2011届广东省汕头市普通高中高 三第一次模拟考试英语卷.doc

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1、2011届广东省汕头市普通高中高 三第一次模拟考试英语卷 其他 语法填空(共 10小题,每题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you get a _【小题 1】 _( close) look you will notice one of

2、them is blind. Instead of abandoning him, his owner has made him a safe and comfortable barn to live in. And if you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell_【小题2】 _( come) from _【小题 3】 _ smaller horse. Attached to _【小题 4】 _ (it) halter is a small, copper-colored bell assisting the

3、blind friend to follow him. 【小题 5】 _you watch them, youll find the horse with the bell always checking on the blind one, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to _【小题 6】 _ the other one is, trusting he will not _【小题 7】 _( lead ) astray. When the horse with the bell r

4、eturns to the barn each evening, he will stop _【小题 8】 _( frequent ) to look back, making sure that the _【小题 9】 _ isnt too far behind to hear the bell. Life does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided

5、by the little ringing bell of our acquaintances; _【小题 10】 _other times we are the guide horse, who helps others to find their way. 答案: 【小题 1】 closer 【小题 1】 coming 【小题 1】 a/the 【小题 1】 its 【小题 1】 As 【小题 1】 where 【小题 1】 be led 【小题 1】 frequently 【小题 1】 other 【小题 1】 at 信息匹配(共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分 10分) 阅读下列应用文及相

6、关信息,并按要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑 ,选择项有 一项是多余的。 首先阅读下列国外媒体上的插图及介绍性文字: A. Cornwall You can find that weekend feeling every day of the year, in the countrys favourite holiday destination. Some find it in a rock pool on a golden beach, others find it along a dramatic coastal path over-looking crashing

7、waves, while for some it can only be discovered on wild moors and quiet woods. Art lovers are sure to find all the inspiration they could wish for in a lively arts scene, while gastronauts can savour the secret ingredients that make Cornwall a foodies heaven. Start planning, start discovering; get y

8、our free 2011 official Cornwall guide and visit the website. B. Cornwall, paradise found The gardens of Cornwall are the envy of the world. With its temperate climate Cornwall is the perfect home for a flourishing variety of plants, trees and shrubs. For seasoned horticulturists, keen amateurs or en

9、ergetic families looking for a fun day out, there is always a surprise around the next corner - maybe a hidden vista or a startling splash of colour. With over 70 gardens to choose from you can walk amongst wild woodlands or stand and admire the formal splendour of a country estate. Kitchen gardens,

10、 perfumed gardens, and even Japanese gardens - you will discover something fresh, whatever the season. Click the request brochure button for your FREE guide or visit the website for more information. C. Peak District Come to the Peak District and get right to the heart of a great holiday - right at

11、the heart of the UK. Our world-class destination is a stones throw from everywhere. From Hollywood film locations to superb landscapes and quality accommodation to luscious local food, weve got it all. Add awesome attractions, historic houses, glorious gardens, fantastic theme parks, fabulous festiv

12、als and vibrant nightlife - and you have the perfect recipe for a brilliant break. Order your free copy of our 2011 Visitor Guide now! D. Discover the stunning Channel Island of Guernsey in 2011 It doesnt take long to get to the stunning Channel Island of Guernsey, but once youre here, youll feel a

13、long way from home - Discover its unforgettable blend of stunning scenery, unique character and rich heritage for yourself in 2011. Welcome to the islands of Guernsey. Lying close to the north coast of France and bathed by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, the islands are the perfect escape. Indul

14、ge in an unforgettable meal, explore the regions rich heritage or simply revel in the beauty of your surroundings, the islands of choice have it all. On this s ite, youll find all the information you need to create a holiday filled with special memories - So take some time to look around and start p

15、lanning your perfect break. E. Visit the English Riviera - South Devons Beautiful Bay Torquay, Babbacombe, Paignton and Brixham boast stunning beaches and award-winning visitor attractions. But its not just palm trees and a famously mild climate, there is treasured literary and natural heritage just

16、 waiting to be discovered. The 22 miles of coastline has been endorsed by UNESCO as a Global Geopark. Explore Agatha Christies place of birth and the inspiration behind fictional tales and her real life story. Visit the website to request your free Accommodation Guide and prepare to explore South De

17、vons beautiful bay. F. Pure Jersey Whether youre looking for a short break or longer holiday, Jersey has it all! Discover breathtaking beaches, fabulous restaurants, cosmopolitan shopping, leafy country lanes, award-winning attractions and fascinating WWII history. Stay in family-friendly hotels or

18、self-catering lodges, chic hotels or great-value guest houses. With over 30 departure points from the UK, you can fly in less than an hour or sail by fast ferry. Whats more, with its lovely mild climate, Jersey is the warmest place in the British Isles. 以 下是几位计划出行者的情况介绍。请将介绍与相关插图及说明性文字匹配起来。 【小题 1】 D

19、oris , an amateur photographer , is now learning English in the UK. She is planning for a short visit to a place where she can not only has inspiration but also enjoys good food. More importantly, she wish to make it flexible according to her schedule. Any season would be fine as long as there are c

20、olourful flowers and warm sun shine. 【小题 2】 .Rainy, a housewife, is taking a short break to relax herself from boring daily routine, but wishes to spend some days outdoors with her three young girls. She hates the cold winter and is ready to travel by any means of transportation so long as it wont t

21、ake a long time. She prefers street shopping to on line shopping. 【小题 3】 Shirley, a professional column writer, is expecting to experience the UK in a special and unforgettable way. She writes about review on food, introduction to customs and lifestyle of the British. 【小题 4】 Kathy, an artist, has gr

22、eat passion for nature. She is enthusiastic about exploring the unknown , learning from tradition, enjoying the amazing scenery and bathing the sun on the beach. She usually reads a lot about the persons she paints before she starts working on it. 【小题 5】 King, a scholar, a nature lover, has written

23、quite a few books on wars. On the other hand, he is particular about food. He is planning to spend one or two days simply enjoying the beauty of nature and quietness of the woods. 答案:【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 F【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 E【小题 1】 A 完型填空 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选

24、出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。 The human nose is an underestimated tool. Humans are often thought to be 1_ smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are 2 to detecting those smells which float through the air, 3 the majority of smel

25、ls which stick to surfaces. In fact though, we are extremely sensitive to smells, even if we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 4 human smells even when these are 5 to far below one part in one million. 6 , some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, w

26、hile others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 7 smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 8 to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a c

27、ertain smell at first can suddenly become sensitive to it when 9 to it often enough. The 10 for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 11 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 12 new receptors if necessary. This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to

28、our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not 13 of the usual smell of our own house but we 14 new smells when we visit someone elses. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors _ 15 for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fir

29、e. 1. A. sensitive B. outstanding C. insensitive D. awkward 2. A. limited B. committed C. devoted D. conducted 3. A. catching B. ignoring C. missing D. tracking 4. A. distinguishing B. discovering C. determining D. detecting 5. A. reduced B. reserved C. rescued D. refused 6. A. Fortunately B. Strang

30、ely C Happily D. Amazingly 7. A. unusual B. particular C. unique D. typical 8. A. signs B. information C. messages D. signals 9. A. subjected B. left C. drawn D. exposed 10A. expectation B. expression C. extension D. explanation 11.A convenient B. competitive C. inefficient D. adequate 12.A introduc

31、e B. gather C. develop D. produce 13.A sure B. sick C. aware D tired 14.A tolerate B. resist C. neglect D. notice 15.A available B. reliable C. valuable D. suitable 答案: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D. 15.A 阅读理解 It was time for Mr. Rocco to shut up shop when I hurried in

32、to the florists. “Now, what is it you want ” Mr. Rocco turned to me. “I want the most beautiful flower you have.” I replied. “And just how much do you have to pay for this most beautiful flower ” I held out a wet hand showing a quarter and dime. He nodded, and then showed me a plant on the counter.

33、“I can give you this one for 35 cents.” he said. “Aw, gee,” I protested, “it looks like a weed!” About 18 inches high, the plant was in a small pot covered with faded red paper. “Now trust me, boyI promise that tomorrow morning when you get up, you will find your most beautiful flower.” said Mr. Roc

34、co. I knew him to be a good honest man, so I agreed to take it. It was almost midnight when I arrived home. Mom was seriously sick and using the front bedroom. I looked in to see if she was asleep, and then quietly tiptoed in and set the plant on the table beside her bed. I wanted her to be surprise

35、d when she woke on Mothers Day. The next morning, I dressed and hurried downstairs. The sun was shining through kitchen window as I looked into Moms room. She motioned for me to come in, then glanced over at the table where the plant was. Holy mackerel! There were three big yellow trumpet-shaped(喇叭状

36、的) blooms. It was just like Mr. Rocco saidthe most beautiful flower I ever saw! When I looked at Mom, she was smiling as tears streamed down her cheeks. She held out her hand for me to come near, then pulled me close and hugged till it hurt. Then, remembering her contagious condition and that she wa

37、snt supposed to touch me, she quickly let me go. My dear mom died the next night. The moment she hugged me turned out to be the most wonderful moment of my life. Not only had that beautiful plant helped show just how much I loved her, but Id always know how much she loved me. 【小题 1】 The author didnt

38、 like the plant recommended by Mr. Rocco at first because _. A the packing of the plant was shabby B the plant was more a weed than a flower C the plant appeared too ordinary to be the most beautiful D he thought Mr. Rocco was reluctant to do the deal with him 【小题 2】 Mothers condition was contagious

39、 (Line 6, Para.3) for _. A she was at the deaths door B she suffered from the illness C others were sick of her appearance D virus might spread from her to others 【小题 3】 When mother hugged the author tightly, she was showing that _. A she liked being given gifts B she valued what the author had done

40、 for her C she was aware of the approaching of death D she was touched by the beauty of the flower 【小题 4】 The story is mainly developed by_. A time B logic C comparison D cause and result 【小题 5】 Which may be the best title of the passage A Flowers of Love B A Sons Love for Mother C Low Price, High V

41、alue D A Special Mothers Day 答案:【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 A The audience starts to scream and young people all over Britain turn on their TVs. Yes, its Top of the Pops! Top of the Pops is an amazing 34 years old. Pop stars from all over the world appear on this successful TV programme.

42、After 1,800 shows, its still the most popular pop music show in Britain. So whats the secret “We get lots of bands to perform live in the studio,” says producer Chris Cowey. “That just doesnt happen on other shows.” Chris starts planning the programme over a week before it goes out. His first job is

43、 to decide which bands to have on the show. When the chart of the top twenty songs is produced on Sunday, Chris can start to book the bands. Monday starts with Chris meeting his sound, lighting and camera workers. They listen to each song and plan the show. Tuesday is paperwork day. There are bookin

44、gs to make sure of letters to answer and lots of phone calls to make. The show is on Thursday. Bands arrive at the studio from 10 oclock in the morning and start practising. Tonights presenter, Jo Whiley, practices too. First the bands go to make up. Judy and Issy are the make-up artists. “We see th

45、e stars with no make-up on, looking terrible,” says Issy. Then the bands go to the costume department where Marianne dresses the stars. Back in the studio things are happening. The audience are practicing their dance moves! It takes over two hours to record the whole programme, then Chris edits it a

46、ll night long. The final version is exactly 29 minutes long. 31. What make(s) Top of the Pops still the most popular in Britain A. The live performances in the studio. B. The jobs carefully done by the workers of the TV station. C. The great fame of the bands. D. The large numbers of pop fans in Bri

47、tain. 32. When the bands receive the invitations to the performance, _. A. they must de cide on the songs B. they dont have to decide what songs they will perform C. the songs that will be performed havent been decided on D. they have no idea what songs they will perform 33 The underlined word “cost

48、ume”( in Paragraph 7) probably means . A. makeup B. stage C. studio D. clothes 【小题 1】 How is a music programme made at the TV station 【小题 2】 Which is the proper title for the passage A More Popular, More Successful B A Stage for Pop Stars C Go Backstage of Top of the Pops. D A Popular Live Band. 答案:

49、【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 C The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful, says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses (冲动 ) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom. A single angry word has lost many a friend. When Socrates


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