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1、剑桥商务英语高级-137 及答案解析(总分:30.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BLISTENING/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BPART ONE/B(总题数:1,分数:12.00) As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.What is a Business Secret?1. Company officials try to protect _ from leaving their hands.2. A trade secret invo

2、lves a formula, _ or process steps to maintain secrecy.3. _ is needed for preventing information from being leaked.4. There are differences between patents, intellectual property, trade secrets and _.Non-disclosure Agreements5. Let employees, contractors and _ sign non-disclosure agreements.6. Creat

3、e _ on how information is handled and shared.Using the Law to your Advantage7. Law may protect you if trade secrets fall into the hands of your _.8. Employee _ can cause damage to company secrets.9. Terminated employee is a big risk in trade secret _.10. You should have appropriate measures for hand

4、ling employee _.Tips I was excited by some new business ideas and that was how Essential Business Model was born. It was a new business model that correlates strategy, management, and execution to leadership effectiveness. The first several years were tough and I had lots of failures, the main reaso

5、n I think is that at that time we were suffering under the storm of economic crisis, marketing was bad and we were suffering financial problems, but our Essential Business Model is improved. My approach is particularly applicable to industries that have a high level of complexity, change, strong com

6、petitive dynamics, and deep technological reliance, but we will have to pull back and cut a few internal positions. Were debt free and will receive recognition. Our brand is reaching the tipping point.Speaker 4I started a company selling antiques, while many people think that finding antiques is the

7、 hardest part of my business, it isnt. Finding inventory is easy, as I buy from a net- work of other antique dealers; the hardest part was finding customers. Like many small businesses, I had no advertising budget when it opened. I have spent many hours promoting the business. Rising to the challeng

8、e of business promotion means exploring a variety of promotion ideas and constantly searching for new business promotion opportunities. We are going to establish more online stores and start e-commerce. Online stores can give local businesses a global reach. Internet stores often drive physical traf

9、fic to retail locations. We believe we can expand greatly by building more online stores.Speaker 5I would really like to start my own freelance design business. So before I met my soon- to-be husband I was planning on going to school and joining up with some company or others, then I got married and

10、 had the ability to do freelance because of two incomes. I started a home-based business to keep myself busy and earn some extra money for savings. I confess I had the most fun drawing the logo. Everything is going well so far. The hardest part for me is trying to balance my job with my own business

11、; Im not going to quit my day job but I would like to start planning an official plan to maintain current marketing activities and balance supply and need.13. 原文先是出现关键词“management trouble”,然后说公司需要大批人手“need a lot of staff”,工作量很大是很大负担“burden”,由此推断出公司的困难是工作量大和人手短缺。(2)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:H)解析:原文阐述“

12、at that time we were suffering again under the storm of economic crisis”,是经济不景气导致了财务问题。(3)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:C)解析:原文在说广告是提到“I had no advertising budget”,说明没有足够的经费来宣传产品。(4)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:A)解析:(5)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:D)解析:Task TwoFuture Plan For questions 18-22, match the extracts

13、with the future plan, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the future plan they mentioned. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number extract.A cut off internal positionsB go publicC upgrade current products and invest in new onesD merge with other company and go publicE build up new distribution cha

14、nnelsF maintain current marketing activitiesG expand business globallyH build more online stores(分数:5.00)(1)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:G)解析:文中提到了“international gorwthin places like Europe,Asia,and the Middle Eastare where we see our greatest potential”(2)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:C)解析:选项用“upgrade”代替了原文

15、中的“evolve and improve”。(3)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:A)解析:文中提到了“Now we are facing a great recession again”,公司再次面临经济大衰退的局面,并且提出了“cut a few internal positions”,要减少职位。(4)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:H)解析:(5)._(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:F)解析:四、BPART THREE/B(总题数:1,分数:8.00) For questions 23 -30, mark one letter A,

16、B or C for the correct answer.(分数:8.00)(1).The common problem about small business owner is A. they lack enough money. B. they lack enough planning. C. they lack enough motivation.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 23-30 F: Working from home is a trend that is here to stay. Particularly suited to morns with li

17、ttle ones, even dads are getting in on the home working scene. There are many advantages, such as the money saved by not needing professional clothes or babysitting. Still, there are some real pitfalls, for those who are self-employed or who are working at home, the situation is more difficult than

18、youd imagined. Some lack enough money, some lack enough planning and some lack enough ideas. At some point or another, however, all of them lack enough motivation. One of these is that it can be hard to stay motivated. Here are some ideas that may help you keep at it and make that work-at-home busin

19、ess a success. How can we deal with this problem? M: Well, If you find yourself losing interest in your businessif you lack the energy and focus you once had, dont fret. All it takes to get and stay motivated for the long haul is determination, patience and commitment. And once youre properly motiva

20、ted again, youll find you have not only more energy and more ideas, but also more: Time, Money, Opportunity, Success, Satisfaction. When youre doing what you love and love what youre doing, then motivation is a natural by-product of your work. F: What should we do to keep Motivation? If you dont lov

21、e doing what youre doing, then stop wasting your life away and find a way to make it happen. Doesnt have to be immediately, but it should be a priority. The minute you lose focus is the minute you rationalize being unhappy. M: If youre self-employed, chances are good that you could benefit from some

22、 structure. Dont just wake up and work when you feel like it, for instance; instead, set a regular start and stop time for your workday. Having a daily agenda will help you get things done. F: You mean we should set goals. M: Yeah, make daily, weekly, monthly and annual checklists of things you want

23、 to accomplish; then, cross them off your list as you achieve them. Doing so will give you a sense of accomplishment that is sure to motivate you when youre feeling sluggish. Visualize your goalsliterallyby putting them on paper. Collect magazine clippings, quotes and images that represent your goal

24、 and display them on a bulletin board for inspiration. F: How can we avoid boredom? M: Stay productive and avoid boredom by mixing up your work routine. Rather than doing eight straight hours of the same task, make sure you fill your workday with a variety of projects designed to hold your interest

25、and stimulate your creative muscles. If youre stuck in a workday rut, take a break to exercise your brain. A little play might be all you need to find your muse again. F: When you work from home, its easy to get tired of your own company. How can we deal with that situation? M: Maintain contact with

26、 the outside world by seeing your friends, volunteering or joining a local sports teamanyting that gets you out of the house long enough to recharge your batteries. I recommend: When you own your own business, theres no water cooler to gather around with co-workers. F: Yeah. That is good advice. Eve

27、ryone needs a support system of peers, to motivate you when things get rough. Join a Small Business Meetup to network and socialize with other entrepreneurs in your area is a good idea. M: You should be professional. When you spend your days working in front of the television in your bathrobe, your

28、coffee table serving as a makeshift desk, its easy to lose sight of your business goals. Maintain a professional environmentcomplete with a proper home office and a respectable dress codein order to remind yourself that you have a job to do. F: Yeah, I agree. Dress up a little. Weve all seen the ads

29、 about working in your pajamas, but the raw truth is that you will not feel much like working unless you put on real clothes and even real shoes. You dont have to wear a power suit or anything. Just put on something you wouldnt mind being seen in if you were running around town. And youd be surprise

30、d how much more efficient you are when you are wearing sturdy, comfortable shoes. Last question, how about the balance between work and relaxation? M: Work cant always be fun. When youre overwhelmed or annoyed, keep yourself going by planning rewards for yourself, such as a nice dinner or a weekend

31、get-away. Reward yourself with regular breaks and an occasional vacation.(2).Which is NOT the important factor mentioned in the conversation to get motivation back again? A. Determination. B. Planning. C. Commitment.(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:(3).What should we do to keep motivation? A. Wake up and work w

32、hen you feel like it. B. Have a daily agenda to help get things done. C. Set a regular start and stop time for meeting.(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:(4).Which is NOT the proper way of setting goals? A. Make checklists of things you want to accomplish. B. Visualize your goals. C. Inspire yourself by reading.(

33、分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:文中提到了通过“Collecting magazine clippings,quotes and images”可以“inspire yourself”,并没有提到“reading”。(5).You can avoid boredom by A. exercising your muscles B. doing straight hours of the same task C. doing variety of projects(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:(6).When you work from home, the wrong way

34、 to keep motivated is A. socializing with friends and locals B. staying at home and concentrating on the work on hand C. finding a support system of peers(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:文中建议“Maintain contact with the outside world by seeing your friends”,所以 B 错误。(7).Being professional is helpful and important because A. it reminds yourself of your job B. it can make other people trust you C. it can make you feel better(分数:1.00)A. B.C.D.解析:(8).Which is NOT mentioned as a way of rewarding oneself? A. A nice dinner. B. Regularly coffee-drinking. C. An occasional vacation.(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:


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