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1、专业英语四级-158及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:4,分数:100.00)According to Ian Pearson, a futurologist, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium, when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life. Pearson has 1 together th

2、e work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key 2 and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an 3 life expectancy and dozens of art

3、ificial 4 coming into use between now and 2040. Pearson also has 5 a breakthrough in computer-human links. By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to 6 full sensory environments, rather like the holiday

4、s in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says. But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine 7 : It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century. Through his research, Pearson

5、 is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no 8 for when faster-than-light travel will be 9 , or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advance

6、s. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, cause problems in 2018, while the arrival of synthetic life like robots will mean people may not be able to 10 between their human friends and the droids. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating th

7、em will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage. Amade Bbreakthroughs Cintegration Dexpanded Epieced Fpredicted Gextended Hdevelop Ifindings Jforecasts Kavailable Lorgans Mdistinguish Naffordable Odiffer(分数:25.00)Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency

8、 (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories 11 on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently 12 for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavio

9、r through interaction with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 13 to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, or as a rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged

10、 families, 14 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are 15 to criticism. Changes in the social structure may indirectly 16 juvenile crime rates. For example, changes i

11、n the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in 17 lead more youths into criminal behavior. Families have also 18 changes these years. More families consist of on

12、e-parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family pattern. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be a(n) 19 on juvenile crime rates. Other 20 causes of offensive acts include frustration

13、or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, although a direct causal relationship has not yet been established. Acenterin

14、g Bpenalized Csensitive Dresponse Einfluence Fignoring Gturn Hstructure Isystem Jaffect Kidentifiable Lavailable Mexperienced Nrelying Osubject(分数:25.00)Almost every new innovation goes through three phases. When 21 introduced into the market, the process of 22 is slow. The early models are expensiv

15、e and hard to use, and perhaps even unsafe. The economic 23 is relatively small. The second phase is the explosive one, 24 the innovation is rapidly adopted by a large number of people. It gets cheaper and easier to use and becomes something familiar. And then in the third stage, diffusion of the in

16、novation slows down again, as it permeates out across the economy. During the explosive phase, whole new industries spring up to produce the new product or innovation, and to 25 it. For example, during the 1920s, there was a dramatic acceleration in auto production, from 1.9 million in 1920 to 4.5 m

17、illion in 1929. This 26 was accompanied by all sorts of other essential activities necessary for an auto-based nation: Roads had to be built for the cars to run 27 ; refineries and oil wells, to provide the gasoline; and garages, to repair them. The same pattern is 28 repeated again and again with i

18、nnovations. The construction of the electrical system required an enormous early investment in generation and distribution 29 . The introduction of the radio was followed by a buying spree (无节制的狂热行为) by Americans that quickly brought radios into almost half of all household by 1930, up from 30 none

19、in 1924. A. impact B. adaptation C. initially D. where E. on F. nearly G. service H. blossom I. which J. by K. adoption L. boom M. pattern N. historically O. capacity(分数:25.00)We live in a society where there is a lot of talk about science, but I would say that there are not 5 percent of the people

20、who are equipped with school, including college, to understand scientific 31 . We are more ignorant of science than people with 32 education in Western Europe. There are a lot of kids who know everything about computershow to build them, how to take them 33 , and how to write programs for games. But

21、 if you ask them to explain the principles of physics that have gone into 34 the computer, they dont have the 35 idea. The failure to understand science leads to such things as the neglect of human creative power. It also gives rise to the 36 of the distinction between science and technology. Lots o

22、f people dont 37 between the two. Science is the production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is the application of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or the like. The two are really different, and people who have the faculty of one very 38 have that fo

23、r the other. Science in itself is 39 , more or less. But as soon as it can provide technology, its not 40 harmless. No society has yet learned to forecast the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous. And, therefore, nobody can give a definite answer to the question whether science itse

24、lf is safe. A. reasoning B. seldom C. comparable D. differ E. distinguish F. creating G. generally H. apart I. faintest J. blurring K. harmless L. necessarily M. tell N. down O. missing(分数:25.00)专业英语四级-158答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:4,分数:100.00)According to Ian Pearson, a futurologist, the

25、se are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium, when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life. Pearson has 1 together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that

26、 gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key 2 and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an 3 life expectancy and dozens of artificial 4 coming into use between now and 2040. Pearson also has 5 a breakthrough in computer-human links.

27、 By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so that we can start to 6 full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says. But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of m

28、an-machine 7 : It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century. Through his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no 8 fo

29、r when faster-than-light travel will be 9 , or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, cause problems in 2018, while the arriva

30、l of synthetic life like robots will mean people may not be able to 10 between their human friends and the droids. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage. Amade Bbreakthroughs Cintegra

31、tion Dexpanded Epieced Fpredicted Gextended Hdevelop Ifindings Jforecasts Kavailable Lorgans Mdistinguish Naffordable Odiffer(分数:25.00)解析:Epieced解析 词组固定搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词,且使用动词的完成时,故可选范围缩小到“made, expanded, pieced, predicted, extended”五个选项。而此句表示Pearson把众多科学家的研究成果结合起来,根据文意可进一步缩小选项范围至“made, pieced”。再根据上

32、下文可观察到piece together这一词组的结构,表示“拼凑,结合”。故答案为pieced。解析:Bbreakthroughs解析 同义词重现题。根据下文“and discoveries”可判断此处应当填入名词复数,且指科技上的重要突破。因此答案为breakthroughs。且下文“Pearson also has -|_|- a breakthrough in computer-human links.”也对此有所提示。解析:Gextended解析 词义辨析题。根据词性,此处应当填入形容词。要注意动词的-ed, -ing形式也具有形容词功能,故可选范围为“expanded, predi

33、cted, extended, available, affordable”。此处指寿命的延长,故选extended。注意expand与extend的区别:expand扩张(体积、面积上的),侧重指“上下、左右、前后的面或体的伸展”,如:Iron expands when it is heated.铁加热时就膨胀;extend延长(线性的),可以表示时间和空间的“延长”,还可以用于比喻意义上的“延长”,或范围的“扩展”。如:the extended meaning of a word(词汇的引申意义),to extend(or lengthen)a road(延长道路),to extend(o

34、r lengthen) ones stay(延长某人的逗留)。解析:Lorgans解析 上下文题。根据词性,此处应当填入名词复数。可选的词有“findings, forecasts, organs”,与上文artificial搭配合适的仅有artificial organs人造器官。解析:Fpredicted解析 上下文同义词复现题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词完成时。同时根据上下文描述可见这是Pearson预测未来的科技突破,是他的个人推测,下文也有重复阐述“Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can b

35、e predicted.”,故选predicted。解析:Hdevelop解析 语义题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词原形,可选范围为“develop, distinguish, differ”,文中指电脑不仅感知我们的感受,而且可以刺激感官,从而逐步形成完整的感觉环境。故选develop。解析:Cintegration解析 上下文关键词复现题。根据词性,此处应当填入名词。而且下文有明确提示“It will be the beginning of the long process of integration.”,可见答案为integration。解析:Jforecasts解析 上下文关键词复现题

36、。根据词性及语法判断,此处应当填入名词复数,可选范围仅剩“findings, forecasts”,上文指出Pearson可以预测出大部分科技变革的时间,但依然无法预见实现超光速旅行的时间。故此处选用predict的近义词forecast“预测,预报”。解析:Kavailable解析 词义辨析题。根据词性,此处应当填入形容词,可选范围“available, affordable”, affordable“可承担的,支付得起的”;available“可利用的,可行的”。此处指超光速旅行的实现,故选available。解析:Mdistinguish解析 词组固定搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词原

37、形,且根据习惯用法distinguish between“辨别”;differ from“与不同”,故选distinguish。Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories 11 on the individual suggest that children engage

38、in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently 12 for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interaction with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 13 to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status,

39、or as a rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, 14 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentat

40、ive and are 15 to criticism. Changes in the social structure may indirectly 16 juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting disconten

41、t may in 17 lead more youths into criminal behavior. Families have also 18 changes these years. More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family pattern. This lack of pa

42、rental supervision is thought to be a(n) 19 on juvenile crime rates. Other 20 causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the prob

43、ability of a child committing a criminal act, although a direct causal relationship has not yet been established. Acentering Bpenalized Csensitive Dresponse Einfluence Fignoring Gturn Hstructure Isystem Jaffect Kidentifiable Lavailable Mexperienced Nrelying Osubject(分数:25.00)解析:Acentering解析 上下文同义词复现

44、题。根据词性,此处应当填入后置定语,同时根据下文“Theories focusing on the role of society suggest.”可判断此处为并列句型,故选同义词centering。解析:Bpenalized解析 习惯搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词被动语态,且该动词可与for构成常用搭配,在可选范围中,penalize sb. (for sth.)“(因犯规或违法)处罚某人”最吻合,根据上下文意思此处指青少年犯罪的原因所在,故指违法后处罚力度不够。解析:Dresponse解析 习惯搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填入名词,构成in.to的结构。在可选的名词中in respon

45、se to表示“对做出反应”,in turn表示“轮流地;相应地”,故选response。解析:Eignoring解析 语法题。此处应当是句子中的状语成分,根据词性需要用动词的分词形式引导从句,鉴于空格后有宾语the fact,故应当填入及物动词的-ing分词形式,在可选范围内唯有ignoring适合。此处原文意为“大多数青少年犯罪理论都集中关注一些不良家庭,而忽略了家庭出身良好的孩子也会犯罪这一事实”。解析:Osubject解析 习惯用法及上下文题。根据词性,此处应当填入形容词,且与to构成常用词组。在可选范围内be subject to意为“受支配;遭受影响”,be sensitive t

46、o“对敏感的”,be available to“可获得”。根据上文“tentative”(不确定的,试验性的)一词可知这些理论是不成熟的,因而会受到各方面的批评,故选subject。解析:Jaffect解析 上下文题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词原形,可选范围为“affect, influence, turn”。下文的举例说明了社会经济变化对青少年犯罪的影响,从语义判断affect, influence两词均可表示“影响”,但是affect作“影响”讲时可分三种情况:直接的、有形的力量作用于某事物或事件并使之发生变化。例:They try to affect the size of a crop

47、 by using fertilizer.用于表示对某事物或事产生不好的影响。例:Exposure to intense light affects ones eyes adversely.暴露在强光之下会损害眼睛。指对另外一个人感情上的影响,感染,感动。例:Music affects some people very strongly.而influence通常指“不易觉察到地、潜移默化地去影响”,往往是间接的,通过说服或以实际行动树立榜样而对他人产生影响。此处指对青少年犯罪率产生直接影响,属于affect第一种用法,故选affect。解析:Gturn解析 词组固定搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填

48、入名词,与in连用构成状语,满足这一用法的只有in turn“相应地,反过来”。本题答案线索是:社会经济变化青年失业或难找工作青年的不满情绪青年的犯罪。这是一个因果关系的链条。解析:Mexperienced解析 根据词性和上下文,此处应当填入动词完成时,在可选范围中可以与宾语changes搭配的仅有experienced。解析:Einfluence解析 上下文题。该段落仍然是原因探讨,上文指出家庭变化导致家长的监管缺失,可见此为影响青少年的另一因素。表示“影响”的选项有affect和influence,此处选名词,have/be an influence on是固定搭配。解析:Kidentifiable解析 词义辨析题。根据词性,此处应当填入形容词。剩余可选范围“sensitive(敏感的),identifiable(可识别的),available(可获得的),relying(依靠的)”,此处可修饰cause的最佳形容词为identifiable。Almost every new innovation goes through three phases. When 21 introduced into the market, the process of 22 is slow. The early models are expensive

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