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1、2013-2014学年山东省临沂市沂水县九年级第一学期期中英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 【小题 1】 Can you tell me how to _ ( pronunciation) the word 【小题 2】 Most students are _ ( sleep) in the afternoon, so they need to have a rest 【小题 3】 This book might belong to _ ( he) 【小题 4】 No one will believe you any longer if you are _ ( honest) even once

2、 【小题 5】 Ben is one of the _( funny) boys in our class 【小题 6】 Wei Ming feels _( different) about the ways of learning English words 【小题 7】 _ ( who) hair band is this 一 It must be Marys She is the only girl who has long hair 答案:【小题 1】 pronounce 【小题 2】 sleepy 【小题 3】 him 【小题 4】 dishonest 【小题 5】 funniest

3、 【小题 6】 differently 【小题 7】 Whose 试题分析: 【小题 1】句意为:你能告诉我这个词怎么发音吗?所给单词是名词形式,根据语境,这里应用动词形式,与 to构成动词不定式。故应填: pronounce。 【小题 2】句意为:很多学生下午都困倦,因此他们需要休息 。所给词是动词形式,根据语境,这里应用形容词形式,表示 “有睡意的 ”、 “困倦的 ”,故应填:sleepy。 【小题 3】句意为:这本书也许是属于他的。 belong to 是固定短语,表示 “属于 ”,其中 to是介词,后接代词应用宾格。故应填: him。 【小题 4】句意为:如果你哪怕有一次不诚实,就没有

4、人再相信你了。这是一个虚拟条件句,即假设条件成立,就会产生这样(别人不相信)的后果。根据语境可知,这里指的是 “不诚实 ”,故应填: dishonest。 【小题 5】句意为:本是我们班最风趣的男孩之一。根据语境,在 “我们班 ”这个范围内,有 “风趣 ”特性的男孩很多,本是其中 “最风趣的 ”,应用最高级。故应填: funniest。 【小题 6】句意为:对于学习英语单词的方法,魏明感觉不同。所给词是形容词,根据语境,这里应用副词形式修饰动词 feel,故应填: differently。 【小题 7】句意为: -这是谁的发带? -准是玛丽的,她是唯一有长头发的女孩。根据语境,这里指的是所属关

5、系,应用表示属性的疑问词,故应填: whose。 考点:词汇填空 单项选择 * Who taught French Nobody She learned all by_ A herself; her B she; herself C her; herself D her; she 答案: C 试题分析:句意为: -谁教她法语?没人教。她全是自学的。在 “teach sb French”中人称代词要用宾格,即做动词 teach的宾语; “teach by oneself” 是固定短语,表示 “自学 ”。 故选 C。 考点:考查代词。 We are going to play in tomorro

6、ws football match I feel very nervous Dad _ Im sure you can win the match A Sorry B Take it easy C Good idea D Have fun 答案: B 试题分析:句意为: -我们就要参加明天的足球比赛了。爸爸,我觉得很紧张。-别紧张,我相信你们一定会赢下这场比赛。 Sorry :对不起, Take it easy:别紧张, Good idea :好主意, Have fun:玩得开心。根据语境可知应选 B。 考点:考查情景反应。 The man _ is talking to our teache

7、r is Bettys father A which B whom C who D what 答案: C 试题分析:句意为:正在和我们老师说话的那个人是贝蒂的父亲。在定语从句中,从句的引导词根据先行词而定。 which :先行词指事物, whom :先行词指人,作宾语, who :先行词指人,作主语, what:不作定语从句的引导词,指事物。根据语境可知应选 C。 考点:考查定语从句。 If you have trouble pronouncing these words, you can repeat them over and over again _ you are comfortabl

8、e with them A unless B if C until D while 答案: C 试题分析:句意为:这些词如果你发音有困难,你可以重复发几次直到你适应它们。 unless:除非、如果不, if :如果、是否, until :直到 , while:当 时候。根据语境可知应选 C。 考点:考查连词。 一 Would you like to go to the amusement park If Jack does , _ A I go too B so will I C neither will I D so do I 答案: B 试题分析:句意为: -你想去游乐园吗? -如果杰克去

9、,我也去。“so/neither+be动词(助动词、情态动词) +主语 ” 表示前面所叙述的事实也适合于另一个人, “也 (不 )”之意。 “so+主语 +be动词(助动词、情态动词) ”表示肯定前面所叙述的是事实, “确实如此 ”之意。故选 B。 考点:考查倒装句。 Its difficult to get to the other side of the river I think a bridge _ over the river A should be built B should build C will build D has built 答案: A 试题分析:句意为: -很难到达

10、河的对岸。 -我认为应该在河上建一座桥。根据语境,句中逻辑主语是动作的承受者,应用被动语态。故选 A。 考点:考查被动语态。 She said she returned the book to the library Im sure she _ A did B does C is D was 答案: A 试题分析:句意为:她说她把书归还图书馆了。我相信她还了。代动词是代替前面提到的某个动作,以避免重复。根据语境,本句用的是一般过去时,故选A。 考点:考查动词。 一 Do you know why he didnt _ a word when he _ to Because he was t o

11、o nervous A speak; speaks B say; Was spoken C say; spoke D speak; is spoken 答案: B 试题分析:句意为: -你知道为什么他被谈话时不说话吗? -因为他太紧张了。speak 的意思是 “说话 ”,作不及物动词,通常指说话的能力和方式,也有 “演讲,发言 ”之意;作及物动词时,其后宾语多是表示语言的名词。 speak to常表示“同 说话 ”。 say 意思是 “说 ”,强调说话的内容。根据语境,这里有被动意义,即被谈话时的情形。故选 B。 考点:考 查动词辨析。 Do you know the price of the

12、 ticket Yes Each _ ¥ 180 A pays B costs C takes D spends 答案: B 试题分析:句意为: -你知道票价吗? -知道。每张 180元。 spend, cost, take和 pay都可以表示 “花费 ”,但用法却不尽相同。 spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构: (1) spend time money on sth. 在 上花费时间(金钱)。 (2) spend time money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。 (3)spend money for sth. 花钱买 。 cost的主语是物或某种活动,

13、还可以表示 “值 ”, 常见用法如下: (1)sth. costs (sb.) 金钱 ,某物花了(某人)多少钱。 (2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) 时间 ,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。 pay的基本用法是: (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买 。 (2)pay for sth. 付 的钱。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。 (4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。( 5) pay money back 还钱。( 6) pay off ones money还清钱。 Take常用于句型 it take sb some tim

14、e to do sth结构中。根据语境可知应选 B。 考点:考查动词辨析。 You mustnt go off on your own, because you _ get lost in the mountains A should B must C need D might 答案: D 试题分析:句意为:你不能自己下山,因为你可能会在山中迷路。 should :应该, must :必须, need :需要, might:也许、可能。根据语境可知应选 D。 考点:考查情态动词。 一 Diaoyu Island belongs to China 一 Surely it does! We Chi

15、nese never _ it up A cut B fix C give D put 答案: C 试题分析:句意为: -钓鱼岛属于中国的。当然了,我们中国人绝不让步。 cut up:切开, fix up:维修, give up:让步、放弃, put up:张贴。根据语境可知应选 C。 考点:考查动词短语。 There was thick haze (雾霾) in our city this year What do you think of it I think _ cars we drive , _pollution our city will have A the fewer; the

16、fewer B the fewer; the less C the more; the fewer D the more; the less 答案: B 试题分析:句意为: -今年我们城市雾霾很重,你觉得怎么样? -我认为我们开车越少,我们城市的污染就越少。 “the+比较级, the +比较级 ”结构,表示一方随着另一方的变化而变化。 fewer是 few的比较级,修饰可数名词; less是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词。根据语境, car是可数名词, pollution是抽象名词,抽象名词一般用作不可数名词。故选 B。 考点:考查形容词比较 级。 Linda felt very _

17、after the long way, she stopped to have a rest A surprised B shy C tired D excited 答案: C 试题分析:句意为:走了这么远的路之后,琳达感觉非常疲倦,她停下来休息了一会。 surprised:惊讶的, shy :害羞的, tired :疲倦的, excited:兴奋的。根据语境可知应选 C。 考点:考查形容词辨析。 Its reported that Xi Jinping arrived _ Moscow _ March 22nd to play a three-day visit to Russian A a

18、t; on B in; on C at; in D m; in 答案: A 试题分析:句意为:据报道,习近平于 3月 22日抵达莫斯科对俄罗斯进行为期3天的访问。通常, arrive at指到达小地方, arrive in指到达大地方。但是,大地方,小地方是相对的。一般是到家里和到一个城镇,那么家就是小地方,城镇是大地方。如果是到一个城市 和一个国家,那么当然是城市小,国家大了。此外,在表示具体某一天的时间前应用介词 on。根据语境可知应选 A。 考点:考查介词。 Li Ming has a good habit of reading English _ every day A knowled

19、ge B information C advice D news 答案: D 试题分析:句意为:李明有一个每天阅读英语新闻的好习惯。 knowledge:知识, information:信息, advice:建议, news:新闻、消息。根据语境,这里应指的是阅读新闻。故选 D。 考点:考查名词辨析。 阅读理解 Now more than 20 schools in the northeast of China【小题 1】 _( use) E-textbooks Some teachers say they make Laming easier and【小题 2】 _ ( teach) mor

20、e convenient Jing Xuan is excited about lessons about Chinese, English and math She【小题 3】_( enjoy) the pictures and animations(动画) in the E-textbooks The children here【小题 4】 _ ( study) with E-textbooks since last September With the help of the E-textbooks, some good ideas【小题 5】 _ ( share) at times S

21、ome parents encourage their children【小题 6】 _ ( try) the E-textbooks to make learning easier But others worry about their childrens health “You cant imagine how the growing popularity of E-textbooks【小题 7】 _ ( change) the way the students learn More and more students【小 题 8】 _ ( 1earn) with E-textbooks

22、 in the future However theres still a long way to go ”said the headmaster 答案:【小题 1】 are using 【小题 2】 teaching 【小题 3】 enjoys 【小题 4】 have studied 【小题 5】 are shared 【小题 6】 to try 【小题 7】 is changing 【小题 8】 will lear 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了目前中国东北地区的 20多 所学校使用电子教材的现象,以及人们对此现象的看法。 【小题 1】根据语境,可知句意为:目前中国东北地区有 20多所学校使

23、用电子教材。应用现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作,故填 are using。 【小题 2】根据语境,可知句意为:一些老师说电子教材使得学习更容易了,教学更方便了。在句中, “学 ”和 “教 ”同作 make的宾语,应用相同的词性,故应填 teaching。 【小题 3】根据语境,这里指的是他喜欢电子教材中的图片和动画。在时态上应与前文保持一致,即一般现在时,因为其主语是第三人称单数,故应填:enjoys。 【 小题 4】根据语境可知句意为:这里的孩子自从去年九月就已经使用电子教材了。这是一个从过去发生,对现在造成某种影响或结果的动作,应用现在完成时,故应填: have studied。 【小

24、题 5】根据语境,这里指的是一些好的观点不时被分享。句中主语是动作的承受者,应用被动语态。由于是一般现在时,主语非第三人称单数,故应填:are shared。 【小题 6】根据语境,可知句意为:一些家长鼓励他们的孩子尝试电子教材以使学习更容易。 encourage sb to do sth是习惯用法,故应填: to try。 【小题 7】根 据语境,可知句意为:你无法想象电子教材的增长普及是如何在改变学生的学习方式的。在句中,主语是电子教材的增长普及这件事,应视为单数人称,时态应用现在进行时,表示 “正在改变学生们的学习方式 ”,故应填:is changing。 【小题 8】语境语境,可知句意

25、为:将来越来越多的学生能够运用电子教材学习。这是对将来的一种预测,应用一般将来时,故应填: will learn。 考点:短文填空。 People often say “Come to see me soon”, but dont believe them! You should ring someone before you visit them to make sure that they are not busy When you first receive an invitation, you should think about if you really want to go No

26、body will be angry if you dont want to go You can say, “Thank you, but I cant make it this time ” If you accept an invitation but later realized you cant go, you should tell the host or hostess as soon as possible If you receive a written invitation that says PSVP( please reply), you have to tell th

27、e host if you will be going or not You dont have to bring a gift with you However, people think it is polite to bring a small gift if you have been invited for a meal or are going to stay for a few days If you are going for dinner, the host or hostess will be happy if you give him or her a box of ch

28、ocolates or a bottle of wine A guest should ask their host or hostess if they can help in the kitchen Offering to help is more important than actually helping If your visit was for a few days, you could send a thank you letter to the host or hostess If you had a meal, you could give them a telephone

29、 call to say thank you 【小题 1】 Why should you ring someone before you visit them _ 【小题 2】 If you cant go to the party after receiving an invitation, what should you do _ 【小题 3】 Will people be angry if you dont bring any gift _ 【小题 4】 What gifts will make the host or the hostess happy _ 【小题 5】 What sh

30、ould you do after you visited your friends for a few days _ 答案:【小题 1】 Because I want to know if they are busy 【小题 2】 I should tell the host or hostess as soon as possible 【小题 3】 No, they dont 【小题 4】 A box of chocolates or a bottle of wine 【小题 5】 I should send a thank-you letter to them 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述

31、如何接受邀请和拒绝邀请。文章介绍,不管是接受邀请还是因故拒绝邀请,都应提前让主人知道。同时,给主人带点小礼物或者向主人提供帮助 被认为是有礼貌的表现。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据短文第一段 You should ring someone before you visit them to make sure that they are not busy的描述可知,要拜访别人应该打电话确认对方是否有空。故可答: Because I want to know if they are busy 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据短文第二段 If you accept an invitation but l

32、ater realized you cant go, you should tell the host or hostess as soon as possible的描述可知,如果应邀后又不能参加,应尽快告知主人。故可答: I should tell the host or hostess as soon as possible。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据短文第三段的描述可知,即使不给主人带小礼物,主人也不会生气。故可答: No, they dont 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据短文第三段最后一句 If you are going for dinner, the host or hoste

33、ss will be happy if you give him or her a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine的描述可知,如何参加晚宴,为主人带一盒巧克力或者一瓶酒,这样会令主人很开心。故可答: A box of chocolates or a bottle of wine。 【小题 5】细节理解题。根据短文最后一段 If your visit was for a few days, you could send a thank you letter to the host or hostess的描述可知,拜访朋友几天之后应该给朋友写封感谢信。故

34、可答: I should send a thank-you letter to them 考点:人生百味类短文阅读。 Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork It can make you confident when you are studying【小题 1】 If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, thats great You can copy them or write down the most important fact

35、s of all in class Different teachers do things differently For example, some teachers may focus on(关注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard【小题2】 but they may repeat them Dont try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important

36、 points【小题 3】 Dont be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what youre missed If your teacher speaks too fast and you cant follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning【小题4】 Notetaking also needs organization Keep notes f

37、or each subject in one place, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes 【小题 5】 If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, you11 surely have less time to watch 7FV But youll save time in the coming test A It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes B Some stud

38、ents really learn better with the help of these notes C However, most students dont know how to take notes D Good note taking takes time E It isnt interesting but you may find it very useful F Other teachers may not write anything down 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要讲述

39、了如何做笔记的问题。文章介绍,做笔记可以抄录重要内容,不必全抄,要敢于向老师询问遗漏的东西,还要与同学对照笔记,将笔记集中整理,不怕耗费时间。 【小题 1】联系下文的描述可知,文章重点是如何做笔记的。故选 C, However, most students dont know how to take notes 【小题 2】根据上文 some teachers may focus on-的描述可知,一些老师只把重要内容写在黑板上,而其他老师也 许什么都不写。故选 F, Other teachers may not write anything down 【小题 3】根据语境,这里是指不全抄每个

40、词以免遗漏一些要点这样的做笔记方法确实能够帮助一些学生学得更好。故选 B, Some students really learn better with the help of these notes 【小题 4】根据语境,这里指的是与同学对照笔记对学习有好处,还可以与同学相互纠正错误。故选 A, It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes 【小题 5】联系下文 you11 surely have less time to watch 7FV But youll save time in the coming t

41、est的描述可知,做好笔记需要花费时间。故选 D, Good note taking takes time 考点:教育类短文阅读。 A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling left out at break because her best friend wasnt around Heres our advice to her, and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes Its hard when a best friend isnt around, maybe because she moved t

42、o a different school or a different class You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime You want to have new friends But how do you make them Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends But remember, theres always room for more friends Start by looking around your classroom-thinking abo

43、ut which kids youd like to play with at break。 Look for chances to say hi to them, smile and be friendly Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏) to them Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here ” at lunchtime When you are at break, walk over to kids you want

44、to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too ” or just join in If you have trouble doing this or if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends The best way to make friends is to be a friend Be kind, be friendly

45、, share, say nice things,offer to help, and pretty soon, you11 have one, or two, or even more new friends You might still miss that special best friend But when you see each other, you can share something you didnt have before she left: You can introduce her to your new friends! 【小题 1】 This passage

46、is written for _ A teachers B parents C students D visitors 【小题 2】 According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they _ A have trouble with their studies B dont have their best friends around C need their parents to be with them D are too young to look after themselves 【小题 3】 The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 means _ A sharing your ideas B talking before many people C studying better at sc


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