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1、2013届云南省昆明市官渡区第二中学高三第二次阶段性检测英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * - I wonder if I could borrow your bike for a second time. - .You nearly damaged it last time. A Why not B I dont think so. C By no means. D By all means. 答案: C 试题分析:上文意思是,我可以再借你的自行车吗?下文意思是你几乎毁了它。可知中间选项要表达否定的意思。 Why not 意思是为什么不? I dont think so.我不这样认为。

2、By no means.决不。 By all means.意思是当然可以。故选 C,最符合题意。 考点:本题重点考察交际用语及 By no means. 和 By all means.的辨析。 点评:解答此类题型首先要理解上下文题意,然后根据上下文之间的逻辑关系及英文习惯悬着正确答语。 It is impolite you to ring off when others havent finished their talking on the phone. A for B from C to D of 答案: D 试题分析 :句意,在电话上当别人没有结束谈话时你挂断电话是不礼貌的。 For多表

3、示动作的原因、目的等。 From表示来自哪里。 To 表示动作的对象,方向等。 Of多用来说明事物的性质能。 Be impolite of 是不礼貌的, Be impolite to do sth做某事是不礼貌的。故选 D。 考点:常见搭配。 Be +adj+of 是 的。 点评: be动词接形容词加 of多用来说明某事物的性质怎么样,后接名词或者名词性从句。 They chatted a lot on the phone and helped the girl the awful days and always put her in a good mood. A get through B

4、get out C get away D get into 答案: A 试题分析 :本题意在考查短语辨析, get through表示通过; get out离开、出去;get away逃脱、出发; get into进入、习惯于。根据题意,他们在电话中聊了很多,帮助这个女孩度过了这些可怕地日子并让她一直处于愉悦当中。选 A。 考点:短语辨析 点评:英语中有很多固定短语,表示的意思各不相同,应牢记。 On the box a beautiful card , “Happy Birthday, Guo Hailong!” A is; says B has; saying C was; saying

5、D was; said 答案: C 试题分析 :句意 ,在箱子上 ,有一张漂亮的卡片 ,写着 ,“祝你 生日快乐,郭海龙! ”本句主句为 On the box a beautiful card,后面内容为伴随状语。现在分词表示正在发生的伴随性的动作,过去分词表示发生过的被动的动作,可排斥 AD选项。Have has多表示某人有某物,表示某地有某物是要用系动词加地点做表语,本句表语提前为倒装语序,故选 C。 考点:主谓一致及非谓语动词作状语 点评:英语中主谓一致和非谓语动词问题比较复杂,但也有相应的原则,应牢记。 The new shop announced that the first to

6、purchase goods on the opening day get a big prize. A will B shall C must D might 答案: B There is no doubt he will finish the task in time. A if B whether C what D that 答案: D 试题分析:句意 ,无疑他会按时完成这项任务。 there is no doubt 句型中当 doubt本身被否定时,其后跟的宾语从句或同位语从句应用 that 引导; doubt 被肯定时,其后的宾语从句用 if或 whether引导,同位语从句则由 w

7、hether引导,不能用 if引导。故选 D. 考点:固定结构 there is no doubt that 点评:英语中有一些固定的句型,结构需要我们平时多记忆、积累。 The women there under the tree, in a black skirt, is our Chinese teacher. A seating; dressed B sitting; dressing C seated; dressed D seated; dressing 答案: C 试题分析:句意 ,穿着一件黑裙子 ,站在那棵树下的女人是我们的语文老师 .现在分词作定语多表示伴随的 ,正在发生的动

8、作 ,和所修饰词是主谓关系 .过去分词表示被动的过去的动作 .和所修饰词是动宾关系 .dress有给 穿衣的意思,句中the woman为 dress的逻辑宾语,故选 C。 考点:连词辨析 点评:解答此类题型首先要弄清题意 ,根据前后文关系确定适当连词 . The tour was fantastic in general, our car broke down on the way back. A as B though C whether D since 答案: B 试题分析:句意 ,上文 ,总的来说这次旅行太不可思议了 ,下文在回来的路上我们的车坏了 .as意思是由于 ;though意思

9、是尽管 /虽然 ;wether意思是是否 ;since意思是自从 .故选 B. 考点:连词辨析 点评:解答此类题型首先要弄清题意 ,根据前后文关系确定适当连词 . you get there, please be there in time, because is late wont be admitted into the meeting hall. A No matter how; no matter who B However; no matter who C No matter how; whomever D However; whoever 答案: D 试题分析:句意 ,无论你怎样到

10、那儿 ,请按时到 ,因为无论谁迟到了都不许进入会议大厅 .however可以引导名词性从句和让步状语从句,而 no matter 只能引导让步状语从句且从句的引导词只能是疑问词, .you get there为名词性从句 ,下文副词为从句主语 ,故只能用 whoever,故选 D. 考点:考察 no matter+疑问词和疑问词 +ever的区别 . 点评: no matter+疑问词只能引导让步状语从句 ,疑问词 +ever除此之外还可以引导名词性从句 . Little to help the poor bird, whose wing was badly injured. A Tom do

11、es B does Tom C does Tom do D did Tom do 答案: D 试题分析:当否定副词 little置于句首时,其后习惯上要用倒装语序 (与一般疑问句形式相同 )主语后面的 do为实意动词 ,根据从句时态他的翅膀严重受伤了 ,可知主句时态为过去时态 ,故选 D。 考点:部分倒装和时态 点评:英语句子中当含有否定含义的副词位于句首时 ,后面句子好采用部分倒装结构 . The boy insisted that he old enough, and the right to make his own choice. A was; be given B was; was

12、given C be; give D is; given 答案: A 试题分析:句意,这个男孩坚称他已经足够大 ,应该有做出自己的选择的权利了 .宾语从句的时态当主句谓语动词是一般现在时态时 ,从句时态可以是任何适当时态 .当主句谓语是过去时态 ,从句时态必须是过去时态 .句中这个男孩是给予权力的对象 ,故用被动语态 ,be前面省略了情态动词 should,故选 A. 考点:考查宾语从句时态及语态 点评:宾语从句的时态要根据实际情况而定 ,语态区分主要是看谓语动词和主语之间的关系 . They became friends again that day. Until then, they _

13、to each other for nearly two years. A wont speak B havent spoken C hadnt spoken D havent been speaking 答案: C 试题分析:句意,那天,他们又成为了朋友。直到那时,他们彼此不说话已经有几乎两年的时间了。根据题意分析可知他们不说话这个动作时发生在他们又成为朋友之前,故用过去完成时态,本句中强调的是他们彼此不说话的的事实,选项 A为过去将来时态,选项 B为现在完成时态否定式,选项 D强调的是 动作本身,故不用过去进行时态 .所以选 C. 考点:考查时态 点评:确定一个句子的时态除了可以通过时间状

14、语以外 ,还可以根据上下文来确定 . The reason _ he refused to attend the meeting was that they didnt give him an invitation earlier. A how B why C which D that 答案: B 试题分析:句意,他们拒绝参加会议的原因是因为他们没有提前向他发出邀请。根据前置词 the reason可知引导词需用 why为什么。故选 B。 考点:考察定语从句引导词用法。 点评:定语从句中引导词有比较固定的用法,我们应熟记这些基本规则。 If you stand here, youll get

15、a better of the river. A view B sight C scene D scenery 答案: A 试题分析:句意,如果你站在这儿,你就能更好的观察这条河。 view 意思是观察,视野; sight意思是叹息; scene意思是场面、景象; scenery意思是风景、景色。根据句意分析,本句要表达的 意思是看到这条河,故选 A。 考点:常见词义辨析 点评:解答此类题型一定要掌握各个选项的基本词义,以及一些固定搭配,如:get a view of 看到。 Mr. Bill Clinton was elected _ President of the United Stat

16、es in _ 1990s. A the; the B a; the C the; 不填 D不填 ; the 答案: D 试题分析:句子所要表的意思是在九十年代,比尔 .克林顿被选为美国总统。本句中只是要说克林顿被选为总统这件事,究竟是哪国总统,哪一届总统并不重要,总统只是一种职业的代称,故此处不用冠词。时间状语则为固定结构, in +the +年份复数,因为是特指在某个年代,故前面需加定冠词 the。故选 D 考点:冠词习惯用法 点评:解答有关冠词的题型可以从两方面入手,一是习惯搭配,二是固定短语。对于固定短语平时应多读多记。 完型填空 A poor boy Howard Kelly was

17、 trying to make some money for school by selling goods. He found that he had only one coin left. He was so 16 that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his courage when a lovely young 17 opened the door. Instead of asking for a meal, he asked for a drink of 18 . She smile

18、d understandingly and brought him a 19 glass of milk. He drank it slowly and then asked, “How much is it ” “You need pay nothing.” she replied. “Mother has 20 me never to accept pay for a 21 .” As Howard 22 that house, he not only felt stronger 23 , but it also made him believe in God and the human

19、beings more. He was about to give up before this. 24 later, the young woman became very ill. She was sent to the big city, 25 Dr Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in for the treatment. When he heard the name of the 26 she came from, a 27 light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down t

20、hrough the hospital hall into her room. He 28 her at once. From that day on, he gave 29 attention to her case and 30 to do his best to save her life. After a long time, she recovered. The bill was sent to her room. She was 31 to open it because she knew it would 32 the rest of her life to pay it off

21、. Finally she looked at the bill and saw these words on one side of it, Paid in full with 33 . Dr Howard Kelly Tears of 34 ran out of her eyes as she cried, Thank you, 35 . Your love has got around through human hearts and hands. 【小题1】 A worried B upset C ill D hungry A gentleman B lady C doctor D m

22、other A soup B milk C water D wine A large B small C hot D cold A said B ordered C taught D allowed A kindness B happiness C food D milk A went in B left C stayed in D ran from A in health B in mind C in hand D in body A Days B Weeks C Months D Years A when B where C then D that A town B city C room

23、 D house A silent B angry C strange D familiar A treated B realized C recognized D saved A special B small C little D large A wished B ordered C made D decided A afraid B excited C unable D certain A pay B take C spend D cost A all her money B my pay C love D a glass of milk A comfort B joy C surpri

24、se D sadness A Doctor B Mother C Boy D God 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 D 【小题 1】细节题。根据下文 he decided to beg for a meal 他打算去乞讨些吃的,可知选 D,饿了

25、。 【小题 2】细节题。联系下文 9 later, the young woman became very ill.可知出来一位年轻女士,故选 B。 【小题 3】细节题。结合上文他为了自己的面子,应该是要一种比较廉价的东西。通过下文 She smiled understandingly and brought him a 4 glass of milk 。她若有所悟的笑了并拿给他一大杯牛奶。可知他要的不是牛奶,更不可能是汤或者酒,故选 C。他要了一杯水。 【小题 4】细节题。联系下文可知这是位很善良的女士,根据后面所修饰名词glass也可以得出选 A的结论给他拿了一大杯牛奶。 【小题 5】细节

26、分析题,结合下文,这位女士讲述的是一个做人的道理,故用teach教导比较恰当。选 C。 【小题 6】细节分析题。结合上文这位女士的善行,可知选 A,好心,最符合题意。 【小题 7】逻辑分析题。上文提到凯利在人家门口乞讨,现在当然是离开,根据情形也不用跑掉,故 选 B,离开。 【小题 8】细节题。结合上下文喝了人家的牛奶,接受了一番人生哲理教育。可知本句要表达的意思为,他不仅感到身体更有力气,而且让他更相信上帝和整个人类,故选 D。 【小题 9】细节分析题。联系下文这位女士病了,这个小男孩成为了著名的医生,可知是多年以后,故选 D。 【小题 10】考察非限定性定语从句关系代词。限制定语从句紧跟先

27、行词,同先行词这间一般不加逗号,仅修饰先行词,可以由关系代词 .关系副词或 that来引导。非限制性定语从句仅作补充或说明,用逗号与主句隔开,既可修饰先行词,又可修饰整个主句,不可用 that引导。根据先行词, the big city 可知应用关系副词 where引导。故选 B。 【小题 11】细节分析题。结合上文 She was sent to the big city,可知这位女士不是住在城市里面,故选 A.、 town 城镇。 【小题 12】细节分析题。结合上下文可知本句要表达的意思是当他听到这个熟悉的城镇的名字,他的目光变得有些不同,故选 C。 【小题 13】细节题。因为曾经有过接触

28、,结合下文可知这个曾经的小男孩立刻认出了这位女士,故选 C。 【小题 14】细节题。结合上文他认出了自己曾经的恩人,故应与照 顾其它病人有所不同,故选 A,专门的,特别的。 【小题 15】细节题。结合上下文可知句意为,他决定尽力拯救她的生命。故选D。 【小题 16】细节题。结合下文可知这位女士心情应是担心害怕,故选 A,害怕的。 【小题 17】词义辨析 。 spend, cost, take和 pay都可以表示 “花费 ”, spend的主语必须是人, cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示 “值 ”, take后面常跟双宾语, It takes sb. 时间 to do sth. 做某事

29、花了某人多少时间。 doing sth. takes sb. 时间 ,做某事花了某人多少时间 pay的基本含义是付出 给 。故选 B 【小题 18】细节题。结合上文,可知选 D最符合题意。你用一杯牛奶全额交了药费。 【小题 19】细节题。自己担心的事情没有发生,故心情是高兴的,选 B,幸福的泪水流出她的眼眶。 【小题 20】细节题。结合下文你的爱通过人类的心灵和双手传遍了人间。可知此处感谢的是上帝,故选 D。 考点:这是一篇叙事类短文 ,记述了一个儿时受人帮助的小男孩成年后回报恩人的故事 点评:叙事类短文 ,要注意文章的叙事顺序 ,理清事情的前因后果 ,搞清文章要表达的思想 ,这往往会对答案

30、:的选择有重要影响。 阅读理解 Linda Evans was my best friendlike the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding. When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special timeslike my wedding and Lindas.

31、Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped Address Unknown I had no idea about how to find Linda. Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share(分享 ) happiness of my children and then grandchildren. And

32、 I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill. One day, I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was WagmanLindas married n

33、ame. There must be thousands of Wagmans.I thought, but I still wrote to her. She called as soon as she got my letter. Mrs. Tobin! she said excitedly, Linda Evans Wagman is my mother. Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each oth

34、ers lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And theres one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We wont lose each other again! 【小题 1】 The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans _. A at the age of 13 B before the writers family moved away C after they moved to new homes D before she

35、 got married 【小题 2】 They didnt often write to each other because they _. A got married B didnt like writing letters C had little time to do so D could see each other on special time 【小题 3】 There was an empty place in the writers heart because she _. A was in trouble B didnt know Lindas address C rec

36、eived the card that she sent D didnt have a friend like Linda to share her happiness and sadness 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 1】细节题分析。根据 When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters,可知他们一同上钢琴课是在 13岁之前,故选 B。 【小题 2】细节题分析。根据 Soon we were busy with children and mo

37、ving to new homes, and we wrote less often. 他们不常写信的原因是孩子和搬家问题,选项 A,结婚了。表述不全面。选项 B,与文意不符。选线 D,不是他们不写信的原因。故选 C,几乎没有时间这样做。 【小题 3】细节分析题。根据 There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.这句描述可知作者没有一个想琳达一样可以分享快乐和伤心的朋友,故选 D 考点:本文为人生百味类阅读 ,记述了两个好朋友之间的故事。 点评:此类阅读文章的写作往往按照时间的发展顺

38、序来记叙,阅读中要注意文中时间词的应用 ,这对于我们把握文章脉络有很大的帮助。 A new study of 8,000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people Puppy love(早恋) may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression(忧

39、郁症) The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys, and younger girls are the worst of all The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is “loss of self” According to the study, even though boys would say “lose themselves in a romantic relat

40、ionship”, this “loss of self” is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions They wont tell that to their parents Dr Marianm Kaufman, an expert on young people problems, says 15% to 20% yo

41、ung people will have depression during their growing Trying romance often causes the depression She advises kids not to jump into romance too early During growing up, it is important for young people to build strong friendships and a strong sense of self She also suggests the parents should encourag

42、e their kids to keep close to their friends, attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family Parents should watch for signs of depressioneating or mood changesand if they see signs from their daughters or sons, they need to give help The good news is that the connection b

43、etween romance and depression seems to become weak with age Love will always make us feel young, but only maturity(成熟) gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects 【小题 1】 Whats the main idea of the passage A Romance is good for young people B Parents should forbid their childrens love C Romance i

44、s a two -edged sword for adults D Puppy love may bring young people depression 【小题 2】 Which of the following is more likely to have depression A Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions B Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior C Young people who have a strong sense of selfi

45、shness D Careless parents whose children are deep in love 【小题 3】 What can be inferred from the passage A Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly B The older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance C Parents should help their children to be aware of the sig

46、ns of depression D Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents 【小题 4】 Whats the authors attitude towards puppy love A Confused B Scared C Disinterested D Disapproving 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 1】细节分析题。根据 Puppy love(早恋) may bring stress for young people and

47、 can lead to depression(忧郁症)及下文描述,可知本篇短文主要是介绍早恋对青少年的危害。故选 D。 【小题 2】细节分析题。根据短文第二段描述有恋爱关系的女孩更喜欢隐藏她们的感情和想法,而这是造成丧失自我的原因,故选 A。 【小题 3】细节分析题。根据 The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age这句话可知恋爱和 抑郁的关系好像随着年龄的增长而变弱。故选 B,一个女人年龄越大,好像越不可能在恋爱中迷失自我。 【小题 4】理解

48、归纳题。通过这篇短文,作者介绍了早恋的危害和对待孩子早恋的建议,可以看出作者对青少年早恋问题是不赞成的,故选 D。 考点:本文为社会现象类短文 ,介绍了青少年早恋问题的危害并提出了几点处理意见 点评:阅读此类文章要注意事实和现象之间的关系 ,文中人物的观点 ,主张等问题 . Movie makers at one time worried that they might be put out of business by television. Recently, however, more and more people have been going to the movies. This may be partly because the economic situation in America has worsened. When at the movies, people forget their troubles, as they get involved in t


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