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1、专业四级-67及答案解析 (总分:130.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BPART WRITING(总题数:2,分数:25.00)1.BWrite on ANSWER SHEET ONE a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: The Importance of Staying Health/B IYou are to write in three parts. In the first part, state the reason(s) why you think staying healthy is very imp

2、ortant. In the second, support your view with one or two examples. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be rewarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to following the instructions may result in a loss of marks./I(分数:

3、15.00)_2.BWrite on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 5060 words based on the following situation: You failed to meet your former classmate, Mark, yesterday. Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting. You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting./B IMarks will be

4、 rewarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy./I(分数:10.00)_二、BPART DICTATIO(总题数:1,分数:15.00)3.IListen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning.

5、 For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once

6、more./I BPlease write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO./B(分数:15.00)_三、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:1,分数:8.00)SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.(分数:8.00)(1).What is the speaker?(分数:1.00)A

7、.An author.B.A teacher.C.A critic.D.An editor.(2).Dr. Burton wishes to(分数:1.00)A.keep the dress.B.sell the dress.C.give the dress.D.replace the dress.(3).Where did the speaker think they were supposed to meet?(分数:1.00)A.At the reception desk.B.In the lobby.C.At the gate.D.At the hotel.(4).When did S

8、onja move to Chicago?(分数:1.00)A.Three days ago.B.Three weeks ago.C.Three months ago.D.Three years ago.(5).How many questions in all did the speaker have to answer?(分数:1.00)A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Ten.(6).What is the speaker probably doing?(分数:1.00)A.Compiling a dictionary.B.Writing a set of books.C.Of

9、fering some great help.D.Working for what they need.(7).What does the speaker say?(分数:1.00)A.He earned as much as he does now.B.He earns as much as he did before.C.He earns much more than before.D.He earns much less than before.(8).What happened to the passengers?(分数:1.00)A.They flew out of the trai

10、n.B.They were flown out from the train.C.They were thrown out from the train.D.They climbed out of the train.四、BSECTION B PASSA(总题数:1,分数:9.00)(1).The conversation most probably takes place between(分数:1.00)A.a host and a guest.B.a doctor and a patient.C.a hotel clerk and a guest.D.two colleagues.(2).

11、According to the conversation, John(分数:1.00)A.has little education.B.cannot write legibly.C.always writes like that.D.must have something on his mind.(3).What does the man mean?(分数:1.00)A.It would be best to drop both.B.Steves part-time jobs are the best for him.C.Steve is really working too hard.D.

12、Steves decision may be a good one.(4).What are they talking about Moane?(分数:1.00)A.Moane will at least study three more years.B.Moane began his Ph. D. studies less than three years ago.C.Moane has studied at least for three years.D.Moane has already begun his Ph. Dlong before.(5).What is the most pr

13、obable relationship between the two speakers?(分数:1.00)A.They are colleagues.B.They are schoolmates.C.They are vacationers.D.They are interns.(6).What is Taylor going to do?(分数:1.00)A.He is going to the West.B.He is going to be ranked first.C.He is going to the military academy.D.He is going to the g

14、eneral.(7).What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.The man should promise to tell it.B.The man should keep it secret.C.The man should not tell the story.D.The man should keep calm.(8).What do we learn from the conversation?(分数:1.00)A.The man is in debt to the woman.B.The woman is in debt to the man.C.Th

15、e man is in debt to another man.D.The woman is in debt to another man.(9).What is the man supposed to be doing?(分数:1.00)A.He is moving to another city.B.He is having a lot about moving.C.He is considering the idea of moving.D.He is making a decision on moving.五、BSECTION C NEWS (总题数:4,分数:8.00)(1).Eur

16、opean leaders trying to give Saddam Hussein(分数:1.00)A.a last resort.B.a warning.C.a deadline.D.a setback.(2).What is the attitude of Germany towards the crisis with Baghdad?(分数:1.00)A.Insisting on the peaceful solution of the crisis.B.Believing that war is inevitable.C.Opposing war under any circums

17、tances.D.Declaring U.S. military action is unnecessary.I Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news./I(分数:2.00)(1).A new mobile phone launched by German technology conglomerate Siemen

18、s is(分数:1.00)A.equipped with a camera.B.linked with a computer.C.introduced with a fashion.D.shown as a new brand.(2).German technology conglomerate Siemens showed its new mobile phones(分数:1.00)A.at a news conference.B.at a mobile trade show.C.at a mobile handset unit.D.at a mass market.I Questions

19、22 and 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news./I(分数:2.00)(1).How many old people have been examined for the research?(分数:1.00)A.815.B.855.C.831.D.865.(2).What kind of people is more likely to deve

20、lop, or suffer from, Alzheimers?(分数:1.00)A.People who are older than 65.B.People who are physically weak.C.People who consume saturated fat.D.People who consume ordinary oil.I Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the

21、 questions. Now, listen to the news./I(分数:2.00)(1).According to the news, the American space shuttle Columbia failed(分数:1.00)A.on Jan. 3rd.B.on Feb. 1st.C.on Mar. 4th.D.on Jan. 2nd.(2).The difference between the two versions of the timeline by NASA is(分数:1.00)A.30 seconds.B.5 minutes and 30 seconds.

22、C.7 minutes and 30 seconds.D.3 minutes and 30 seconds.六、BPART CLOZE/(总题数:15,分数:15.00)A.willingB.eligibleC.readyD.suitableA.cityB.districtC.areaD.regionA.personB.agencyC.jobD.officeA.on whichB.by whichC.near whichD.in whichA.bondB.connectionC.relationD.liaisonA.fundsB.incomesC.financesD.resourcesA.wh


24、.mayC.shallD.will七、BPART GRAMMAR (总题数:25,分数:25.00)19._ is often the case with car accidents, most of the drivers involved have exceed the speed once too often.(分数:1.00)A.ThisB.ItC.AsD.Which20.A group of soldiers marched forward, guns _ in hand.(分数:1.00)A.holdB.heldC.holdingD.to be held21.They hate y

25、ou _ lies to them.(分数:1.00)A.tellingB.to tellC.to have toldD.having told22.In this part of the country, the evergreens rarely experience any _ to growth through cold.(分数:1.00)A.feelingB.tasteC.checkD.block23._ they can change their sales strategies, tile future for their company will be indeed bleak

26、.(分数:1.00)A.Even ifB.Now thatC.As long asD.Unless24.The old lady has not yet _ the death of her husband.(分数:1.00)A.get rid ofB.get away withC.get overD.get across to25.After several days of isolation on the deserted island, the sailor began to _ of ever getting back home.(分数:1.00)A.disappointB.displ

27、aceC.depressD.despair26.The growing size of the population is _ major concern of _ society nowadays.(分数:1.00)A./. theB.a. /C.a. theD.the. the27.Today, the Australian population is still mainly of British _.(分数:1.00)A.descentB.descendC.decadenceD.descendant28.Darlington never regretted _ to attend th

28、e party, for she did not like it at all.(分数:1.00)A.not being invitedB.being not invitedC.having not been invitedD.not having been invited29.Rosanwald would go to Europe but he _ time.(分数:1.00)A.didnt haveB.had noC.will not haveD.has no30.The military authorities are seriously considering abandoning

29、the expensive _ plane.(分数:1.00)A.three million dollarsB.three millions of dollarsC.three-million-dollarD.three million-dollar31.The CEO decided to assign the sales project to _ would be capable and competent.(分数:1.00)A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.whomever32.He stole into his room _ he should awaken his pare

30、nts.(分数:1.00)A.in order thatB.so thatC.with the result thatD.in case33.At that time, neither Britain nor France was _ in readiness for the Second World War.(分数:1.00)A.preparedB.devotedC.armedD.provided34.Too _ or maliciously treated, the bookshelves would often crash to the floor.(分数:1.00)A.negligen

31、tlyB.neglectedC.negligiblyD.neglecting35.His excellent marks have entitled him _ several scholarships at the same time at school.(分数:1.00)A.inB.toC.atD.on36._ the sun in superstitious awe everywhere in the world.(分数:1.00)A.Man has long heldB.Long has held manC.Has man long heldD.Man has held long37.

32、_ more sunlight, these vegetable plants grow much better this year.(分数:1.00)A.To receiveB.Having receivedC.ReceivingD.Since receiving38.The distinguished professor was invited to preside _ the conference on behalf of the chairman.(分数:1.00)A.onB.inC.overD.for39.What you have said cannot be _ to my sm

33、all firm.(分数:1.00)A.suppliedB.usedC.appliedD.practiced40.Bigalki said that he would go to Hawaii _ stay in the same city.(分数:1.00)A.rather thanB.other thanC.and prefer notD.instead of41.There are means by which the constitution has been _ over so long a time to the needs of a changing society.(分数:1.

34、00)A.alteredB.changedC.adaptedD.revised42.The newly-emerging company is determined to take part in the international _ for that company insolvency.(分数:1.00)A.bidB.applicationC.exploitationD.bet43.When the Johnsons moved to London, they had to _ with some of the treasured furniture.(分数:1.00)A.divideB

35、.abandonC.separateD.part八、BPART READING (总题数:3,分数:3.00)44.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?(分数:1.00)A.Ezra Pound defended and supported the book together with others.B.T.S. Eliot helped to sell out the first edition of the books instantly.C.Ernest Hemingway generat

36、ed widespread interest in his novel.D.James Joyce found Pound, Eliot and Hemingway were great writers.45.We can derive from this passage a conclusion that James Joyces Ulysses(分数:1.00)A.is taught in colleges and universities all over the world.B.is admired only in colleges and universities around th

37、e world.C.is unanimously acclaimed by scholars and readers as the best.D.is routinely smuggled into the U.S. and Britain, where it is banned.46.James Joyces Ulysses was banned because of its(分数:1.00)A.stream-of-consciousness storylines.B.compression of universal concerns.C.certain obscene descriptio

38、ns of life.D.being fined and ordered to cease publication.九、BTEXT B/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)47.What is the exact meaning of ageism, according to the passage?(分数:1.00)A.A negative period of impotency and incompetency.B.A negative and/or stereotypic perception of older adults.C.A definition of stereotypic and

39、 often negative attitudes.D.A denotation against the negative bias of older adults.48.Ageism is different from other isms, because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that(分数:1.00)A.it is based upon the constant age classification.B.the concept of agedness is changing gradually.C.one is experiencing

40、 the aging process oneself.D.age classification remains the same for many years.49.Then what affects the individual view on ageism in American society?(分数:1.00)A.A perception of any action, or institutional structure.B.Age or any assignment of roles in society purely based on age.C.Respect to others

41、 maintained to stereotype other people.D.Respect to self maintained to affect ones self concept.50.What conclusion can be drawn from the last paragraph of the passage about researches conducted concerning ageism?(分数:1.00)A.The author is trying to make something clear about their differences.B.The au

42、thor is demonstrating some of the differences between them.C.The author is discussing the result of different methodologies employed.D.The author is trying to make some conclusive researches by himself.十、BTEXT C/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)51.When the author talks about generations in the first paragraph, he se

43、ems to(分数:1.00)A.be speaking very highly of his own Generation.B.be sympathetic with his own generation.C.criticise his own generation for its shortcomings.D.believe his previous generations share one thing.52.Generation X(分数:1.00)A.will experience a poorer living standard soon.B.is experiencing a p

44、oorer living standard now.C.may experience a poorer living standard.D.may not experience a poorer living standard.53.The author quotes Thomas Jefferson in order to(分数:1.00)A.prove the Millennium Generation is hopeful.B.prove the Silent Generation is perfect.C.prove Generation X is to be justified.D.prove the Baby Boomers are faultless.54.The author is talking about(分数:1.00)A.intergenerational justice.B.unfair rectification.C.individual prospects.D.economic

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