专业八级-327 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、专业八级-327 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:1,分数:10.00)BSECTION A/BIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling t

2、ask after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of TH

3、REE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically but with certain words, imagery and symbols, they lead us into the world of imagination. An old topic gives us new feeling, and a simple idea is clothed with beauty. Finally, (3)Upoetry often leads us to new perceptions, new fee

4、lings and experience/U of which we have not previously been aware. Great poetry creates not only experiences but also new people out of its readers.The last literary form were going to talk about is drama. Drama developed from the result of certain closely related human characteristics, most importa

5、ntly the desire to imitate and pretend. People often enter-tain themselves by acting out a story with plot, characters and dialogue. The word“ drama“ came from the Greek verb“ dran“, which means to act or do. Thus the soul of the word“ drama“ is action. The first drama was born out of the ancient Gr

6、eek festival activities to worship the god Dionysus, ruler over vegetation and wine. Classical playwrights are likely to write traditional plays. Such a play, according to the conventional requirements, develops around a central figure involved in some conflict of opposing forces. Generally speaking

7、, if the hero is defeated in the end, the play is a tragedy; if the hero wins, the play is a comedy. Traditionally, comedies were written about common people, while a tragedy centered on a great person. (10)UThe structure of such a play is divided into exposition, rising action, climax, falling acti

8、on and ending./U However, later playwrights and critics modified some of the classical requirements and developed new styles and forms. Shakespeare to some extent showed that common people could be fit subjects for tragedy; Ibsen not only had tragic characters from common life but also adopted prose

9、 instead of poetry as the language of tragedy. Many contemporary playwrights have rebelled against the traditional distinction between tragedy and comedy. They believe that a play often possesses elements of both and thus cannot actually be labeled as either. The Theater of the Absurd has shown such

10、 a belief. These plays have less or little character motivation, action, or rational coherence in the traditional sense.填空项 1:_ (正确答案:poetic experience)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:perceptions)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:fictional narrative)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:brevity)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:intensity)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:characterizat

11、ion)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:direct exposition)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:action)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:climax)解析:二、BSECTION B/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. Questi

12、ons 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. (分数:5.00)(1).Before set up his pizza delivery service, he (分数:1.00)A.tested samples on potential clients. B.handed out product questionnaires.C.assessed dema

13、nd in different areas.D.trained staff for a few months.解析:听力原文 1-5 W: Good evening and welcome to Business People. We are fortunate to have as our guest tomght Martinez, the founder and Director of Pizza Rapida. Jos6 was brought up in America and started his working life there. Now he is one of the

14、most successful entrepreneurs in Europe. How did he achieve this? Well, he began his rise to success in Europe when he launched his pizza delivery chain from a small shop in the Spanish capital, Madrid, 10 years ago. By the late-nineties he had succeeded in expanding the business to over 400 outlets

15、 and in doing so, he has almost transformed the eating habits of the nation. As a result of this success, he has recently been able to buy out his main competitor and today, Pizza Rapida is well-known for producing top-quality food at reasonable prices. (2).According to (分数:1.00)A.is different from

16、that of the U.S.B.has slowed slightly in its rate of growth. C.employs an increasing number of women.D.is experiencing a hard time.解析:(3). wants his trainee managers to (分数:1.00)A.develop a competitive attitude.B.try out some of the shop-floor jobs. C.spend some time working abroad.D.own an excellen

17、t academic records.解析:(4). left the first company he worked for because it (分数:1.00)A.set the staff impossible targets.B.offered insufficient financial rewards. C.provided inadequate support.D.offered staff few promotion opportunities.解析:(5).What does (分数:1.00)A.Develop a chain of restaurants.B.Set

18、up a franchise operation.C.Expand into the frozen food market. D.Open more branches abroad.解析:三、BSECTION C/B(总题数:3,分数:5.00)Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. (分数:2.00)(1).How many students were killed in the gunshot?(分数:1.00)A.At least 8. B.More than 30.C.At least 120.D.Not mentione

19、d.解析:听力原文 9-10 A Palestinian gunman opened fire in a Jewish religious school in west Jerusalem on Thursday (9)Ukilling at least eight Israeli students./U More than 30 others were wounded. Its the deadliest attack in Israel in two years. (10)UThe UN Security Council convened for an urgent session, bu

20、t has failed to agree on a presidential statement condemning the Jerusalem attack./U Israel says the killings will not derail U. S. -sponsored peace talks. Witnesses say a gunman entered the crowded library study hall of the seminary and opened fire with an automatic weaponcreating a blood bath. (10

21、)UThe gunman was later shot dead./U Students scrambled to flee the attack, some jumping out of windows. Police across Israel were ordered to boost their alert level for fear of additional attacks. (10)UIn response to the attack, Israels Foreign Ministry says the country will never allow terrorism to

22、 achieve its goals. Spokesman of Israeli Foreign Ministry said Israel would continue fighting terrorism wherever it is in order to secure peace and stability in this region./U Tensions between Israel and Palestinians are high following the recent Israeli military incursions into Gaza, which killed a

23、t least 120 Palestinians. In the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, gunmen fired in the air to celebrate the attack.(2).Which of the following was NOT true according to the news?(分数:1.00)A.Israel is optimistic about U.S. -sponsored peace talks.B.The UN Security Council did not agree on a presidential stat

24、ement condemning the Jerusalem attack.C.Spokesman of Israeli Foreign Ministry. said Israel would not tolerate terrorism.D.Witness said the gunman committed suicide after the killing. 解析:Ouestions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. (分数:2.00)(1).The price drop of crude oil is beneficial in that

25、it(分数:1.00)A.helps to revitalize the world economy. B.promotes oil export to other nations.C.helps to push up the regional economy.D.provides an opportunity to the oil exporters.解析:听力原文 7-8 The decline in oil priees triggered last week by a row between major world crude producers over output could p

26、rovide a timely boost to the struggling global economy, analysts believed. Crude prices fell some 15% last weekbad news for the worlds major exporters locked in a nerve-wracking battle for market share, (7)Ubut good news for oil importing western economies that are flirting with recession./U However

27、, major importers like the United States, Japan and the European Union do not want oil prices to plunge to pitiful levels. Ridiculously cheap crude oil would present a new set of problemsdestabilizing the Middle East and encouraging wasteful use that would aggravate global warming, analysts say. But

28、 for now, (8)Ueconomie managers in Washington, London and Tokyo grappling with a testing economic downturn are happy with reeent development in crude markets./U(2).From the news, we can infer that those economic managers in Washington _ the recent state of crude markets.(分数:1.00)A.are pessimistic ab

29、outB.are indifferent toC.have underestimatedD.are in favor of 解析:1.In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. Question 6 is based on the following news.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.

30、D.解析:四、BPART READING (总题数:7,分数:20.00)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet. BTEXT A/BA full moon was shining down on the jungle. Accompanied only by an Indian guide, the A

31、merican explorer and archaeologist Edward Herbert Thompsonthirteen hundred years after the Mayas had left their cities and made a break for the country farther northwas riding through the New Empire that they had built for themselves, which had collapsed after the arrival of the Spaniards. He was se

32、arching for Chichen Itza, the largest, most beautiful, mightiest, and most splendid of all Mayan cities. Horses and men had been suffering intense hardships on the trail. Thompsons head sagged on his breast from fatigue, and each time his horse stumbled him all but fell out of the saddle. Suddenly h

33、is guide shouted to him. Thompson woke up with a start. He looked ahead and saw a fairland. Above the dark treetops rose a mound, high and steep, and on top of the mound was a temple, bathed in coot moonlight. In the hush of the night it towered over the treetops like the Parthenon of some Mayan acr

34、opolis. It seemed to grow in size as they approached. The Indian guide dismounted, unsaddled his horse, and roiled out his blanket for the nights sleep. Thompson could not tear his fascinated gaze from the great structure. While the guide prepared iris bed, he sprang from his horse and continued on

35、toot. Steep stairs overgrown with grass and bushes, and in part fallen into ruins, led from the base of the mound up to the temple. Thompson was acquainted with this architectural form, which was piously some kind of pyramid. He was familiar, too, with the function of pyramids as known in Egypt. But

36、 this Mayan version was not a tomb, like the pyramids of Gizeh. Externally it rather brought to mind a ziggurat, but to a much greater degree than the Babylonian ziggurats it seemed to consist mostly of a stony fill providing support or the enormous stairs rising higher and higher, towards the gods

37、of the sun and moon. Thompson climbed up the steps. He looked at the ornamentation, the rich reliefs. On too, ghnost 96 feet above the jungle, he surveyed the scene, he counted one-two-threea half dozen scattered buildings, half-hidden in shadow, often revealed by nothing more than a gleam of moonli

38、ght on stone. This, then, was Chichen Itza. From its original status as advance outpost at the beginning of the great trek to the north, it had grown into a shining metropolis, the heart of the New Empire. Again and again during the next few days Thompson climbed on to the old ruins. “I stood upon t

39、he roof of this temple one morning“, he writes, “just as the first rays of the sun reddened the distant horizon. The morning stillness was profound. The noises of the night had ceased, and those of the day were not yet begun. All the sky above and the earth below seemed to be breathlessly waiting fo

40、r something. Then the great round sun came up, flaming splendidly, and instantly the whole world sang and hummed. The birds in the trees and the insects on the ground sang a grand Te Deum. Nature herself taught primal man to be a sun-worshipper and man in his heart of hearts still follows the ancien

41、t teaching. “ Thompson stood where he was, immobile and enchanted. The jungle melted away before his gaze. Wide spaces opened up, processions crept up to the temple site, music sounded, palaces became filled with reveling, the temples hummed with religious adjuration. He tried to recognize his task.

42、 For out there in the jungle green he could distinguish a narrow path, barely traced out in the weak light, a path that might lead to Chichen hzas most exciting mystery: the Sacred Well. (分数:5.00)(1).The territory which Thompson was exploring had been _ by the Mayas about thirteen hundred years prev

43、iously.(分数:1.00)A.controlled and reformedB.conquered and abandonedC.occupied and developed D.defeated and destroyed解析:细节题。由第一段第二句“thirteen hundred years after the Mayas had left thither cities and made a break for the country farther north”得知,玛雅人 1,300 年前占领并且扩展了 Thompson 所要探索的土地,故答案为C。(2).What was T

44、hompsons first reaction to the scene ahead?(分数:1.00)A.He remained in the saddle for several minutes spellbound. B.He immediately jumped down and went forward.C.He waited until his bed was ready and then dismounted.D.He rode to the mound and stared at the structure before him.解析:细节题。第一段最后一句提到“向导突然对他喊

45、了起来,Thompson 一下清醒过来,他抬起头,看到了一片仙境。”第二段开头描写了眼前的景色,接着说“Thompson 无法将自己沉醉的眼睛从眼前的景色移开。”可见 Thompson 的第一反应是坐在马鞍上出神地看了几分钟,故答案为A。(3).According to the author, what is the first impression of the various ruins?(分数:1.00)A.They formed part of the capital of a new Mayan kingdom.B.They were what remained of a templ

46、e to sky gods. C.They were what was left of the new territory.D.They were what remained of the farthest city.解析:细节题。第二段谈到了 Thompson 首次看到废墟的情形,最后一句提到“it(the ruin)seemed to consist mostly of a stony hill,towards the gods of the sun and moon.”可见,废墟留给人的最初印象是通往天神庙宇的阶梯,故答案为B。(4).Thompson believed that man

47、 is instinctively a sun-worshipper because(分数:1.00)A.the worship of the sun god had clearly been the function of the temple.B.all living things celebrate the sunrise.C.the sunrise is the most magnificent of all phenomena.D.it is natural for man to worship the sun and he has always done so. 解析:推断题。第四

48、段末指出“Nature herself taught primal man to be a sun worshipper and man in his heart of hearts still follows the ancient teaching. (自然教授最初的人类成为太阳的崇拜者,而人们在内心深处也一直追随着这个古老的训诫。)”也就是说,崇拜太阳是人的本能,是自然而然的事情,人们也一直是这样做的,故答案为D。(5).Thompsons attitude towards Chichen Itza can be described as(分数:1.00)A.yearning. B.incredible.C.mysterious.D.emotional.解析:态度题。第一段描写 Thompson 不辞辛苦地来到 Chichen Itza,在远处见到它时目不转睛,近处感受它时又感到无限的神圣感,在这里看到日出更是为之倾倒。这都表明 Thompson 对这个地方充满无限向往,故答案为A。2.BTEXT B/BWhile no woman has been President of the United States, yet the world does have several thousand


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