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1、上海市高级口译第二阶段口试模拟 14 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Many private firms in coastal provinces have difficulty hiring employees, for they feel that the college students request high salary but have no practical skills. The students, on the other hand, feel frustrated at the job market bec

2、ause the pay is low. Topic: Is the pay too high or too low? Questions for Reference: 1. What do you think of the employers“ viewpoint? 2. If you were a graduate, would you accept low pay for your first job? Why or why not? 3. Some people think college graduates are no better than vocational school s

3、tudents. Do you agree? (分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_上海市高级口译第二阶段口试模拟 14 答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Many private firms in coas

4、tal provinces have difficulty hiring employees, for they feel that the college students request high salary but have no practical skills. The students, on the other hand, feel frustrated at the job market because the pay is low. Topic: Is the pay too high or too low? Questions for Reference: 1. What

5、 do you think of the employers“ viewpoint? 2. If you were a graduate, would you accept low pay for your first job? Why or why not? 3. Some people think college graduates are no better than vocational school students. Do you agree? (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:(略)二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数

6、:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:人类如果想要实现 21 世纪的繁荣与和平,全世界对艾滋病危机做出的反应必须像艾滋病的蔓延一样全面、迅速和不屈不挠。仅在非洲,每天便有 6000 人死于艾滋病。非洲现有 1300 万以上的孤儿,艾滋病堪称罪魁祸首。艾滋病感染率正在上升,许多国家可能失去整整一代人。这将是一个无法想象的人类悲剧。国际社会决不能让这种情况发生。 为了制止艾滋病的蔓延,我们必须采取综合性方针,强调预防、对患者的治疗和富有同情心的护理。在今年 6 月召开的会议上,来自各个大陆、有着不同文化和宗教信仰的国家表达了我们要根除艾滋病这一世界性流行病的

7、共同决心。我感到自豪的是,在设立新的全球抗艾基金方面,我的国家正发挥着带头作用。我国已保证为这笔基金投入 2 亿美元的种子基金。明年,我们将为抗艾斗争再捐助 5 亿美元。 解析 If humankind is to achieve prosperity and peace in the 21st century, the global response to AIDS crisis must be no less comprehensive, no less relentless and no less swift than the AIDS pandemic itself. In Afric

8、a alone, 6,000 people die of AIDS every single day. Africa now has more than 13 million orphans, mostly due to AIDS. And infection rates are rising. In many countries, an entire generation can be lost. That would be an unimaginable human tragedy. The international community must not let that happen.

9、 To stem the tide of AIDS, we must adopt an integrated approach, an approach that emphasizes prevention, treatment of the sick and compassionate care. At the conference held in June, countries of every comment, culture and creed declared our collective resolve to stem the worldwide AIDS epidemic. I

10、am proud that my country is playing a leading role in creating a new global fund to fight AIDS. My country has pledged US $ 200 million in seed money for the fund. And next year we will contribute an additional US $ 500 million to the battle against AIDS.(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:随着世界上人口的迅速增加

11、,地球上许多野生动物的领地都被城市扩展侵吞。越来越多的人感到在他们住地附近很难看到野生动物,因此强烈要求建造更多的动物园。迪斯尼动物王国是美国最有名的动物园之一。这座占地 167 公顷的动物园让游客穿越印第安丛林或乘车横跨“非洲平原”。动物在自然环境里漫步,让游客一睹它们的野外生活。 全世界几乎所有的国家都有动物园。在新加坡,夜间动物园每晚七点向游客开放,这个动物园使游客获得观看野生动物夜生活的独特经历。这里大多数动物都在夜间活动,所以园区每天晚上只开放五个小时。随着世界范围的经济扩张和城市化,世界上将没有真正的荒野。随着野生动物变得更加稀少,想看野生动物的游客会更多。但是单靠旅游业不可能保护

12、世界上的野生动物。 解析 With the rapid growth of world population quite a number of wild life reserves on the earth have given way to the expansion of urban areas. More and more people find it hard to see wildlife nearby in their locations. That“s why there is a loud cry for the establishment of more animal pa

13、rks. Disney“s Animal Kingdom is one of America“s most famous animal parks. The 167-hectare park lets guests hike through the Indian jungle or drive through the African plains. The animals roam through out their environments, allowing visitors a look at their life in the wild. There are animal parks

14、in almost every country of the world. In Singapore, Night Animal Park begins to open to guests at 7 o“clock every night. The park gives guests the unique experience of visiting wildlife in the dark. Most of the park“s animals are nocturnal, so the park is open for only five hours a night. With econo

15、mic expansion and urbanization across the world, there will be no truly wild places left in the world. As wildlife becomes even rarer, more tourists want to see them. But tourism alone cannot conserve the world“s wild animals.四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:In this m

16、ost beautiful autumn season, we welcome in Beijing the opening of the Fourth World Conference on Women, the largest and one of the most important international meetings of its kind in world history. Representatives from 185 UN member states, from the United Nations and international organizations of

17、 various regions, as well as from over 2,000 non-governmental groups, gather together. They will make a promise that they will take rapid action to eliminate discrimination against women, so that they can quickly join with men to create and share peace and prosperity of the 21st century. We hope tha

18、t the conference will become a brilliant landmark of promoting the civilization, peace, and progress of humanity. For this, we warmly herald the opening of the Fourth World Conference on Women and wish the Conference a complete success. 解析 在这个美丽无比的金秋季节,我们在北京迎来了第四届世界妇女大会的召开。这是一次世界历史上规模空前的妇女大会,也是世界历史上

19、最重要的国际会议之一。联合国 185 个成员国的代表、联合国组织和各区域性国际组织的代表,以及两千多个非政府组织的代表在此聚会。 她们将做出承诺,要迅速采取行动,消除歧视妇女的现象,使妇女能够尽快与男子一起创造和分享 21 世纪的和平与繁荣。我们希望本届世妇会成为促进人类文明、和平与进步的光辉里程碑。为此,我们欢呼第四届世界妇女大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功。(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:Being a common language of mankind, sport is an important factor m the promotion of pe

20、ace and development. Ever since ancient times, sport has transcended differences in race, color and culture and given expression to mankind“s aspirations for and pursuit of a peaceful and better world, as evidenced in the Olympic spirit that came into being more than 2,000 years ago. Sport and physi

21、cal education are activities undertaken in mankind“s ceaseless pursuit of the Olympic ideal. Sport not only builds one“s physique, but also teaches communication, cooperation, respect for others, and acceptance of failure. As such, it is an important medium for strengthening the ties among different civilizations and values. 解析 体育运动是人类的共同语言,是促进和平与发展的重要因素。自远古时代起,体育运动就已超越种族、肤色、文化的差异,承载起人类对和平美好世界的向往与追求。诞生于两千多年前的奥林匹克精神,就是这一追求的具体体现。 奥林匹克理想是人类不断的追求,体育运动和体育教育则是实现这一追求的具体实践。体育不仅让人拥有强健的体魄,更让人学会沟通、合作、尊重他人,以及学会接受失败,是不同文明和价值观之间加强联系的重要媒介。


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