century wrote, “ Sweet Thames run softly, till I end my song“: it still runs softly enough but could never be called sweet in any gustatory 1 . If its
1、century wrote, Sweet Thames run softly, till I end my song: it still runs softly enough but could never be called sweet 。
2、niversity. She has achieved the full score of 1,600 in her SAT tests in the US That Chinese education methods have dealt。
3、m pay of 8 yuan per hour and a cap of 8 hours per week. Many people welcomed it, saying that it protected the students i。
4、 fuel. But therere discriminatory restrictions against small cars in China, for example, in many cities and regions smal。
5、 but have no practical skills. The students, on the other hand, feel frustrated at the job market because the pay is low。
6、e shall require a 2 new manner of thinking if mankind is 3 . Then, what leadership is required today The first requireme。
7、ssage 2总题数:1,分数:5.002.分数:5.00四Part B总题数:0,分数:0.00五Passage 1总题数:1,分数:5.003.分数:5.00六Passage 2总题数:1,分数:5.004.分数:5.00上海市中级口译。
8、geness and justness of view faith. Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no 3 , no influential motive。
9、e than any other disease. People get malaria when they are bitten by 1 called mosquitoes. The mosquitoes 2 which enter a。
10、we spend an average of 1 . Of this communication time, 9 is spent writing, 2 and 45 listening. Immediately after hearing。
11、Nature and producing genetically altered food. But those who 1 say its no more unnatural than traditional selective bree。
12、 the international contact group on Yugoslavia have called for 2 the crisis. They were speaking 3 in the province with t。
13、nd city to city. Some towns allow the sale of very weak, 2 , known as threetwo beer. Some places 3 of any alcohol on Sun。
14、ther keep secret: an announcement of a 1 , denial of a failure, or a secret scandal that nobody really wants you to 2 . 。
15、rements come more than 2 after Congress ordered the development of such rules. Currently, different state and 3 establis。
16、s are 1 . But they also protect human health. Veterinarians are 2 against animal diseases that 3 . Diseases, like some k。
17、d States, the number of children 2 grows by about onemillion each year. As the number increases, experts continue to 3 o。
18、 had 1.8 vehicles; each vehicle is driven an average of 10,000 miles per year at an average highway speed of 3 . Most ca。
19、odel Workers, though he doesnt even work in China. Some people think he deserves the honor, while some have doubts. Topi。
20、example, will radiation from electronic equipment 1 the environment Should the DNA samples of 2 be put into a computer d。