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1、2014年高考考点模拟训练及真题研练( 8)时态与语态英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * He _ fatter but he eats too little. A would become B would have become C must become D must have become 答案: A 根据语意知道我们可以在 but he eats too little前加上一个省去的条件状语从句 if he ate much,由此可知是与现在时相反所以主句用 would become。 Is John coming by train. He should , but he _ no

2、t.He likes driving his car. A must B can C need D may 答案: D come, go, leave, start等趋向动词的进行时表示将来时,所以答语是对这一将来动作做出的推断。 may not“可能不,不一定 ”,根据 he likes driving his car可以看出 John可能乘火车来,也可能自己开车来。 may not正好符合这一语境。must not“不准 ”; cannot“不可能 ”; need not“不必 ”。 It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing to

3、day if I _ in love,at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A wouldnt have fallen B had not fallen C should fall D were to fall 答案: B 根据 句意和 I would be doing可以判断这是虚拟语气。 at the age of seven是表示过去的时间状语, if从句中的谓语要用 had not fallen,表示对过去情况的假设。 You cant imagine that a well-behaved

4、gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A might B need C should D would 答案: C should用于表示感情,意向等句中的 that从句,表示 “竟然 ,居然 ” ,出乎意料。 What would have happened _, as far as up to the river bank. A Bob had walked farther B if Bob should walk farther C had Bob walked farther D if Bob walked farther 答案: C 因为主句的谓语动词用了

5、would have happened,所以从句的谓语动词要用过去完成时。在虚拟语气中, 如果条件状语从句中的 if省略,该句要倒装。 (2013 北京, 35)You neednt take an umbrella.It isnt going to rain. Well, I dont know.It_do. A might B need C would D should 答案: A 考查情态动词。第一个人说不会下雨,第二个人回答 I dont know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用 might表推测 “有可能 ”。 (2013 辽宁, 31)Harry is feelin

6、g uncomfortable.He_too much at the party last night. A could drink B should drink C would have drunk D must have drunk 答案: D 考查情态动词。此处考查情态动词对过去发生事情的推测。句意: Harry感觉不舒服。昨晚的聚会上他肯定喝得不少。对过去发生事情的肯定推测,用 must have done,故选 D。 (2013 四川, 5)Why are your eyes so red? You_have slept well last night. Yeah , I staye

7、d up late writing a report. A cant B mustnt C neednt D wont 答案: A 考查情态动词。根据语境 “眼睛那么红,昨晚不可能睡得很好 ”可知,此处考查情态动词 can的否定式 cant表推测,意为 “不可能 ”。 cant have done表示对过去的推测,意为 “过去不可能 ” 。故选 A。 (2013 天津, 9)No one_ be more generous; he has a heart of gold. A could B must C dare D need 答案: A 考查情态动词。句意:不可能有人比他更慷慨;他有一颗善

8、良的心。 cant/ couldnt表不可能,故答案:选 A。 (2013 新课标 , 29)The door_open, no matter how hard she pushed. A shouldnt B couldnt C wouldnt D mightnt 答案: C 考查情态动词。此处描述主语 the door的特点 “老是打不开 ”,其固有的特性,用情态动词 would(will)描述,故选 C。 (2013 北京, 34)If we_a table earlier, we couldnt be standing here in a queue. A have booked B

9、booked C book D had booked 答案: D 考查虚拟语气。句意:如果我们早点订桌的话,我们就不可能在这里站着排队了。可知 if从句是对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时态。 (2013 福建, 30)Do you think George has passed the driving test No.If so , he _ his car to our college yesterday. A would drive B drove C would have driven D had driven 答案: C 考查虚拟语气。句意,如果这样的话 (乔治已经通过驾照考试 ),他昨天就

10、驾车来我们大学了,可知是对过去的虚拟。 If so If he had passed the driving test,主句使用情态动词 have done。故答案:选 C。 (2013 陕西, 12)My mom suggests that we _ eat out for a change this weekend. A should B might C could D would 答案: A 考查虚拟语气。题干关键词为 suggest,表示建议,其后所接的名词性从句应用“(should )动词原形 ”的虚拟语气,故选 A。 (2013 浙江, 8)Eye doctors recommen

11、d that a childs first eye exam _ at the age of six months old. A was B be C were D is 答案: B 考查虚拟语气。题干关键词为 recommend,表示 “推荐,建议 ”,后接宾语从句时应用 (should )动词原形的虚拟语气,此处省去了 should,故答案:为 B。 There _ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school. A mustnt B sh

12、ant C shouldnt D neednt 答案: C 根据经验或惯例对某一情况进行推测,用 should或 ought to,常译成 “按理应该 ” 或 “可能会 ” 。 shouldnt是其否定形式。 But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A would not win B would not have won C would win D would have won 答案: B 此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用 wou

13、ld/should/could/might have done结构,根据句意要用否定含义,故选 B。本句的条件是由介词短语(but for)表达的。 He _ if he works hard for the people. A shall praise B shall be praised C will praise D will be praised 答案: B 句意:如果他为人民努力工作,他会受到表扬。说话人希望他受到表扬,而will 表示的是句子的主语的意愿,那样意思就是 “他愿意受到表扬 ”,显然不对。shall用于第三人称可表示说话人对某人所持有的主观立场和坚定的信念。 There

14、 was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You _ come, but why didnt you A must have B should C need have D ought to have 答案: D 该空含你本来应来但实际未来之意,应填 ought to have。 I was really anxious about you.You _ home without a word. A mustnt leave B shouldnt have left C couldnt have left D neednt leave 答案: B 该空含你本不应该

15、一句话不说就离开家但实际已这么做之意,所以应填shouldnt have left。 Must I go there right now No , you _.You _ go there before supper. A mustnt; need B neednt; may C cant; need D wont; can 答案: B Must I .?肯定回答用 Yes, you must.否定回答是 No, you neednt或 No, you dont have to,不能用 mustnt,因为 mustnt表示 “不许;不准;禁止 ”,本题后半部用 may表示允许。 Could I

16、 borrow your dictionary Yes , of course you _. A could B will C can D might 答案: C 本题中的 could也表示请求 (而非表示过去时 ),语气委婉,主要用于疑问句,不可用于肯定句,答语应该用 can(即 could不能用于现在时态的简略答语中 )。 Are you coming to Jeffs party Im not sure.I _ _ go to the concert instead. A must B would C should D might 答案: D 根据 Im not sure判断,表示说话者

17、不确定,有可能去音乐会。 might表示 “可能 ”;must表示 “必须,一定 ”; would表示 “将,愿意 ”; should表示 “应该 ”。 Mr.Bush is on time for everything.How _ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony. A can B should C may D must 答案: A can表示可能性的推测,常用于疑问句或否定句中; may表 “可能性 ”常用于肯定句或否定句中, must常用于肯定句中表推测, “一定 ” 的意思。注意: can not表示 “不可能 ”,而 ma

18、y not表示 “或许不 可能不 ” ,两者语气上有区别。 My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture. A couldnt have attended B neednt have attended C mustnt have attended D shouldnt have attended 答案: A “情态动词完成式 ”有各自的含义。 must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,多用于肯定句中; neednt have done表示过去本不必做的事情; shou

19、ldnt have done表示过去做了不该做的事情; cant(couldnt)have done表示对过去的否定性推测,意为 “不可能 ”。所提供的情境 My sister met him at the Grand表示他不可能参加讲座。 He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ a goal. A had scored B scored C would score D would have scored 答案: D 根据 otherwise可以判断出要用虚拟语气表示过去发生的事要用 would hav

20、e scored。 Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach.I _ so much fried chicken just now. A shouldnt eat B mustnt have eaten C shouldnt have eaten D mustnt eaten 答案: C just now是表示过去的时间状语。情态动词在表示过去发生的事时,必须用 “情态动词 have过去分词的形式 ”。所以只能在选项 B或 C中确定答案:。mustnt have eaten是一个错误选项,因为 “mustnt动词 ”表示 “禁止 ”,不表示判断或推测。 A

21、left-luggage office is a place where bags _ be left for a short time,especially at a railway station. A should B can C must D will 答案: B should应该; can能够,会; must必须; will愿意。句意:行李寄存处是能够暂时存放行李的地方,尤其是在火车站。此处用 can表示可以、能够。 Keep up good state of mind even if you _ fail plenty of times. A must B will C can D

22、 should 答案: D 考查 should的用法。 should用在 if或 even if引导的表示条件的从句中,表示一件事听起来可能性很小,但也不是完全没有可能,相当于 “万一 ”的意思,从句谓语由 should加动词原形构成,主句不一定用虚拟语气。 Its the office ! So you _ know eating is not allowed here. Oh , sorry. A must B will C may D need 答案: A 从前后文可知,此处是一种很肯定的推测,因此选 A。 (2013 安徽, 28)I_to my cousins birthday party last night, but I was not available. A went B had gone C would go D would have gone 答案: D 考查虚拟语气。句意:昨晚我本想要去参加我表亲的生日聚会,但我没空。选项中能表示对过去虚拟的只有 D答案:用情态动词过去式后加 have done表示。


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