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1、四川省成都石室中学 2010届高三下学期第三次模拟考试(英语) 其他 第二节:根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案:写在本题下面的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共 5小题,每小2分,满分 10分) ( M=Mike B=Ben) M: Hi, Ben. My dad and I are going boating tomorrow. B: Wow! Thats cool! M: Whats your plan for the long weekend B: Ill watch late night shows on TV and get up as late a

2、s I like. M: 61 B: Maybe not. But these are the two most enjoyable things I can think of. M: 62 B: What do we need hobbies for We dont even have enough time for schoolwork. M: 63 But hobbies can help you to relax. B: 64 M: Well, take baseball for instance. You simply must get schoolwork out of your

3、head while standing in the outfield. B: Otherwise Ill either get hit or lose a catch. M: 65 B: Exhausted, but satisfied. M: You feel that you have finished a job. B: You bet! M: There! See what I mean A How are you today B That isnt much of a plan, is it C You may have a point there. D And how do yo

4、u feel after each game E. Are hobbies that great F. Oh Tell me how it works. G. Dont you have a hobby 答案: 6165 BGCFD 单项选择 * Would you please help me fix my computer _ . A With pleasure B Thats all right C Thats right D My pleasure 答案: A The captain gave an order in the difficult situation_the sailor

5、s throw away everything that was on board the ship. A what B which C as D that 答案: D As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be_in a stadium. A put away B put up C put out D put off 答案: B It was not until 7 oclock in the evening_to an end. A did the meetin

6、g come B that the meeting came C when the meeting came D and the meeting came 答案: B Can you tell me_is the best choice for this job Well, I think George may be the one. A whom you think B who do you think C who you think D whom do you think 答案: C _progress you have made. Congratulations to you! A wh

7、at great B How great C what a great D How great a 答案: A On hearing the news, he stood up, and. _the dictionary lying open on the desk, out of the classroom. A leaving; rushed B left; rushed C leaving; rushing D left; rushing 答案: A Jack must be helping his grandma to water the flowers, _ A is he B is

8、nt he C must he D mustnt he 答案: B All the Chinese people are expecting the governments four-thousand-billion financial plan around the country, _ to improve the current economic situation. A carried out, intending B being carried out, intended C to be carried out, intending D to be carried out, inte

9、nded 答案: D Disthinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school! _the ceremony of the 50th anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友 ) from home and abroad. A Attend B To attend C Attending D Having attended 答案: C Can we fix a time for the party We cant have the party_none of us have any class

10、es. A except B except for C except when D except that 答案: C Why are the housing prices in big cities going up all the time One reason is that people are_into overcrowded cities in great numbers. A breaking B filling C pouring D hurrying 答案: C I_have gone the concert because I know nothing about that

11、 kind of music. A couldnt B mustnt C shouldnt D oughtnt 答案: C To prevent cybercrime more efficiently, it is important to make new laws and create international standards for them similar to_concerning international airspace. A that B what C one D those 答案: D The disease, _, could spread very fast. A

12、 unless well controlling B if not well controlled C when not to control D although not being well controlled 答案: B Is your school bigger than ours Yes. I guess it is_your school. A as twice the size of B as two thirds big as C bigger than half D one third bigger than 答案: D Its so nice to enjoy the s

13、unshine here on the green grass. You_us a right place. A had introduced B are introducing C have introduced D introduce 答案: C If you sleep short of 7 hours, you are three times_ to catch a cold. A possible B certainly C probable D likely 答案: D They finally reached_ they had long dreamed of. A where

14、B the place C that D there where 答案: B John is_ than wise. Sometimes he just cant do things very well. A more brave B braver C very brave D no braver 答案: A 完型填空 第二节:完形填(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Backpacking through Africa, I always carried some foo

15、d with me 21 I couldnt find something to eat I was 22 through a local market one day when I 23 upon a jar of 24 jam I could find tins of apple and strawberry in every corner store but this was the first time I had seen peach I took it For the next few weeks, when I was feeling the need for a little

16、25 , I would carefully 26 the lid and spoon a bit on to a biscuit Mum, delicious I didnt 27 it with anybody It sat safely in my 28 , taken out on only special 29 One cold and cloudy afternoon, while I was waiting for a local bus, it started to rain Everybody scattered for 30 and so did I But I was a

17、lready wet through so I quickly searched through my pack for some 31 clothes In my hurry to 32 further discomfort, I forgot that the jar of jam was 33 in my clothing One forceful yank(猛拉) and my 34 jar of jam crashed to the concrete ground, smashing into pieces I was so sad that I almost cried And t

18、hen, in the corner of my eye, I noticed an old woman in rags 35 Without hesitating, she bent down and picked up the half of the jar that still looked 36 Still 37 , she stuck two fingers into the jar, scooped out the 38 jam and placed it into her toothless mouth Carefully, like fish bones, she 39 the

19、 pieces of glass She studied the broken container 40 she was certain that there was nothing left Then she left My bus arrived shortly after and, as we drove off, I wondered if the jam would taste the same to me 21 A in order that B if C just in case D unless 22 A looking B buying C getting D running

20、 23 A depended B chanced C discovered D got 24 A apple B strawberry C orange D peach 25 A meal B treat C rest D drink 26 A remove B move C discover D uncover 27 A divide B eat C share D enjoy 28 A pocket B pack C corner D store 29 A situations B conditions C atmosphere D occasions 30 A protection B

21、shelter C cover D warmth 31 A beautiful B rain C warm D dry 32 A avoid B get into C defeat D overcome 33 A lying B buried C covered D locked 34 A expensive B valuable C precious D priceless 35 A reached B appearing C running D approaching 36 A all right B nice C broken D fresh 37 A standing up B loo

22、ked down upon C bent over D watching out 38 A delicious B remaining C extra D spare 39 A swallowed B took out C ate up D spit out 40 A until B unless C after D before 答案: 2125CABDB 2630ACBDB 3135DABCD 3640ACBDA 阅读理解 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节) 第一节:阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并

23、在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 We already know the fastest, least expensive way to slow climate change: Use less energy. With a little effort, and not much money, most of us could reduce our energy diets by 25 percent or moredoing the Earth a favor while also helping our wallets Not long ago My wife, PJ, and I tried a

24、 new dietnot to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change Scientists have reported recently that the world is heating up even faster than predicted only a few years ago, and that the consequences could be severe if we dont keep reducing emissions(排放) of carbon diox

25、ide( CO2) and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere We decided to try an experiment For one month we recorded our personal emissions of CO2 We wanted to see how much we could cut back, so we went on a strict diet The average US household produces about 150 pounds of CO2 a d

26、ay by doing common-place things like turning on air-conditioning or driving cars Thats more than twice the European average and almost five times the global average, mostly because Americans drive more and have bigger houses But how much should we try to reduce For an answer, I checked with Tim Flan

27、nery, author of The Weather Makers: How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth In his book, he had challenged readers to make deep cuts in personal emissions to keep the world from reaching extremely important tipping points, such as the meltingof the ice sheets in Greenland

28、 or West Antarctica “To stay below that point, we need to reduce CO2 emissions by 80 percent,” he said Good advice, I thought Id opened our bedroom windows to let in the wind Wed gotten so used to keeping our air-conditioning going around the clock Id almost forgotten the windows even opened We shou

29、ld not let this happen again Its time for us to change our habits if necessary 41 Why did the author and his wife try a new diet A To take special kinds of food B To respond to climate change C To lose weight D To improve their health 42 The underlined words “tipping points” most probably refer to .

30、 A freezing points B burning points C melting points D boiling points 43 It can be inferred from the passage that . A it is necessary to keep the air-conditioning on all the time B it seems possible for every household to cut emissions of CO2 C the average US household produces about 3,000 pounds of

31、 CO2 a month D the average European household produces about 1,000 pounds of CO2 a month 44 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage A Saving Energy Strats at Home B Changing Our Habits Begins at Work C Changing Climate Sounds Reasonalbe D Reducing Emissions of CO2 Proves Diff

32、icult 答案: 4144BCBA Many people think the search for cleaner energy leads only to renewable resources like sun, wind and water But it also leads to a fossil fuel Natural gas is considered the cleanest of the fossil fuels, the fuel created by plant and animal remains over millions of years Burning it

33、releases fewer pollutants than oil or coal The gas is mainly methane (甲烷) It produces half the carbon dioxide of other fossil fuels So it may help cut the production of carbon gases linked to climate change Russia is first in what are called proved reserves of natural gas The United States is sixth

34、Over the years, big oil and gas companies recovered much of the easily reached supplies of gas in America They drilled straight down into formations where gas collects As these supplies were used up, big drillers looked for similar formations in other countries But now the industry is taking a new l

35、ook Companies are developing gas supplies trapped in shale (页岩) rock two to three thousand meters underground They drill down to the shale, then go sideways and inject high-pressure water, sand or other material into the rock This causes the rock to fracture, releasing the gas Huge fields of gas sha

36、le are believed to lie under the Appalachian Mountains, Michigan and the south-central states Gas shale exploration is being done mainly by small to medium sized companies Eric Potter, a program director, says more than half the gas in the United States is now coming from these new reserves But hydr

37、aulic (液压的) fracturing can also produce debate and anger over the risk of groundwater pollution This method of drilling is not federally supervised under the Safe Drinking Water Act Some in Congress want to end that exemption (豁免) from the law Natural gas provides Americans with about one fourth of

38、their energy And, unlike oil, most of it is produced in America Gas producers invested heavily in reaching new supplies when prices were high But prices are down sharply now because the depression cut demand for energy So energy expert Eric Potter says it is too early to know how the changing market

39、 prices will affect the market for gas shale exploration 45 We can learn from the first paragraph that _ A natural gas releases methane and carbon dioxide B natural gas is considered as the cleanest energy C natural gas is more environmentally friendly than other fossil fuels D natural gas is a rene

40、wable source of energy 46 The word “fracture” in Paragraph 4 probably means _ A create B break C change D decrease 47 Gas shale exploration may cause disagreement because _ A it may cause water pollution B it brings too high profits C it breaks the law D it is out of states control 48 According to E

41、ric Potter, the new gas shale exploration _ A will provide America with about one fourth of their energy B will increase demand for energy C will make gas producers invest a big sum of money D may be influenced by the changing market prices 答案: 4548CBAD Brittnie Pemberton listened attentively as Jim

42、 Herrick took her and her mother, Tanya, on a brief tour of San Diego State University on Thursday Her dream is much closer to reality after she received a promise from the university The university promised that she would get a full four-year scholarship to the school as long as she met the entranc

43、e requirements Brittnie, 10, laughed Her mom cried They live at the Salvation Army Door of Hope, a living center for homeless women and their children Photojournalist Linda Solomon met them in August when she came to the facility and taught boys and girls, ages three-and-a-half to 13, how to take pi

44、ctures She gave them all disposable cameras and told them to capture images that reflected their dreams The childrens images - a big house, a church, a playground, a backyard and more - are kept This is a project called“Pictures of Hope organized by the Salvation Army I wish to go to college, so I t

45、ook a picture of the sign out in front of San Diego State University, Brittnie said last month The Fletcher Elementary School fifth-grader was pointing to the Christmas card bearing her photograph Adrienne Finley, development director at the Salvation Army, hosted a reception for Solomon, who told F

46、inley about the president of a small university who gave a child the scholarship she dreamed of last year Finley called his old friend, Herrick, who serves as the SDSU President We have a wonderful opportunity here to make a difference in a little girls life, Finley said Soon her mom and Brittnie we

47、re face to face with SDSU President Jim Herrick You must be Brittnie, he said, reaching out to shake her hand She quickly pulled her hands out of the pockets of the new SDSU sweatshirt she had been given that morning They sat down at a table in his office and talked about college, about science, about her love of math and his hope that she and other girls wouldnt lose interest in those subjects, as happens to many girls as they grow older Then they talked about how much discipline she would need over the next eight years to make her dream come tru


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