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1、专业八级-327 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.人生有三重境界,这三重境界可以用一段充满禅机的语言来说明,这段语言便是:看山是山,看水是水;看山不是山,看水不是水;看山还是山,看水还是水。 这就是说一个人的人生之初纯洁无瑕,初识世界,一切都是新鲜的,眼睛看见什么就是什么,人家告诉他这是山,他就认识了山,告诉他这是水,他就认识了水。 随着年龄渐长,经历的世事渐多,就发现这个世界的问题了。这个世界问题越来越多,越来越复杂,经常是黑白颠倒,是非混淆,无理走遍天下,有理寸步难行,好人无好报,恶人活千年。进入这个阶段,人是激愤的,不平的,忧虑的,疑问的,警惕的,复杂的。人不愿

2、意再轻易地相信什么。人这个时候看山也感慨,看水也叹息,借古讽今,指桑骂槐。山自然不再是单纯的山,水自然不再是单纯的水。一切的一切都是人的主观意志的载体,所谓“好风凭借力,送我上青云”。一个人倘若停留在人生的这一阶段,那就苦了这条性命了。人就会这山望了那山高,不停地攀登,争强好胜,与人比较,怎么做人,如何处世,绞尽脑汁,机关算尽,永无满足的一天。因为这个世界原本就是一个圆的,人外还有人,天外还有天,循环往复,绿水长流。而人的生命是短暂的、有限的,哪里能够去与永恒和无限计较呢? (分数:10.00)_2.但是比较起冬天来呢,我却又偏爱了秋。是的,就是现在,我觉得现在正合了我的歌子的节奏。我几乎说不

3、出秋比冬为什么更好,也许因为那枝头的几片黄叶,或是那篱畔的几朵残花,在那些上边,是比较冬天更显示了生命,不然,是在那些上面,更使我忆起了生命吧,一只黄叶,一片残英,那在联系着过去与将来吧。它们将更使人凝视,更使人沉思,更使人怀想及希冀一些关于生活的事吧。这样,人曾感到了真实的存在。过去,现在,将来,世界是真实的,人生是真实的,一切都是真实的,所有的梦境,所有的幻想,都是无用的了,无用的事物都一幕幕地掣了过去,我们要向着人生静默,祈祷,来打算一些真实的事物了。 给了人更远的希望,向前的鞭策,意识到了生之实在的,而且给人以“沉着”的力量的,是这正在凋亡着的秋。我爱秋天,我对于这荒凉的秋天有如一位多

4、年的朋友。 (分数:10.00)_3.人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。志于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,应是高高兴兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。中华民族现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们经过此段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味。但这种壮美的趣味,是非有雄健的精神不能够感觉到的。 (分数:10.00)_4.我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的

5、来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同他们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。 (分数:10.00)_5.我读过一本译著中的一番话:科学成就了一些伟大的改变,但却没能改变人生的基本事实。人类未能征服自然,只不过服从了自然,避免了一些可避免的困难,但没能除绝祸害。地震、飓风,以及类似的大骚动都提醒人们,宇宙还没有尽人自己的掌握。事实上,人类的苦难何止于天灾,还有人祸

6、;何止于人祸,还有个人难以言状的不幸。尤其是个人不幸,即使在未来高度发达了的理想社会里,也会忠实地伴随着人生啊! 由此,自古而今的仁人志士都常怀忧国忧民之心。中国知识分子从屈原以来尽皆“哀民生之多艰”;中国之外的伯特兰罗素也说过,三种单纯然而极其强烈的激情支配着他的一生。他说,那是对爱情的渴望,对知识的寻求,对人类苦难痛彻肺腑的怜悯。他说,爱情和知识把他向上导往天堂,但怜悯又总是把他带回人间。痛苦的呼喊在他们中反响、回荡。因为无助于人类,他说他感到痛苦。 (分数:10.00)_6.张大千是丹青巨匠,在当世与齐白石并称“南张北齐”。徐悲鸿对他更是推崇:“张大千,五百年来第一人。”20 世纪 50

7、 年代,张大千游历世界,获得巨大的国际声誉,被西方艺坛赞为“东方之笔”。少有人知的是,丹青圣手张大千也是赫赫有名的美食大家,而且是厨界高手。张大千既爱吃,又懂吃,这两条是判断美食家的重要标准。 (分数:10.00)_7.能够欣赏到四季真是一种乐趣,大自然展露力量,人的心情转为谦卑。冬至过后,日光渐长,早晨六时许,晨曦未现,已可听到鸟鸣,繁花一种一种次第开放,先是早春樱、茶花、牡丹、玫瑰,然后是樱花。夏至,老人与孩子出来逛街,小贩把档摊移到路旁,冰激凌车停在沙滩边,巡游,露天话剧与音乐会都在这时举行,足球场上少年奔驰树上樱桃与覆盆子都被小鸟吃光。 (分数:10.00)_8.不知道我们这一生究竟要

8、讲多少句话。如果有一种工具可以统计,像步行锻炼的人所带的计步器那样,我相信其结果必定是天文数字,其长可以绕地球几周,其密可以下大雨几场。具体情形当然因人而异。有人说话如参禅,能少说就少说,最好是不说,一切尽在不言中;有人说话如蝉鸣,并不一定要表达什么,只是无意识地做口腔运动而已。 (分数:10.00)_9.转眼,不知怎样一来,整个燕园成了二月兰的天下。二月兰是一种常见的野花。花朵不大,紫白相间。花形和颜色都没有什么特异之处。如果只有一两棵,在百花丛中,决不会引起任何人的注意。但是它却以多制胜,每到春天,和风一吹拂,便绽开了小花;最初只有一朵,两朵,几朵。但是一转眼,在一夜间,就能变成百朵,千朵

9、,万朵。大有凌驾百花之上的势头了。 (分数:10.00)_10.标签时代,我们不仅用选购商品的眼光看待他人和这个世界,我们自身也活着活着就活成了一枚或者多枚标签。物化的、名利化的生活方式和思维方式正影响和决定着我们,使我们越来越远离人生的本质和目的。心灵的自由、对爱和美的体悟、对星空的仰望,这些质朴而美好的追求正日益淡出。理想变成笑谈,崇高显得荒诞,人生被高度浓缩为一个或者数个关键词。 (分数:10.00)_专业八级-327 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.人生有三重境界,这三重境界可以用一段充满禅机的语言来说明,这段语言便是:看山是山,看水是水;看山不是山,看水不是水

10、;看山还是山,看水还是水。 这就是说一个人的人生之初纯洁无瑕,初识世界,一切都是新鲜的,眼睛看见什么就是什么,人家告诉他这是山,他就认识了山,告诉他这是水,他就认识了水。 随着年龄渐长,经历的世事渐多,就发现这个世界的问题了。这个世界问题越来越多,越来越复杂,经常是黑白颠倒,是非混淆,无理走遍天下,有理寸步难行,好人无好报,恶人活千年。进入这个阶段,人是激愤的,不平的,忧虑的,疑问的,警惕的,复杂的。人不愿意再轻易地相信什么。人这个时候看山也感慨,看水也叹息,借古讽今,指桑骂槐。山自然不再是单纯的山,水自然不再是单纯的水。一切的一切都是人的主观意志的载体,所谓“好风凭借力,送我上青云”。一个人

11、倘若停留在人生的这一阶段,那就苦了这条性命了。人就会这山望了那山高,不停地攀登,争强好胜,与人比较,怎么做人,如何处世,绞尽脑汁,机关算尽,永无满足的一天。因为这个世界原本就是一个圆的,人外还有人,天外还有天,循环往复,绿水长流。而人的生命是短暂的、有限的,哪里能够去与永恒和无限计较呢? (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:That is to say, the beginning of a man“s life is pure and innocent. Everything is new and fresh in his eyes, and he takes whatever he

12、sees. He gets to know the mountain when he is told so and he knows the river as is told by others. With his growth and the increase of experiences, he gradually finds out the problems of the world. The world has more and more problems and the problems are more and more complex. The right and the wro

13、ng are often confused; the justifiable claims are prohibited, whereas the unjustifiable can go everywhere; the good are never rewarded but the bad can last forever. When entering this stage, men are indignant, resentful, anxious, doubtful, cautious and sophisticated.2.但是比较起冬天来呢,我却又偏爱了秋。是的,就是现在,我觉得现在

14、正合了我的歌子的节奏。我几乎说不出秋比冬为什么更好,也许因为那枝头的几片黄叶,或是那篱畔的几朵残花,在那些上边,是比较冬天更显示了生命,不然,是在那些上面,更使我忆起了生命吧,一只黄叶,一片残英,那在联系着过去与将来吧。它们将更使人凝视,更使人沉思,更使人怀想及希冀一些关于生活的事吧。这样,人曾感到了真实的存在。过去,现在,将来,世界是真实的,人生是真实的,一切都是真实的,所有的梦境,所有的幻想,都是无用的了,无用的事物都一幕幕地掣了过去,我们要向着人生静默,祈祷,来打算一些真实的事物了。 给了人更远的希望,向前的鞭策,意识到了生之实在的,而且给人以“沉着”的力量的,是这正在凋亡着的秋。我爱秋

15、天,我对于这荒凉的秋天有如一位多年的朋友。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Yes, it is just now! This season is just toned in harmony with the rhythm of my song. I could hardly figure out the reason why autumn is better than winter. Perhaps because those several yellow leaves clinging onto the branches, or a few withered flowers by

16、 the fence, both displaying the sign of life, which you cannot expect of winter; or perhaps they are more likely to remind me of life than winter is. It is a yellow leaf and a withered flower that are connecting the past and the future. They make you gaze at them, reflect upon them, and they may eve

17、n bring past memories to mind and give you hope for the future life. In this way, we can feel the reality of existence.3.人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。志于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,应是高高兴兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。中华民族现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们经过此段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味。但这种

18、壮美的趣味,是非有雄健的精神不能够感觉到的。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The historical course of human life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth pla

19、ce, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure. The Chinese nation is now confronted with a rugged and dangerous section of its historical course. Neverthe

20、less, there is also in this section a spectacle of enormous magnificence that inspires in us passers-by a delightful sensation of splendor. This delightful sensation, however, can only be shared by those with a heroic spirit.4.我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的

21、来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同他们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Some of the books came from Beijing and Shanghai, and some others from Suzhou and Hangzhou. During the first few years, as I was

22、financially embarrassed, sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for. However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity. In short, having kept each other company for over 30 years, we had bee

23、n old friends. During the ten years of the disastrous “cultural revolution“, I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not even sure where I myself would end up. But, having been taken from place to place, getting moistened and damaged, tortured and trampled u

24、nderfoot, they eventually had come back to me. Some of them had got lost, for which I was really sorry, but I thought I would not go and retrieve them, for I had had more to lose in those years and what I had lost other than the books was far more important.5.我读过一本译著中的一番话:科学成就了一些伟大的改变,但却没能改变人生的基本事实。

25、人类未能征服自然,只不过服从了自然,避免了一些可避免的困难,但没能除绝祸害。地震、飓风,以及类似的大骚动都提醒人们,宇宙还没有尽人自己的掌握。事实上,人类的苦难何止于天灾,还有人祸;何止于人祸,还有个人难以言状的不幸。尤其是个人不幸,即使在未来高度发达了的理想社会里,也会忠实地伴随着人生啊! 由此,自古而今的仁人志士都常怀忧国忧民之心。中国知识分子从屈原以来尽皆“哀民生之多艰”;中国之外的伯特兰罗素也说过,三种单纯然而极其强烈的激情支配着他的一生。他说,那是对爱情的渴望,对知识的寻求,对人类苦难痛彻肺腑的怜悯。他说,爱情和知识把他向上导往天堂,但怜悯又总是把他带回人间。痛苦的呼喊在他们中反响、

26、回荡。因为无助于人类,他说他感到痛苦。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Science did make great changes, but it has never changed the basic facts of life. Human beings have never conquered the nature; they just obey the nature, avoiding some avoidable troubles. But disasters are always there. The occurrence of earthquake, hurrican

27、e and the similar tumult reminds people that the universe has not fallen in the grasp of humans. In fact, human sufferings are far more than natural disasters. Besides these, there are also man-made disasters, and there are those unspeakable personal misfortunes as well. Especially those personal mi

28、sfortunes will accompany people faithfully for their whole life, even in the highly advanced and ideal society in the future.6.张大千是丹青巨匠,在当世与齐白石并称“南张北齐”。徐悲鸿对他更是推崇:“张大千,五百年来第一人。”20 世纪 50 年代,张大千游历世界,获得巨大的国际声誉,被西方艺坛赞为“东方之笔”。少有人知的是,丹青圣手张大千也是赫赫有名的美食大家,而且是厨界高手。张大千既爱吃,又懂吃,这两条是判断美食家的重要标准。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解

29、析:Zhang Daqian is a famous Chinese painter. He and Qi Baishi, also an influential Chinese painter, are honored with the title “Zhang in the South, Qi in the North“ meaning the best two Chinese painters of the time. Xu Beihong, a modern Chinese master of fine arts, had given high praise of Zhang, say

30、ing that he is the best painter in the recent five hundred years. Zhang traveled around the world in 1950s, which gained him a great reputation with the title of “the best painter in eastern countries“ in the western art world. However, seldom had people known before that this master of art also has

31、 strong interest in food, and knows a lot about it. These two points are critical for justifying him as a gourmet.7.能够欣赏到四季真是一种乐趣,大自然展露力量,人的心情转为谦卑。冬至过后,日光渐长,早晨六时许,晨曦未现,已可听到鸟鸣,繁花一种一种次第开放,先是早春樱、茶花、牡丹、玫瑰,然后是樱花。夏至,老人与孩子出来逛街,小贩把档摊移到路旁,冰激凌车停在沙滩边,巡游,露天话剧与音乐会都在这时举行,足球场上少年奔驰树上樱桃与覆盆子都被小鸟吃光。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()

32、解析:It is pleasant to make an appreciation of the four seasons, because people will become humble when seeing the strength displayed by the nature. As the day time becomes longer after winter solstice, even as early as six o“clock in the morning when the sun has not come out yet, the birds“ singing h

33、as already been beard. Various flowers give their blossoms at different time one by one, with early spring cherry blossom, camellia, peony and rose blooming firstly, and then cherry blossom. When summer solstice comes, the seniors and children go out to walk around, finding that the stalls have been

34、 moved to the two sides of the road by sellers, and that an ice-cream truck is standing on the bank of a beach. A lot of activities are held at this time, such as parade, outdoor drama and concert. The young boys are playing football on the playground. The cherries and raspberries on the tree have b

35、een almost eaten up by birds.8.不知道我们这一生究竟要讲多少句话。如果有一种工具可以统计,像步行锻炼的人所带的计步器那样,我相信其结果必定是天文数字,其长可以绕地球几周,其密可以下大雨几场。具体情形当然因人而异。有人说话如参禅,能少说就少说,最好是不说,一切尽在不言中;有人说话如蝉鸣,并不一定要表达什么,只是无意识地做口腔运动而已。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Nobody knows that how many words and sentences we will speak in our whole lives. I believe that

36、if there is a tool which can calculate them, just like the pedometer taken by people walking for exercise, the counting result would be too large to be described by numbers. If adding all words and sentences together, the length would be several times of the perimeter of the earth, and the thickness

37、 would be several times of heavy rainfalls. Of course, the counting result differs from man to man. Some people talk as if they are meditating with few words or even say nothing at all. Some speak just like cicada“s singing without expressing any information but unconsciously doing oral exercise.9.转

38、眼,不知怎样一来,整个燕园成了二月兰的天下。二月兰是一种常见的野花。花朵不大,紫白相间。花形和颜色都没有什么特异之处。如果只有一两棵,在百花丛中,决不会引起任何人的注意。但是它却以多制胜,每到春天,和风一吹拂,便绽开了小花;最初只有一朵,两朵,几朵。但是一转眼,在一夜间,就能变成百朵,千朵,万朵。大有凌驾百花之上的势头了。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:In a flash, somehow, the whole Yah Garden has been dominated by the Orychophragmus violaceus. Orychophragmus violace

39、us is a common wildflower. It is small with the color of purple and white, which has nothing special in shape and color. If there are only one or two hiding among the flowers and grasses, people would not notice them at all. But this kind of flower makes its presence more than one or two. In spring,

40、 as the soft breeze blows, it will give its blossom immediately. At first, only one flower appears, and then two, gradually more and more coming out. However, in one night, the number of blossoms would turn out to be one hundred, one thousand, and even one million, which almost can surpass the spect

41、acular sight of hundreds of flowers blooming.10.标签时代,我们不仅用选购商品的眼光看待他人和这个世界,我们自身也活着活着就活成了一枚或者多枚标签。物化的、名利化的生活方式和思维方式正影响和决定着我们,使我们越来越远离人生的本质和目的。心灵的自由、对爱和美的体悟、对星空的仰望,这些质朴而美好的追求正日益淡出。理想变成笑谈,崇高显得荒诞,人生被高度浓缩为一个或者数个关键词。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:We live in a new era in which we not only see others and the world f

42、rom the view of choosing and purchasing commodities, but also make our own lives seem like a piece of label. Excessive pursuit of materials, fame and money gives a profound influence on our ways of living and thinking, which increasingly makes us stay away from the essence of life. The pursuit of pure and beautiful things, such as the freedom of mind, the comprehension of love and beauty, and the observation of starry sky, is gradually out of people“s life. The dream becomes a laughingstock, and nobility looks absurd. Our lives are highly condensed into one or several key words.


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