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1、2014届高考二轮复习三月精品练习单项选择 15英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * It was not until dark _he found _he thought was the correct way to solve the problem. A that; what B that ; that C when; that D when ;what 答案: _ very confused, the little girl looked up the information in the book to find out the answer A Being felt B Felt

2、 C Feeling D To feel 答案: C 试题分析:考查分词做状语。动词 feel与句子主语 the little girl构成逻辑上的主动关系,故使用现在分词在句中做状语。句意:感觉很困惑,这个小女孩在书里查找信息来发现问题的答案:。故 C正确。 考点:考查分词做状语 点评:当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做状语;当二者构 成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。 Not until I came home last nigh

3、t _ to bed . A Mum did go B did Mum go C went Mum D Mum went 答案: B 试题分析:句意为:昨天晚上直到我到家,妈妈才去睡了。 Not until 位于句首,后面的句子要使用半倒装,半倒装即助动词,系动词,情态动词位于句首,故答案:应为 B。 考点:考查倒装的用法。 The car was completely _ and the driver seriously injured. A broken off B taken off C written off D picked up 答案: C The old lady insiste

4、d that her daughter _ still alive and that she _ at once. A was; was operated B was; be operated C should be; should be operated D be; should be operated 答案: B 试题分析:考查 insist用法。 Insist表示坚持要求做某事的时候,后面的从句使用虚拟语气 should+动词原形, should可以省略。 Insist表示坚持认为时,使用陈述语气。句意:那个老太太坚持认为女儿还活着,坚持要求立刻被做手术。第一空使用陈述语气,第二空使用虚

5、拟语气,省略了 should。用 be operated,故 B正确。 考点:考查 insist用法。 点评:对于 insist,一定要注意两种意思用语两个语气。另外还要注意使用 insist on doing的搭配,类似的还有 suggest,表示 “建议 ”,后面的从句使用虚拟语气should+动词原形, should可以省略。表示 “表明,暗示 ”时,使用陈述语气。 Washington, a state in the United States, was named _ one of the greatest American presidents. A in honor of B i

6、n spite of C in favor of D in face of 答案: A - Why have you bought so much food -My good friends _ to stay with me for the weekend. A are coming B have come C come D will have come 答案: A 试题分析:句意为: 你为什么买这么多吃的啊? -我的好朋友要来这儿和我呆一个周末。朋友要来,应是发生的将来的事情,故应为 have done 现在完成时表示已经来了,不符合题意; come一般现在时,表示经常性,习惯性,也不符合

7、题意; will have come表示将来完成的动作,即在将来的某个时候完成的动作,题目中并不是到周末就来过的意思,是周末来,故排除。 考点:考查时态语态的用法 -Mom, can we move into our new house this weekend -No, it _. A is painted B is painting C was painted D is being painted 答案: D -I didnt realize how popular the restaurant was until I made a reservation the other day. -

8、I beg your pardon, but when A was you realized it B it was that you realized it C you realized it D was it that you realized it 答案: D 试题分析 :考查疑问句。根据问号可知此句需用一般疑问句语序,排除 B、 C选项;而 A选项语法错误, D选项是强调句型,故正确答案:是 D。句意: -直到前几天预订桌位我才意识到这家饭店是多么受欢迎。 -请再说一遍,你什么时候意识到的这一点? 考点:考查疑问句。 Mary _ be in Paris . I saw her a f

9、ew minutes ago . A mustnt B shouldnt C cant D may not 答案: C。 _ advertisements are of great help, I dont think we should entirely rely on them. A Because B Since C Once D While 答案: D 试题分析:考查连词: A. Because因为 B. Since自从,既然, C. Once 一旦 D. While虽然,然而,当 时候,句意:虽然广告对我们很有帮助,但我想我们不该完全依赖它们。 while表示虽然,有转折的意思。选

10、D。 考点:考查连词 点评:连词主要看上下文的逻辑关系,短语的辨析没有捷径可走,只能在平时的学习中加强记忆。 While的含义比较多,是高考常考点。 Could it be in the restaurant _ you had dinner with me yesterday _ you lost your handbag A that: which B which; that C where; that D that; where 答案: C Could it be in the public phone box _ you made me the call yesterday _ you

11、 lost your IP card A that; how B which; that C where; that D when; how 答案: C 试题分析 :句意:你丢 IP卡的地方可能是你昨天给我打电话的那个公用电话亭吗?第一空中 where引导定语从句,在句中作为地点的状语,句中并不缺主语和宾语;第二空中为 it is.that 的强调句型,强调 in the public phone box,故选C 考点 :强调句型与名词性从句 点评: “强调 ”就是使句子的某一部分比一般情况下显得更加重要。英语表达中,要强调句子的某一成分,一般可用强调句型 “It is (was) +that

12、 (who) +句子的其余部分 ”。 It在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用 that外,还可换用 who(强调宾语指人时也可用 whom)。使用强调句型时,应注意:去掉强调结构 It is (was) that(who) 后,剩下的词仍能组 成一个完整的句子。这是判断是不是强调句型的关键。 _, he doesnt study well. A As he is clever B He is as clever C Clever as he is D As clever he is 答案: C In rugby(橄榄球), the ball is usually

13、 carried forward by players, _kicking is permitted. A so B in case C so that D though 答案: D Many plants could move northward and toward the Pacific coast_ rising temperatures and changes in rainfall A with regard to B in defense of C by means of D in reaction to 答案: D 试题分析:句意:许多植物可能北移到太平洋沿岸以应对温度的上升和

14、降水量的变化。 with regard to关于; in defense of为保证; by means of借助于; in reaction to应对,选 D。 考点:考查固定用法 The number of the workers in this factory 300, that is to say, it 20%. A has increased by; has increased to B have increased to; have increased by C has increased to; has increased by D have increased by; hav

15、e increased to 答案: C Proper exercise is good for your health._, too much is bad for it. A Therefore B But C However D while 答案: C The local people are now_ Hong Kong, which was once _the British for one and half a century. A in charge of; in charge of B in the charge of; in the charge of C in the ch

16、arge of; in charge of D in charge of; in the charge of 答案: D 试题分析:考查介词短语: in charge of主动,主语往往是人 “管理,看管 ”in the charge of 被动,主语一般是物 “被 . 管理,在 .管理之下 ”句意:当地人现在管理香港了,那本来是英国人管理了一个半世纪。选 D 考点:考查介词短语: 点评: in the charge of 也可用 in ones charge形式。 in charge介词短语,用作表语或后置定语,意为 “负责,看管 ”。 Whenever I met him, _ was f

17、airly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smile. A what B that C which D when 答案: One of the few things you _ _ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. A need B must C should D can 答案: D。 Three hours with your girl friend _to be a short time. A seem B seems

18、 C isseeming D hasseemed 答案: B In the middle of the night, we _signals for help from another ship. A picked out B picked up C picked on D picked at 答案: B No one is allowed _ the room in the daytime. A to be entered B to enter C entering D enter 答案: B Why not look up the new word in a dictionary _ yo

19、u dont know it A if B that C though D whether 答案: A We ve published large quantities of books. This year_ weve published three million. A only B just C alone D merely 答案: C How can we get this language point _ to the students. A down B round C across D into 答案: C Riding bikes has advantages _ drivin

20、g cars _ many aspects. A above; in B over; in C on; on D with; on 答案: B Considering his health, I advise him to _ an hour or two each day to work out. A set about B set off C set up D set aside 答案: D -May I look at the menu for a little while -Of course, _ sir. A dont worry B it doesnt matter C enjo

21、y yourself D take your time 答案: D Some time after the rockets and the space shuttle are _, the rocket will _ the space shuttle and _ the sea. A set sail; broadcast; drop in B ruled out; orbit; show up C stepped up; survive; fall for D launched; separate from; fall into 答案: D The house _ Mr. Greens f

22、amily for 50 years will be pulled down next week. A belonged to B belonging to C to belong to D belongs to 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。题意 属于格林家的房子下周将要被推倒。主句为 The house will be pulled down next week,故 belong to 属于定语, belong to 没有进行没有被动,且 house 与 belong to 之间是主谓关系,故选 B 项是正确的。 On this important feast day, peopl

23、e eat food in the _ of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them A form B shape C way D light 答案: B Someone knocked at your door just now,but I didnt see who was. A this B it C that D one 答案: B Nathalie suggested the problem worth paying attention _ at the meeting. A to be discussed B to been discussed C being discussed D be discussed 答案: D 试题分析 :考查虚拟语气。 suggest当 “建议 ”讲时,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用 should+v原型, should可以省略,所以答案:选 D。句意:娜塔莉建议这个值得注意的问题要在会上进行讨论。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 I still remember that terrible accident a few days ago, _ more than 20 pupils were killed. A where B that C on which D which 答案: A


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