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1、上海市高级口译第二阶段口试模拟 1 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.The price of crude oil hit an all-time high early in April. The surge in oil price harms virtually all consumers and industries. Nevertheless, according to Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siege, record high prices are not as bad as th

2、ey look. “The major reason for that is we have become much more energy efficient.“ Topic: The rising price of oil Questions for Reference: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the rising price of oil on the economic development? 2. Why does the price of oil fluctuate? What can we do to re

3、duce the negative effects to the least? 3. What does Prof. Siege mean when he says we are more energy efficient? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_上

4、海市高级口译第二阶段口试模拟 1 答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.The price of crude oil hit an all-time high early in April. The surge in oil price harms virtually all consumers and industries. Nevertheless, according to Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siege, record high prices are not as bad as they

5、 look. “The major reason for that is we have become much more energy efficient.“ Topic: The rising price of oil Questions for Reference: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the rising price of oil on the economic development? 2. Why does the price of oil fluctuate? What can we do to redu

6、ce the negative effects to the least? 3. What does Prof. Siege mean when he says we are more energy efficient? (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:(略)二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:我们在许多事务中的合作从未如此紧密。英中两国的经贸关系一直是两国最牢固的双边关系的基础。这也是我率领一批英国公司的高级商务总裁来华的原因。所有这些公司都已在中国投

7、资不菲,并致力于在中国长期发展。他们代表了中英两国间飞速增长的经贸联系。去年英国对华贸易额增加了 15%。同期英国对华出口增幅达 26%。 英国还是欧盟在华的主要投资者,截至去年底,投资总额已达 53 亿美元,还有 80 亿美元将陆续到位。英中两国在其他领域的合作关系也蓬勃发展。现有 5000 多名中国学生在英国就读,两国的文化交流也日益增多。两国间的新的伙伴关系还延伸到了体育方面。英国可提供给中国的还有很多。在未来知识密集型产业方面我们的实力日趋雄厚。全欧 1/3 的生物技术公司设在英国。 解析 We are already cooperating more closely, on more

8、 issues, than ever before. Britain“s strongest bilateral relations have always been based on trade. That is why I am coming to China with a group of senior British business executives. All have significant investments and long-term commitments in China. They personify the rapidly expanding commercia

9、l relationship between our two countries. British trade with China increased by 15 percent last year. British exports to China increased by 26 percent in the same period. Britain is also Europe“s leading investor in China: 5.3 billion dollars by the end of last year, with another 8 billion dollars o

10、n the way. Other aspects of our relationship have also prospered; over 5,000 Chinese students are now studying in Britain. There are growing cultural links too. The new partnership between Britain and China also extends to sport. Britain has a lot to offer China. We are increasingly strong in the kn

11、owledge-based industries of the future. One third of Europe“s biotechnology companies are located in Britain.(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:20 世纪即将过去,人类见证了在信息和通信技术方面空前绝后的发展,这一发展几乎给我们生活的方方面面都带来了深刻的变化。教育也不例外。随着新经济的出现,教育成为社会进步和经济持续增长的决定性因素。它决定着一个国家能从全球化浪潮中获益多少以及多快获益。本质上,新经济是一个以知识为支柱的经济,而教育就是它的基础。 现在,

12、教育对于大多数人来说已经成了他们生活的一部分。但是,提供全民教育和终身教育依然是一个有待于实现的伟大构想。网络教育为我们打开了一扇机遇之窗。通过将信息技术融人教育,它提供了一种远程学习模式,而这种模式能以快捷而最省钱的方式为人们送去教育,这样就能使世界上任何地方的不同年龄的人在他们最为方便的时候学习。这也正好解释了为何网络教育迅速占据一席之地的原因。 解析 At the close of the 20th century, mankind has witnessed the unprecedented progress in information and communication tech

13、nology which has brought about profound changes in almost all aspects of our life. Education is no exception. With the advent of New Economy, education has become a decisive factor for the progress of society and the sustainable growth of economy. It determines how much and how fast an economy can b

14、enefit from globalization. New economy in essence is knowledge-based economy with education as its very foundation. Nowadays, education for most people is already a part of their life. But to provide education for all and for lifelong is still a noble vision yet to be realized. The cyber education h

15、as opened a window of opportunity for us. By incorporating IT into education, it provides a mode of distance learning which can deliver education to people in a speedy and the most cost-effective way, enabling people of all ages anywhere in the world to learn at their own convenience. This explains

16、the very reason why cyber education is fast gaining ground.四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:Thanks to its high mountains, elegant rivers, rich and varied folk customs and styles, rare animals and plants, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, distinctive operas,

17、music and dances and its world-renowned cuisine, China attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every year. Tourism has become a rising industry with the greatest vitality in China“s economic development as well as one of the new economic growth points. In recent years, China“s touri

18、st industry has developed rapidly and formed the largest domestic tourism market in the world and an outbound tourism market with the highest rate of growth in the world. The Worth Tourism Organization predicts that by 2020, China will be the No. 1 tourist destination and will rank the fourth in the

19、 number of Chinese tourists traveling abroad in the world. Among the 15 global top tourist attractions chosen by the World Tourism Organization through a survey, Chinese Mainland comes the 5th and Hong Kong the 14th. 解析 中国拥有壮丽的山河、丰富多彩的民俗民风、珍稀的动植物和数不尽的名胜古迹,加之独具特色的戏剧、音乐、舞蹈和享誉世界的美食,每年都吸引着大批国内外旅游者。旅游业已经

20、成为中国国民经济发展中最具活力的新兴产业和新的经济增长点之一。 近几年来,中国旅游业快速发展,已经形成世界上规模最大的国内旅游市场和发展最快的出境游市场。根据世界旅游组织预测,到 2020 年中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的地国家和第四大客源输出国。世界旅游组织调查选出的 15 个全球最受欢迎的旅游地中,中国内地排名第五,香港排名第十四。(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:Though China has achieved impressive results in its development, there are still many acute problem

21、s, such as overpopulation, weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and a fairly sharp contradiction between the country“s environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other. China“s per capita GDP, though r

22、eaching 1,000 US dollars, still ranks behind the 100th place in the world. To make China“s modernization program a success still requires a long and uphill battle. We have already set a clear goal for the first 20 years of this century. Namely, in building a well-off society of a higher standard in

23、an all-round way for the benefit of over one billion Chinese people, we will quadruple the GDP with a per capita GDP of 3,000 US dollars, further develop the economy, improve democracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster greater social harmony and improve people“s living standard. 解析 中国虽然取得了很大的发展成就,但中国人口多,底子薄,生产力不发达,发展很不平衡,生态环境、自然资源与经济社会发展的矛盾比较突出。虽然中国人均国内生产总值已达 1000 美元,但仍排在世界一百位以后。中国要实现现代化,还需要进行长期的艰苦奋斗。 我们已经明确了本世纪头 20 年的奋斗目标,这就是全而建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,实现国内生产总值翻两番,人均国内生产总值达到 3000 美元,使经济更加发展,民主更加健全,科教更加进步,文化更加繁荣,社会更加和谐,人民生活更加殷实。


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