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1、2012-2013学年广东省揭阳一中高二下学期第一次阶段考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Some young Cambodians are learning a new sport skateboarding. Fifteen -year-old Chea Sophanit 1 (skate) for about six months. “When I see the different skaters, I just want to be like 2 .” he says. Sports like boxing and soccer are wildly popular in Camb

2、odia, 3 Chea says skating has already become his favourite sport. 4 nongovernmental organization called Skateistan Cambodia organizes 5 (week) programs at the park. Skateistan Cambodia started its work in Afghanistan. Rory Burke works with the group, 6 expanded to Cambodia later. He says learning to

3、 deal 7 difficulties is part of the lesson for these young skateboarders. Seventeen-year-old Sang Rotha began skateboarding more than a year ago. “Sometimes I dont do well 8 subjects like math,” he says. “I feel bad when I find 9 hard to keep up with my lessons.” Before he started training, it seeme

4、d very easy. But it was very difficult to learn tricks, and he got hurt a lot from falling off. 10 (learn) skateboarding has taught him to face difficulties and challenges. 答案: 【小题 1】 has been skating 【小题 2】 them 【小题 3】 but 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 weekly 【小题 6】 which 【小题 7】 with 【小题 8】 in 【小题 9】 it 【小题 10】

5、Learning 试题分析: 【小题 1】 has been skating 根据本句的 for about six months说明这 6个月来一直在做的事情, 所以使用现在完成进行时的时态来表示。 【小题 2】 them 这里的 them就是指前面的 the different skaters。 【小题 3】 but 上下文之间存在转折关系。上句说足球和拳击很流行,但是他说滑板是他的最爱。 【小题 4】 A 这里的 a表示泛指,一个被称为 Skateistan Cambodia的非政府组织。 【小题 5】 weekly 用形容词 weekly来修饰 program。 Weekly指每周的,

6、一周的; 【小题 6】 which 本句是一个定语从句, which指代非限制性定语从句,在句中做主语。 【小题 7】 with 固定词组 deal with 处理,对付。 【小题 8】 in 固定词组 do well in 在 表现好。 【小题 9】 it 本句的 it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式 to keep up with my lessons 【小题 10】 Learning 本句中的动名词 learning skateboarding在句中做主语。 考点:考查语法填空 点评:语法填空较难,需要考生有很强的语法分析能力和运用词汇的能力,特别注意非谓语动词用法,虚拟语气用法,定

7、语从句用法等等,要实现语法和句法的统一。 根据中文意义完成句子(每空 1词,每题 2分,共 14分) 【小题 1】 Tony just called me up to _ _ _ _. Tony打电话祝贺我的成功。 【小题 2】 _ _ _ _ the number of private cars, government should also provide more public transport. 除了减少私家车数量,政府还应该提供更多的公共交通工具。 【小题 3】 Jim was sorry _ _ _ _ his wife to hospital when their baby w

8、as born. 在他们孩子出生时 Jim对于没能陪他妻子去医院感到很抱歉。 【小题 4】 William cant bear _ _ _ _ like this before the whole class. William无法忍受在全班同学前被这样取笑。 【小题 5】 I have a busy life with _ _ _ _ _ feeling sorry for myself. 我生活充实,没有时间闲坐着自怜。 【小题 6】 He was _ _ _ _ her yet he didnt know what to say. 他对她充满了同情,却不知道该说什么。 【小题 7】 She

9、 was adopted as a little baby, thus she _ _ _ _ her natural parents. 她在小婴儿的时候被收养,因此她对生身父母没感情。 答案: 【小题 1】 congratulate on my success 【小题 2】 As well as/In addition to reducing 【小题 3】 not to have accompanied 【小题 4】 being made fun of 【小题 5】 no time to sit around 【小题 6】 full of sympathy for 【小题 7】 had/fe

10、lt no affection for 试题分析: 【小题 1】 congratulate on my success 本句考查 congratulate on sth祝贺某人某 事。 【小题 2】 As well as/In addition to reducing 本句中的 “除 自外 ”as well as,或者in addition to 表示 “除 之外 ”包括在内。 【小题 3】 not to have accompanied 本句中的不定式的完成式表示的是在谓语动词之前级已经完成,已经发的动作。 【小题 4】 being made fun of 动词 bear表示忍受的时候,后面

11、要接动名词的形式。本句又表示的是被动的含义。 【小题 5】 no time to sit around 本句中 的不定式 to sit around作为定语修饰前面的 time。 【小题 6】 full of sympathy for固定词组 be full of 充满 ;名词 sympathy与介词 for连用。 【小题 7】 had/felt no affection for 本句中的名词 affection表示感情,要和介词for连用。 考点:考查完成句子 点评:本题考查较为细致,要求考生要特别耐心答题中注意各种词性之间的区别以及一些常用句型,固定短语的应用。一般的这类题型不会出现太复杂

12、的单词和句子,这类题型考察基础知识较多。平 时应注重积累,熟记一些句型及惯用结构。 运用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。 【小题 1】 Fresh air is _(benefit) to your fathers health. 【小题 2】 Do you feel a sense of s_(satisfy) at the end of the working day 【小题 3】 Praise acts as an _ to the players, and therefore they will feel _ and get the _ to continue and improve th

13、eir performance. (encourage) 答案: 【小题 1】 beneficial 【小题 2】 satisfaction 【小题 3】 encouragement encouraged courage 试题分析: 【小题 1】 beneficial 本题是固定词组 be beneficial to 对 有益 ; 【小题 2】 satisfaction 本题名词 satisfaction放在 a sense of后面,表示满意感。 【小题 3】 encouragement encouraged courage 第一空使用 encouragement放在 an的后面。第二空使用

14、形容词 encouraged与系动词 feel连用形成系表结构;第三空 courage是名词勇气的意思。 考点:考查单词变形 点评:本题要求考生对于词性和词形的变化和语法结构较为熟悉,要知道形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词或者副词。另外还要注意时态和语态的变化。 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Many years ago, whites ruled South Africa. Apartheid(种族隔离制度) was the 16 of the land. One evening, two middle-aged blacks met in

15、a “whites only” section of Johannesburg. One of them had a permit to work in the area, the other did not, which 17 he could be put behind bars(关押) for staying in this zone. 18 they saw a policeman coming towards them, and 19 . “Run!” whispered the man with the permit to his friend, “Ill 20 .” They s

16、tarted running and the policeman began chasing them, shouting “stop, stop”. Finally he caught the second man. “Did you think you could outrun me!” he snarled. “Show me your 21 ! ” The man, playing for time, began reaching in his pocket and finally took out his permit. The policeman was surprised and

17、 realized that he had been 22 . The man without the permit was now too far away to be caught. “When you had a permit why did you run!” he shouted 23 . “Doctors 24 ,” said the man. “He has asked me to run a mile every evening.” “Oh, yes ” Sneered the policeman. “Then why was your friend 25 ” “His doc

18、tor has also ordered him to run,” said the man. The policeman became 26 with anger. “You think youre very 27 , dont you ” he snarled. “But tell me, if you were running 28 for your health why didnt you stop when you saw me running after you And dont tell me you didnt see me chasing you. I know you di

19、d!” “Of course I 29 you were running after me,” said the man. “Then why didnt you stop ” asked the policeman. “It was 30 of me,” said the man, “but I thought you too had been ordered to run by your doctor.” 【小题1】 A property B mistake C law D custom A meant B showed C replied D imagined A Happily B S

20、uddenly C Finally D Generally A hid B fell C cried D froze A fight B explain C follow D walk A invitation B permit C pocket D ticket A fooled B hurt C blamed D abandoned A nervously B sadly C carefully D angrily A attitudes B methods C orders D hopes A stopping B missing C staying D running A shy B

21、strict C red D serious A brave B healthy C native D smart A only B also C never D often A remembered B knew C believed D agreed A stupid B rude C kind D wise 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】

22、 A 试题分析:本文讲述了两个黑人进入白人专属区时遇见警察,最后愚弄了那位警察的小故事。 【小题 1】 C 名词辨析。 A财产 B错误 C法律 D风俗;南非的种族歧视制度就是当地的法律。 【小题 2】 A 动词辨析。 A意味着 B显示 C回应 D想象;这意味着他可能会因此而被关押。 【小题 3】 B 副词辨析。 A开心地 B突然 C最后 D一般;突然他们看见一个警察朝他们走了过来。 【小题 4】 D 动词辨析。 A躲藏 B摔倒 C哭 D呆住了;他们看到警察过来的时候都吓得呆住了。 【小题 5】 C 动词辨析。 A战斗 B解释 C跟随 D步行;他让同伴先跑,他随后跟上。 【小题 6】 B 上下文

23、串联。这是一个限制黑人进入的地方,所以警察让他出生permit。 【小题 7】 A 动词辨析。 A愚弄 B伤害 C责备 D抛弃;警察在他的口袋里找到了 permit,感觉被愚弄。 【小题 8】 D 副词辨析。 A紧张地 B悲哀地 C细心地 D生气地;感觉到自己被愚弄,他生气地大吼。 【小题 9】 C 名词辨析。 A态度 B方法 C命令 D希望;他说这是医生的命令。 【小题 10】 D 上下文串联。根据上文可知他和他的朋友都跑了,警察询问他的朋友为什么要跑? 【小题 11】 C 形容词辨析。 A害羞 B严厉 C红色 D严肃;警察的脸因为生气而变红了。 【小题 12】 D 形容词辨析。 A勇敢 B

24、健康 C本地的 D聪明的;警察反问他:是不是觉得自 己很聪明? 【小题 13】 A 副词辨析。 A仅仅 B也 C从未 D经常;如果你的逃跑仅仅是因为健康 【小题 14】 B 动词辨析。 A记得 B知道 C相信 D同意;我当然知道你在后面追我。 【小题 15】 A 形容词辨析。 A愚蠢 B粗鲁 C善良 D聪明;这就是我愚蠢的地方,我以为你也是被你的医命令着跑步的。 考点:考查故事类完型填空 点评:从本篇完型我们可以看出完形的考查趋势。突出考察学生词汇与结构,词汇与结构这部分既是整个考试的基础,也是本题考察的重点部分,在以后的复习中,要特别重视词汇与语法的复习,重视自己基础的夯实与提高,只有这样

25、,才能以不变应万变,在高考中中立于不败之地。 阅读理解 As a teenager in 1972, Bill Gates boasted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20. While he did not quite achieve that goal, only 15 years later, he was a millionaire. And by 1992, as head of the Microsoft company, he became the richest man in America with as

26、sets(资产) of nearly US $ 6.3 billion. Born in Seattle, Washington on 28, October, 1956, Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. From the beginning, he was an extremely energetic and intelligent child. He had read the entire world book encyclopedia(百科全书)by the age of nine. His

27、favorite subjects at school were science and math and his favorite pastime was thinking. Gates first started to play with computers at the age of 13. Before long he became an expert at working the schools computer. After his graduation from secondary school, Gates was accepted by the three top unive

28、rsities in the USA-Princeton, Harvard and Yale. He chose Harvard and began classes there the next autunm, majoring maths. But he was still obsessed(占据心里) with computers and spent as much time in the computer laboratories as he did in the lecture halls. By 1975, Gates and a partner, Paul Allen, had d

29、eveloped a software program called BASIC. This was not the first program ever created, but its inventors were the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it. BASIC was a success because until it came along, there had been no efficient way of getting computers to carry out ins

30、tructions. Although he had not completed his degree, Gates left university and went to work full time for the new company he had formed called Microsoft. His next project was the software program that made him famous and very rich. It was called DOS, short for Disk Operating System, and it was purch

31、ased by IBM in 1980. Today it is the operating system used in more than 14 million personal computers around the world. As chief executive officer(首席行政长官) of Microsoft, Gates is known as a bright man, but one who is not easily satisfied. He is quick to criticize his staff and hates to be questioned

32、about decisions he has made. He was regarded as a loner and unfashionable boring computer nut until his marriage to Microsoft manager Melinda French on New Years Day 1994. Yet to many people now, Gates, is a person who is, in spite of his great wealth, humble(谦恭) and ordinary. He spends his money ca

33、refully. He eats in fast food restaurants and flies economy class. And when praised for Microsofts great success, he has been heard to say, All we do is put software in a box and if people see it in the stores and like it, they buy it. 【小题 1】 When he was a teenager, Bill Gates wanted to be a _. A te

34、acher B doctor C businessman D professor 【小题 2】 When Gates went to Harvard, he _. A was only interested in maths B spent most of his time in computer laboratories C developed the first computer software program D divided his time between his maths studies and the computer laboratories 【小题 3】 Before

35、the development of BASIC, _. A no one was interested in computer software B software programs were not considered commercial projects C software programs were very expensive D no one wanted to pay for computer software 【小题 4】 When the writer says He was regarded as a loner and unfashionable boring c

36、omputer nut, he means _. A Bill was so strong-minded that no one could change his mind B The only thing that could interest Bill in his life was computer C Bill was such a boring young man that nobody would like to talk to him D Bill couldnt work out the boring computer programs 【小题 5】 Most people t

37、hink that Bill Gates is _. A a crazy person B a person obsessed with making money C someone who spends money freely D a quite common, normal person 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:本文介绍了 Bill Gates的人生经历以及他创办微软公司的过程,特别介绍了他对于计算机的热爱。 【小题 1】 C 细节题。根据文章 1,2行 As a teenager in 1972, Bi

38、ll Gates boasted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20.说明他年轻的时候就希望自己成为百万富翁。成为一个商人,故 C正确。 【小题 2】 D 细节题。根据第三段 He chose Harvard and began classes there the next autunm, majoring maths. But he was still obsessed(占据心里) with computers and spent as much time in the computer laboratories as h

39、e did in the lecture halls.说明他主修数学同时也把很多的时间都花在计算机上,故 D正确。 【小题 3】 B 细节题。根据 This was not the first program ever created, but its inventors were the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it.说明之前没有人想到把 Basic用于商业用途,故 B正确。 【小题 4】 B 推理题。根据 Gates is known as a bright man, but one w

40、ho is not easily satisfied. He is quick to criticize his staff and hates to be questioned about decisions he has made. He was regarded as a loner and unfashionable boring computer nut说明他是一个对计算机很痴狂的人在他的生命中只有计算机,故 B正确。 【小题 5】 D 细节题。根据文章倒数 3,4,5行 Gates, is a person who is, in spite of his great wealth,

41、 humble(谦恭) and ordinary. He spends his money carefully. He eats in fast food restaurants and flies economy class.说明在外表上他是一个很普通的人,人们很难想象他是一个百万富翁。故 D正确。 考点:考查人物传记类短文 点评:本文介绍了微软创始人 Bill Gates。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提

42、下,最后确定最佳答案:。 People often hear each others voices without ever seeing the faces they belong to. Nowadays we are talking away on the phone without meeting people, says Seung-Jae Moon. And from business conference calls to chat lines, people often imagine they would recognize the speaker if they saw h

43、im or her. Seung-Jae Moon, a linguist of Korea found that, under certain conditions, theyre actually right. Moon decided to see just how close those mental pictures match up with reality and if there was any relation to how people speak rather than what they are saying. He recorded 16 Koreans, half

44、men and half women, reading the same passage, and took a full-body photo and head shot of each speaker. Then he played the tapes for 361 Koreans and 173 Americans who did not speak Korean and asked his subjects to match up voice and picture. The Korean participants viewing full-body photos were quit

45、e perceptive. A majority linked 6 of the 8 women to the correct voice and did so for 5 of the 8 men. With the Korean group shown only faces, accuracy plummeted, but more than 20 percent of the subjects selected the same incorrect picture. The Americans showed no accuracy in matching the foreign voic

46、es to photos, but they too were consistent in their errors. That disconnection reveals conflicting ideas of physical and vocal beauty. Moon asked people to pick a favorite face and voice. Seventy percent of the Koreans picked one voice, but there was no agreement on a face. Americans didn t agree on

47、 either count. And over 65 percent of both Koreans and Americans did not match their favorite face with their favorite voice. Moon hopes to use software to break voices into components like pitch and hoarseness to narrow down which elements trigger certain mental pictures. If we can map which charac

48、teristics of the voice triggers what kind of linage, and it doesnt matter whether that image is the right or wrong one of the actual speaker, then we can create an image through voice, he says. That capacity could help to create computer-synthesized voices tailored to conjure up specific associations audio books for children that inspire motherly visages, or warning alerts that bring to mind a stern police officer. 【小题 1】 People often think that they would _ the speaker when they saw the speaker


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