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1、2015届浙江富阳新登镇中学九年级 10月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * The underlined part in the word “heard” is pronounced as _. A / i / B / : / C / / D / u / 答案: B 试题分析:句意:单词 heard中划线部分的发音是 。在单词 heard中划线部分的发音是 / : /。所以选 B。 考点:考查读音规则。 -Give me a minute to check out, and Ill meet you outside the hotel. -_, Mike. I am not in a

2、 hurry. A Enjoy yourself B Dont mention it C Leave me alone D Take your time 答案: D 试题分析:句意: 给我一分钟来看看,我会在酒店外接你。 - 慢慢来,迈克。我不赶时间。 Enjoy yourself玩得开心,过得愉快; Dont mention it别提它;Leave me alone别管我,不要打扰我 ; Take your time别着急,慢慢来。根据语境可知该选 D。 考点:考查交际用语。 -Could you tell me _ -By searching the Internet. A how did

3、 Jimmy get the information B why Jimmy got the information C how Jimmy got the information D why did Jimmy get the information 答案: C 试题分析:句 意: -你能告诉我吉米怎样获得信息吗? 通过上网搜索。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序。结合答语可知该用疑问词how。所以选 C。 考点:考查宾语从句。 _ new words is important in _ English. A Memorize; learning B Memorizing; l

4、earn C Memorizing; learning D Memorize; learn 答案: C 试题分析:句意:记忆英语新单词对学习英语来说很重要。第一空上的动词与后面的名词一起构成动名词短语作句子主语;第二空上的词跟在介词之后该用动名词。所以选 C。 考点:考查非谓语动词。 -How long have you _ - Since 1990. A bought the MP3 B joined the party C become a midfield player D lived in the town 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -你住在镇上多久啦? -自从 1990以来 。句

5、中含有表示一段时间的状语 How long,所以谓语动词必须是延续性动词。而 bought、 joined、become都是瞬间动词,所以选 D。 考点:考查延续性动词。 -_ do you improve your English -I improve it _ practicing it more often. A How; with B What; with C How; by D What; by 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你怎样提高你的英语? -我通过经常练习来改善它。 How怎样; with 和,用(某种工具); What什么 ; by通过。所以选 C。 考点:考查疑问词及介

6、词辨析。 - Could you tell me _ -We lost the game, but we are still able to go to Australia. A where the China National team would play against Iraq B whether we won the soccer game against Iraq C when he saw the soccer game between PRC and Iraq D why he didnt watch the soccer game 答案: B 试题分析:句意: 你能告诉我我们

7、的足球队是否赢了伊拉克队吗? -我们输掉了比赛,但是我们仍然能够去澳大利亚。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序。结合答语中 We lost the game可知该选 B。 考点:考查宾语从句。 There is going to _ a sports meeting next week. If it _, well have to cancel(取消) A be, will rain B have, will rain C be, rains D have, rains 答案: C 试题分析:句意:下周将举行运动会。如果天下雨 _,我们将不得不取消。There be句型的 be

8、going to结构形式是 There is going to be;在条件状语从句中通常用一般现在时表示将来动作,而不用一般将来时。所以选 C。 考点: 考查动词时态。 -He has never spoken to a foreigner. -_. A So has his brother B So his brother does C Neither has his brother D Neither does his brother 答案: C 试题分析:句意: 他从来没有和外国人说过话。 -他的弟弟也一样。 So do/does Sb的结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的

9、人或物,意为 “ 也一样 ”。该结构中的助动词 do 根据前文的情况也可换成 is, am, are, was, were, does, did, can, could 等。但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither, nor引出倒装句 (此时不能用 so)。要注意后面的句子必须和前面的句子使用相同的动词时态。所以选 C。 考点:考查倒装句。 -I dont know if his uncle _. - I think he _ if it doesnt rain . A will come, comes B will come, will come C comes, comes D c

10、omes, will come 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -我不知道他的叔叔是否来。 -我认为如果不下雨他就回来。在第一个句子中 if引导宾语从句,在第二个句子中 if引导条件状语从句。在含有宾语从句的主从复合句里,如果主句是一般现在时,那么从句可以根据表达需要选用动词时态。在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中要遵循主将从现的原则。所以选 B。 考点:考查动词时态。 The boy is afraid _ cross the bridge, because he is afraid _ falling into the river. A to; to B of; to C to; of D o

11、f; of 答案: C 试题分析:句意:这男孩害怕过桥,因为他害怕掉进河里。 Be afraid to do sth害怕做某事; be afraid of ( doing) sth害怕(做)某事。所以选 C。 考点:考查介词。 The writer found _ difficult _ English. A its ; learn B it; learning C its; learned D it; to learn 答案: D 试题分析:句意:那位作者发现学英语很难。 Find it + 形容词 + to do sth发现做某事 ,是一个常用句型,其中 it是形式宾语, to do st

12、h是真实宾语。所以选 D。 考点:考查代词及非谓语动词。 The English teacher added that having conversations _ friends was not _ at all. A in; help B with; helpful C on; helpless D at; helping 答案: B 试题分析:句意:英语老师补充说跟朋友对话根本没用。 have conversations with sb和某人对话。所以选 B。 考点:考查介词。 - Have you ever practice _ to foreigners - Oh, yes. It

13、improves my _ skills. A speak; speak B speaking; speak C speak; speaking D speaking; speaking 答案: D 试题分析:句意: 你曾练习和外国人说话吗? -噢,是的。它改善了我的口语。Practice doing sth练习做某事。 speaking skills 说的技能。所以选 D。 考点:考查非谓语动词。 My sister thinks Man from the Stars is such a fantastic TV series that she wants to see it _ secon

14、d time. A a B the C / D An 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我妹妹认为星外来人是一个很棒的电视剧,以致她想再看一次。不定冠词可以放在序数词前,表示 “再 ”的意思。 second是以辅音音素开头的单词。所以选 A。 考点:考查冠词。 完型填空 完形填空(共 15小题,计 15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案:。 Jason and Harry joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. They both worked very hard. After sev

15、eral years, the boss made Harry sales manager but Jason a salesman. One day Jason could not stand it anymore. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信 ) to the boss and complained that the boss did not hard-working employees, but only raised those tried to please him. He thought that it was really .

16、 In order to help Jason to realize the between him and Harry, the boss asked Jason to do the - Go and find out if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market. Charlie went, returned and only said, Yes. The boss asked, How much per kg Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to , $ 1

17、2 per kg. The boss told Jason that he would ask Harry the question. Harry went, returned and said, Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. $12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a total of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs about 15 kg, from the South two days ago. The

18、y are fresh, red, and of good . Jason was and he realized the difference between himself and Harry. He decided not to leave but to learn from Harry. My dear friends, you know, a more person is more observant(观察力敏锐的 ), thinks more and understands in . For the same matter, he sees several years ahead,

19、 you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you Think: How far have you seen ahead in your life How thoughtful are you 【小题1】 A made B became C remained D kept A enjoy B meet C treat D value A which B that C who D whom A unusual B unfair C careless D mea

20、ningless A competition B relationship C difference D distance A following B finding C shopping D searching A offer B answer C retell D repeat A familiar B difficult C same D simple A taken B come C bought D heard A look B quality C condition D shape A moved B surprised C puzzled D encouraged A impor

21、tant B intelligent C successful D hardworking A time B depth C need D common A while B though C unless D since A see B think C know D win 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 试题分析:短文大意:该文主要告诉读者

22、:成功的人通常有着更敏锐的观察力,思考得更多,理解得更深入。对于同一件事来说,成功的人能看到未来几年,而一般人只能看到明天。 【小题 1】考查动词及语境理解。句意:老板让哈利当销售经理,而杰森仍然是销售员。 made制造,做; became变成,成为; remained保持; kept保持,坚持。根据语境可知杰森仍然是销售员 ,所以该选 C。 【小题 2】考查代词及语境理解。句意:老板并没有使辛勤工作的员工发挥价值。 Enjoy欣赏,喜欢; meet遇见; treat治疗,款待; value 价值。根据句意结合语境可知该选 D。 【小题 3】考查疑问词及语境理解。句意:老板只提升那些讨好他的人

23、。 which哪一个; that 那; who谁; whom谁。指老板只提升那些讨好他的人,所填词这里是引导定语从句,而先行词 those指的是人,并在定语从句中作主语,所以选C。 【小题 4】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:他认为这是不公平的。 unusual不寻常的; unfair 不公平的; careless粗心的; meaningless无意义的。根据语境可知这里是说不公平的。所以选 B。 【小题 5】考查名词及语境理解。句意 :为了帮助杰森认识他和哈利之间的不同点。 competition竞争,比赛; relationship关系; difference异同; distance距离。 根

24、据语境这里指杰森和哈利之间的不同点,故选 C。 【小题 6】考查动词及语境理解。句意:老板要求杰森做下面的事 “ 去查明是否有人在市场上卖西瓜。 ”following跟随,接着; finding 找到; shopping购物;searching 搜查。根据语境可知这里指做下面的事情,故用 following。所以选 A。 【小题 7】考查动词及语境理解。句意:查利回到市场 去问,回来后回答。offer提供; answer回答; retell复述; repeat重复。根据语境可知这里指返回来后回答,故用 answer。所以选 B。 【小题 8】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:老板告诉杰森,他会问哈利

25、同样的问题。 familiar熟悉的; difficult困难的; same 同样的; simple简单的。根据语境可知这里指相同的问题,故选 C。 【小题 9】考查动词及语境理解。句意:西瓜两天前从南部买回来的, taken带走你,拿走; come来; bought 买; heard 听见。根据句意可知该选 C。 【小题 10】考查名词及语境理解。句意:他们是新鲜的,红色的,而且质量很好。 look外貌; quality质量; condition条件; shape形状。 of good quality 质量好,是一个固定短语,所以选 B。 【小题 11】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:杰森非常惊

26、讶他意识到自己和哈利之间的区别。 moved受感动的; surprised惊讶的; puzzled困惑的; encouraged鼓励。联系上段的描述可知该选 B。 【小题 12】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:亲爱的朋友,你知道,较成功的人有着更敏锐的观察力,思 考得多,理解深刻。 important 重要的; intelligent聪明的; successful成功的; hardworking辛勤的。根据语境这里指一个较成功的人他有着更敏锐的观察力 , 故选 C。 【小题 13】考查名词及语境理解。句意:亲爱的朋友,你知道,较成功的人有着更敏锐的观察力,思考得多,理解深刻。 time 时间; d

27、epth 深度; need 需要;common普通的,共同的。 固定短语, understand in depth ,深度理解,故选 B。 【小题 14】考查连词及语境理解。句意:对于同一件事, 他看到了几年以后,而你只看到明天。 while当 的时候,然而; though虽然,尽管; unless除非;since 自从,既然。 while 然而,两者比较。所以选 A。 【小题 15】考查动词及语境理解。句意:一年与一天之间的区别是 365倍的差距,所以你怎能获胜? See看见; think 思考,认为; know知道; win获胜。根据句意结合语境可知该选 D。 考点:故事类短文。 阅读理解

28、 All residents: Rules for living in Parkrise Flats We all want to live comfortably and safely here, so here are a few simple rules which we think all residents should follow. Rubbish Rubbish collection is on Tuesdays. Please do not leave rubbish bags out before Tuesday as birds and animals can break

29、 into them and they smell. Washing There is a washing line for every flat in the garden next to the car park. Please only dry your washing on these lines so it does not disturb(干扰 ) people in the ground floor flats. Cleaning The main stairs are cleaned twice a week by the Association, so please try

30、to keep them tidy and clean and do not leave furniture or bags on the stairs or in the hallways. Lights The main lights are on a timer and they stay on for five minutes when you press them. Please tell the Association if any lights are not working. Noise Residents are asked to keep noise to a minimu

31、m. Loud music, etc. can disturb other people and the Association will get in touch with you if you make too much noise. Safety Make sure the main outside door is always locked and do not let anyone in to the main building unless you know who they are. Sometimes people try to get in to the main stair

32、s and then break into flats, so do not let people in unless they are coming to see you. Parking Each flat has one car parking space. These are numbered and are at the back of the building. Do not use another residents space. If you have more than one car you will have to park it on the road. Do not

33、park where you are blocking entrances. Problems If you have any problems or questions, please call the Association at 0800 096 9000. Parkrise Housing Association 【小题 1】 Whats the purpose of the text A To list the services offered by the Association. B To make an advertisement for the flats. C To ask

34、 the residents to follow the rules. D To warn people against possible dangers. 【小题 2】 According to the text, which of the following is done once a week A Rubbish collections. B Drying the washing. C Cleaning the main stairs. D Changing the lights. 【小题 3】 People should dry their washing on the watchi

35、ng lines _. A at the car park B in the ground floor flats C in the hallways D in the garden 【小题 4】 The Association will talk with you if _. A lights are not working B you make too much noise C you let strange people in D you park your car on the road 【小题 5】 It can be learned from the text that _. A

36、people should leave the broken chairs on the stairs B the Association is always ready to help the residents C one can park the car at any numbered parking space D the lights will be on whenever you pass the main stairs 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:短文大意:为使公寓的居民有一个更加舒适和安全的居住环境,

37、居民协会制订了一些简单的规则,希望居民们能遵守。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据短文中 so here are a few simple rules which we think all residents should follow.(因此这里有一些简单的规则,我们希望所有居民都应该遵守)可知该选 C。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据短文中 Rubbish collection is on Tuesdays.(垃圾收集是在每周二)可知该选 A。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据短文中 There is a washing line for every flat in the garden next

38、to the car park.(在停车场旁边的花园里有为每栋公寓准备的晾衣绳)可知该选 D。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据短文中 the Association will get in touch with you if you make too much noise.(如果你制作太多噪音居委会会和你联系)可知该选 B。 【小题 5】推理判断题。根据文中信息,居委会为使居民有一个舒适和安全的居住环境做了很多工作,可知他们非常乐于帮助居民,所以该选 B。 考点:日常生活类阅读。 The human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms, but it can, ho

39、ld much more information than most computers. However, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers dont forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we dont usually have to. But everyone can improve their memory if they want

40、 to. Here are some suggestions. Try to use new information immediately. For example, if you meet someone who says Hi! Im Carlos, dont just say Hello. Repeat the persons name. Say_ Break a big number into smaller parts. For example, its hard to memorize 109244153. But if you break it into three parts

41、-109/244/153it becomes easier. Write out what you need to remember over and over again. This will help you keep it in mind longer, especially for memorizing formulas (公式 ) or facts. Always review information. If you bring what youve learned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. For exam

42、ple, before you go to sleep, its a good idea to review the new things you learned that day. Discuss with a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. You can have a discussion about whats right and whats wrong, and it will lead to the right answer. Never tell yourself that y

43、ou have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory. And everyones memory gets better if they use it often enough. All of the suggestions are helpful. If you follow them, you are certain to improve your memory. 【小题 1】 How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage A Thre

44、e. B Four. C Five. D Six. 【小题 2】 Which should be put in the blank (空格 ) in Paragraph 2? A Hello, Carlos. B How do you do C Hello, I am Sophia. D Glad to meet you! 【小题 3】 What can help memorize a big number more easily according to the passage A To store it in a computer. B To break it into stunner p

45、arts. C To discuss it with a friend. D To review it before you sleep. 【小题 4】 Which of the following is true according to the passage A Discussing with friends can help you remember things. B Always reviewing information can help you fall asleep. C Formulas and facts can help you learn about your bra

46、in. D Human beings can improve their memory by computer. 【小题 5】 What does the sentence Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory” mean A You should tell others about your bad memory. B You should believe in other people all the time. C You should ask others to improve their memory. D You should

47、 be confident in your memory ability. 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:短文大意:人类的大脑只有 1.4千克重,但是它能容纳的信息量比电脑还要多。只不过我们记忆的东西很容易遗忘掉。该文介绍了六种改善记忆力的方法 重复别人的名字、将很长的数字分段记忆、反复书写要记忆的公式或数据、经常复习回忆、与人一起讨论、不暗示自己记忆力差而是主动训练记忆力。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据该文介绍了六种改善记忆力的方法 重复别人的名字、将很长的数字分段记忆、反复书写要记忆的公式或数据、经常复习回忆、与人

48、一起讨论、不暗示自己记忆力差而是主动训练记忆力。可知该选 D。 【小题 2】推理判断题。根据前句的 “Repeat the persons name”可以得知答案:选 Hello, Carlos.所以选 A。 【小题 3】段落大意题。根据第三段 Break a big number into smaller parts.后面举例将一大数分成三段记忆更容易。 A项意为:把它储存在电脑里; B项意为:把它拆成小的片段 C项意为: 与朋友一起讨论; D项意为:睡觉前复习。所以选 B。 【小题 4】细节理解题。这题考查全文的主要意思,根据全文来判断哪一句符合文章内容。 A项意为:与朋友讨论可以帮助你记住


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