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1、专业八级-739 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、To see how big carri(总题数:1,分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_四、SECTION B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Questions 1 to 5 are(总题数:1,分数:5.00)A.advertising cant be a kind of

2、lyingB.advertising must be a kind of lyingC.advertising is most likely to be a kind of lyingD.advertising may be a kind of lyingA.Fifteen years.B.Sixteen years.C.Fourteeu years.D.Ten years.A.Making ad. plans.B.Selling products successfully.C.Developing new markets.D.Making a new product.A.A determin

3、er that leads people to bring the product into their lives.B.A complete lie that leads people to buy the product.C.As a stable value which makes people believe what the product has.D.As a promotion which makes people aware of the new product.A.The product s own worth.B.The product s design.C.The pro

4、duct s advertising.D.The proudct s puce.六、SECTION C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、Questions 6 and 7 ar(总题数:1,分数:2.00)A.The train was controled by outlaws.B.The bus went past a stop sign.C.The train went past a stop sign.D.The bus hit the oncoming train itself.A.He was dead.B.He was injured.C.He was gone.D.It was

5、not clear.八、Questions 8 to 10 ar(总题数:1,分数:3.00)A.“Youll never forget“.B.“ER“.C.“Law sino - TibetanB.Indo - European; SlavicC.Latin; SlavicD.Indo - European; Sino - Tibetan25.Which of the following is NOT included in the Great Lakes?(分数:1.00)A.Superior.B.Missouri.C.Huron.D.Ontario.26.Geoffrey Chaucer

6、 was most famous for _.(分数:1.00)A.Far from the Madding CrowdB.Agnes GreyC.The Canterbury TalesD.My Last Duchess27._ is the largest _ city. It has a fine natural harbour and a striking opera house, and once held the Olympic Games.(分数:1.00)A.Atlantic; AmericanB.Sydney; AustralianC.London; BritishD.New

7、 York; American28._ is the study of how sentences are structured.(分数:1.00)A.SemanticsB.SyntaxC.PhoneticsD.Pragmatics29.Which of the following might fail to associate you with London?(分数:1.00)A.Capital of England.B.Big Ben.C.Golden Gate Bridge.D.Downing Street.30.In broad/narrow, correct/wrong, boss/

8、 employee, and left/right, there are _ kinds of opposites.(分数:1.00)A.1B.2C.3D.4二十一、PART PROOFREADDING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二十二、Dawna Walter is one (总题数:10,分数:10.00)31.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_32.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_33.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_34.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_35.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_36.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_37.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_38.(分数:1.0

9、0)填空项 1:_39.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_40.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_二十三、PART TRANSLATION(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二十四、SECTION A CHINESE TO(总题数:1,分数:10.00)41.北京的道旁多植槐树,当槐花桂满枝头香飘回逸的时候,夏日就带着炎热与浓绿向人们涌来了。清晨,骑上自行车,加入上班的“洪流”,眼前闪动的是人们五颜六色的夏服,而八月盛夏,最高气温达到三十七、八度时,不少姑娘穿起露肩、低胸、无袖的上衣,有的小伙子把背心捋上肚皮,在还没有普及空凋的普通人家,人们注意听着电台的当日天气预报和查看日历,不时喊着“今天太热啦!”

10、在惊呼、叹息之中,盛夏似乎走得太慢了。(分数:10.00)_二十五、SECTION B ENGLISH TO(总题数:1,分数:10.00)42.Protected by sweaters and a leather Jacket against the biting blasts of the earth wind, I walk along the hillside this afternoon. Snow lies drifted among the wild cherries. Where the wind has swept bare the ground, the soil is

11、frozen and rocklike. On this day of bleak cold, the earth seems dead. Yet every field and hillside, like a child, has the seeds and powers of growth hidden within it. From cocoon to bur, on a winters day, there is everywhere life, dormant but waiting.Within the earth there are roots and seeds; on th

12、e bare twigs ,there are winter buds; buried in soil and mud beneath ice-locked water are the turtles and frogs and dragonfly nymphs; hidden in decaying logs and under snow covered debris are the fertilized queens of the wasps and blumblebees. Everywhere, on all sides of us, as far as winter reigns,

13、life is suspended temporarily. But it has not succumbed. It is merely dormant for the time being, merely waiting for the magic touch of spring. All the blooms of another summer, all the unfolding myriad leaves, all the lush green carpet of the grass, all the perfumes of the midsummer dusk, all the r

14、ush and glitter of the dragonfly s wings under the August sun-all these are inherent, looked up in the winter earth.Nor is this time of suspended activity wholly wasted. Scientists have discovered that, for many kinds of seeds, a period of cold is essential to their proper sprouting. They require th

15、e months of cold just as they do the days of spring.Seeds that lie on the frozen ground, that are coated with sleet and buried by snow, are thus the most favored of all. Bring those same seeds indoors, cuddle them, keep them warm, protect them from wind and cold and snow, and they sprout readily in

16、the spring. The seeming punishment of winter is providing, in reality, in- valuable aid. Similarly, the eggs of some insects, such as the Rocky. Mountain locust, need cold for proper hatching.Winter cold, the enemy of the easy life, thus is not the enemy of all life. It aids in the proper developmen

17、t of seed mid egg. The death like inactivity of the winter earth is only an illusion. Life is every where in every foot of frozen soil, in every rocklike yard of solid ground-life is the endless variety of its normal forms.(分数:10.00)_二十六、PART WRITING(总题数:1,分数:20.00)43.The very word of networks chang

18、es peoples life a great deal and in the world thousands and hundreds of people surf online everyday. So there occurs a question- should there be someone guard the Net-Cyber- policeSomeone thinks that networks dont want Cyberpolice guards, but other people have different ideas. And what is your opini

19、on.Requirement: Write an essay about 400 words, commenting and expressing your view on environment pollution and protection.In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in-the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last

20、part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.(分数:20.00)_专业八级-739 答案

21、解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、To see how big carri(总题数:1,分数:10.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:E-mail)解析:解题思路 了解“电子邮件”说法详细解答 “E-mail”为“messages sent and received electronically via telecommunication links between users of different computer systems or termin

22、als”电子邮件是通过不同的计算机系统或者终端之间的电子通信联结来传递或接收的电子信息。听力原文-How The Internet WorksTo see how big carriers could control the online world, you must understand its structure.When Jennifer, who lives in Pasadena, Calif, wants to send an Email message from her home computer to her mother in Washington, D. C. , she

23、 uses a local Internet service provider (ISP) such as Earthlink Network Inc. (EINK) Earthlink gives Jennifer access to the Internet, much in tile way that an onramp puts a driver on the national highway system.After Jennifers computer makes a local telephone call to Earthlink local bank of modems, J

24、ennifer types in her Email message and hits“ send“. Based on Moms Email address, Earthlink will recognize that Mom is a custmer of an ISP in Washington called Erols Internet Inc. (RCNC). Earthlink will then send the Email to an Internet “back- bone provider“, such as GTE Corp. (GTE), to route it alo

25、ng it way.Backbone providers are the Internet players that typically own and lease long-haul fiber- optic cables spanning a large region. They also own the communications gear that directs traffic over the Internet. There are only a handful of major backbone providers, including MCI, Worldlom, Sprin

26、t Cop. (FON), GTE, and PSINet Inc. (PSIX)Backbone providers connect to each other to exchange data between their customers. They also pick up and deliver traffic for a fee from the 7000 or so smaller ISPs, who give residential and small-business users access to the Internet. Backbone carriers are li

27、ke the highway system over which most of the freight of the Internet travels to reach its destination.When the Internet was still a government -run system, there was only a single Internet backbone: the NSFNET, operated by the National Science Foundation, which connected the regional government -fun

28、ded Internet networks that were run by various research universities. When the government privatized the NSFNET in 1995, companies such as MCI, UNNET Technologies (now owned by worldcom), BBN (Now owned by GTE), and PSINet stepped into the breach by setting up commercial Internet backbone services.

29、New, instead of one NSFNET backbone, there are many of them that link together to provide the global connectivity, that is the Internet.When the NSFNET was privatized, the government set up three locations in the U.S. where various Internet backbone companies could place their communications gear si

30、de by side and connect to each other. These so called “public peering points“ are in Chicago, Palo Alto, Calif. , and Pennsauken, N.J. Later, the government sanctioned two industry- run public peering points called Metropolitan Access Ex- change East and West MAE East, in Vienna, Va. , and MAE-West

31、in San Jose, calif.The problem was, as the Internet grew, the public points became overburdened and trafficslowed at these bottle- necks. So backbone providers started making arrangements with each other, called “private peening” There are direct, bilateral connections between two carriers in which

32、no fees are charged.Backbone providers arent charging peers now, but there is a lot of discussion about whether they should. Most industry experts say the Internet needs to develop some payment scheme. After all, it is now a commercial, profit-making business, not a government free bie.But the indus

33、try has not figured out how to calculate who owes what to whom. Without an industry standard or government regulation, smaller companies fear that larger ones will set these charges in an arbitrary and discriminatory fashion. There could be a lot of “cockamamie measure- ments,“ says Leonard kleinroc

34、k, an Internet founder and computer science professor at the University of California at Los Angeles.Since the Internet was privatized, it has grown by leaps and bounds into a remarkably successful communications medium without government regulation-and most want it to stay that way.But the Internet

35、 has matured to a point that more uniform rules are needed to safeguard competition. As a first step, experts argue that backbone providers should have to disclose the criteria for becoming a peer. This would allow companies to see whether they are being discriminated against.An industry group calle

36、d the Global Internet Project- whose members include such major backbone providers as MCI, GTE, and AT so what you re saying is that you re forced to be honest in the profession.A: In some eases that may be true. I won t deny that.I: Well, youve been in the ad. business for nearly fifteen years. Wha

37、t kind of work do you find most interesting?A: I would say, developing new markets, or not so much new markets, but when you have a product which previously people didnt perceive that they needed, but it is an advancement or an improvement over what people previously used, and are able to educate pe

38、ople and inform them of a partiular thing, and they discover it will make their life better and it is something that they could use.I: To try to make them understand whats going on with a new product.A: Basically, thats it. This is where a lot of the progress or the amenities in life which we take f

39、or granted now, this is how they originally developed. Somebody thought of a new idea and convinced people that it was something they needed and after a period of time, it became what they considered a necessity. In other words, the advertising as a promotion will make people aware of a product, but

40、, the products own worth will determine whether or not it s something that people will bring into their daily lives.I: And. I suppose that if it endures over a long period of time, that shows that the product really does have a stable value and that youve not lying ,.A: Well, I think thats a fair as

41、sumption. I . won t try to tell you in promoting things, people never lie, but the initial promotion simply gets people to try a product for the first time. And if the product itself has any merit, then people will continue to use it. So, the quality of a product will determine whether it has any st

42、aying power.A.Fifteen years. B.Sixteen years.C.Fourteeu years.D.Ten years.解析:解题思路 了解广告人在广告行业工作的时间详细解答 听力中应该对数字、时间、地点等细节比较敏感。A.Making ad. plans.B.Selling products successfully.C.Developing new markets. D.Making a new product.解析:解题思路 了解广告人最感兴趣的事详细解答 采访的记者专门询问广告人这个问题,所以答案应该很明显:I would say,developing ne

43、w markets,or not so much new markets,but when you have a product,which previously people didnt perceive that they needed我应该说开拓新市场,就是说当你让一个人们以前不用的产品进人到人们需要的领域,是何等有成就。A.A determiner that leads people to bring the product into their lives.B.A complete lie that leads people to buy the product.C.As a sta

44、ble value which makes people believe what the product has.D.As a promotion which makes people aware of the new product. 解析:解题思路 了解广告的作用详细解答 广告并不能决定产品的质量,但它对促进人们对该产品的了解起着很大的作用。A.The product s own worth. B.The product s design.C.The product s advertising.D.The proudct s puce.解析:解题思路 了解真正决定人们使用产品的原因详细解

45、答 The advertising man 反复强调:the products own worth will determine whether or not its something that people will bring into their daily lives产品自身的质量才能决定人们是否会将该产品带人生活。六、SECTION C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、Questions 6 and 7 ar(总题数:1,分数:2.00)A.The train was controled by outlaws.B.The bus went past a stop sign. C.T

46、he train went past a stop sign.D.The bus hit the oncoming train itself.解析:解题思路 了解事故发生的真正原因详细解答 文中有:an initial investigation indicated the bus went past a stop sign at the level crossing and was hit by an oncoming train最先的调查表明客车直接驶过一个停车标牌在转弯的时候被到来的火车撞到了。听力原文-At least 11 people died yesterday when a t

47、rain struck a bus on a level crossing in Russias Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, the Interfax news agency reported.Anatoly Klimov, deputy head of the local transport police, said an initial investigation indicated the bus went past a stop sign at the level crossing and was hit by an oncoming train.Nine bus passangers were killed in the Collision, near the village of Ovrazhroye in the Kaliningrad region. Two more later died from their injuries and


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