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1、2015届浙江桐乡第一中学等四校高三上期中联考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into _ space with my friend Li Yan ping, _ astronomer. A the; an B the; the C / ; the D / ; an 答案: D 试题分析:考查冠词。 句意:上个月我非常幸运与一个宇航员朋友李言平一块进行一次太空之旅。太空是抽象名词,不加冠词,第二个空表示泛指,故选 D项。 考点:考查冠词 Graduation is

2、 a good time to thank those who have helped you _ the tough years. A through B up C with D from 答案: A 试题分析:考查介词辨析。根据句意,毕业典礼是感谢那些曾经帮助过你度过艰难岁月的良好时机。故用 through度过,穿过,经历。 help sb with sth帮助某人某事,故选 A项。 考点 : 考查介词辨析 Was it in the library _he often went to do some reading _he met the pretty girl A that; that

3、 B where; where C where; that D that; where 答案: C 试题分析:考查强调句与定语从句。句意:是在他经常看书的那个图书馆遇到的那个漂亮的女孩吗?主句是 Was it in the library _he met the pretty girl 故第二个空用 that,强调地点状语, the library跟着一个定语从句,缺少状语,故用 where来引导,故选 C项。 考点 : 考查强调句与定语从句 Usually a childs behavior is a _of his family environment. A recognition B r

4、eflection C return D record 答案: B 试题分析:考查名词辨析 A. recognition辨认; B. reflection 思考,反应,反射;C. return 返回; D. record 记录;句意:通常一个孩子的行为是家庭环境的反应。根据句意选 B项。 考点 : 考查名词辨析 Things go back to _ since we paid off all our debts. A formal B regular C common D normal 答案: D 试题分析: 考查形容词辨析。 formal(学校教育或培训)正规的; regular有规律的;

5、 common普通的; normal正常的,正规的。句意是我们付清债务以后一切都回到了正常 ,故选 D项。 考点 : 考查形容词辨析 - Isnt it time you _ down to _ your own things - Im sorry for the delay, Dad. A get, pack B get, packing C got, pack D got, packing 答案: D 试题分析:考查短语: get down to doing sth 着手做某事,句型: It is time后跟从句用一般过去式,句意:难道不是你着手打包你自己的东西的时候吗?爸爸,对不起我来

6、晚了。所以选 D项。 考点 : 考查短语 She had a pretty _look indicating that she had done something wrong to Jim. A innocent B guilty C considerate D disappointed 答案: B 试题分析:考查形容词辨析 A. innocent 天真的; B. guilty 内疚的; C. considerate体贴的; D. disappointed失望的;句意:她无辜的表情,表明她做错事了。根据句意选 B项。 考点 : 考查形容词辨析 I have never _ the view

7、that schooldays are the happiest days of your life with a burden of homework. A contributed to B appealed to C referred to D subscribed to 答案: D 试题分析: 考查动词短语辨析 A. contributed to有助于; B. appealed to吸引; C. referred to查阅; D. subscribed to 同意 。句意:学校中有作业的日子是一生中最快乐的日子,这个观点我不同意。根据句意选 D项。 考点 : 考查动词短语辨析 -You

8、havent been to New Zealand, have you - . How I wish I there. A Yes, I have; went B Yes, I havent; could have been C No, I have; would go D No, I havent; had been 答案: D 试题分析: 考查虚拟语气。句意:你从来没有去过新西兰,是吗?是的,没有,我多么希望去过呀。 1表示与现在事实相反的愿望 构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + 动词过去式 ( be 一律用 were) 2.表示与过去事实相反的愿望 构成:主语 +

9、 wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/could + have + 过去分词或 had + 过去分词3.表示将来不大可能实现的 愿望 构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/should/could/might + 原形动词 ,所以选 D项。 考点 : 考查虚拟语气 To deal with the global financial crisis, China has _ a string of forceful measures over the past months. A worked out B found out C turned ou

10、t D made out 答案: D 试题分析:考查短语辨析。 A. worked out算出; B. found out发现; C. turned out证明; D. made out开出;句意:为了应对全球经济危机,中国在过去的几个月提出强有力的措施,根据句意选 D项。 考点 : 考查短语辨析 . During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up _ old shabby houses were torn down. A which B in what C in which D where 答

11、案: D 试题分析: 考查状语从句。句意:在这个城市重建期间,许多现代的高楼在旧房子被拆毁的地方拔起。这是一个地点状语从句而不是定语从句,横线前没有先行词,所以后面的从句不是定语从句,而是地点状语从句修饰前面的动词短语 went up,故选 A。 考点 : 考查状语从句 Faced with a bill for $10,000, _. A an extra job has been taken B the boss has given John an extra job C John has taken an extra job D an extra job had been given t

12、o John 答案: C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。 Faced with“面对 .”,逻辑主语应该是人,排除C、 D;句意 “面对一万元的账单,史密斯已经又找了一份工作。 ”本句的逻辑主语应该是史密斯,不是老板。故选 C 考点 : 考查非谓语动词 I havent finished my composition. I _ for two hours and a half. A have written it B have been writing it C wrote it D am writing it 答案: B 试题分析: 考查动词的时态。句意:我还没有完成我的作文,我已经写了二个半小

13、时了。根据 I havent finished my compositio可知这动作还没有完成,再根据for two hours and a half可知选 B项。 考点 : 考查动词的时态 Im terribly sorry I forgot your name just now! _it happens to all of us! A You bet B Think nothing of it C Bingo D Certainly not 答案: B 试题分析:考查情景交际。句意:对不起,刚才忘记你的名字。没事,常有的事;根据 it happens to all of us可知选 B项。

14、 考点 : 考查情景交际 _ is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight A So B As C That D Such 答案: D 试题分析:考查倒装 句意:这就是电视 的影响 ,它 可以 使人一夜成名 原句 the power of TV is such that it can make a person suddenly famous , so和 such分别在后接形容词(或者副词)和名词时,与 that连用,这是固定搭配 ,故选 D项。 考点 : 考查倒装 The traffic rule says

15、 young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A being weighed B to weigh C weighed D weighing 答案: D 试题分析: 考查后置定语 。句意:交规说,四岁以下和少于 40磅的孩子必然坐儿童安全座椅。宾语从句的主句是 young children pounds must be in a child safety seat,用 weighing 用来修饰小孩子,故选 D项。 考 点 : 考查后置定语 Livi

16、ng in a fast-paced world, we _ get left behind if we stop learning. A should B dare C may D need 答案: C 试题分析:考查情态动词。句意:生活在快节奏的世界里,如果我们不学习可能会落后。根据 if we stop learning可知选 C项。 考点 : 考查情态动词 Many road accidents _ from careless driving, according to the recent reports from the police. A rise B reduce C incr

17、ease D arise 答案: D 试题分析: 考查动词辨析。 A. rise 升起; B. reduce减少; C. increase增加; D. arise 发生,出现;句意:根据警方调查发现,许多的交通事故由粗心驾驶引起的。 Arise form 由。引起,故选 D项。 考点 : 考查动词辨析 Mr. Black Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _ on Sunday A leaves; takes off B is leaving; takes off C is leaving; is takin

18、g off D leaves; is taking off 答案: B 试题分析: 考查动词的时态。句意: Black先生几天后要去上海。你知道星期天最早的航班是什么时候吗?第一空用进行时表将来时;第二空用一般现在时表示将来时,因为飞机航班是有固定时间表的。所以用一般现在时表将来时,故选 B项 考点 : 考查动词的时态 We know that a smile is usually a sign _ people feel friendly and happy, but _ we dont know who the new person is A that; what if B when; w

19、hat C when; how about D if; how 答案: A 试题分析:考查同位语从句和连词。句意:我们知道微笑是一个人感到愉悦的标志。但倘若我们不知道新人是谁怎么办呢。第一个空 sign 标志,后面带有定语从句,所以用 that来引导。第个空根据语境选 A项。 考点 : 考查同位语从句和连词 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 One windy spring day, I observed young people

20、having fun using the wind to their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes the sky like beautiful birds darting(俯冲 ) and . As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a kept them in check. blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great . They shook and pulled,

21、 the control string and the long tail kept them in check, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They flew beautifully even they fought the restriction(约束 ) of the string. , one of the kites suc

22、ceeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.” Yet from restraint simply put it an unsympathetic breeze. It flew awkwardly to the ground and in a wild mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”, free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blow

23、n along the ground, and to stuck lifeless against the first barrier. How much like kites we sometimes are. The heaven gives us misfortune and restrictions, rules to from which we can and gain strength. Restraint is a counterpart(对应物 ) to the winds of opposition. Some of us resist the rules so hard t

24、hat we never fly high enough to reach the heights we might have obtained. We obey part of the rules and rise high enough to get our tails off the ground. Let us each rise to the great heights, that some of the restraints that we may be unhappy about are actually the steadying force that helps us and

25、 achieve. 【小题1】 A make B play C fly D enjoy A covered B transformed C explored D filled A singing B dancing C moving D falling A chain B rope C string D stick A Rather than B Instead of C Apart from D Other than A widths B lengths C depths D heights A and B then C but D or A escaped B struggled C ar

26、ose D fought A as B while C before D after A Gradually B Finally C Actually D Obviously A Dependence B Power C Freedom D Happiness A in favor of B at the expense of C in the charge of D in control of A deserted B landed C grew D dropped A helplessly B senselessly C carelessly D hopelessly A break B

27、follow C acknowledge D interrupt A protect B suffer C grow D survive A necessary B possible C probable D likely A yet B never C ever D then A considering B attempting C thinking D recognizing A go up B run away C hurry up D fly away 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 C 【

28、小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 A 试题分析:当作者在一个有风的春日看到年轻人放飞风筝,看着风筝努力迎风面上,有一个风筝挣脱了控制,却落在乱草中,我们的生活就像风筝,只有遵从一定的戒律,才能飞得更高。 【小题 1】 C考查动词辨析 A. make使; B. play 玩; C. fly飞; D. enjoy喜欢;句意:一个有风的春日,我看到有人要放风筝。根据 As the str

29、ong winds gusted against the kites, a kept them in check可知在放风筝,故选 C项。 【小题 2】 D考查动词辨析 A. covered 覆盖; B. transformed改变; C. explored探索; D. filled充满;句意:各种色彩形状的风筝充满了天空,就象漂亮的小鸟在俯冲和跳舞,根据语境可知选 D项。 【小题 3】 B考查动词辨析 A. singing唱歌; B. dancing跳舞; C. moving移动;D. falling下降;句意:各种色彩形状的风筝充满了天空,就象漂亮的小鸟在俯冲和跳舞。根据语境选 B项。 【

30、小题 4】 C考查名词辨析 A. chain 链子; B. rope 绳子; C. string线; D. stick棍;句意:当风逆向面来时,线让他们受到限制。根据 They shook and pulled, the control string and the long tail kept them in check可知选 C项。 【小题 5】 B考查短语辨析 A. Rather than而不是; B. Instead of 反而; C. Apart from除了; D. Other than除;句意:没有被风吹走,他们想到又提升了一个高度。根据语境可知选 B项。 【 小题 6】 D考查

31、名词辨析 A. widths宽度; B. lengths 长度; C. depths深度; D. heights高度;句意:没有被风吹走,他们想到又提升了一个高度,根据语境选D项。 【小题 7】 C考查连词辨析 A. and 并且; B. then然后; C. but但是; D. or否则;句意:他们不断的晃动着,但这条线和尾巴让他们受到限制。两个句子是转折关系,故选 C项。 【小题 8】 B考查动词辨析 A. escaped逃避; B. struggled努力; C. arose出现;D. fought战斗;句意:当风筝努 力对抗着线时,他们好象在说,让我飞吧,我想要自由。根据语境可知当风来

32、时,会使劲的拉扯线,故选 B项。 【小题 9】 A考查连词辨析 A. as因为; B. while 然而; C. before之前 ; D. after之后;句意:因为有了线的约束他们飞得更精彩。两个句子之间是因果关系,故选 A项。 【小题 10】 B考查副词辨析 A. Gradually逐渐的; B. Finally最后; C. Actually事实上; D. Obviously显然;句意:最后,其中一个风筝成功的挣脱了。根据Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.可知选 B项。 【小题 11】 C考查名词辨析

33、A. Dependence独立; B. Power力量; C. Freedom 自由; D. Happiness幸福;句意:然而没有约束的自由让他由无情的风来掌控。根据上文提到 Free to fly with the wind可知选 C项。 【小题 12】 C考查介词短语辨析 A. in favor of支持; B. at the expense of以。为代价; C. in the charge of 由。管理; D. in control of 控制;句意:然而没有约束的自由让他由无情的风来掌控。根据句意选 C项。 【小题 13】 B考查动词辨析 A. deserted抛弃; B. la

34、nded着陆; C. grew生长; D. dropped落下;句意:它尴尬地掉在地上并且落在草丛里。根据语境可知选 B项。 【小题 14】 A考查副词辨析; A. helplessly无助地; B. senselessly无意义地; C. carelessly小心地; D. hopelessly没有希望地;句意:自由的结果是无助地被吹到地上,被无 情地困住。根据 and to stuck lifeless against the first barrier.可知选A项。 【小题 15】 B考查动词辨析 A. break 打破; B. follow跟随; C. acknowledge承认; D

35、. interrupt打断;句意:上帝用恶运和约束,规则来伴随我们的成长,让我们获得力量。根据句意选 B项。 【小题 16】 C考查动词辨析; A. protect保护; B. suffer 遭受; C. grow 生长; D. survive幸存;句意:上帝用恶运和约束,规则来伴随我们的成 长,让我们获得力量。根据 gain strength.可知选 C项。 【小题 17】 A考查形容词辨析 A. necessary必要的; B. possible可能的; C. probable 可能的; D. likely可能的;句意:约束是风必要的对应物。根据语境可知选 A项。 【小题 18】 B考查副

36、词辨析 A. yet仍然; B. never从不; C. ever曾经; D. then然后;句意:我们遵守规则并且不会升得太高让我们脱离地面。根据 Some of us resist the rules so hard that we never fly high enough to reach the heights we might have obtained.可知选 B项。 【小题 19】 D考查动词辨析 A. considering认为; B. attempting尝试; C. thinking认为; D. recognizing辨认;句意:让我们每个人都到达新的高度,意识到一些让我

37、们不好的约束可能就是稳定的推动力,帮我们上升和实现我们的目标。根据句意选 D项。 【小题 20】 A考查动词短语辨析 A. go up上升; B. run away 跑掉; C. hurry up快点; D. fly away飞走;句意:让我们每个人都到达新的高度,意识到一些让我们不好的约束可能就是稳定的推动力,帮我们上升和实现我们的目标。根据语境可知选 A项。 考点:人生百味类短文。 阅读理解 My day began on a decidedly sour note when I saw my six-year-old wrestling with a limb of my azalea

38、bush. By the time I got outside, hed broken it. Can I take this to school today he asked. With a wave of my hand, I sent him off. I turned my back so he wouldnt see the tears gathering in my eyes. I loved that azalea bush. I touched the broken limb as if to say silently, Im sorry. I wished I could h

39、ave said that to my husband earlier, but Id been angry. The washing machine had leaked on my brand-new linoleum. If hed just taken the time to fix it the night before when I asked him instead of playing checkers with Jonathan. What are his priorities anyway I wondered. I was still mopping up the mes

40、s when Jonathan walked into the kitchen. Whats for breakfast, Mom I opened the empty refrigerator. Not cereal, I said, watching the sides of his mouth drop. How about toast and jelly I smeared the toast with jelly and set it in front of him. Why was I so angry I tossed my husbands dishes into the su

41、dsy water. It was days like this that made me want to quit. I just wanted to drive up to the mountains, hide in a cave, and never come out. Somehow I managed to lug the wet clothes to the Laundromat. I spent most of the day washing and drying clothes and thinking how love had disappeared from my lif

42、e. Staring at the graffiti on the walls, I felt as wrung-out as the clothes left in the washers. As I finished hanging up the last of my husbands shirts, I looked at the clock. 2:30. I was late. Jonathans class let out at 2:15. I dumped the clothes in the back seat and hurriedly drove to the school.

43、 I was out of breath by the time I knocked on the teachers door and peered through the glass. With one finger, she motioned for me to wait. She said something to Jonathan and handed him and two other children crayons and a sheet of paper. What now I thought, as she rustled through the door and took

44、me aside. I want to talk to you about Jonathan, she said. . I prepared myself for the worst. Nothing would have surprised me. Did you know Jonathan brought flowers to school today she asked. I nodded, thinking about my favorite bush and trying to hide the hurt in my eyes. I glanced at my son busily

45、coloring a picture. His wavy hair was too long and flopped just beneath his brow. He brushed it away with the back of his hand. His eyes burst with blue as he admired his handiwork. Let me tell you about yesterday, the teacher insisted. See that little girl I watched the bright-eyed child laugh and

46、point to a colorful picture taped to the wall. I nodded. Well, yesterday she was almost hysterical. Her mother and father are going through a nasty divorce. She told me she didnt want to live, she wished she could die. I watched that little girl bury her face in her hands and say loud enough for the

47、 class to hear, Nobody loves me. I did all I could to console her, but it only seemed to make matters worse. I thought you wanted to talk to me about Jonathan, I said. I do, she said, touching the sleeve of my blouse. Today your son walked straight over to that child. I watched him hand her some pre

48、tty pink flowers and whisper, I love you. I felt my heart swell with pride for what my son had done. I smiled at the teacher. Thank you, I said, reaching for Jonathans hand, youve made my day. Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my lopsided azalea bush. As my mind wandered back to the love Jonathan showed the little girl, a biblical v


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