
hai are horrible. Some suggest that the directional signs should be set up to guide the visitors. In Mount Sheshan, which is a scenic spot located in


1、hai are horrible. Some suggest that the directional signs should be set up to guide the visitors. In Mount Sheshan, whic。

2、ing to enroll fewer students this year. Their spendings on teachers and buildings are not up to state standards Topic: D。

3、seas counterparts. Statistics from the China Charity Federation indicated that 70 percent of charitable contributions to。

4、the decades ahead, with millions of men in China unable to find wives. Topic: Imbalanced birth sex ratio Questions for R。

5、n 103 departments. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Personnel from 1996 to 2003, only about 1.2 percent of。

6、hinese textbooks. Some experts in the field of education welcome the practice, while others are strongly against it. Top。

7、f the Chinese infertile couples are unwilling to adopt orphans. Topic: Shall we encourage more people to adopt Questions。

8、 dating. Topic: Is a PhD degree a disadvantage for young females Questions for reference: 1. Is it true that it is diffi。

9、the resumes tend to be complicated and flamboyant or even cheating. Topic: Is a successful resume a door leading to a go。

10、But many of us have been taken aback by some unintelligible short messages or some lottery messages from various service。

11、 The divided syllabus of liberal arts and science doesnt conform to the policy of nurturing students with comprehensive 。

12、r the size of the jellies and the European Union banned the sale of smallsized jellies last year. Chinas related regulat。

13、theless, according to Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siege, record high prices are not as bad as they look. The major 。

14、d reach out and influence the entire Far East. But now, Shanghai is gradually losing that power. Topic: Can Shanghai reg。

15、niversity. She has achieved the full score of 1,600 in her SAT tests in the US That Chinese education methods have dealt。

16、m pay of 8 yuan per hour and a cap of 8 hours per week. Many people welcomed it, saying that it protected the students i。

17、pool of men and women, would jump at the opportunity to help the needed. But many students are not keen on donating bloo。

18、 fuel. But therere discriminatory restrictions against small cars in China, for example, in many cities and regions smal。

19、 but have no practical skills. The students, on the other hand, feel frustrated at the job market because the pay is low。

20、odel Workers, though he doesnt even work in China. Some people think he deserves the honor, while some have doubts. Topi。

标签 > 中高级口译第二阶段口译[编号:215108]

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