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1、2014年译林牛津版高中英语选修八第一单元练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Young people should learn how to_some money for the future. A hand out B make up C put away D get in 答案: C Lucy, tell me about your trip to the beach. Awful! There _ too many holidaymakers. A had been B were C would be D have been 答案: B In my opinion, everyone

2、 has periods in their lives_everything seems very hard. A when B where C which D that 答案: A Mr. Green drove slowly on the way home until he reached the high way, _ the speed limit was 60 miles per hour. A because B which C where D that 答案: C At the meeting, all the people were deeply_with her brilli

3、ant report. A impressed B surprised C excited D comforted 答案: A 阅读理解 Many of us mistakenly believe that its wrong to think we have any good qualities. We may spend a lot of time blaming ourselves for our negative qualities, thinking that self criticism is the key to improving our performance. Howeve

4、r, a constant focus on our supposed shortcomings can stop our efforts to make friends with other people. How can we believe that others could like us if we believe our inner being is flawed If someone seems to dislike you, the reason for that dislike might have little or nothing to do with you. The

5、person who doesnt like you might be fearful, or shallow or busy or shy. Perhaps you and that person are simply a mismatch for each other at this particular time. Dont take yourself out of the game by deciding that your flaws are bigger than your good qualities. In fact, some of the very qualities yo

6、u consider to be flaws may be irresistible to someone else. Although some factors that might cause one person to reject you, there are at least many factors that will work in your favor. You might be thirty pounds over your ideal weight, but you may have a wonderful laugh and a real enthusiasm for l

7、ife. There are many people who dont mind your extra pounds. You may drive a shabby car, but you might be a great dancer and a loyal friend. There are people out there looking for loyalty, or fun, or sweetness, or wisdom, and the package it comes in is not important. If you are worried that you are n

8、ot beautiful enough to attract friends, keep in mind that not everyone is looking for physical beauty in their friends. You can decide to feel inferior because you dont have much money and you dont drive a nice car. You can believe that this is the reason that you dont have many friends in your life

9、. On the other hand, if you are very wealthy you may be suspicious that everyone is after your money and that nobody really likes you as a person. The point is that you can focus on just about anything and believe its the reason you do not have friends and cannot make any. 【小题 1】 According to the pa

10、ssage, plays an important role in making friends. A admitting your shortcomings B self criticism C modesty D confidence 【小题 2】 If you are not liked by a person, . A you should find the reason in yourself B youd better talk with the person face to face C you may not be the one to be blamed D you and

11、that person misunderstand each other 【小题 3】 We can learn from the third paragraph that . A your good qualities may make you earn more money B your weakness may also be your strengths in some way C your negative qualities may cause you to lose friends D youll have few friends if you dont share the sa

12、me interest 【小题 4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the author A It is important to lose weight. B It is easier for a wealthy person to make friends. C Inner qualities are more important than physical appearance. D If you are not beautiful enough, try to improve your physical beauty. 【小题

13、5】 What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write A How to find your good qualities. B How to make friends. C How to make self criticism. D How to keep fit. 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely or

14、ganized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each othe

15、r. War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed! ” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder. The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for

16、 a single minute but for a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬 )under her covers, sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a war

17、m feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart. Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didnt notice Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief

18、. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, MThanks. ” Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didnt always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on. 【小题 1】 What made Kate so angry one e

19、vening A She couldnt find her books. B She heard the author shouting loud. C She got the news that her grandma was ill. D She saw the authors shoes beneath her bed. 【小题 2】 The author tidied up the room most probably because . A she was scared by Kates anger B she hated herself for being so messy C s

20、he wanted to show her care D she was asked by Kate to do so 【小题 3】 How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed A By analyzing causes. B By showing differences. C By describing a process. D By following time order. 【小题 4】 What might be the best title for the story A My Friend Kate B Hard Work Pays Off C How

21、to Be Organized D Learning to Be Roommates 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 阅读填空 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today . However, this issue (问题 ) frequently causes heated debate. Some people say that classic

22、al music is associated only with old people .For example, if you look at the audience at a classical concert , the majority is over the age of fifty. Others say it is more popular than we first imagine . Many young people listen to classical music without realising .It is often used in films and adv

23、ertisements. For example.a famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup . Not many people could have given its name , but millions enjoyed it . Also,some people point out that young people produce new music based on classical ideas: for example, it is said that

24、rap(说唱 )music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music. However, young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超越 ) by technology. To play a classical instrument, such as a violin, you need to study hard and practise for

25、 hours. Nowadays, you dont need to get aching arms from practising. A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom. A final point to in mind is that the term classical music is used to refer to a great variety of music, from jazz to pieces for large

26、orchestras(管弦乐队 ).This makes it even more difficult to say whether classical music is relevant to young people. So, it may be only a minority of young people who play classical instruments , but when it comes to enjoying classical music, it depends on the piece of music. It may be more relevant to y

27、oung people in the modern world than they realise! Title Classical Music Introduction The issue of whether classical music is (1) to young people causes heated debate. Opinions Evidence Classical music is associated only with old peonl. (2) of the audience at a classical concert are over fifty. Many

28、 young people dont (3) some music they listen to is classical. Classical music is often found in films and advertisements. Classical ideas provide a (4) for producing new music. Young people now (5) rap in popular music. (6) has put classical music at a disadvantage. A young man can write and make m

29、usic on a computer (7) in his bedroom. “Classical music”can refer to various (8) of music. Classical music (9) from jazz to pieces for large orchestras. Conclusion Classical music may still be (10) by young people today. 答案:【小题 1】 relevant 【小题 2】 most 【小题 3】 realize/know/recognize 【小题 4】 basis 【小题 5

30、】 use 【小题 6】 technology 【小题 7】 comfortably 【小题 8】 kinds/types/sorts 【小题 9】 ranges 【小题 10】 enjoyed/liked/loved 【小题 1】原词再现。根据文章第一段可知很多人都认为古典音乐和年轻人是无关的。但是这一说法引起了人们的热烈讨论。第一段第一句 classical music is not relevant to young people可知本句应该选 relevant。 【小题 2】同义词转换。根据第二段最后一句 the majority is over the age of fifty.可知

31、参加这样的演唱会的人主要都是 50多岁的人,把 majority换成了 most,都表示 “大部分的,主要的人 ”。 【小题 3】词形转换。根据第三段第一句 Many young people listen to classical music without realising .很多人在没有意识到的情况下 都在听古典音乐。原文中使用的是动名词 realizing的形式,本句中放在 dont的后面,使用动词原形。 【小题 4】同义词转换。根据第四段第一句 young people produce new music based on classical ideas很多年轻人是在古典音乐的基础

32、上创造新音乐的。也就是说古典音乐是很多心音乐的基础。故使用名词 basis。 【小题 5】原词再现。根据第四段第二句 it is said that rap(说唱 )music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music.可知在现代音乐里年轻人使用了 rap的形式。 【小题 6】原词再现。根据第五段第一句 young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超

33、越 ) by technology.古典音乐正在被现代技术所超越。原文里使用的是被动语态,表格里使用了主动语态的形式。 【小题 7】词性转换。根据第五段最后一行 A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom.年轻人可以在很舒服的卧室里使用电脑程序创造乐曲。原文使用的是名词 comfort,表格里使用副词 comfortably做状语修饰动词短语 make music on a computer。 【小题 8】同义词转换。根据第六段第一句 the t

34、erm classical music is used to refer to a great variety of music古典音乐这个词被用来指各种各样的音乐。原文中使用 a variety of各种各样的,表格里使用了 various kinds/types/sorts of的形式。 【小题 9】同义句转换。根据第六段第一句 the term classical music is used to refer to a great variety of music, from jazz to pieces for large orchestras(管弦乐队 ).古典音乐被用来指各种各样

35、的音乐,东爵士乐到大型的管弦乐。动词短语 range fromto 从 到 变化。在句中做谓语部分。 【小题 10】推理题。根据最后一段第二句 when it comes to enjoying classical music, it depends on the piece of music.当谈及喜欢古典音乐的时候,要取决于那一首曲子。也就说古典音乐任然受到人们的喜爱。本句是一个被动语态的形式,故使用过去分词 enjoyed/liked/loved。 书面表达 假如你是宁德市某中学高三 (1)班班长,你得知,你班王伟同学昨天下午放学回家路上看到一位老奶奶摔倒在地,他立刻将她扶到安全地方,同时打电话给 120,使老奶奶得到了及时救治。请你就此事倡仪全班同学向他学习。 注意: 1.倡议要点如下: (1)简述王伟事迹; (2)发表感想; (3)提出倡议; 2可根据提示适当展开,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4词数: 120左右。 参考词汇:美德 virtue; 和谐的 harmonious Dear classmates, I am more than pleased to share with you Wang Weis story._ _ _ _ Thats all. Thank you. 答案:见


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