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1、20102011 学年度江西省鹰潭市新目标八年级下学期期末教学质量检测英语卷 其他 When I was leaving to meet Lynne, my friend Tony told me that Id better take some money. But I didnt listen to him. I thought Lynne would pay because she had invited me. I arrived at the restaurant on time. I know Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne an

2、d I sat at a table and a waiter brought us some delicious food. The dinner was a great success. We talked a lot while eating. After two hours, the waiter finally came and asked if we wanted one check (账单) or two, Lyrme said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed when

3、 the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I said, “Oh! I forgot my wallet! Can I call my friend, please The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called Tony. In a few minutes, he arrived with some money, and paid my check. He laughed at me al

4、l the way home. Now, I think its funny too, but at that time I was very embarrassed. I thought an invitation to have dinner in America meant the same thing as that in China. Now 1 think you have to understand thai your customs are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country, you have to lear

5、n about their customs, too. They can be quite different. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank. One day I got an invitation to dinner from Lynne. Before I left, my friend Tony told me to take some money, bul 1 didnt take his【小题 1】 _. 1 reached the restaurant on ti

6、me because I know being late is thought to be 【小题 2】 _ . Lynne and I enjoyed the dinner very much. But two hours【小题 3】 _, 1 got into trouble 【小题 4】 _my check. I thought Lyrme would pay 【小题 5】_of the checks. In fact I was wrong. I had to call Tony for help. After the problem was solved, I realized th

7、e importance of learning about different customs. 答案: 【小题 1】 advice / suggestion 【小题 1】 impolite / rude 【小题 1】 later 【小题 1】 with 【小题 1】 both 【小题 1】从文章的: But I didnt listen to him. 可知我没有接受朋友的建议:advice / suggestion 【小题 1】从文章的句子: I know Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table and

8、 可知迟到是不礼貌的: impolite / rude 【小题 1】文章里面是: After two hours,改成: two hours later 两小时后 【小题 1】从文章的句子: I was embarrassed when the cashier gave me my bill.可知作者付账有困难: got into trouble with 【小题 1】细节题:从文章的句子: Lyrme said two. 可知作者以为 Lyrme会付两个账单:用 both A. Entertainment News In this section all kinds of news abou

9、t movies, songs and pop stars are available (可找到的 ). B. Advertisement Section Here are advertisements of different products, such as food, latest books, and sporls machines, etc. C. Reading Section In this part, we will introduce some hot traveling places to you. Some safety tips during journeys are

10、 also offered. D. International News Here is news about the events that happened all over the world. E. Sports News Important sports events are broadcast (传播 )here. And we often interview some good players. F. Health Section Winter is coming and it is easy to get ill. If you want to know how to keep

11、 away from diseases, you should pay attention to this section. Match the information according to what you read. 【小题 1】 Mike cares about sports events and how the sports players are now. 【小题 2】 Mr. Brown is interested in reading. He wants to know what kinds of new books have come out and where to bu

12、y them. 【小题 3】 Zhang Peng is really a film fan. Recently he would like to know what new movies are like and some information about Jackie Chan. 【小题 4】 Lanas father is working abroad (国外) in Libya. A war (战争) broke out there, so she is rather worried about the situation in Libya. 【小题 5】 Lucy is in po

13、or health. She is so anxious to know how to keep fit. 答案: 【小题 1】 E 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 F 【小题 1】本题的含义为迈克关心的是体育新闻事件, E选项的标题为体育新闻,故本题选 E。 【小题 2】本题的含义为布朗先生想知道新书出版和购买地情况, B选项为新书等不同的产品提供广告,故本题选 B。 【小题 3】本题的含义为张鹏是一个电影迷,想知道有关新电影的情况, A选项有关不同种类的电影和音乐等的娱乐新闻,故本题选 A。 【小题 4】本题的含义为拉娜的爸爸在国外工作,非常担心利比亚国

14、内的情况,D选项是有关全世界发生重大新闻的网络新闻,故本题选 D。 【小题 5】本题的含义为露西身体差,她很想知道有关保持健康的事, F选项是有关健康部分,故本题选 F。 Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences. A: Hi, Cathy! You look excited. 【小题 1】 _? B: Im going to spend my summer vacation in Hong Kong. Ill visit Disneyland. My dream to meet Mickey Mouse and Donald D

15、uck will come true. A: 【小题 2】 ? B: No, with my parents. Well fly there as soon as the final examinations finish. A: Thats great! If you go to Hong Kong, 【小题 3】 _. Hong Kong is a shopping paradise (购物天堂 ).The things there are more fashionable. B: Of course I wont But maybe my mother will be more inte

16、rested in it I prefer eating to shopping. A【小题 4】 ? B: Seafood is my favorite. I also like different kinds of desserts. A: If so, Hong Kong will be suitable for you. There are many kinds of delicious food you can enjoy.【小题 5】 _. B: Thanks. See you! 答案: 【小题 1】 Whats up 【小题 2】 Are you going there alon

17、e 【小题 3】 dont forget to go shopping 【小题 4】 Whats your favorite food 【小题 5】 1 hope you have a good trip 【小题 1】前句的含义为你看起来很兴奋,所以本句的含义可以为怎么了,故本句空格处可填 Whats up。 【小题 2】下句的含义为我和我的父母一起去,所以本句的含义可以为你打算一个人去吗,故本句空格处可以填 Are you going there alone。 【小题 3】后句提到香港是购物的天堂,所以本句的含义为不要忘记去购物,故本句空格处可以填 dont forget to go sho

18、pping。 【小题 4】下句的含义为海鲜是我最喜欢,所以本句的含义可以为你最喜欢的食物是 什么,故本句空格处可以填 Whats your favorite food。 【小题 5】最后我们应该对别人的旅行表示祝愿,可以说我希望你旅途愉快,故本句空格处可以填 I hope you have a good trip 。 Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once. Tom: Excuse me. Im from our

19、school newspaper. My classmates and I would like to interview some students. Can I ask you a few personal questions Emily: Um Tom: 【小题 1】 _. Theyre not too difficult! Emily: OK. What would you like to know Tom: Well, what does it feel like to be at school in China Emily: Its great! 【小题 2】 _.But peop

20、le here are friendly, so 1 am never alone any more! Tom: What do you think is the most difficult thing for a foreigner living in China Emily: 【小题 3】 _. Im learning it now, but its going to take a long time. Tom:【小题 4】 _ Emily: My parents. But theyre coming over to visit me in a few months. Tom: OK!

21、Thank you! Emily: 【小题 5】 _. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 G 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】后句的含义为它们不太难,所以本句的含义为不用担心,故本句空格处选 A。 【小题 2】后句表示转折意思我从来不孤独,所以本句的含义为我有点儿孤独,故本句空格处选 E。 【小题 3】上句的含义为你认为对于一个住在中国的外国人而言最重要的是什么,故本句的含义为当然是英语了,故本句空格处选 D。 【小题 4】下句的含义为我想念我的父母,所以本句的含义为对你的国家,你想念什么,故本句空格处选 G。 【小题 5】上句表示感谢,所以本句表示不用

22、谢,故本句空格处选 B。 单项选择 * I want to know if you mind my sitting here. _. Its for Mr. Brown. A. Of course not B. Belter not C. Never mind 答案: B I hear that a new park _in the center of the city by 2012. Thats great A. will build B. will be built C. was built 答案: B Hey! Dont you remember me Wow! Mary You _

23、curly hair. But now you have straight hair. A. used to have B. were used to have C. are used to having 答案: A Could you tell me _ to see me next week Im not sure. If Im free, I will. A. if you will come B. how you will come C. whether you would come 答案: A Which sign is made for safety 答案: A Sally and

24、 Rose _about the TV show yesterday. Lets join them quickly. A. talk. B. talked C. are talking 答案: B The Palace Museum is the best place _Ive ever visited. There are many old things in it A. who B. that C. where 答案: B _ skirt you bought yesterday! Thank you. A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice 答案

25、: C The birthday cake _ good. We all cant wait to eat it A. sounds B. tastes C. smells 答案: C Wed better not eat too much junk food _ it is d elicious. I agree. Its bad for our health. A. if B. although C. because 答案: B It has rained for almost a month in Mudanjiang. We _saw the sun come out. A. ofte

26、n B. hardly C. always 答案: B Did Miss King see your report card Yes, she did. The smile on her face showed she was very _. A. upset B. worried C. pleased 答案: C Lily will go to the _. She wants to exchange some money in it A. bank B. restaurant C. bookstore 答案: A Sugar or milk in your coffee Sugar. I

27、like coffee with _in it. A. nothing sweet B. something sweet C. something sour 答案: B Alice, are you ready Well go out for a picnic _nine oclock. A. in B. after C. until 答案: B 完型填空 Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Youve just finished with middle school and you may start wondering, “Wha

28、t is high school like Is high school a lot 32 middle school Is it going to be hard to start out in a new place Most high schools in America hold a freshman class 33 school actually starts. When you talk to people in the freshman class, you 34 that a lot of them are feeling just like you are, excited

29、, maybe 35 afraid. Talking about a question of common interest with your classmates could start a new 36 . The work in high school builds on what you 37 in middle school, and gives you more knowledge of many subjects. So you 38 feel that its a bit more challenging. But these challenges can make you

30、feel 39 . And there are many resources (资源) to use if you feel that the work is too much. At the beginning of high school, youll get to know it has more activities than middle school, such as clubs, music groups, and sports teams. These activities may 40 before or after school, or during your free t

31、ime. 41 this, time management is an important skill in your 42 year. Middle school teaches you the 43 of study and social skills while high school gives you the chance to learn 44 to be more independent (独立的 ).Its all right if youre nervous 45 . Just be patient and keep 46 . Once youve got used to y

32、our new independence, you can go farther than you ever imagined. 【小题 1】 A. the same as B. different from C. helpful to 【小题 2】 A. before B. after C. since 【小题 3】 A. found B. will find C. have found 【小题 4】 A. too B. so C. a little 【小题 5】 A. hobby B. friendship C. topic 【小题 6】 A. are learning B. will l

33、earn C. have learned 【小题 7】 A. have to B. should C. may 【小题 8】 A. more bored B. less bored C. less excited 【小题 9】 A. take part B. take up C. take place 【小题 10】 A. Because of B. Thanks to C. Instead of 【小题 11】 A. first B. second C. third 【小题 12】 A. aims B. pleasure C. ways 【小题 13】 A. what B. how C. w

34、hether 【小题 14】 A. at first B. at last C. at that moment 【小题 15】 A. doing B. studying C. trying 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】考查词组: the same as和 一样, different from与 不同,根据上下文选 B 【小题 1】考查连

35、词:大部分美国高中在学期开始前举办新生班。选 A 【小题 1】考查时态:前面的时间状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,主句用一般将来时 B 【小题 1】考查词组: a little一点, C 【小题 1】考查名词:和同学讨论共同的话题可能会开始一段新的友谊。选 B 【小题 1】考查时态:高中的学习是建立在初中已经学会的知识的基础上。选C 【小题 1】考查情态动词:你可能会感到有点挑战。选 C 【小题 1】考查形容词比较 级 :这些挑战会让你不会觉得厌烦。选 B 【小题 1】考查词组: take place发生,举行,选 C 【小题 1】考查词组: because of因为,选 A 【小题 1】

36、考查序数词:第一年时间管理是很重要的。选 A 【小题 1】考查名词:初中老师教你学习方法。选 C 【小题 1】考查疑问词:高中老师给你机会怎样独立。选 B 【小题 1】考查词组: at first一开始,选 A 【小题 1】考查词组: keep trying一直努力,选 C 阅读理解 Some people like to get up late, but some do not. In fact, it is really good for us to get up early every day. Maybe those who dont like getting up early wil

37、l not believe this, but it is true. Scientists made a survey in about one thousand people, and then they found that early rising people had less disease than late rising people, and early rising people also looked healthier than late rising people, and so on. So we may know early rising is helpful i

38、n more than one way. First, it helps to keep us healthy. We all need fresh air. But air is never as fresh as early in the morning. Besides, it is useful to do morning exercises. Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easier to understand what

39、 we learn. Thirdly, early rising can give us a plan of our work for the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work such as to wash our hands and faces and eat our breakfast. Late risers may find it difficult to form the habit o

40、f early rising. They have to make an effort (努力) to do so. As the English proverb says, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise ” Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 【小题 1】 People dont always agree on whether to e et up early. 【

41、小题 2】 In the passage the writer gives four reasons for early rising. 【小题 3】 Early rising makes people happier according to the passage. 【小题 4】 Early risers dont look as healthy as late risers. 【小题 5】 The writer encourages people not to sleep late. 答案: 【小题 1】 T 【小题 2】 T 【小题 3】 F 【小题 4】 F 【小题 5】 T Nic

42、k Petrella is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of more than100 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. Hes been a doctor for ten years. Dr. Petrella offers lots of help to his patients. But he doesnt just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on

43、television! Dr. Petrella has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then he explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song. Dr. Petrella makes and performs in his own show every week. The pr

44、ogram is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a CD of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrella says, “I always love to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrella

45、 was young, his father didnt want him to be a singer. So he went to a medical school. Some people tell Dr. Petrella he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrella says he helps people when he sings, too. “1 like to make people smile. Sometimes its difficult to make a sick person smile. Medici

46、ne and entertainment both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good . Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage. 【小题 1】 In his TV show, Dr. Petrella _ . A. sings love songs he wrote B. sings about different diseases C. sings and explains a medical problem 【小题 2

47、】 isnt used in his TV show. A. Russian B. English C. Italian 【小题 3】 Dr. Petrella performs in his show 10_. A. become famous B. make people feel good C- achieve his dream 【小题 4】 From the article, we can know Dr. Petrella is _. A. talented and proud B, creative but lazy C. kind and helpful 【小题 5】 What

48、s the best title (标题) of the article A. Medicine and Entertainment B. His Dream Came True C. A Singing Doctor 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】细节题:从第 三段的句子: The doctor starts the show with a song and then he explains a medical problem or disease in simple language.可知答案:是 C 【小题 1】细节题:从第三段的句子: The show is in Italian, English and French.可知答案:是 A 【小题 1】从最后一段的句子: Medicine and entertainment both try to do the same thing. 可知答案:是 They try to make people feel good .选 .B 【小题 1】从最后一段的句子: Some pe


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