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1、专业英语四级-4及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、GRAMMAR AND VOCABULA(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Which of the following infinitives (不定式) functions as an adverbial?(分数:2.50)A.Her chief desire is toeducate her child well.B.He woke up tofind everybody gone.C.I have nothingto say on this question.D.He asked me totalk abou

2、t English study.2.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out in time.(分数:2.50)A.had toB.wouldC.couldD.was able to3.Henry spares no effort to get two tickets for the concert held at the Sports Centre. _.(分数:2.50)A.So he isB.So he doesC.So is heD.So does he4.The prepositiona

3、l phrase in A chair is a piece of furniture for sitting on indicates(分数:2.50)A.causeB.resultC.directionD.purpose5.All the following sentences contain a transferred negation structure (否定转移结构) EXCEPT(分数:2.50)A.It doesnt sound as if he knew what had happened.B.I dont believe both of them are innocent.

4、C.The engine didnt stop because the fuel was used up.D.It doesnt look like it is going to rain.6.Professor Wang is always willing to accept _ corrections on his essays.(分数:2.50)A.all otherB.other allC.other theseD.other any7.All the following sentences indicate a passive meaning EXCEPT(分数:2.50)A.Now

5、adays leather shoes wont wear long.B.The library opens at seven oclock every day.C.The explanation for his being late is obscure.D.Mom says the watch needs mending.8.The little girls attention was suddenly caught by a rag doll which _ put on the sofa, and she stopped crying.(分数:2.50)A.has beenB.is b

6、eingC.would beD.had been9.She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _.(分数:2.50)A.he catches coldB.he should catch coldC.he caught coldD.he be catching cold10.Helen _ with her class if she had been able to meet all of the course requirements in time.(分数:2.50)A.will graduateB.would have gra

7、duatedC.would gradateD.has gradated11.The council is refusing to _ further information about the dispute and its settlement.(分数:2.50)A.discloseB.exposeC.uncoverD.discover12.Alice and George like to split hairs about whose turn it is to wash the dishes. The underlined part means _.(分数:2.50)A.start ar

8、gumentsB.divide labourC.make difficultiesD.fight with each other13.His plan is full of contradictions, so it is not a very _ one.(分数:2.50)A.refinedB.complexC.elaborateD.ambitions14.Their reply was too _ for anyone to doubt them.(分数:2.50)A.eloquentB.effectiveC.emotionalD.emphatic15.The new colleague

9、_ to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.(分数:2.50)A.confessesB.declaresC.confirmsD.claims16.She remains confident and _ untroubled by our present problems.(分数:2.50)A.indefinitelyB.infinitelyC.optimisticallyD.seemingly17.We stood still, gazing out over the limitless _

10、 of the ocean.(分数:2.50)A.spaceB.spreadC.stretchD.expanse18.All he said was so free from effort and _ and was said with such a captivating charm.(分数:2.50)A.simultaneousB.homogenousC.spontaneousD.monotonous19.Photography is strictly _ in the cathedral.(分数:2.50)A.forbiddenB.rejectedC.excludedD.denied20

11、.Computer virus, whose essential _ is a set of instructions, is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer system.(分数:2.50)A.componentB.compositionC.factorD.ingredient21.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?(分数:2.50)A.A city has more traffic than a small town.B.We could do

12、 the work better with a few less supervisors.C.He can drive there in fewer than 20 minutes.D.There are more accidents than before.22.Which of the following infinitives (不定式) indicates CAUSE?(分数:2.50)A.She weptto see him in that condition.B.He picked up the phone tocall his wife.C.She grew up tobe a

13、famous scholar.D.My wife used a knifeto cut the cake.23.Even when stranded in the forest by storm, _.(分数:2.50)A.my journey was still thought to be interesting.B.I still thought my journey interesting.C.it seemed my journey was still interesting.D.my journey still seemed interesting.24.She would have

14、 finished the last page of her play, but she _ to stop to feed her crying baby.(分数:2.50)A.hasB.had hadC.hadD.would have25.It is said that every boy and girl in this school must have _ hair cut short.(分数:2.50)A.hisB.herC.theirD.its26.In the sentence Mike, together with his parents , went camping last

15、 Sunday, the italicized phrase is(分数:2.50)A.a subject.B.a parenthesis.C.an adverbial.D.an object.27.Which of the following prepositional phrases expresses CONCESSION?(分数:2.50)A.Helen sat there alone,with her eyes filled with tears.B.For what he has done, Id rather not meet him again.C.She finally de

16、cides to buy this handbag,despite its high price.D.From a sense of loyalty, she always accompanied him.28.He seems not to have grasped what I meant, _ greatly upsets me.(分数:2.50)A.itB.whichC.thatD.what29.The financial problem as well as other issues _ going to be discussed when the congress is in se

17、ssion again next spring.(分数:2.50)A.isB.areC.wereD.was30.The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.(分数:2.50)A.having writtenB.to be writtenC.being writtenD.written31.Huang jianxiangs passionate _ made the football match between Italy and Australia ve

18、ry interesting.(分数:2.50)A.commentB.remarkC.commentaryD.criticism32.Jack jumped off the porch and _ across the lawn.(分数:2.50)A.pacedB.strolledC.strodeD.swung33.Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that his election was in the bag . The underlined part means_.(分数:2.50)

19、A.sure to be madeB.being consideredC.well preparedD.very successful34.Under the agreement, all trade barriers between the two countries will be _. by the end of this year.(分数:2.50)A.abolishedB.canceledC.eliminatedD.disposed35.He feels so _ that he stands there pointing and laughing at others, I feel

20、 like spitting at him.(分数:2.50)A.seniorB.superiorC.supremeD.superlative36.As Fred cant be here today, Im going to speak _.(分数:2.50)A.on his accountB.on his behalfC.for his partD.in his interest37.I only know Meredith by _ but I have never spoken to her.(分数:2.50)A.chanceB.sightC.heartD.experience38.T

21、he newspaper reporters _ that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.(分数:2.50)A.assertB.affirmC.announceD.proclaim39.I must leave now. _, if you want that dress Ill bring it next time.(分数:2.50)A.IncidentallyB.AccidentallyC.NaturallyD.Eventually40.When Mary got into the exam room, she just

22、 became anxious and her mind went completely(分数:2.50)A.blankB.emptyC.vacantD.hollow专业英语四级-4答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、GRAMMAR AND VOCABULA(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Which of the following infinitives (不定式) functions as an adverbial?(分数:2.50)A.Her chief desire is toeducate her child well.B.He woke up tofin

23、d everybody gone.C.I have nothingto say on this question.D.He asked me totalk about English study.解析:解析 考查不定式。A中的不定式作表语,说明desire的具体内容;B中作状语,表结果,为本题答案;C中作后置定语修饰nothing;D中作me的宾语补足语。2.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out in time.(分数:2.50)A.had toB.wouldC.couldD.was able

24、 to解析:解析 考查could和be able to的区别。二者都可以表示“能力”,但Can是指现在的能力,表示过去、将来的能力分别用was/were able to和will be able to,故本题选D。3.Henry spares no effort to get two tickets for the concert held at the Sports Centre. _.(分数:2.50)A.So he isB.So he doesC.So is heD.So does he解析:解析 “so+主语+助动词”结构意为“可不是嘛,的确如此”,表示说话人认同对方的看法。该结构中的

25、主语与前一句话中的主语相对应,助动词则根据前一句话的谓语动词而定。此题前一句话的谓语动词是spares,因此用does,答案为B。注意区分“so+助动词+主语”结构,表示“也是这样”,用在此处不合适。4.The prepositional phrase in A chair is a piece of furniture for sitting on indicates(分数:2.50)A.causeB.resultC.directionD.purpose解析:解析 考查介词for的用法。介词for可以表示目的,后面只可接名词或动名词。后接动名词时表示某物的一般性目的,即用途;后接名词时表示某

26、人某次的行为目的,这时也可用不定式表示。如:I went to the doctor for a checkup. 也可用不定式表示:I went to the doctor to check my body. 题中的for sitting on是描述椅子的用途,即某物的一般性目的,因此答案为D。5.All the following sentences contain a transferred negation structure (否定转移结构) EXCEPT(分数:2.50)A.It doesnt sound as if he knew what had happened.B.I do

27、nt believe both of them are innocent.C.The engine didnt stop because the fuel was used up.D.It doesnt look like it is going to rain.解析:解析 在表感觉的动词“appear, feel like, seem, look, sound, as if.+从句”结构中从句的否定词常移到这些动词的前面,如A、D项。not.because.这种结构中not否定的是because引导的从句,C可表达为The engine stopped not because the fue

28、l was used up. 当主句谓语动词(think, believe, suppose, consider, expect等)为否定形式,实际上否定的是宾语从句肯定形式的谓语动词。而B则是特例,因为所接宾语从句中有all, every, many, both等表全体意义的词或副词时,否定不会发生转移。6.Professor Wang is always willing to accept _ corrections on his essays.(分数:2.50)A.all otherB.other allC.other theseD.other any解析:解析 限定词的搭配关系。多个限

29、定词修饰同一名词时,按“前位中位后位”限定词的顺序排列。前位限定词主要有:all, both, double, half, many, twice/three times/., such等;中位限定词主要有冠词、指示代词、属格、所有格和any, some, every, no, either, neither, enough等;后位限定词主要有基数词、序数词和next, few, little, another, other, every, such等。四个选项中只有A符合要求。7.All the following sentences indicate a passive meaning E

30、XCEPT(分数:2.50)A.Nowadays leather shoes wont wear long.B.The library opens at seven oclock every day.C.The explanation for his being late is obscure.D.Mom says the watch needs mending.解析:解析 英语中,wash, open, write, sell, wear等动词的主动语态常表示被动意义,如选项A、B;want, deserve, need, worth, require等动词后接动名词表示被动意义,如选项D。

31、只有C不包含被动含义,为正确答案。8.The little girls attention was suddenly caught by a rag doll which _ put on the sofa, and she stopped crying.(分数:2.50)A.has beenB.is beingC.would beD.had been解析:解析 这个布娃娃“被放在沙发上”发生在“引起了小女孩的注意”之前,即“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时。答案为D。9.She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _.(分数:2.5

32、0)A.he catches coldB.he should catch coldC.he caught coldD.he be catching cold解析:解析 for fear that后接虚拟语气,用“should+动词原形”,答案为B。10.Helen _ with her class if she had been able to meet all of the course requirements in time.(分数:2.50)A.will graduateB.would have graduatedC.would gradateD.has gradated解析:解析 从

33、句中用了过去完成时had been able to,根据句意可看出,这是对过去事实的虚拟,事实上,海伦当时没有完成课程要求,所以她当时就未能毕业。可见,“毕业”这一动作本应在过去已经完成的,故用“would+have graduated”,答案为B。11.The council is refusing to _ further information about the dispute and its settlement.(分数:2.50)A.discloseB.exposeC.uncoverD.discover解析:12.Alice and George like to split hai

34、rs about whose turn it is to wash the dishes. The underlined part means _.(分数:2.50)A.start argumentsB.divide labourC.make difficultiesD.fight with each other解析:解析 短语split hairs的意思是“斤斤计较,无故挑剔,吹毛求疵”,A的意思与其相近。13.His plan is full of contradictions, so it is not a very _ one.(分数:2.50)A.refinedB.complexC.

35、elaborateD.ambitions解析:14.Their reply was too _ for anyone to doubt them.(分数:2.50)A.eloquentB.effectiveC.emotionalD.emphatic解析:解析 在这句话里表示说话者的决心坚定,类似的表达还有emphatic denial“断然拒绝”。15.The new colleague _ to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.(分数:2.50)A.confessesB.declares

36、C.confirmsD.claims解析:16.She remains confident and _ untroubled by our present problems.(分数:2.50)A.indefinitelyB.infinitelyC.optimisticallyD.seemingly解析:解析 填入的形容词与and之前的confident并列,这里指“她”不畏困难充满自信、乐观的态度,选C。17.We stood still, gazing out over the limitless _ of the ocean.(分数:2.50)A.spaceB.spreadC.stretc

37、hD.expanse解析:18.All he said was so free from effort and _ and was said with such a captivating charm.(分数:2.50)A.simultaneousB.homogenousC.spontaneousD.monotonous解析:19.Photography is strictly _ in the cathedral.(分数:2.50)A.forbiddenB.rejectedC.excludedD.denied解析:20.Computer virus, whose essential _ is

38、 a set of instructions, is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer system.(分数:2.50)A.componentB.compositionC.factorD.ingredient解析:21.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?(分数:2.50)A.A city has more traffic than a small town.B.We could do the work better with a few less s

39、upervisors.C.He can drive there in fewer than 20 minutes.D.There are more accidents than before.解析:解析 more后面既可接单数名词,也可接复数名词,表示“更多的”,故A、D正确。当可数名词前有a few修饰时,用less比用fewer恰当,所以B正确。less表示“更少的”,后通常接不可数名词,minutes虽然是可数名词,但它实际指时间(不可数),应该用less,而不是fewer,故答案选C。22.Which of the following infinitives (不定式) indicat

40、es CAUSE?(分数:2.50)A.She weptto see him in that condition.B.He picked up the phone tocall his wife.C.She grew up tobe a famous scholar.D.My wife used a knifeto cut the cake.解析:解析 考查不定式的用法。A的to see him in that condition用以说明wept的原因,相当于原因状语从句,即She wept because she saw him in that condition.故为本题答案。B、D的不定

41、式表目的,C则为结果状语,意为“她长大后成了有名的学者”。23.Even when stranded in the forest by storm, _.(分数:2.50)A.my journey was still thought to be interesting.B.I still thought my journey interesting.C.it seemed my journey was still interesting.D.my journey still seemed interesting.解析:解析 when引导的状语从句省略了I was,因此主句的主语应和从句的逻辑主

42、语保持一致,只能选B。24.She would have finished the last page of her play, but she _ to stop to feed her crying baby.(分数:2.50)A.hasB.had hadC.hadD.would have解析:解析 考查时态。她停止写剧本去给小孩喂奶是真的,而且已经发生,所以用过去时。has to的过去时是had to,没有过去完成时had had to这种说法,故选C。25.It is said that every boy and girl in this school must have _ hai

43、r cut short.(分数:2.50)A.hisB.herC.theirD.its解析:解析 当every或each修饰两个由and连接的单数名词,且这两个名词一个是阴性,一个是阳性时,其物主代词用his,答案为A。26.In the sentence Mike, together with his parents , went camping last Sunday, the italicized phrase is(分数:2.50)A.a subject.B.a parenthesis.C.an adverbial.D.an object.解析:解析 句子成分题。together wi

44、th his parents的前后都有逗号隔开,是很明显的插入语标志,B正确。27.Which of the following prepositional phrases expresses CONCESSION?(分数:2.50)A.Helen sat there alone,with her eyes filled with tears.B.For what he has done, Id rather not meet him again.C.She finally decides to buy this handbag,despite its high price.D.From a

45、sense of loyalty, she always accompanied him.解析:解析 考查介词短语作状语。A中with引导的介宾短语在句中作伴随状语;B中for表原因,意为“由于”;D中from表示一种动机,意为“基于”。只有C中的despite表让步,意为“尽管”,为本题答案。28.He seems not to have grasped what I meant, _ greatly upsets me.(分数:2.50)A.itB.whichC.thatD.what解析:解析 这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面的整个句子,因此只能由which引导。which引导非限制性定语从句,对主句进行补充说明,在句义上是独立平行的并列意义,相当于并列复合句中的第二分句,即He seems not to have grasped wh


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