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1、广东省韶关市 2009-2010学年度高一 1月全市统考 单项选择 * 21. To many teenagers the cellphone is not only _useful tool but also _ way to have fun and be cool. A thethe B anthe C aa D a 不填 答案: C 36. -My sister wants to give Bob a birthday present. What can you suggest - I suggest that she _ him the new Ricky Martin CD. A.

2、 gives B. may give C. give D. could give 答案: C 35. He _stay up a few years ago. But now he is use d to _ to bed early. A was used to going B used to go C used to going D was used to go 答案: C 34. -It has been raining these days. _ the sports meeting will be put off. -Yes. It all depends on the weathe

3、r. A Ive been told B Ive told C Im told D I told 答案: A 33. The computer was damaged _his carelessness. A in case of B because C as well as D as a result of 答案: D 32. -What do you think of the music in this film -Thats great. This is the most wonderful music _I have ever listened to. A which B that C

4、 what D where 答案: B 31. _was difficult to save the places and buildings _destroying their old beauty. A Thatunless B Thisexcept C Itwithout D There except for 答案: C 30. If we had followed his suggestion, we could have done the work better with _money and _people. A lessfewer B fewerless C littlefewe

5、r D lessfew 答案: A 29. I wont listen to the new CD unless I _my homework. A will finish B shall finish C finish D finished 答案: C 28. Think after you read _. A which words do you need to look up B you need to look up which words C which words need you look up D which words you need to look up 答案: D 27

6、. Great changes _in our city in the past twenty years. A have been taken place B have taken place C took place D were taken place 答案: B 26. He said he would rather not _it right now. A doing B to do C do D to be doing 答案: C 25. These photos reminded him of the places _he visited last year. A which B

7、 that C不填 D all above 答案: D 24. Is this park _has been built to keep the milu dear A. which C. the one C. that D. the one that 答案: D 23. Environmental experts are those who devote _to_ nature and environment. A themprotecting B theirprotect C themselvesto protect D themselvesprotecting 答案: D 22. _un

8、expected advice they have given us! A What B what an C How D How an 答案: A 完型填空 III. 完形填空 All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to (37)_ healthy and happy, and to live longer. Many people like to watch others (38)_ games. They buy tickets or (39)_ their TV sets to watch the games

9、. Sports change (40)_ the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is (41)_ in warm weather, but skating is good in winter. Ga mes and sports often grow from peoples work and everyday activities(活动 ). The Arabs use horses or camels(骆驼 ) in much of their everyday life. They

10、 use them in their sports, too. It is the same (42)_ people in Xingjiang and Inner Mongolia (内蒙古 ). Millions of people hunt and fish (43)_ a living, b ut hunting and fishing are very good sports too. Sports are so interesting (44)_ people everywhere like them. Football, (45)_, has spread (46)_ the w

11、orld. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those (47)_ many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or India! And think of the people in cold countries. Some sports or games go back (48)_ of years, (49)_ running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for ex

12、ample, has a long history. But basketball and football are rather new. (50)_one is a hundred years old yet. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but (51)_ playing a game together they often become good friends. 37. A. get B. turn C. keep D. develop 38. A. played

13、B. to play C. playing D. play 39. A. turn B. turn on C. turn down D. turn around 40. A. from B. in C. into D. with 41. A. fun B. excite C. funny D. excited 42. A. with B. as C. to D. from 43. A. because of B. for C. out of D. from 44. A. as B. when C. that D. which 45. A. however B. for example C. a

14、lso D. too 46. A. to B. around C. on D. about 47. A. near B. from C. in D. with 48. A. thousand B. a thousand C. thousands D. several thousand 49. A. as B. such C. so D. such as 50. A. No B. Neither C. / D. a 51. A. before B. over C. after D. in 答案: CDBD AABCB BDCDB C 阅读理解 IV. 阅读理解 Bill Jenkins work

15、ed in a big office in the city, and he used to go to the barbers during working hours to have his hair cut, although this was against the rule: clerks (职员 ) had to have their hair cut in their own time. While Bill was at the barbers one day, the manager of the office came in by chance to have his ow

16、n hair cut. Bill saw him and tried to hide his face, but the manager found him. “Hello, Jenkins,” the manager said, “ I see that you are having your hair cut in office time.” “Yes, sir, I am,” admitted Bill calmly, “You see, sir, it grows in office time.” “Not all of it,” said the manager at once, “

17、some of it grows in your own time.” “Yes, sir, but Im not having it all cut off.” 52. Clerks in the office where Bill worked were _. A. not allowed to leave the office in office time B. told to go to the barbers in their free time C. not allowed to go to the barbers for a hair cut D. told that only

18、the manager could break the rules 53. Bill often went to have his hair cut during office hours because _. A. he didnt have to wait long B. he had no idea of the office rule C. he couldnt be found by the manager D. he just wanted to save his own time to do other things 54. When the manager saw Bill a

19、t the barbers, he was _. A. unhappy B. excited C. sad D. anxious 55. The sentence “Im not having it all cut off,” really means _. A. Bill wanted to have his hair cut, which grew in office time B. Bill was just against the rule about hair cut C. Bill would like to have his hair cut, which grew both i

20、n his office time and in his own time D. Bill didnt like to have his hair cut, which grew in his own time 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B Successful films and TV programs make large amounts of money, and so do the performers who appear in them. A few big shows can make a rock musician a mill

21、ionaire(百万富翁) in a very short time. High art, however, has serious financial(财政的) problems. It costs more to put on an opera(歌剧) concert, or ballet(芭蕾) than the sale of tickets can bring in. Men and women interested in high art are always being asked to give money to make future performance possible

22、. Small government subsidies(津贴) have also helped to support the arts in the last few years. 56. It is easier for _ to make money. A. an opera performer B. a pianist C. a ballet actor D. A rock musician 57. High art has financial problems because _. no people would offer money for it it is not suppo

23、rted by the government it cost much but not many people enjoy it prices of tickets for it are not high enough 58. The government has given _ money to support _ in the last few years. A. a large amount of high art B. a small amount of high art C. little all kinds of art D. plenty of popular art 59. F

24、rom the passage we can concluded (推断 ) that _. A. high art is not enjoyed by young people B. successful films and TV programs are called high arts C. all people enjoy popular art instead of high art D. most people like popular art better than high art 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D Some peo

25、ple think that all wild animals are dangerous. Actually, very few of them will attack a man if he leaves them alone. If you met a lion or an elephant, suppose, you would run away, but even a lion will keep away from a man unless it is very hungry. Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they hav

26、e grown too old and too weak to catch their usual food, such as deer and other small animals. If you saw a wild elephant, perhaps you would be frightened. Elephants usually run away at once unless you attack them. Some animals get very frightened if they only smell a man; some take no notice at all

27、but quietly walk in another direction. Wild animals only attack hunters when they are afraid that the hunters mean to harm their young ones, or then the hunters shoot at them and make them angry. 60. The word attack is closest in meaning to _. A. hurt B. catch C. hit D. follow 61. Lions and tigers w

28、ill not kill or eat men _. A. unless men try to run away B. if they are too old and too weak C. if they are able to get enough of their usual food D. however men act towards them 62. Some animals run away when they smell a man probably because _. A. they dislike the smell B. they think men are dange

29、rous to them C. they dont want to eat men D. they want to eat weak men 63. This passage is mainly about _. A. how to protect wild animals B. how animals look for their food C. how to make friends with wild animals D. how animals act towards men 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 单词拼写 V. 单词拼写 64

30、. They have _(成功 ) in keeping this animal from becoming endangered. 65. At last the _(狼 ) were killed by the hunters. 66. Todays American culture _(包含 )many different musical styles. 67. Beckham is a _(有名的 )football player who has fans throughout the world. 68. The child apologized to his friends _(

31、真诚 地 ). 答案: 64. succeeded 65. wolves 66. contains 67. well-known/famous 68. sincerely 短文改错 VI. 短文改错 找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上 “ ” ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词,并在相应的横线上写上该词,用斜线划去;如该行错一词,在文中用横线标出,再在相应的横线上写上正确的词语。如该行无错,在相应的横线上打上 “ ” 。 示例: Betty wants to be nurse and works with sick people

32、 a who need her helps. help Last summer Betty had broke her leg. had The pain was very great and she couldnt walk. The telephone rang and I picked out the receiver(话筒 ). “Hello,” 69._ I said. “Hello,” said the voice. “Bill here, is Betty there ” 70._ “Im sorry,” I said, “You have got the wrong numbe

33、r.” 71._ A few seconds late, the telephone rang again. Just 72._ as I expected he was Bill, “You have made a mistake again.” 73._ I explained. The telephone rang a third time. This made I 74._ angry. I speak in a big voice, “Hello, Bill, Betty here.” 75._ For a moment there was a dead silent. Then s

34、omeone said, 76._ “Whats the wrong with you, Tom ” It was my mother. 77._ I could do anything but say sorry to my mother. 78_ 答案: 69. up 70. a 71. 正确 72. later 73. it 74. me75. spoke 76. silence 77. the 78. nothing 阅读填空 VII.补全对话 根据中文提示,将对话中缺少的内容写在对话下面的对应横线上。所补的句子必须与 所给的标点符号一致。 提示:后天是 Alice 的生日。她的父母商

35、量着给她买礼物,最后说定买一张唱片送给她。 M: Its Alices birthday the day after tomorrow. 79 W: Yes, of course. Shall we give her some flowers M: Flowers are lovely. But I think its better to buy her a nice box of chocolates. W: Alice doesnt like sweet things. Didnt you know that M: Youre right. ErI know. 80 She loves m

36、usic. W: 81 . Lets go to the music shop and choose one for her. 答案: 79. Can you help me decide what to buy for her birthday 80. How about sending a music CD 81. Thats a great idea. 书面表达 VIII. 书面表达 某村是新开发的旅游景点,接待了不少游客。有时也有影响环境的事情发生。村民请求你用英语为游客写几条保护环境的规定。请按照下列提示,写几条保护环境的规定。开头已给出。 不要野外生火,以保护树木; 不要乱扔垃圾请把废纸,罐头盒( tins)带走; 请保持河流清洁,这是饮用水源; 请保护植物,勿采摘花木。 要求:书写规范,字迹工整。 60-80词。 When you walk in the country, you should follow these rules: _ _ 答案:


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