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1、2010年辽宁省锦州市高三教学质量检测三(英语) 其他 (共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Hare are a few tips to help you, the workaholic, re-focus and get the best out of life. 71 Make it a point to get at least eight hours of sleep and plenty of rest. Dont believe that you can always catch some

2、sleep or rest later. Your body cannot make up for lost sleep or rest time because it is not physio1ogically possib1e. 72 Resolve to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time. And stick to this! Mondays until Fridays you make an excuse not to relax and spend time with your family because it

3、s work time, why not make a similar excuse for Saturdays and Sundays GET SOME FOOD IN! 73 Workaho1ics are known to be food-skippers. If you cant afford to get off your desk or from doing paperwork, have food delivered to you. Its always a good idea if you hare crackers on your drawer to ease the hun

4、ger pangs. WORK UP THOSE MUSCLES1! Exercise, exercise, exercise! 74Your body needs to be conditioned, and working non-stop isnt going to give it the proper physical conditioning it needs. Since most workaholics tend to have their behinds stuck on their chairs, its even more important that you get so

5、me exercise. WORK TO LIVE! Always keep in mind that you work so you can live and have a comfortable life. 75 Working is just one of the many useful and fruiifu1 activities you do that enables you to 1ive a good life and gives your family their needs. Dont make work your life. A Set aside at least an

6、 hour each day or every other day for exercise. B EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP! C Work can bring us a happy life. D Always remember that you dont live to work. E. MAKE FULL USE OF SLEEP F. Make sure you get food in your stomach. G. STRICTLY FAMILY ON WEEKENDS! 答案: 75 BGFAD 单项选择 * May I put my luggage on the

7、 seat beside you, sir _. A Sure, with pleasure. B Oh, p1ease yourself. C Well, never mind D Its my pleasure 答案: B _, I think, and the problems could be settled. A If you double your efforts B So long as you keep up your spirits C Making greater efforts D A bit more efforts 答案: D Whats the matter wit

8、h Marsa Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _. A hopes so B hopes to C hopes not D hopes for 答案: B It is _ the customers needs that has made chain stores so popular in big cities in China. A meeting B met C to have met D being met 答案: A The soldiers did what they di

9、d to rescue the survivors _the danger of aftershock. A in place of B in terms of C regardless of D because of 答案: C The headmaster suggested the problems referred _ discussed immediately. A should be B to be C be D to being 答案: B When he was awake, she found she was lying on _ seemed to be a piece o

10、f stone. A that B which C what D it 答案: C It seems impossible for you to cover that long distance1! In no way _give up. A I shall B must I C shall I D I will 答案: C The most important words in this sentence have been _ ,so it doesnt make any sense. A left out B held out C set out D made out 答案: A Ame

11、rican women usually identify their best friend as someone _they can talk frequently. A who B about which C as D with whom 答案: D Look! It _ again. Yes. This is the third rain we _ _ this month. A will rain: had B is raining; have had C rains; had D is going to rain; have had 答案: B The most frightenin

12、g words in English languages, as it is, are Out computer is _. A down B out C away D off 答案: D Either you or one of your students_ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. A is B are C have D be 答案: A I like the yellow new Beetle. A smart car but we cant afford_ for the time being. A one B that C

13、 the one D it 答案: D I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got_ rough idea of_ project plan. A the; a B the; 不填 C a; the D不填 ; the 答案: C 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 从 A. B. C. D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Have you just been fired Dont worry. Cheer yourself up and send your 3

14、6 . Perhaps another much better opportunity is awaiting you. 37 sometimes you don t realize it, you are asking to be fired. Dan Zawacki was a happy camper, selling computers for Honeywell. One holiday he was 38 creative gifts and then a good idea 39 him selling dinner live lobsters(龙虾 ) to his favor

15、ite customers. He 40 them himself with butter and put them in the trunk of his car between the computers and delivering. It was a huge 41. As a result, one of his customers 42 they go into the lobster business together. Dan laughed. Still , this landlocked computer salesman 43get the idea of lobster

16、s out of his 44. Why not turn this into a hobby and 45 a few extra dollar While on a job assignment in Chicago, he 46 a local radio station to give him a few ads in 47 for lobster. Unfortunately, his bosss heard his prize salesman 48 lobster, not computers. No surprise. Dan was let go. Afer49the com

17、panys car, he started to think maybe this was a 50. Playing with his phone that night, Dan tried dialing 1-800-LIVE-LOB.The number was 51, and Dan the lobsterman was born. Today, 20 years later, Dan is still selling dinners, through his company, Lobster Gram. And he couldnt be 52. Many of the fired

18、people found ways back to fulfilling 53 and learned the Pain and humiliation(羞辱 )are 54.So do no be afraid to move 55 and try your wings. Gather your support system. Persevere! Firing doesnt mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. 36. A. dreams B. wi

19、ngs C. needs D. minds 37. A. Because B. When C. Though D. If 38. A. searching for B. making up C. giving away D. thinking up 39. A. came about B. took place C. went on D. came to 40. A. packaged B. sold C. tied D. placed 4l. A. matter B. business C. failure D. success 42. A. said B. thought C. sugge

20、sted D. hoped 43. A. couldnt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. wouldnt 44. A. heart B. mind C. head D. hand 45. A. make B. get C. gather D. spend 46. A. permitted B. hoped C. persuaded D. suggested 47. A. change B. exchange C. place D. need 48. A. hunting B. seeking C. collecting D. selling 49. A. selling B.

21、 Paying C. returning D. using 50. A. thing B. sign C. pity D. please 5l.A. wrong B. right C. free D. available 52. A. happier B. worse C. lower D. higher 53. A. jobs B. wishes C. careers D. promises 54. A. short B. long C. forever D. temporary 55. A. back B. on C. in D. away 答案: 40 BCADA 4145DCABA 4

22、650 CBDCB 5155 DACDB 阅读理解 Every day, all across the nation, as many as one in four children refuse to go to school. The reasons are various. School Refusal, formerly known as School Phobia, is an actual anxiety-based disorder. Many children are vague about their complaints and unable to be sure what

23、 is making them anxious, so it is sometimes regarded as typical childhood will fullness. However, the effects of constant school refusal can be far-reaching for your childs education. So, wheres the 1ine between whats normal and whats not You need to look at whether it is affecting the child or fami

24、lys normal life, explains Christopher Kearny, Ph.D. In other words, if a childs grades are suffering from frequent absences or a parents job is disturbed, it is time to look closely at the issue. Parents should listen carefully to children who say they cant go to school because of “untestable things

25、 such as stomachaches or headaches. While these complaints alone dont necessarily indicate school refusal, there may be deeper problems if combined with general complaints about school, talks of threats at school and so on. There are different kinds of behavior in school refusal. Some children are i

26、nfluenced by their friends who skip school to hang out with their friends, showing a sense of rebellion(叛逆 ). Some children cling to their mothers, screaming at the thought of having to enter the school bui1ding. However, that doesnt mean that getting a child back into the c1assroom is impossible. A

27、ccording to Maryann Roth, a school psychologist and guidance counselor(顾问 ), parents should attempt to make the child get back to school, no matter how hard it is. Working closely with school officials and possibly a specialist to create a plan is a necessary step. 67. The underlined word vague (Par

28、agraph l) is closest in meaning to _. A. irregular B. unclear C. curious D. unusual 68. According to Paragraph2, the real reason of School Refusal may be that the children_ A. are suffering from illness B. are afraid of endless tests C. want to stay with their parents D. feel bored and unsafe at sch

29、ool 69. When facing School Refusal of their children, parents should _. A. take the problem serious1y if their daily life is disturbed B. discuss the seriousness of the problem with their children C. take their children to see the doctor immediately D. keep their children away from their rebellious

30、friends 70. The passage intends to _. A. explain that School Refusal is a symptom of an illness B. explain the phenomenon of School Refusal and how t treat it C. remind parents to take good care of their children D. explain that Scholl Refusal is normal and not serious 答案: 70 BDAB With smart phones

31、taking the world by storm, a phone that can only send and receive voictcal1s and text messages may seem like a relic from a bygone age. Yet in East Africa, simple phones like these are changing the face of the economy, thanks to the mobile money services that are spreading across the region. Using t

32、he text-messaging function built into the GSM system(全球通 ) used by most cell phone networks, these services al1ow people without a bank account or credit card to use their/phone as an electronic wallet that can he used to store, send or receive cash. It works like this: you pay cash to your loca1 ag

33、ent who then tops up your mobile money account using a secure form of text messaging. That money can be transferred to another person by sending a message to their cell Phone account. Fur some the system is a lifeline. If I didnt have my mobile Phone, I would be very poor, says Neyasse Neemur, a mot

34、her of four chi1dren who lives in northern Kenya. .”Now I can sell fish.” Neemur took up fishing in Ju1y last year, but making money from it was a little tricky, especially as Turkana peop1e do not usually eat fish. A truck from Ethiopia to Tanzania passes through her vi1lage once a week, and she ar

35、ranged to have the driver transport the fish several hundred ki1ometers south to market in Kisumu, where relatives sell the fish. I get the money transfer immediately.” says Neemur . Then I can pay for my children to go to school and for vegetables and beans, she adds, so I dont need to eat fish. Ac

36、cording to the Central Bank of Kenya, payments worth around l billion Kenyan shillings($13 million) per day were transferred through Kenyas mobile money systems in 2009, equaling the countrys credit card transactions(业务 ). The bank expects mobile money transfers to overtake credit cards in 2010. 63.

37、 In Paragraph l the author uses simple phones to _. A. make a comparison B. introduce a topic C. describe a scene D. offer an argument. 64. What can we learn about the simple phones in East Africa A. They might help the local peop1e apply for a bank account. B. They will replace the banks completely

38、 in the near future. C. They Provide a safe means for the locals to do business. D. They can do nothing except send and receive calls or messages. 65. The word “It” in the third paragraph refers to _. A. the GSM system B. the mobile money service C. the credit card service D. the cell phone networks

39、 66. The story of Neyasse Neemur suggests that _. A. the mobile money service plays a key role in the locals life B. Neemur uses her mobile phone to contact her customers C. her relative tricks Turkana people to eat the fish they sell D. the Bant of Kenya helps her improve her living condition 答案: 6

40、6 BCBA Nickname: Hawaiis Island Of Adventure Size: 4,028 square miles Popu1ation: l48, 67. The most heavily populated areas are Hilo on the east side and Kailua-Kona on the west. Temperature: Averages between 7lF and 77F year around. Beaches: 47 Golf Courses: 20 Highest Peak: Mauna Kea, l3, 796 feet

41、. Agriculture: The bulk of Hawaiis farming products are grown and processed on the Big Island, including coffee, macadamia nuts and papaya. Lodging: 9,655 rooms total; Night1y rates range from $35-$5,000. Airports: Hi1o International Airport on the east side and Kona International Airport on the wes

42、t side. Renta1 Cars: A1l of the nationally known rental car companies have locations at Hilo International and Kona International Airports as well as many resorts. In addition, Hilo, Kong and the major resort areas are serviced by taxis. Resources: Call (800) 6482441 to order a video, poster, brochu

43、res and maps from the Big Island Visitors Bureau. See www.bigisland.org for updated information. Shopping: The large shopping centers are in Hilo, Kona, Waimea and the Kohala Coast. 60. The passage is intended to be read by _. A. students B. businessmen C. tourists D. immigrants 6l.Which of the foll

44、owing is NOT mentioned as a traffic means to get around the Big Island A. By train. B. By air. C. By rental car. D. By taxi. 62. What can we infer from the passage A. You can see ww.bigisland.org for updated information. B. You can call (800) 6482441 to order some food. C. You can find some courts t

45、o p1ay tennis on the island. D. You may pay a high price for spending one night on the island. 答案: 6062 CAD It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the studen

46、ts walking into the hall, one of my colleagues turned to me and said, Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life. At my inquiry, he answered, Because the students you have gotton to know have to leave. As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleagues w

47、ords no longer existed. When I came across naughty students, I had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher. It obviously isnt money. Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change .He was working at Nintendo Corporation. His salary was higher than my

48、current one, though I have more education and have worked for over a decade, with my programming skills, he said he could get me hired. I thanked me, but declined his kind offer. A few days before this current graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework. She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class not about my


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