providers didn“t make strategic progress because(分数:1.00)

36、A.they adopted new ways to help companies.B.the solutions focused on project.C.they didn“t find customers.D.they had no access to best practices and innovative techniques.(6).What will the author talk about in the following paragraph?(分数:1.00)A.He will continue to talk about the history of RPO.B.He

37、will talk about the principles of raising the efficiency and end result of the RPO solution.C.He will talk about the types of RPO.D.He will talk about different RPO solutions.五、PART FOUR(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Types of Organisational CultureThere is more than one 1 of organisational culture in the corporate

38、 world. This doesn“t mean strong versus 2 although those are certainly two general categories for organisational culture. While different theorists and different companies even might have differing opinions on the types of organisational cultures out there, there is a general consensus 3 four differ

39、ent types of organisational culture. Most companies or corporations in their style or plan can fall 4 one of these four general types. One type of organisational culture is the “tough-guy culture“ or “macho culture.“ One of the most common aspects of the tough-guy or macho culture is the quick feedb

40、ack and 5 rewards. The pace can be break-neck at times, but the obvious reward of the action is seen very quickly. Another type of organisational culture is the “work hard/play hard“ organisational cul ture. This type of organisational culture that doesn“t 6 a lot of risks, but it does take a few, a

41、nd all receive fast feedback. This is something most likely to be seen in a very large company which is dependent on strong customer service. A third type of organisational culture is the “bet your company culture.“ This is a type of company where huge decisions are made over high stakes endeavors.

42、In this type of cultuure, the 7 results of these decisions may not be seen for months or 8 years. A fourth type of organisational culture is the “process culture.“ A process culture is most often found in organisations where there is actually no feedback. This is 9 a good culture. In this type of or

43、ganisational culture people are so obsessed 10 the process of how things are done that the focus is lost on what the goal is. Process organisational culture is a synonym for bureaucracy.(分数:10.00)A.typesB.typeC.kindsD.waysA.fragileB.frailC.feebleD.weakA.ofB.aboutC.onD.atA.ofB.aboutC.onD.intoA.tallB.

44、highC.trueD.badA.carryB.bringC.takeD.meetA.endB.goodC.predictedD.expectedA.forB.evenC.inD.amongA.definitelyB.surelyC.rarelyD.extremelyA.inB.withC.onD.of六、PART FIVE(总题数:1,分数:10.00)What Work Environments Do? Work environments are than as varied 1 there are types of businesses. 2 it is a large corporat

45、ion with multiple departments and locations, or a small business with only a handful of employees, different work environments seem to serve different purposes. If your company is experiencing increased or high turnover rates, it is important to look at all of the aspects that could be affecting emp

46、loyee satisfaction, but do not overlook the impact and influence the environment could have 3 the situation. The work environment can include various factorsthe lighting,furniture, colours, smells, soundseverything that makes 4 the environment where work happens combines into 5 an overall effect. So

47、me things cannot be helped, of course. For example, a business that specialises 6 auto-body repair and autopainting is going to have the equipment needed to get the job done, as well as some pretty strong odors of paint. There are things the employers can do 7 minimise the effects but they will like

48、ly not be completely eliminated. One would assume that individuals who are highly sensitive 8 this environment would not want to work there and 9 employees will understand the realities of the work environment. When employees expect a certain type of environment and get something very different, pro

49、blems can result. Those expected to work in a quiet, functional office but who find themselves 10 in an office environment that is loud, chaotic, with strong fumes coming from a nearby shop or other coping with other uncomfortable environment realities may soon be looking for alternative work.(分数:10.00)七、PART SIX(总题数:1,分数:12.00)Do you want your salary up?From If you are currently employed and want a raise, start from by being prepared. 41Gather up your salary survey information, recent performance appraisals that document the 42job you“re doing, and any other relevant information. Be


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