JT T 4607-1989 水上通信 导航术语.pdf

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1、.JT 中华人民共和国交通运输(水运)行业标准JT 4607-89 水上通信、导航术语Terms for marine telecommunication and navigation 1989-06-19发布1989-11-1实施中华人民共和国交通部发布坠目录1 主题内容与适用范围. 2 通用术语. . . . . 1 2.1通信通用术语. . . . . 1 2.2导航通用术语. . . . . . 3 3 通信. . . 8 3.1通信管理与业务. . . . . 8 3.2通信设备. . . . .14 3.3天线. . .1) . . . .川.川.川.川.叫1臼5 3.4全球海上追

2、险安全系统.川. . . . .川.川.川. .川.叫166 3.5海事卫星通信系统. . .17 4 导航. . . . . . . 18 4.1无线电导航系统与设备. . . 18 4.2卫星导航. .8. . 23 4.3雷达导航. . . . . 24 4.4组合导航. . .G . . . . . 25 4.5罗经. . 0. .8. . .0 . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . .25 4.6 7.1n .咽.A l n o .a &, .1 gnu nv nr 俨Ieod VA t-EC uv -It Jua ae FAVA GG GU Grid UA a z-

3、 Ia my -1 4e nd&EL-H口RI-盯nno .,A llL品也EIl etE nB向d,An3.,apomIe盯be川吁.川perv川EKohIEE-cnr nDAllCDABS uuoooooo nunUVAT-VAVAVATA rryVJVdvdydVJ GGGGGGGG H Half convergency Harbor radar 2.2.33 4.3.6 4.3.7 2.1.10 2.2.74 2.2.5 4.5.60 3.2.2 2.2.74 3.5.12 4.4.2 4.1.32 m 巳ns-m YJ3 nbnb -TA Um de a -i-u -1 n VA O

4、 Lm VAVA 叫d2UHH HDOP Heading Heeling error HF transrnitter HorizontaJ dilution of precision Horizontal reference Hybrid navigation equiprnent Hyperbolic system Ice report Identification of stations using radiotelephony Irnpeller log Inertial navigation INMARSAT cornrnunication Instrurnent error of d

5、irection finder Integrated model Integrated navigation system Intercommunication telephone set Interference between longer and shorter great circle path signals 3.1.64 3.1.6 4.6.24 2.2.11 3.5.14 4.1.27 4.4.4 4.4.1 3.2.9 4. 1. 68 52 JT 4607-89 Intermodulation distortion In terna t iona I publ ic tele

6、gra ph International public telegraph service Inverter lonospheric error lonospheric refraction correction Isochrone rKalman filter Land-line charge Land s ta t ion Lane :Lane identification Lane identification meter Lane width Latitude effect Latitude error Leewa y angle Licence , Line of position

7、LL Local user terminal .Local warning ,Locating signal Log Long text telegram Loop antenna Loran A L oran C LUT Magnetic bearing Magnetic compass .Magnetic coutse Magnetic north Magnetization of transducer Magnetostrictive effect Magnetost rict,iv tr ansd ucer Main receiver K L 2. 1. 11 3.1.52 3. 1.

8、54 3.2.23 2.2.80 4.2.9 4. 1.50 4.4.3 3. 1. 107 3.1.30 4. 1. 79 4.1.81 4.1.86 4.1.80 4. 1.74 4.5.45 2.2.55 3. 1.2 2.2.58 3.1.107 3.5.25 3.1.96 3.4.11 3.1.78 3.1.71 3.3.9 4. 1.36 4.1.37 3.5.25 2.2.43 4.5.53 2.2.48 2.2.39 4.6.12 4.6.6 4.6.10 . 3.2.5 53 JT 460 i -89 Main transmitter Marine navigation Ma

9、rine radar Marine safety information Marine speed and d istance measuring equipment Maritime identification digits Maritime mobile service Maritime mobile service identities Maritime radionavigation-satellite service Maritime radionavigation service Master compass Master station MCC Mean power Measu

10、ring rod M ed ical ad v ice Meridian Meridian-seeking torque Meteorological aids service Meteorological warning MF transmitter MID Mission control eentre M ixed path Mobile earth station Mobile-satellite service Mobile service Mobile station Most probable position Motion model Motor s revolutions er

11、ror MP-mode chain Multipath error Multipath propagation Multipulse transmission N Narrow band direct printing telegraphy Narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy equipment NAVAREA 54 NA VAREA warning Navigation accuracy Navigation coordinates 3.2.7 2.2.1 4.3.3 3.4.9 4.6.20 3. 1.4 3. 1. 12 3. 1. 5 3. 1

12、. 26 3. 1. 25 4.5.25 4. 1.44 3.5.26 2. 1. 6 4.6.29 3.1.59 2. 1. 19 4.5.23 3.1.15 3. 1. 63 3 , 2.1 3. 1. 4 3.5.26 4. 1.54 3.1.48 3.1.11 3.1.10 3. 1. 33 2.2.69 4.4.5 4.6.17 4.1.83 2.2.83 2.2.82 4. 1.59 2. 1.35 3.2.19 3 .1.93 3.1.94 22.70 2.2.28 JT 4607-89 Navigation parameter Navigation precision Navi

13、gation satellite Navigation sonar Navigation warning Navigational warning signaI NAVTEX Notices to mariners 2.2.27 2.2.71 4.2.1 4.6.3 3.1.91 3. 1. 83 3.4.8 3.2.26 4.2.10 2.1.35、 3.5.17 4.1.28 4.2.10 3.1.65 4. 1. 10 m U v &E eQ vJ Qu e &Et-. 1 l l e &E勘. 组QU v.& -wm -1u au-b c-tsb E-XH EN

14、 TAFDA V叮DSArBC NNNN n 0 .l . a &E e口咆n 0 .冒Aa a n .1 咽F. 晶o nJFA Co r p、,且明EeO,wh臼e-M、NNNN Null 。gu n -VA 组e LU JU U V VA C LU户LOO 4. 1. 30 3.5.18 4. 1.61 4. 1. 63 4. 1. 89 3. 1. 36 4.7.5 3.4.14 3.5.18 2. 1. 9 4.5.28 3.5.6 Omega Omega signal format Omnidirectional range On-board communication stati

15、on On-off steering On-scene communication Operation control center Ou t of band emf,ssion Ou ter sphere 、Overlappingarea P m VA hu pI 4-9u eamH cna -11rJu gvh4ge hdhue-u hamd让冶ettID川-MJSMWYU叩川剧Sr-tl 、J11nE3tt酌onmEeeLue-AAD且kkdass门J)uu冒AVE-ODOOT-AdaaaaaaCD PAPAPPPAPAPP J丁2.1.16 2. 1. 17 3. 1.101 3.3.

16、6 3. 1.58 3.5.9 4. 1. 75 2.2.73 4.5.57 4.5.8 4.2.2 RMC aa gu nr m o pu 。A VJ gb QV u s02 u,U伽盯小-w吧咽且LFAOUuvUV PAPADA 515 56 Personal call Phase Coding Phase-mndulation telephony Phase pred ict ion Phase trapezoid Piezoelectric effect P iezoelectr ic trahsd u cer Pilotage Pitometer log Plain language

17、 Platform compass Polar cap absorption Polar cap phase anomaly Polar orbit satellite Polarization Polarization error Port operation service Port station Portable lifeboat transceiver Position dilution of precision Position errOT Positioning Power synthesis Preset reception Pr imary f ield Primary ra

18、dar Prime meridian Pr opaga t ion correct ion Propagation error Propaga tion model Puhlic correspondence Quadrantal deviation Quadrature interference Quadrature signal Quick settlement assembly Quiescent angle Racon Radar beacon Radar performance monitor fJ4607-89 Q R 3. 1.105 4.1.60 2. 1. 43 4.1.67

19、 4.1.70 4.6.7 4.6.11 2.2.17 4.6.25 3.1.66 4.5.13 4. 1. 73 4.1.75 3.5.4 2.2.77 4. 1.28 3.1.16 3. 1.32 3.2. l2 2.2.73 2.2.65 3.4.10 2. 1. 7 3.2.21 4.1.17 4.3.1 2.2.20 4.1.69 2.2.81 4.1.66 3.1.51 4.1.24 4.6.32 4.6.32 4.5.33 4.1.11 4.3.13 4.3.11 4.3.8 JT 4607-89 Radar reflector Radar transponder beacon

20、Radial Radio beacon Radio console Rdio determination Radio direction finder :Radio direction finding Radio direction finding station Radio navigation Radio range finding Radio telegraph uto alarm :Radiobeacon station Radiodeter mina t ion-sa tell ite service Radiodetermination service Radiodetermina

21、tion station Radiogram for shipping business Radiolocation R.adiolocation land station Rad iolocation mobile station Radiolocation service Radionavigation land station Radionavigation mobile station Rad ionav iga t ion-sa tell ite serv ice Radionavigation service Radiotelegram Radiotelephone alarm s

22、 ignal genera tor Radiotelephone call Radiotelex call RCC Reference direction Reference line Registered address Relative bearing Relative log Repeater Request Rescue coordination center Rescue sub-centre Rescue unit Reserve receiver Reserve transmitter Residual deviation ,、4.3.12 4.3.13 2.2.37 4.1.8

23、7 3.2.3 2.2.2 4.1.14 2.2.13 3.1.42 2.2.3 2.2.14 3.2.14 3. 1.43 3.1.22 3.1.21 3. 1.37 3.1.62 2.2.4 3. 1. 40 3. 1. 41 3. 1. 27 3. 1. 38 3. 1.:-3 9 3. 1. 24 3.1.23 3. 1.49 3.2.15 3. 1.50 3.1. 60 3.4.4 2.2.36 2.2.29 3.1.97 2.2.45 4.6.21 4.5.36 2.1.25 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.2.6 3.2.8 4.1.20 57 Responser bea

24、c.OD Rhumb Im Rodmeter Rolling error RSC Rudder adjustment Rudder angle control Safe distance Safety signal Safety service Safety traffic SAR co-ordinating communication Satellite azimuth Satellite coverage Satellite elevation Satellite EPIRB Satellite link Satellite navigat ion Satellite navigat io

25、n earth station Satellite orbit Satellite orbit parameter Sa tell i te repea ter SC Scanning watch SDME Search and rescue regon Secondar y f ield Secondary phase factor Secondary radar Secret language 58 Segmen t s ignal Select ive call nu mber Selective calling Self-antenna tuning device Self-conta

26、ined navigation Semi-circular deviation Sensing Sensitivity of follow-up system Service advice Service indication Service instruction JT 4607-89 s 4.3.10 2.2.30 4.6.29 4.5.50 3.4.5 4.7.8 4.7.8 4.5.63 3. 1.82 3.1.29 3. 1.90 3.4.12 2. 1. 22 4.2.7 2. 1.21 3. 1.46 2. 1. 23 2.2.7 4.2.6 :.5. 2 4.2.4 3.5.7

27、 3. 1. 108 3.2.20 4.6.20 3.4.3 4.1.18 4. 1.55 4.3.2 3.1.68 4.1.64 3. 1. 7 3.1.73 3.3.11 2.2.9 4.1.23 4.1.7 4.5.40 3.1.100 3.1.99 3. 1. 98 JT 4607 89 Service notes Servo steering Settling position Settling time Seven-unit code Ship earth station Ship main antenna Ship movement service Ship reserve an

28、tenna Ship station Ship s log Ship s meteorological observation message Ship s radiogram via international public-message network Ship s radiogram via national public-message network Side-Iooking sonar Silence periods Single-degree of freedom gyroscope Sky-wave contamination Sky-wave correction Slav

29、e station Slot antenna Soft-iron sphere Sonar Sound velocity calibration Sound velocity error SPA , . :i Ea唱U队目A nn o0 .1.1 晶atwEaa &E-&, QuQU 3.1. 103 4.7.4 4.5.21 4.5.22 2. 1. 13 3.5.19 3.3.1 3. 1. 17 3.3.2 3.1.3 4.6.20 3.1.61 3.1.53. 3. 1. 55 4.6.2 3.1.77 4.5.3 2.2.78 2.2.79 4. 1. 45 3.3.5 4.5.61

30、 4.6.1 4.6.38 4.6.16 4.1.71 3.1.47 3.1.28 4.1.40 4.5.46 4.6.31 4.1.55 2. 1.8 3.4.3 3.5.20 3.5.21 4.5.54 3.1.19 3.1.18 3.1.45 4. 1. 47 3.1.104 4.1.33 59 VJ nuv n uw u n1 LU F-. 俨r品in 白v.咽A&E Uv.冒U&. . n.Ie OVDArJU -reou terrUJ Msr-MU HUces i-1 e-m江ddupuuLVI, auuwLwau阳AnrnrnrnrnrPA SSQUSSS Spurious em

31、ission SRR Standard-A ship earth station Standard-C ship earth station Standard compass Standard frequency and time signal-satellite service Standard frequency and time signal service Standard frequency and time signal station Star chain Steering magnetie; compass Steering repeater Step angle Step d

32、uration Sudden phase anomaly Supporting liquid Survival craft station Swinging ground Taffrail log TDOP Telegram in plain language Telegram in secret language Telegraph service communication Telex Telex service Temperature controlling system Temporary radiobeacon service Terrestrial navigation The n

33、umber of actual words The number of chargeable words JT 4607-89 T The world-wide navigation warning service Time difference Time dilution of precision Time division system Towed log Track Traffic list Transducer Transit Navigation System Transmission system Transponder Triplet Tropospheric refractio

34、n correction True bearing True course True north Tuning 60 Two-component EM log Two-degree of freedom gyroscope a鸣,、, 4.5.55 4.5.38 201.19 2.1.20 4. L 71 4.5.29 3. 1. 35 4.5.65 4.6.23 2.2.76 3.1.67 3.1.69 3. 1. 1 02 3. 1.56 3.1.57 4.5.43 3.1.20 2.2.6 3. 1. 111 3.1.110 3. 1. 92 4.1.38 , 2.2.76; 2.2.1

35、5 4.6.23 2.2.52 3. 1. 75 4.6.9 4.2.10 4.5.42 4.3.10 4.1.48 4.2.8 2.2.42 2.2.47 2.2.38 2.1.2 4.6.28 4.5.4 JT 4607-89 U Undamped oscillation 4.5.14 Under water penetration 4. 1. 76 Urgency message 3.1.89 Urgency signal 3.1.81 Urgency traffic 3.1.88 v V -mode chain 4.1.82 Variable error 4.5.52 Variatio

36、n 4.5.58 VDOP 2.2.75 Vertical 2.2.23 Vertical dilution of precision 2.2.75 Vertical reference 3.5.11 Vessel approach and berthing system 4.6.4 Vessel traffic management system 4.3.9 VTMS 4.3.9 W Warp 4.1.52 Watching 3.2.25 Water track 4.6.36 Way point 2.2.57 Weather adjustment 4.7.7 Weather control

37、4.7.7 Weather facsimile receiver 3.2.11 WWNWS 3.1.92 z Zero degree signal 4.6.31 Zero error 4.6.18 Zero interference 4.6.33 Zero set control 4.7.11 Zero signal 4.6.13 Zero suppression 4.6.14 2182 kHz watching receiver 3.2.17 61 -. ;t t - 中华人民共和国交通运输(水冉、行业标准水上通信、,导航、dJT 4607-89 人民交通出版社出版发行(北京和平里东街10号各地新华书店经销人民交通出版社印刷厂印刷开本:880 x 1230 1/16 印张:2 字数:122千1 9 9 1年4月第1版1 991年4月第1版第1次印刷印棋.0001一1000册立价:6.00元ISBN 7-114-01090-7 U00712


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