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1、2011 年广东省茂名市中考英语试卷与答案(解析版) 其他 A: Who is your favourite singer B: Li Yuchun. A: 【小题 1】 _ B: She was born in 1984 in Chengdu, Sichuan. A: So she is twenty-seven years old now. B: 【小题 2】 A: Do you know where she studied g: Yes. She studied at Sichuan Music College. 【小题 3】 A: Do you know what her hobbie

2、s are B: Sure. 【小题 4】 A: I know many young people like her.【小题 5】 B: Well, I think thats because she sings well. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 E 【小题 1】下句的含义表示她出生的时间和地点,所 以本句的含义为她何时何地出生,故本句空格处选 C。 【小题 2】上句的含义为所以她现在 27岁,所以本句的含义为说的对的含义,故本句空格处选 A。 【小题 3】上句的含义为她在四川音乐学院学习,所以本句的含义为她在大学是一名好

3、的学生,故本句空格处选 D。 【小题 4】上句的含义为你知道她的爱好吗,所以本句的含义为知道,她喜欢运动,唱歌和跳舞,故本句空格处选 B。 【小题 5】下句的含义为我认为她歌唱的好,所以本句的含义为为何能出名,故本句空格处选 E。 More than 200 activities have been held so far during the Chinese Language Year in Russia. It has not only made Chinese culture popular in Russia, but also improved understanding and f

4、riendship between Russians and Chinese people. More and more Russians begin to enjoy Chinese food and operas, watch TV programs to learn Chinese, and travel in China. Since the Chinese Language Year program in Russia started, so many events such as movie weeks, operas, Chinese language classes, lang

5、uage contests(比赛 ) and teaching programs have been popular in Russia. Through the activities, Russian people have had a chance to learn more about the Chinese culture. Literature, history and its life today. For example, the first group of 500 Russian students visited the Chinese cities of Beijing,

6、Dalian and Qingdao. There they painted both countries landmarks(界标 ), including the Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, the Kremlin( 克里姆林宫 ), the Volga River and the Red Square. When the Russian students returned, they took part in a photo contest and a writing contest to show their love for China. An

7、d Russians, especially young people, have become more and more interested in learning Chinese. To date, more than 130 universities in Russia are offering Chinese courses. More than 20 middle and primary schools have also taught Chinese as their first foreign language. 【小题 1】 _ activities were held i

8、n the Chinese Language Year in Russia. 【小题 2】 So many events _ in Russia since the program started. 【小题 3】 What have Russian people learnt from the activities 【小题 4】 How did the Russian students show their love for China when they came back 【小题 5】 How many schools are having Chinese courses in Russi

9、a 答案: 【小题 1】 Morn than (Over) 200 activities were held in the Chinese Language Year in Russia. 【小题 1】 So many events have been popular in Russia since the program started. 【小题 1】 They have learnt more about the Chinese culture, history and its life today. 【小题 1】 They took part in a photo contest and

10、 writing contest. 【小题 1】 More than 150 schools. More than 130 universities and more than 20 middle and primarv schools. 【小题 1】从文章的句子: Morn than (Over) 200 activities were held in the Chinese Language Year in Russia.可知答案:是 Morn than (Over) 200 【小题 1】从文章第二段的句子: Since the Chinese Language Year program

11、in Russia started, so many events such as movie weeks, operas, Chinese language classes, language contests(比赛 ) and teaching programs have been popular in Russia. 可知答案:是 have been popular。 【小题 1】从第三段的句子: Through the activities, Russian people have had a chance to learn more about the Chinese culture

12、. Literature, history and its life today.可知答案:是 They have learnt more about the Chinese culture, history and its life today. 【小题 1】从第三段的句子: When the Russian students returned, they took part in a photo contest and a writing contest to show their love for China.可知答案:是They took part in a photo contest

13、 and writing contest. 【小题 1】从最后一段的句子: more than 130 universities in Russia are offering Chinese courses. More than 20 middle and primary schools have also taught Chinese as their first foreign language.可知答案:是 :More than 150 schools. More than 130 universities and more than 20 middle and primarv scho

14、ols. 单项选择 * We dont know _ the meeting will be held soon. A when B what C whether D since 答案: C If we try our best, our dream will one day. A work out B come true C put up D show off 答案: B -There is still a copy of this book in the library. Will you go and borrow _ -No, I will buy in the bookstore.

15、A one; it B one; one C it ; one D it; it 答案: C You cant watch TV you finish your homework. A before B if C while D as 答案: A -Do you like the film -Yes, I do. In fact, Ive never seen a one. A good B better C worse D bad 答案: B -Dad, Ive got an A in the math exam. -Great. And Im sure you will do better

16、, because this is a good_. A report B result C start D skill 答案: C It will be two days before the decision_. A has made B will be made C was made D is made 答案: D -Im worried about my English. - _ harder _ you will catch up with your classmates. A Working; and B To work; or C Work; and D Worked; or 答

17、案: C I cant go to the cinema with you because I _ stay here until my mother comes back. A can B could C may D must 答案: D -I will take an important test tomorrow. -Oh, really _! A Good luck B Congratulations C Well done D What a pity 答案: A Mr. Black is going to marry a girl he _ in Japan last year. A

18、 meets B met C has met D would meet 答案: B Look at the pictures below, _ means that this way is for a person to run away from danger. 答案: A He told us that where _ a picnic was not decided yet. A having B to have C have D had 答案: B I dont know how to begin a talk with Betty. She can sit all day long

19、_a word. A. by B. with C, in D. without 答案: D Lets have_ break; I want to make_ telephone call. A a; a B a; the C the; a D the; the 答案: A 完型填空 Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large 36 . The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared

20、everything they got from their farm. One day, the single brother said to himself, Its not 37 that we share all the rice. Im 38 and I need less than my brother. So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and 39 across the field 40 their houses, putting it into his brothers store-room.

21、At the same time, the married brother thought, Its not fair to share all the rice. Im married and I have my wife and children to 41 me when I am 42_. However, my brother has no one to take care of his 43 So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brothers store-room. Several month

22、s passed by. They found 44 strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears 45 their eyes at once. 【小题1】 A group. B family C class D team A right B popul

23、ar C interesting D wrong A poor B happy C alone D rich A jumped B played C went D rode A from B through C off D between A look after B look for C look out D look at A worried B old C healthy D dead A hope B children C farm D future A them B this C it D that A appeared B filled C dropped D rose 答案: 【

24、小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【主旨大意】本文讲述的是在农场做工两兄弟。其中一个娶妻生子,另一个独身。由于他们为对方着想,就相互地每晚对方送一袋大米。几个月后,他们奇怪地发现大米的袋数没有少。直到一个漆黑的夜里他们相遇,才明白了一切,他们的眼里立刻充满的泪水。真是情谊无价。 【小题 1】 B由于一个结婚可知他有一个大的家庭,故选 B。 【小题 1】 A由语境可知此空应填 right, 意为 是不正确的,我们分享所有的大米 。 【小题 1】 C由句

25、The other had no wife yet可知他是 独自一人 ,故选 C。 【小题 1】 C go across 意为 穿过 。 【小题 1】 D由句 they lived in different houses可知,他们居住在不同房子里。也就是两个房子之间有一定的距离。故此空应填 between. 【小题 1】 A look after意为 照顾,关心 。 【小题 1】 B由句意应为 当我老了的时候,我有妻子和孩子照顾 ,故此空应填old. 【小题 1】 D句意为 我哥哥没有照顾他的未来 。故选 D。 【小题 1】 C it代替上文的 这件事 。 【小题 1】 B根据语意可知 眼里充

26、满泪水 ,故用 fill. When I was about 12, a girl in my class liked to point out my problems. I was too thin; I wasnt a good student; I talked too much, I was too 46 , and so on. At last, I became very angry and ran to my father. He listened to me 47 . Then he asked, Are these things true or not Do you know

27、 what you are really like Go and make a 48 of what she said and find the 49 that are true. I did as he told me. To my great 50 , I discovered that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change (like being very thin). But there were things I could and wanted to change. For the 51

28、time, I got a clear 52 of myself. I brought the list back to Dad. He refused to take it. Thats just for you. he said, You know the truth about 53 better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful. Our world is full of people who think they know you

29、r business. Dont 54 your ears and feel 55 . Listen to them. 【小题1】 A beautiful B proud C smart D rich A bravely B happily C quickly D quietly A joke B programme C list D record A secrets B mistakes C lessons D points A surprise B interest C opinion D fact A first B second C next D last A book B pictu

30、re C drawing D notice 【小题 8】 A. yourselves B. myself C, herself D. yourself 【小题9】 A clean B open C close D wash A hurt B safe C pretty D cheap 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【主旨大意】本文讲述的我被一同学指出一些缺点后,心里很不服气,最后在爸爸的帮助下,我意识到自己的缺点,同时也明白了,在生活中要

31、多听取意见,接受批评,认真改正,才能健康的成长。 【小题 1】 B。由句意可知在我的缺点中有 “我太自负 ”这一条,故选 B。 【小题 1】 D。根据语境 A(勇敢地)、 B(高兴地)、 C(迅速地)可知不符合句意,故选 D。 【小题 1】 C。 a list of 意为 “ 的清单 ”。 【小题 1】 D。根据句意可知,此处应表达为 “要点 ”,应用 points表示。故选 D。 【小题 1】 A。联系上下可知,应表 示为 “让我吃惊的是 ” 。故选 A。 【小题 1】 A。 for the first time 意为 “第一次;首次 ”。 【小题 1】 B。句意为 “第一次 ,我对自己有了

32、一个清楚的描绘。 ”picture在此意为 “描绘 ”。 【小题 1】 D。 yourself意为 “你自己的 ” 。 【小题 1】 C。由句意为 “不要听不进去 ”,可知此处应为 close. 【小题 1】 A。 feel hurt意为 “感觉受伤害。 阅读理解 You may have heard of the famous saying, East or West, home is the best. What does the word home mean to you How do you say the word in French In Chinese In your langu

33、age Although people usually know what the word means, it sometimes has no exact translation. Its not surprising, because the idea of home is different from country to country, and from person to person. A home is more than a roof and four walls. Its the cooking, eating, talking, playing and sleeping

34、 that go on inside. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed. Homes look different in different countries. They also have different things inside. For example, in cold northern Europe, theres a fire in the living room or kitchen and all the chairs face it. In the south, where the sun shines a l

35、ot and its more important to keep the heat out, there are small windows and cool stone floors. We asked some people about their homes. How often do people move house in your country In my country many people dont stay in one place for a very long time. They often move every ten years or so. -Chery,

36、Boston, USA. What a e features (特征 ) of homes in your country In Britain, even in town, theres always a garden. We have separate bedrooms and living rooms. But we dont often have balconies(阳台 ). The weather isnt warm enough ! -Pat, Exeter, England 【小题 1】 The word home sometimes has no exact translat

37、ion because_. A people cant find this word in the dictionary B no one knows what it is C it has different meanings in different countries D people cant understand each other very well 【小题 2】 According to the passage, at home, you can do everything except_. A making friends B cooking and eating C pla

38、ying and talking D sleeping and relaxing 【小题 3】 Why is it important to keep the heat out of the houses in southern Europe A Because they want to breathe fresh air outside. B Because theres a fire in the living room. C Because they wear heavy clothes all day long. D Because the sun there shines a lot

39、. 【小题 4】 From the second paragraph, what kind of homes people have depends on _. A whether they are rich or not B the climate(气候 ) they have C how old they are D whether they live in the city or countryside 【小题 5】 Which one of the sentences below is true A People in Britain seldom have balconies bec

40、ause its so hot outside. B Some Americans move house several times during their lifetime. C Homes look the same in different countries. D Houses in northern Europe have big windows and cool stone floors. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【主旨大意】本文是以一名言 “东奔西跑,还是家里好 ”引出,世界各地对 “家 ”理解,并介绍

41、根据世界许多地方房子的风格 、特点。 【小题 1】 C细节理解题。阅读第一段可知,家在不同的国家有不同的含义。故选 C。 【小题 1】 A :细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句 “Its cooking, eating, talking, playing, and sleeping that go on inside.”,可知选 A 【小题 1】 D细节理解题。由第二段句 “In the south, where the sun shines a lot and its more important to keep the heat out, there are small windows and

42、 cool stone floors.”可知选 D。 【小题 1】 B主旨理解题。第二段大意为 “什么样式的房子由当地气候决定的 ”故选 B。 【小题 1】 B细节理解题。由句 “They often move every ten years or so” 可知美国人大约十年 左右搬一次家。 I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son N

43、ick came over and asked me to write something on a piece of paper to make a sign for him. What for I asked. Im going to sell some of my stones, he answered. Nick was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones from all over. Im too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help, I sa

44、id. A short time later, Nick, returned with a sign, reading, Stones, One Dollar Each. He took the sign, a small chair and 4 of his best stones and walked to the road in front of our garden. There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair. After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to

45、 him and asked him to go back, but he didnt. Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up. A woman rolled down a window and read the sign. I couldnt hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the driver and the man reach for his pocket. I

46、 sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted, I told you I could sell one stone for a dollar - if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. 【小题 1】 Why didnt the writer help his son A Because his wife is better at making a sign. B Because he didnt know what to write. C Becau

47、se he was busy sweeping leaves. D Because he didnt want his son to sell the stones. 【小题 2】 The underlined words was fascinated with mean _. A was far from B was afraid of C was famous for D was interested in 【小题 3】 Nick was a boy _. A who was kind B who had a strong mind C who was honest D who had m

48、any hobbies 【小题 4】 Which is the best title(题目 ) of the story A My sons first sale. B Lets collect stones. C How to sell a stone. D A hobby that can make you rich. 【小题 5】 From the passage we know_. A the story happened in spring B the car was driven by a woman C Nick spent half an hour selling one stone D the writer might be moved(感动


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