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1、2014届河南焦作第十七中学九年级模拟考试 5英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * - I hear _ new building appears in our school. - Yeah, its_ good place for teachers and students to do exercise. A the; a B a; a C a; the D the; the 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -我听说我们学校出现一栋新建筑。 -是,它是让老师和学生锻炼的好地方。第一个空中 “一栋新的建筑 ”是泛指,用不定冠词 a;第二个空中, “一个好地方 ”表示 “一类(物) ”,故也用不

2、定冠词 a。故选 B。 考点 :考查冠词的用法。 - Excuse me, can I visit you this afternoon - Maybe you can. Let me check . A whether I will be free B when will I have time C what time will Linda come D what does my mother come back 答案: A Thats the girl _ spirit is spread the whole area. A whom B whose C who D that 答案: B

3、试题分析:句意:那是精神被传播到整个地区的女孩。在定语从句中,当关系词修饰名词时用 whose,故选 B。 考点 :考查定语从句的用法。 - Do you know the accident about the flight MH370 - Yes. It _yet at present. A isnt found B didnt find C wasnt found D wasnt founded 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -你知道马航 MH370的事件吗? -是的。它想在还没被找到。at present目前,主语是动作的承受着,故用一般现在时的被动语态。故选 A。 考点 :考查被动语态

4、的用法。 -I saw Li Ming standing in the teachers office. -Really He _ basketball with other boys on the playground just now. A has played B was played C was playing D is playing 答案: C 试题分析:句意: - 我看见李明正站在老师办公室。 -真的吗?他刚才还正在操场和其他男孩打篮球。根据题干意思可知用过去进行时。故选 C。 考点 :考查过去进行时的用法。 - Would you like _ camp with me - I

5、d like to. But I am busy _ my homework. A to go; to do B to go; doing C going; to do D going; doing 答案: B 试题分析:句意: - 你想和我一起去野营吗? - 我想去。但是我忙着做家庭作业。 would like to do sth.“想要做某事 ”; be busy doing sth. “忙于做某事 ”。故选 B。 考点 :考查非谓语动词的用法。 - Lin Tao, can I use your English dictionary - Sure. But you _ return it

6、 before the class. A must B can C may D would 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -林涛,我能用你的英语字典吗? -当然。但是你课前必须归还。 A. must必须; B. can能; C. may可以; D. would将要。故选 A。 考点 :考查情态动词的辨析。 - What do you think of pollution of the big factory - Its a serious problem. We should _ all the people to do something for it. A put up B call up

7、 C set up D give up 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -你认为这个大工厂的污染怎么样? -这是个很严重的问题。我们应该号召所有的人来为它做些事情。 put up“挂起 ”; call up“号召 ”; set up“建立 ”; give up“放弃 ”。根据题意选 B。 考点 :考查词组辨析。 There is little water in your cup, _ A isnt it B is it C isnt there D is there 答案: D 试题分析:句意:你杯子里几乎没水了,是吗? little“少的,几乎没有的 ”,是否定词,故反问句用肯定形式。选 D。

8、 考点 :考查反意疑问句的用法。 - What are you doing here, Mrs. White -Im waiting for my son. He_ back from school. A hasnt come B wont come C doesnt come D didnt come 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -怀特夫人,你在这儿做什么? -我在等我的儿子。他还没有从学校返回。故 用现在完成时,选 A。 考点 :考查现在完成时的用法。 - Why are you taking a bag with you - Im going to buy something. The

9、 supermarkets dont _ free plastic bags to shoppers to protect the environment. A take B show C provide D carry 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你为什么拿着一个包? -我想去买些东西。超市为了保护环境不再提供免费的塑料袋。 A. take拿走; B. show展示; C. provide提供; D. carry搬。故选 C。 考点 :考查动词辨析。 - Can we find before an earthquake - Yes. Some animals will run wildl

10、y and some plants will come out in the wrong season. A something unusual B anything unusual C unusual something D unusual anything 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -地震前我们能发现任何不寻常的事吗? -是的。一些动物会狂奔,而且一些植物会在错误的季节出现。形容词修饰不定代词需要后置,在疑问句中用 anything,故选 B。 考点 :考查不定代词的用法。 - Cant you see all the foreign players are quite strong

11、- Yes. But the Chinese players got the gold medal _. A terribly B weakly C luckily D badly 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你没看到所有的外国选手都很强壮吗? -是的。但是中国选手幸运地获得了金牌。 A. terribly糟糕地; B. weakly虚弱地; C. luckily幸运地; D. badly差地。故选 C。 考点 :考查副词的辨析。 - _, is there a famous place I can travel in your hometown - Certainly. You can

12、visit Mount Huang. A On the way B In the way C To the way D By the way 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -顺便问一下,你家乡有什么著名的景点吗? -当然。你可以参观黄山。 on the way“在 路上 ”; in the way“阻碍 ”; by the way“顺便问一下 ”。故选 D。 考点 :考查介词词组辨析。 -What happened to you this morning -The teacher wanted to know the _ why I was late for the meeting. A in

13、formation B conversation C reason D purpose 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你今天早上怎么了? -老师想知道我开会迟到的原因。 I was late for “ 我迟到了 ”,故老师想知道 “原因 ”,故选 C。 考点 :考查名词的辨析。 完型填空 完形填空( 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案:。 Reading is very important to children. It can _ the way children think. Book

14、s can help children improve their skills and learn more about the world. However, choosing the right book for a child isnt an easy job. If we choose a book that is too easy, the child wont get a challenge, and he or she will make _ progress in reading. If we choose a book that is too difficult, the

15、child can _ his or her interest and even stop reading. The following are a few _ on how to choose the right book for your child. First, _ buying a book, open it and have your child read a page of it. When he or she meets a few new words, ask him or her to raise a finger. If the child raises five fin

16、gers before he or she _ the page, it means the book is too difficult. On the other hand, if the child raises no finger after reading the whole page _, the book is probably too easy. Usually, raising two or three fingers means that the book is _ for your child! Second, choose books that can _your chi

17、lds attention. Most children like books that have many pictures and everyday things in their lives. Thirdly, choose books _ small essays or stories. These kinds of books will give children some time to rest as they read them. 【小题1】 A mention B influence C suggest D break A many B much C little D few

18、 A lose B get C show D take A advice B information C question D suggestions A until B after C before D unless A collects B finishes C organizes D buys A slowly B quietly C heavily D quickly A expensive B cheap C important D perfect A catch B describe C stop D change A to B with C for D in 答案:【小题 1】

19、B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 试题分析:阅读对孩子很重要。它可以影响孩子思考的方式,帮助孩子提高技巧并更多的了解世界。然而,为孩子选择合适的书并不容易。太容易,孩子将没有进步。太难,孩子将失去兴趣。为孩子选择合适的书可以遵循以下建议:首先,应该在买书之前翻开,让你的孩子先看一页。第二,选择能够吸引孩子的注意力的书。第三,选择带有小短文或故事的书。 【小题 1】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。它可以 影响孩子思考的方式。 A. mention提到; B. infl

20、uence影响; C. suggest建议; D. break打破。故选 B。 【小题 2】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。他或她将会在阅读上几乎没有进步。 A. many许多,修饰可数名词复数; B. much许多,修饰不可数名词; C. little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词; D. few几乎没有,修饰可数名词。前文有提示 “the child wont get a challenge”,故可知选 C。 【小题 3】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。如果我们选择的书太难 ,这个孩子会丧失她的兴趣。 A. lose失去; B. get获得; C. show展示; D. take拿走。前文有提示 “a

21、 book that is too difficult”,故选 A。 【小题 4】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。接下来是如何为孩子们选择合适的书的建议。 A. advice 建议,不可数名词; B. information信息; C. question问题;D. suggestions建议。 a few意为 “少许,一些 ”,其后跟可数名词的复数形式。故选 D。 【小题 5】考查连词辨析及对语境的理解。首先,应该在 买书之前翻开,让你的孩子先看一页。 A. until直到 才; B. after在 之后; C. before在 之前; D. unless除非。故选 C。 【小题 6】考查动词辨析

22、及对语境的理解。如果孩子在完成这一页前竖起五个手指,这意味着书太难了。 A. collects收集; B. finishes结束; C. organizes组织;D. buys买。表示 “读完这一页 ”用动词 finish,故选 B。 【小题 7】考查副词辨析及对语境的理解。另一方面,如果孩子很快读完这一页没有举起手指,这本书可能就太容易了。 A. slowly慢地; B. quietly安静地;C. heavily沉重地; D. quickly快速地。故选 D。 【小题 8】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。通常,竖起两个或三个手指意味着这本书对孩子合适。 A. expensive昂贵的; B.

23、 cheap便宜的; C. important重要的; D. perfect完美的,正确的。根据短文意思,孩子只是对书的内容感兴趣,并不会在意 “贵、贱与重要 ”与否。故选 D。 【小题 9】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。第二,选择能够吸引孩子的注意力的书。 A. catch抓住; B. describe描述; C. stop停止; D. change改变。故选 A。 【小题 10】考查介词辨析及对语境的理解。第三,选择带有小短文或故事的书。A. to到; B. with带着 ; C. for为了; D. in在 里面。故用 with,选 B。 考点:教育类阅读。 阅读理解 It was a d

24、ark and stormy night. I was about to go to bed when I heard a tapping sound on my window. “Whos there ” I shouted. Suddenly there was a flash of lighting; I saw a face at the window. It looked like an alien that I have seen on the television show. I felt very scared. I ran to my bed and pulled my bl

25、anket(毛毯 ) over my head. I started to shout for my parents but there was no reply. Then I remembered that they were at a dress party. After a while my head showed up out of my blanket but it was too dark to see anything. Then I heard footsteps. They were getting louder and louder. It was dark but I

26、knew the way to drawer where I kept my camera. I ran there and took out my camera and started to take pictures in the direction of the window. Soon the footsteps died off, maybe because of my taking picture. The grandfather clock struckIt was 12 midnight. I went back to my bed and tried to sleep. Bu

27、t I couldnt sleep. I felt too frightened. I sat up; my mind was full of thoughts. Time passed, one oclock, two oclock, . Finally, I fell asleep. I woke up only after eight and decided to find out the truth. I found some footprints outside my bedroom window. I measured them with a tape(卷尺 ) and found

28、 them to be exactly the same size as my fathers shoes. The footprints ended at the door of my house. I then went to town to get the film developed(洗胶片 ). But when I saw the photos, they were black and I could hardly see anything. Then I remembered that I did not use the flash. When I reached home, I

29、 told my father the whole matter and he started to laugh. I also started laughing when he told me that he had dressed up as an alien for the party. 【小题 1】 The writer _ when a face appeared at the window. A was tapping the window B was watching a flash of lighting C was about to go to bed D was watch

30、ing TV 【小题 2】 Whats the right order during the night a. shouted for parents b. sat up on the bed c. heard the footsteps d. took the pictures e. covered the head A bcaed B eacdb C bacde D ecbad 【小题 3】 What does the underlined phrase “died off” mean A逃跑 B死掉 C消失 D重现 【小题 4】 Why did the writers father la

31、ugh A He had heard a strange dream for the kid. B He thought the writer was a coward (胆小的 ) kid. C He thought he dressed up as an alien successfully. D He found out the truth about the alien last night. 【小题 5】 Whats the best title for this passage A A Terrifying Dream B A Scary Night C The Frightene

32、d Kid D The Allens footprints 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:在一个暴风雨的黑夜,我想睡觉时听到窗户上的敲击声,看到一个像电视里外星人的脸,非常害怕,开始喊父母,却没有回应,才想起来他们去参加化妆舞会了。后来,我拿起相机朝窗户方向拍照。第二天拿卷尺量窗户外的脚印却发现尺寸和父亲的鞋子一样。回到家后告诉父亲整件事,他笑了,当他告诉我他在化妆舞会上打扮成一个外星人时我也笑了。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据文章第一段 “I was about to go to bed when I heard”

33、,故选 C。 【小题 2】细节理解题。文章第二段、第三段和第四段对过程进行了详细的描述。根据文章描述的顺序,可知选 B。 【小题 3】词义猜测题。后文有提示,可能是由于我拍照的原因,故猜测词义为 “消失 ”。故选 C。 【小题 4】推理判断题。作者知道是父亲化妆成外星人后笑了,而父亲觉得自己化妆的很成功并真能以假乱真使孩子以为是外星人而发笑。故选 C。 【小题 5】主旨大意题。本文描述了作者所遭遇的一个恐怖的夜晚,故选 B。 考点:故事类阅读。 Making friends might seem to come easy for some persons, but its maybe very

34、 hard for most persons. No matter how many friends you might already have, it is always a good idea to make new friends. Being shy keeps a lot of people from making friends. Also, making friends might need a person to step outside of their comfortable places, which are hard for a lot of people, whet

35、her they are shy or not. However, overcoming the shyness to step out of your box is an important step in making friends. There are lots of ways to meet new friends. First of all, remember that a good friendship is based on interests, so if you are ready to make friends, start to join clubs or go pla

36、ces where you have interest. For instance, if you like to play sports, join a sports team or after school sports club. If you have interests in music or writing, join clubs or organizations that you are interested in. When you see someone in a place like that, and you think that they look nice, it i

37、s always a good idea to go up to them and introduce yourself and ask interesting questions so that you can start a conversation. Dont put too much pressure on yourself, and remember that friendships dont always happen quickly. Some friendships happen right away, and youll be able to tell if someone

38、will be a great friend right after you meet them. Some friendships take a long time to develop. Anyway, the friends that you meet are going to be worth it. If a friendship develops quickly, it doesnt mean that it is extra valuable, and if a friendship takes a long time to develop, it doesnt mean tha

39、t it isnt worth it because its too hard. Making friends might be a bit difficult for you, and the friends you will make may not look anything like you. However, even though it might be scary to start conversations, you are worth doing it. All friendships start with a single hello. 【小题 1】 From the pa

40、ssage, its _ to make friends for most people. A easy B convenient C impossible D difficult 【小题 2】 If you want to make friends, you should _. A ask your parents for help B go out of your own box C obey others requests D talk more with shy persons 【小题 3】 What are the friends like after you have them A

41、 Theyll do the same things as you. B Theyll go to the same places. C They may not look anything like you. D They may give all you need 【小题 4】 According to this passage, we know _. A if we have many friends, it isnt necessary to make new friends B stepping out of the comfortable places is easy for ou

42、tgoing persons C friendships always happen quickly if you introduce yourself D the same interests among persons may make you get the friendship 【小题 5】 What does the writer want to tell us A How can we make friends B What is the friendship C Who can we make friends with D When do friendships happen 答

43、案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:交朋友对有些人是容易的,但是对大多数人是来说可能很困难。克服害羞心理并走出去是交友的重要一步。结交新朋友有很多方法。好的友谊是建立在共同的兴趣基础之上的。一些友谊是立刻发生的,有些需要发展很长时间。即使害怕开始谈话,你也值得这样做。所有的友谊都是从一个简单的问候开始的。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据文章第一句 “but its maybe very hard for most persons”, hard相当于 difficult,表示 “困难的 ”。故选 D。 【小题 2】细节理解题。短文

44、的第二段着重说明了只有走出自己的 “舒适的小天地 ”才能交到朋友,克服害羞心理并走出去是交友的重要一步。故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句 “the friends you will make may not look anything like you”。故选 C。 【小题 4】推理判断题。根据各个句子的意思,只有选项 D符合文章意思,在短文第三段,作者对 “好的友谊是建立在共同的兴趣基础之上的 ”进行了详尽的说明。故选 D。 【小题 5】主旨大意题。本文主要说明怎样去交友。故选 A。 考点:生活类阅读。 Films in Oscar Cinema this week

45、 Dear Child Directed by Peter ChanMainly acted by Zhao Wei, Bo Huang, David Film type: Family From Monday to Wednesday, at 8:00 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB ¥ 55 Phurbu & TenzinDirected by Dongyu Fu Mainly acted by Lawang Lop, Ngawang Rinchen, Sonam Dolgar, Xue Yang Film type: History From Wednesday to S

46、aturday, at 8:00 p. m. Ticket price: RMB ¥ 50 Despicable Me 2 Directed by Pierre-Louis Padang CoffinMainly dubbing speakers(配音演员 ) by Dengchao, Wang Xiaowei, Hu Lianhua Film type: Cartoon From Saturday to Sunday, at 7:30 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB ¥ 60 (Half on Sun-day for students) Enders Game Directe

47、d by Gavin HoodMainly acted by Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Hailee Steinfeld Film type: Action, science fiction From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8:00 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB ¥ 45 根据材料内容选择最佳答案:,并将其标号填入提前括号内。 【小题 1】 The film directed by_ is a Family movie. A Dongyu Fu B Gavin Hood C Peter

48、 Chan D Pierre-Louis Padang Coffin 【小题 2】 If you want to see the film which was directed by Gavin Hood, you can go to the cinema on_. A Monday B Wednesday C Friday D Saturday 【小题 3】 Students need to pay _ when they want to see the film Despicable Me 2. A¥ 25 B¥ 30 C¥ 60 D¥ 20 【小题 4】 If you only have time for a fil


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