
hai are horrible. Some suggest that the directional signs should be set up to guide the visitors. In Mount Sheshan, which is a scenic spot located in


1、hai are horrible. Some suggest that the directional signs should be set up to guide the visitors. In Mount Sheshan, which is a scenic spot located in Songjiang District, Shanghai, 5 million yuan has been spent in building a luxurious restroom, and it charges 5 yuan once. Topic: The Restrooms in Shanghai Questions for Reference: 1. What do you think of the restroom conditions in Shanghai? What“s your comment on the luxurious restroom? 2. Some people think that the restroom conditions reflect the 。

2、ing to enroll fewer students this year. Their spendings on teachers and buildings are not up to state standards Topic: Doors of institutions of higher learning are now open to fewer students Questions for Reference: 1. Nowadays, most of the institutions of higher learning increase enrollment. What“re the advantages and disadvantages of the practice? 2. In order to be qualified to enroll more students, many schools extend to the suburban areas and construct more school buildings. What do you thin。

3、seas counterparts. Statistics from the China Charity Federation indicated that 70 percent of charitable contributions to the federation came from foreign countries and from the Chinese regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, while those from wealthy benefactors in the Chinese mainland accounted for less than 15 percent of the total value of donations. Topic: Why are the rich in the Chinese mainland not willing to donate? Questions for Reference: 1. Compared with the rich in Hong Kong, Macao and 。

4、the decades ahead, with millions of men in China unable to find wives. Topic: Imbalanced birth sex ratio Questions for Reference: 1. What might the serious imbalance suggest? 2. What can the government do to remedy the situation? 3. Do you think the situation will improve in the near future? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_。

5、n 103 departments. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Personnel from 1996 to 2003, only about 1.2 percent of civil servants changed jobs every year, while in business the figure was about 10 percent. Topic: Why is civil servant a sought-after job? Questions for Reference: 1. What motivates the college graduates to be civil servants? 2. Do you prefer to be a civil servant or a company clerk? Why? 3. What can we learn from the fact that undergraduates rush to be civil servants? (分数:1.0。

6、hinese textbooks. Some experts in the field of education welcome the practice, while others are strongly against it. Topic: Should martial-arts fictions be integrated into the Chinese textbook? Questions for Reference: 1. Some people think the martial-arts fictions full of violence and romance are not suitable for the students. What“s your opinion? 2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of Jin Yong“s martial-arts fictions as textbook material? 3. What are the possible negative。

7、f the Chinese infertile couples are unwilling to adopt orphans. Topic: Shall we encourage more people to adopt? Questions for Reference: 1. What do you think are good reasons for people to adopt orphans? 2. Why doesn“t an infertile couple usually want to adopt a child from the orphanage? 3. There are so many abandoned children in the orphanages. What shall we do to solve this problem? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分。

8、 dating. Topic: Is a PhD degree a disadvantage for young females? Questions for reference: 1. Is it true that it is difficult for female PhD students to find their true love? 2. What are the social and historical reasons? 3. What do you think of the position of the female PhD graduates in society? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_。

9、the resumes tend to be complicated and flamboyant or even cheating. Topic: Is a successful resume a door leading to a good job? Questions for Reference: 1. An increasing number of the graduating students spend money, time and energy on their resumes. What“s your idea of a successful resume? How will you design your own resume? 2. What role does a resume play in the student“s search for a job? 3. In this competitive job market, instead of flamboyant resumes, what should the graduating students do。

10、But many of us have been taken aback by some unintelligible short messages or some lottery messages from various service suppliers. Whether we need it or not, they come to our mobile phones frequently. Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of short messages Questions for Reference: 1. Do you mind receiving short messages from people you don“t know? 2. Sometimes we receive the messages which are regarded as “ warming greetings“ And we usually resend them. Sometimes we receive the messages which are。

11、 The divided syllabus of liberal arts and science doesn“t conform to the policy of nurturing students with comprehensive abilities. Topic: Is a divided syllabus reasonable? Questions for Reference: 1. Different students have different strong subjects and weak ones. Is it reasonable to make all the students learn the same subjects at the same level? What“s your suggestion? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the division? 3. What will the students in the senior high schools feel about。

12、r the size of the jellies and the European Union banned the sale of small-sized jellies last year. China“s related regulations still contain no details on the shape and size of jelly products. Topic: Food security and food quality Questions for Reference: 1. A child died from suffocation after eating jellies. Whose fault is it? 2. What are the lessons for manufacturers and regulations concerning food safety? 3. Generally speaking, what do you think of the food available on the market? What“s you。

13、theless, according to Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siege, record high prices are not as bad as they look. “The major reason for that is we have become much more energy efficient.“ Topic: The rising price of oil Questions for Reference: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the rising price of oil on the economic development? 2. Why does the price of oil fluctuate? What can we do to reduce the negative effects to the least? 3. What does Prof. Siege mean when he says we are more ener。

14、d reach out and influence the entire Far East. But now, Shanghai is gradually losing that power. Topic: Can Shanghai regain its power as a trendsetter? Questions for Reference: 1. Many young people don“t understand their roots and what is special about Shanghai culture. They just copy westerners. Why? 2. Things made in other places are seen more often than things made in Shanghai. What are the possible reasons for this? 3. What can the city do to regain its status? (分数:1.00)_。

15、niversity. She has achieved the full score of 1,600 in her SAT tests in the US That Chinese education methods have dealt well with the SAT test can only prove one thing: Chinese students have an outstanding ability to memorize things by rote and excellent skills in answering test questions. Topic: How to generate qualified students? Questions for Reference: 1. Have you ever attended or will you attend an evening class to be trained so as to pass a certain exam? What do you think of those evening。

16、m pay of 8 yuan per hour and a cap of 8 hours per week. Many people welcomed it, saying that it protected the students“ interests. However, some people said that the regulation was mere paperwork. Topic: The regulation on part-time jobs of college students Questions for Reference: 1. What“s the condition of the current part-time job market for the university students? How much do the students spend on the part-time jobs and how much can they usually get? 2. Are the students, as a whole, eager to。

17、pool of men and women, would jump at the opportunity to help the needed. But many students are not keen on donating blood whereas they volunteer to donate money or other things. Topic: Who wants to be a blood donator? Questions for Reference: 1. People are unwilling to donate blood. What are the reasons? 2. The university students, who volunteer to donate money for the poor, are not eager to donate their blood to the sick. Why? 3. What“s your attitude toward blood donation? (分数:1.00)_。

18、 fuel. But there“re discriminatory restrictions against small cars in China, for example, in many cities and regions small cars are not allowed to use expressways or enter downtown areas. And consumers are reluctant to choose the small cars. In contrast, the European Commission requires European cars manufacturers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions for passenger cars, forcing automakers to produce lighter cars with smaller engines. Topic: Is a smaller and lighter car a better choice? Questions f。

19、 but have no practical skills. The students, on the other hand, feel frustrated at the job market because the pay is low. Topic: Is the pay too high or too low? Questions for Reference: 1. What do you think of the employers“ viewpoint? 2. If you were a graduate, would you accept low pay for your first job? Why or why not? 3. Some people think college graduates are no better than vocational school students. Do you agree? (分数:1.00)_。

20、odel Workers“, though he doesn“t even work in China. Some people think he deserves the honor, while some have doubts. Topic: Who can be a model worker? Questions for Reference: 1. Some people think that Yao Ming doesn“t work in our country, so he can“t be selected as a “model worker“. Do you think Yao Ming deserves the title “model worker“? 2. The whole society is developing rapidly, therefore the standards to evaluate a model worker should be adjusted accordingly. Do you agree? Why or why not? 。

标签 > 中高级口译第二阶段[编号:215107]

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