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1、专业英语四级-134及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.同一专业男女生数量是否应该相同?University, a place disseminating knowledge and illuminating peoples mind, renders people opportunities to further their study and cultivate their capability. Some people propose that university should enroll equal numb

2、er of male and female students in every major. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content suffic

3、iency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some particular subjects; therefore, more and more people, especially feminism supporters who hel

4、p improve womens status in society, are arguing that universities should enroll equal number of male and female students in every subject. Equal admission will play a vital role in improving womens status since men and women are born equal, and women should also have the right to choose whatever maj

5、ors they like. Only in this way, can men and women share not only the equal enrollment figures in every major but also equal opportunities in future jobs. First of all, major selection is decided by students themselves. Studies show that men and women think differently. Male students are inclined to

6、 major in technical subjects, while female students are more likely to choose the arts. This may stem from the thought that men usually take the burden of feeding the family, and people who major in technical fields will have a better chance to get higher salary after graduation. To women, however,

7、what they study is nothing serious for their future life. In the second place, some work is more suitable for an appointed gender. For instance, nurse schools are open to women only, and infants schools prefer female teachers. These are all because women are more careful and patient, and less aggres

8、sive in nature. By contrast, men fit in jobs such as steel workers and police officers because of their braveness, haleness, and decisiveness. (分数:20.00)_2.实践训练比理论课程更重要吗?题目要求 Along with the shrinking job market, the university graduates find its harder and harder to get the ideal job. Therefore, the

9、y place the blame on the universities, saying that courses offered in universities cant provide them with enough practical training which may ensure them a decent job. Accordingly, some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that benefit

10、s both the students and the society. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, org

11、anization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO The theoretical knowledge just handles problems of abstract concept. Without combining with real job, it can not give full play to its efficiency. The theoretical knowledge without contact

12、with reality is nonsensical. As everyone knows, with the development of society, experienced talents are in great need. Companies need those people who can apply theoretical knowledge into practice. So, offering more practical training to university students can help them adapt to the society better

13、. Theoretical knowledge roots in practice. It is obtained from the practice of the real jobs. By providing practical training to students, the university can make them comprehend the theoretical knowledge more deeply. Thats why more and more universities stipulate that students should participate in

14、 social work for at least one year in their four years study. Universities are where theoretical knowledge is handed down from generation to generation. As we know, universities congregate a lot of preeminent scholars and professors whose main jobs are doing academic research. They are responsible t

15、o impart the academic knowledge to the young generation. Theoretical knowledge is beneficial to the society. Theory study will provide powerful tools for us to deal with the world around us as well as the body of ourselves. For instance, physiological or medical theories enable ns to understand the

16、way our body works so that we know how to combat disease more effectively. (分数:20.00)_3.教育孩子竞争比合作更重要?题目要求 Competition and cooperation are going along together in modern society. There has been an ongoing argument about which is more essential in childrens education. Some people claim that competitio

17、n is more important than cooperation, do you agree or disagree? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevanc

18、e, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO Competition is ubiquitous. Brutal though it seems to be, it does stimulate our growth. Take the competition among students as an example, not to advance is to go

19、back. Though they have got high marks, they should keep studying hard lest someone else catches up with them. The sense of competition prompts them to make progress unceasingly. In addition, as the hope of our nation, students should be ambitions and progressive. Competition is a way of life in mode

20、m world. One of the goals of education is to teach students how to meet the fierce competitive enviroment. Cooperation is the approach to getting ahead, as individual power is limited. Can one person build up the Great Wall? Obviously the answer is no. Nowadays, because of the division of labor in s

21、ociety, no one can fulfill a task by himself. Modem pedagogy also puts emphasis on fostering childrens collaboration spirits. Take computer-supported cooperative work as an instance, groupware is a type of software designed for groups. Students are encouraged to accomplish systematically ordered ins

22、truction tasks by teamwork. While working together they can perceive their own weaknesses and others merits as well, which is vital for them to go forward. (分数:20.00)_4.接受与包容国外文化题目要求 As more and more people travel, work or study abroad, more attention is being focused on how to treat cultural differ

23、ences. Should we embrace the foreign cultures? Some believe that foreigners should follow the custom of the host country while others disagree. They think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words

24、, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO If we observ

25、e the local customs and habits we could reduce the chances of offending the locals caused by conscious or unconscious misunderstanding. Many embarrassments and conflicts are results of differences in customs and traditions between the tourists and the locals. For instance, American ladies are always

26、 embarrassed when confronting questions such as marriage, age, weight, and salary raised by Chinese visitors who just want to show their kindness and concern. The above mentioned personal information is to Chinese what talking about the weather is to Americans. Following their life habits shows our

27、respect for the locals and thus makes it easier to establish a good relationship with them. Like religious belief, people are entitled to their traditions and customs, and should not be forced to forsake or abandon them when traveling to a different place. It is unrealistic to expect visitors coning

28、 afar to readily pick up the local customs for their own culture is deep rooted. Take foreign citizens of Chinese origin as an example, although they have spent dozens of years hi America, it is still hard for them to celebrate Christmas instead of the traditional Chinese Spring Festival. Besides, i

29、nstead of challenging and damaging the local traditions, the customs brought by international visitors actually help to enhance the local peoples awareness of their own culture. (分数:20.00)_5.大学至少应有一门选修课用方言授课题目要求 Recently, some local governments have advocated that university should teach at least on

30、e selective course in local dialect so as to protect the local language. Then a hot debate arises on this topic. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the

31、issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO Teaching courses in local dialect can highlight colorful tradition. We are now living in a world tilled with a gr

32、eat variety of cultures. In this sense, we need to know, more or less, features of these cultures if we want to have a better communication with other people. As one of the key elements of a culture, the dialect, to a large degree, shows the specific features of the local culture. Besides, having wi

33、tnessed the changes in history, dialect is a reflection of ample tradition in a country. Moreover, when traveling or living in other regions, people may confront discrimination and bias if they cannot communicate with the locals in local dialect. Thus, priority and attention should be given to teach

34、ing at least one selective course in local dialect. Teaching courses in local dialect will undoubtedly make the communication more difficult. If universities teach courses in local dialect, students attention will be easily distracted from what they are studying as a result of difficult communicatio

35、n. Thus, universities should not be advocated to teach selective courses in local dialect. Moreover, only communicating in local dialect will breed localism which does harm to the unity and stability of the whole country. (分数:20.00)_专业英语四级-134答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.同一专

36、业男女生数量是否应该相同?University, a place disseminating knowledge and illuminating peoples mind, renders people opportunities to further their study and cultivate their capability. Some people propose that university should enroll equal number of male and female students in every major. Read carefully the op

37、inions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the abov

38、e instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES NO Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some particular subjects; therefore, more and more people, especially feminism supporters who help improve womens status in society, are arguing that universities sh

39、ould enroll equal number of male and female students in every subject. Equal admission will play a vital role in improving womens status since men and women are born equal, and women should also have the right to choose whatever majors they like. Only in this way, can men and women share not only th

40、e equal enrollment figures in every major but also equal opportunities in future jobs. First of all, major selection is decided by students themselves. Studies show that men and women think differently. Male students are inclined to major in technical subjects, while female students are more likely

41、to choose the arts. This may stem from the thought that men usually take the burden of feeding the family, and people who major in technical fields will have a better chance to get higher salary after graduation. To women, however, what they study is nothing serious for their future life. In the sec

42、ond place, some work is more suitable for an appointed gender. For instance, nurse schools are open to women only, and infants schools prefer female teachers. These are all because women are more careful and patient, and less aggressive in nature. By contrast, men fit in jobs such as steel workers a

43、nd police officers because of their braveness, haleness, and decisiveness. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:范文 Should the Quantity of Male Students and FemaleStudents Be Tantamount in the Same Major?In a time of gender equality being emphasized so much, some espouse that the quantity of male students and female

44、 students should be identical in the same major, while others hold different opinions. If asked, I should say that I take a dim view of it, as it is much too rigorous and impossible to be carried out. In the first place, as Einstein put it, Interest is the best teacher. Individual interests should h

45、ave top priority when students pick up their majors. Moreover, interests vary even among the same gender, let alone between different genders. In the second place, some courses such as engineering are more suitable for male students, while the opposite is true when it comes to liberal arts. The main reason for this is that the mode of think is different between genders. Men are apt at logical thinking, while women are inclined to think in image. Therefore, it is not necessary to invariably emphasize absolute equality in this kind of situation; otherwise it would be detrimental


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