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1、山东省青岛市 2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试(英语) 单项选择 * It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants. A however B whatever C whichever D whenever 答案: I have got a headache. No wonder. You_in front of that computer too long. A work B are working C have been working D worked 答案: C The expert insisted

2、 that silkworms were first raised by a woman in_is now Hebei Province. A which B that C where D what 答案: D My grandfather is as _as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. A enthusiastic B energetic C talkative D sensitive 答案: B I am afraid the task is too difficult for me, sir.

3、_, Linda. Just believe in yourself! A No problem B Thats all right C Thats OK D Come on 答案: D John, where are the cookies Dont tell me you ate them all. _. I couldnt help it. They were so good. A Yes, I did B No, I didnt C Yes, I have D Why Sound strange 答案: Mike had to walk home_his bike stolen. A

4、with B as C for D since 答案: A So far, several cases of a disease, _as H1N1, are reported to have been found in the country. A knowing B to be known C having known D known 答案: D . Where is your uncles home In New York. But he_in Boston for four years. A has lived B lived C had lived D had been living

5、 答案: B May I help you Yes, Id like to try on some sports jackets just like_Im wearing. A it B one C the one D that 答案: C Did Jack come back early last night Yes, It was not yet eight oclock_he arrived home. A when B that C before D until 答案: A May I tell this to my close friend No, you_. Never let a

6、nybody else know about it. A neednt B shouldnt C mustnt D cant 答案: C By working slowly but surely towards your goal, youll_succeed. A. eventually B. accidentally C. occasionally D purposely 答案: A Thinking that her daughter was doing homework, the mother left the room, _. A quickly and gentle B quick

7、 and gentle C quickly and gently D quick and gently 答案: B When you retell the story, dont_any important details. A bring out B let out C leave out D make out 答案: C _World Expo is regarded as the Olympic Games of the economy, science and technology, _expert said. A A; an B The; an C The; a D A; the 答

8、案: B 完型填空 第二节 完形填空 (共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was a family adventure trip. My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper (旅行车 ) and were 36 through Baja California. The day before our return to San

9、Diego, we 37 the camper near a beach for one last night in nature. In the middle of the 38 I was awakened by Judith 39 me with her finger and yelling at me to 40 . My first impressions were of 41 and banging. Fairly confused, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing without clothes on,

10、 42 the wind screen. What I saw 43 me quickly out of my half-dazed state. The camper was 44 by masked men hitting the 45 . I dove for the drivers seat and tried to start the 46 . The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that 47 . Now it tried to turn over, sputtered (劈啪作响 ) a few times, an

11、d died. There was the sound of breaking glass, and a hand 48 in through the drivers side window. I hit the hand with a lot of force. My hand was bleeding 49 the broken glass. I 50 I had one more chance to start the car. Having played hero 51 a thousand times in fantasy, I never 52 I would do it. I t

12、urned the key. The engine sputtered to life. and died. Then someone jammed a gun into my throat. I remember this thought: You mean I dont save the family I was really quite surprised. One of the men, who spoke a little English, was 53 , Money! Money! The gun still at my throat, I reached under the d

13、rivers seat and 54 one of them my 55 through the broken window. I was hoping this was the end of it 36. A. crossing B. traveling C. conveying D. entering 37. A. threw B. deleted C. parked D. moved 38. A. camper B. beach C. nature D. night 39. A. pushing B. beating C. controlling D. holding 40. A. ju

14、mp up B. set up C. light up D. get up 41. A. noise B. sound C. voice D. fantasy 42. A. grasped B. crashed C. faced D. glanced 43. A. confused B. woke C. feared D. barked 44. A. surrounded B. robbed C. examined D. hunted 45. A. doors B. windows C. walls D. tyres 46. A. machine B. engine C. journey D.

15、 camp 47. A. moment B. day C. time D. trip 48. A. came B. reached C. trembled D. peered 49. A. by B. at C. from D. in 50. A. suggested B. figured C. indicated D. observed 51. A. energetically B. enthusiastically C. successfully D. naturally 52. A. doubted B. thought C. imagined D. required 53. A. be

16、gging B. translating C. yelling D. reminding 54. A. handed B. offered C. provided D. protected 55. A. trousers B. license C. shoes D. wallet 答案: 36 40 BCDAD 41 45 ACBAB 46 50 BDBCB 51 55 CACAD 阅读理解 第三部分 阅读理解 (共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 TIJUANA, Mexico

17、A powerful earthquake swayed (摇动 ) buildings from Los Angeles to Tijuana, killing two people in Mexico, blacking out cities and forcing the evacuation (疏散 ) of hospitals and nursing homes. One California city closed off its downtown due to unstable buildings. The 7.2-magnitude quake centered just so

18、uth of the US border near Mexicali was one of the strongest earthquakes to hit region in decades. It sounds like its felt by at least 20 million people, USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said. Most of Southern California felt this earthquake. Sunday afternoons earthquake hit hardest in Mexicali, a commer

19、ce center along Mexicos border with California, where authorities said the quake was followed by at least 20 smaller aftershocks, including ones of magnitudes 5.1, 4.5 and 4.3. It has not stopped trembling in Mexicali, said Baja California state Civil Protection Director Alfredo Escobedo on Monday.

20、Escobedo said one man was killed when his home collapsed just outside of Mexicali and another died when he rushed into the street in panic and was struck by a car. At least 100 people were injured in the city, most of them struck by falling objects. Power was out in virtually the entire city. Susan

21、Warmbier was putting away groceries in the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista when her husband asked, Is the house moving Elsewhere in San Diego, there were reports of shattered windows, broken pipes and water main breaks in private buildings, but no reports of injuries, San Diego Fire-Rescue Departmen

22、t spokesman Maurice Luque said. Coronado Bridge over San Diego Bay was briefly closed as a precaution. Across the border in Tijuana, Mexico, the quake caused buildings to sway and knocked out power in some areas. No tsunami warning was issued, but hundreds of people on Tijuanas crowded beach feared

23、the worst and fled when they felt the ground shake. 56. Whats the best title of the passage A. A strong quake in Mexico, but no tsunami B. A strong quake kills 2 in Mexico, frightens US states C. A strong quake, downtowns closed off D. A strong quake, buildings collapses 57. The 7.2-magnitude quake_

24、 A. centered just south of the Mexico B. was felt by 20 million people in Mexico C. was felt by most of Southern California D. was the strongest earthquakes to hit region in centuries 58. Which is NOT true according to the passage A. Some cities had power failure after the quake. B. One of the citie

25、s closed off its downtown because of the swaying buildings. C. Many smaller quakes happened after the 7.2-magnitude one. D. Hundreds of people on the beach died because of the tsunami. 59. People got injured mostly _ A. because they were in panic B. because the power was out in the whole city C. bec

26、ause of the falling objects D. because they were buried under the falling objects 60. Coronado Bridge over San Diego Bay was briefly closed_ A. to avoid further dangers B. by the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department C. as a reminding of the quake D. to prevent the bridge from destroying 答案: 56 60 BCDCA

27、A survey was conducted in Shanghai where interviewees were asked if they wanted to be a factory worker. One percent of all people interviewed said “YES, Wang Hongjun, a technician, said, raising his voice for dramatic effect. But I can tell you, only a small part of that 1 percent are telling the tr

28、uth. Ive met colorful people like Wang all over China. They are cynical (玩世不恭的 ) yet warmhearted, plain spoken but smart. And many of them are confined (局限于 ) to work in factories. Wang is a top technician but also represents manual factory workers, who are Chinas most important natural resource. Th

29、eir energy is powering Chinas economic boom, and their muscle is turning the wheel of the worlds factory. But does their unskilled labor give their life meaning At school, did they tell their friends: When I grow up I want to work in a factory making socks Did you Factory work has always been a step

30、ping-stone from farm life to the city and a modern life. Its been happening for centuries, but today, with our space-age technology, its outdated. Earning 1,200 yuan ($169) per month working in a factory is better than that on a farm, but as Wang points out, its not a dream career. There should be b

31、etter ways to earn your rice. Many modern factories no longer have production line workers. Robots do the assembly (装配 ). People just do the monitoring. In this age of technology, in which China is now working smarter and not just harder, why are people still standing in production lines But life is

32、 cheap in China. So why not continue to exploit the low-cost labor situation and keep the economy growing fast, some entrepreneurs may ask. But have these businessmen ever labored in a factory 61. How many people surveyed really like to be factory workers A. One percent B. Only a small part C. Only

33、a small part of that one percent D. The writer didnt mention it. 62. Which is NOT the writers opinion of factory workers A. cynical B. unimportant C. warmhearted D. plain spoken 63. Wang Hongjun is a person who is_. A. difficult to get along with B. humorous but serious C. cynical but warmhearted, p

34、lain spoken but smart D. full of energy but doesnt want to work hard 64. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage A. Factory workers make contributions to Chinas economic boom. B. Working in a factory is better than that on a farm. C. Factory workers are satisfied with

35、their living conditions. D. Some entrepreneurs exploited the low-cost labor situation. 65. The writer uses_ to begin the passage. A. a lot of figures B. many examples C. some dialogue D. the result of a survey 答案: 61 65 CBCBD The world of the science-fiction 3-D film Avatar is so perfect that the li

36、ne between fact and fiction has become somewhat blurred (模糊 ) . Movie-goers have admitted being annoyed by depression at not being able to visit the planet Pandora. Set in the future when Earths resources have been used up, director James Camerons film tells the story of a company trying to exploit

37、a rare mineral on a new planet. The humans clash with the natives a peace -loving race of 7-foot-tall, blue-skinned creatures called the Navi, who exist in perfect harmony with nature. Fans have flooded the Internet with their confused feelings. On the site Avatar Forums (论坛 ), the topic Ways to dea

38、l with the depression of the dream of Pandora not being able to come true has more than 1,000 posts. In a similar forum, Louis, one user, wrote: When I woke up this morning after watching Avatar for the first time yesterday, the world seemed grey. It just seems so meaningless. I still dont really se

39、e any reason to keep doing things at all. I live in a dying world. On the Avatar site Naviblue, a fan calling himself Jorba has even asked others to join him in starting a real Navi tribe. This fantasy world, with its wonderful plants and animal life, is brought to life by using impressive special e

40、ffects. Many people believe that 2010 is the breakthrough year for the technology helped by 3-D movies such as Avatar. It has taken the best of our technology to create this virtual world and real life will never be as perfect as it seems on screen. It makes real life seem more imperfect. 66. What i

41、s the best title of the text A. A blockbuster movie: Avatar B. The Avatar effect: movie-goers feel depressed after watching Avatar C. 2010: a breakthrough year for. 3-D movies D. Pandora: a perfect world 67. We can infer that Louis_after watching the film Avatar. A. will cherish his present life mor

42、e B. feels disappointed about the real world C. will intend to create a real Navi tribe D. is proud of living on the earth 68. Thanks to the success of Avatar, _. A. 3-D technology will probably develop quickly in 2010 B. most people look forward to living on another planet C. many more science-fict

43、ion films will be made in the coming years D. people have become more realistic about life 69. The underlined word virtual probably means_. A. unreal C. true B. perfect D. practical 70. According to the passage the natives on the planet are_ A. not harmony with the nature B. blue-haired race C. peac

44、e-loving creatures D. fond of fighting with human race 答案: 66 70 BBAAC Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook from scratch Have you been doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores What cant you be bothered to do A study into how lazy British people are has found mor

45、e than half of adults are so lazy theyd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs. Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health, Britains largest health charity. The results were astonishing. About one in six people surveyed said if their remote contr

46、ol was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up. More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them. This led the report to conclude tha

47、t its no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese (very fat) before they start school. Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said: People need to get fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and evidently their pets to

48、o. If we dont start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most rudimentary of tasks. And Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the most inactive city in the UK, with 75% surveyed admitting they do not get enough exercise, followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%. The results cause serious challenges for


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