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1、广西省柳州、贵港、钦州 2010届高三下学期 4月模拟考试(英语) 单项选择 * On Feb. 6, Xian-Zhenzhou High Speed Railway,_first high-speed railway in_West China, was put into operation. A不填 ; the B the; the C the;不填 D不填;不填 答案: C Do you mind my opening the window for a while _ A No, thanks. B No, Good idea. C Yes, please. D Yes, Better

2、 not. 答案: D Have you read the book Oliver Twist Who_it A writes B wrote C has written D had written 答案: B Is this the house_Abrabam Lincoln was born A at where B which C in which D when 答案: C I hope that you can remove the difference between you and Susan and become good friends. _If only Susan had

3、the same idea. A My pleasure. B For what C Why me D By all means. 答案: D _makes her different from other students is that she likes being alone. A Which B That C What D Whatever 答案: C American International Group was the largest insurance company in the US_it, suddenly closed down in September 2008.

4、A after B since C as D before 答案: D _whether he ever considered_that during discussions, he said, “No, Ive got my job and theyve got their job.” A Asked; saying B Asking; saying C Being asked; to say D To be asked; to say 答案: A How come you still work here I hear your company has bought a new office

5、 building. But the newly -bought building_ . A has decorated B is decorated C is being decorated D will be decorated 答案: C It is becoming more and more difficult to_the problems of traffic in some big cities of our country. A deal with B set up C put away D break down 答案: A She thought_impossible to

6、 finish so much work in a day. A this B that C its D it 答案: D Ive told her many times, and she still forgot about it! I understand. Its true that she_be very forgetful sometimes. A can B would C should D must 答案: A My mother made a promise_I passed the examination, she would buy me an MP4. A that B

7、that if C if that D whether 答案: B _in the city for thirty years, the old man moved back to the countryside. A Having worked B Working C To have worked D To work 答案: A The woman scientist was so busy that she could hardly_time to her children. A spend B devote C share D provide 答案: B 完型填空 第二节完形填空( 20

8、小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure th at really struck terror into my heart. I 36 it was a cold moon - lit night when I was walking home. It was the first night of my

9、 whole life that I had been outside 37 at such a late time. There were 38 few people on the road at night. Even during the day, the road was used by only some. On that night, it seemed even 39 . While I was walking, I could hear some 40 made by creatures that love the night world. I moved really fas

10、t towards home. It was 41 because I was hungry. More importantly, I was eager to get back home for warmth. All of a sudden, I 42 an old lady in a short distance away. Her 43 was covered with a white cloth. She was 44 to me, I think. I was a bit 45 . I wanted to know 46 she was there at that time of

11、the late night. I stopped walking for a while. As I 47 there, stories about ghosts (鬼 ) began to come to my mind one after 48 . I was soon 49 fear and started to run as fast as I could. When I reached home I could 50 speak. The next day, however, I 51 that place again to make sure that the woman was

12、 not a ghost but indeed a real person. But I could find no footprints there 52 a banana plant. I realized then that it was the banana plant with its leaves moving in the gentle wind that 53 like a woman waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of myself; but after the 54 nights experience, this 55

13、was small relief to me. 36 A realized B recognized C remembered D reminded 37 A alone B asleep C awake D lonely 38 A never B often C seldom D rarely 39 A busier B noisier C quieter D wider 40 A noises B quarrels C songs D voices 41 A completely B mainly C obviously D partly 42 A made sense of B caug

14、ht sight of C got ahead of D took hold of 43 A waist B leg C head D hand 44 A smiling B waiting C whispering D waving 45 A mysterious B cautious C conscious D curious 46 A why B when C what D how 47 A lay B sat C stood D walked 48 A another B other C others D the other 49 A addicted to B filled with

15、 C far from D short of 50 A clearly B easily C hardly D loudly 51 A traveled B visited C appreciated D went 52 A over B without C than D except 53 A felt B looked C smelt D sounded 54 A previous B next C last D following 55 A invention B achievement C contribution D discovery 答案: 3640 CABCA 4145 DBC

16、DD 4650 ACABC 5155 BDBAD 阅读理解 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题,每题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle(抽奖) when he was 25 years old But this was much b

17、igger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery(彩票 ) game To win, a contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variab

18、les(变量) is going to be greater So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two variables One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Aven

19、ue in six hours The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period This was a tough decision Finally, Sam flipped a coin It came up heads, so Sam picked the teenager He picked right The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 1

20、20 times Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000 Sam dreamily left the lottery studio Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little sports car Sam is slowly getting better He was in the hospital for a month His hospit

21、al bill was $110,000 And the insurance company for the little sports cars owner sued(起诉) Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs Also, Sam still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings Sam doesnt play the state lottery any more He says its better to be unlucky 56 What can be inferred about Sam from the pas

22、sage A He always has bad luck. B He seldom goes to a raffle. C He is a very careful person in life. D He used to be crazy about lottery tickets. 57 Which of the following played a vital role in Sams winning the big prize A The cube. B The coin. C The blanket. D The stop sign. 58 Which of the followi

23、ng is TRUE according to the passage A The lottery game was a complete lie. B Sam was quite familiar with the boy. C The owner of the car is now in hospital. D Sam will have none of the prize money left. 59 What could be the best title for the passage A Curiosity killed the cat B Joy puts heart into

24、a man C Extreme joy ends in sorrow D A bird in hand is worth two in the bush 答案: 5659 ABDCC A boy was born to couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eyes. When the boy saw around two years old, the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He wa

25、s late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and put it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter. The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to it and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults

26、in small dosages(剂 量 ). When the child fell down, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was unconscious. She was terrified how to face her husband. When the distraught (心烦意乱的 )father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four

27、words. What do you think those four words were The husband just said, I love you, darling. The husbands totally unexpected reaction is proactive(积极主动的 ) behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he have tak

28、en time to put the bottle away, this would not have happened. No point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or whos to blame, whe

29、ther in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know and miss out on the warmth in human relationships we could receive by giving each other support. After all, shouldnt forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do Treasure what you have. Dont multiply pain, anguish and s

30、uffering by holding onto forgiveness. If everyone could look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be fewer problems in the world. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.

31、60 The meaning of the underlined phrase is . A an adult B a healthy boy C the love of the parents D a naughty boy 61 Why was the mother terrified to face the husband A Because she was afraid of her husband. B Because she thought that was her fault. C Because she poisoned her son herself. D Because s

32、he wanted to kill herself. 62 What does this passage mainly talk about A Be careful to do everything. B Forgive what you shouldnt forgive. C Treasure what you have now. D Envy can mislead the way you go. 63 Which column of a paper can we find this article A Financial aid to students. B Grand view of

33、 science. C Enjoying the countryside view. D Life and society. 答案: 6063 CBCD Jean Gilles was a millionaire. But Tuesday night, he was sleeping in his car. Jean Gilles was the owner of the Peace of Mind Hotel in Jacmel, Haiti, a three story, 30 room building in a quiet tropical valley on Haitis south

34、ern coast, 25 miles from the noises of the capital, Port au Prince. Jean Gilles and his wife, Marie, lived in an apartment on the property, close enough to watch carefully over the guest rooms, conference rooms and restaurant, close enough that they know the first name of every guest. After the 7.0

35、earthquake hit at 4:57 pm on Jan. 12,2010, they slept in their aging Isuzu, parked in the hotel driveway. Jean Gilles figured a second was the difference between life and death when the earthquake struck. He was working in a ground floor conference room and first heard, then felt the quake. He asked

36、 his electrician, Roberne St. Louis, who was working nearby, what was happening. “Get out. Now . Get out. Now,” St. Louis said. Jean Gilles cleared the falling structure by a mere second, he estimated. His wife, who was working in the couples apartment on the second floor, wasnt able to get clear. P

37、eople nearby heard her screams after the shaking stopped and removed the building blocks around her by hand. She was shaken and scratched, but walked away from the ruins. “I am alive. God is good,” she repeated over and over on Saturday. The Peace of Mind Hotel was a dream which had come true for Je

38、an Gilles, 57, and Marie, 59. Born in Port au Prince, they moved to the United States shortly after meeting 34 years ago. Together, they owned a beauty supply store in jersey City, New Jersey, and invested in real estate. In 2003, they cashed out their US investments, returned to Haiti and began bui

39、lding the Peace of Mind Hotel, looking to make a future for themselves and the people of their homeland. 64 Which of the following statements about Jean Gilles is TURE A He lived far from the Peace of Mind Hotel. B He helped St. Louis to manage a hotel. C He was born in Haiti in 1976. D He once owne

40、d a store in the US. 65 According to the passage, the Peace of Mind Hotel . A offered guests different services B was located in the capital city of Haiti C was a building with 30 guest rooms D was owned by Marie and St. Louis 66 When the earthquake hit, Marie was . A sleeping in the car B working i

41、n the conference room C working on the second floor D cooking in the restaurant 67 It can be inferred from the passage that . A Haiti is the 51 st state of the US B the earthquake happened quickly and unexpectedly C nobody in the hotel died in the earthquake D Marie was not sad about losing her prop

42、erty in the earthquake 答案: 64-67 DACB The cost of rice is expected to go up in the coming months, as an improving global economy raises demand, and drought (旱灾 ) cuts production in countries such as India. Some economists say prices for rice, the Precision Castingstaple food for much of the worlds p

43、opulation, could be returning to levels that sparked inflation(通货膨胀 ) fears in much of Asia last year. Charuk Singhapreecha is dean of the faculty (系 )of economics at Thailands Kasetsart University. He says prices especially for Thai rice are being pushed higher by new customers coming into the mark

44、et after the economic slowdown of the past year. “They expect that the world demand will increase andCast steel we expect that the price of rice will increase next year, Charuk said. There are many new markets for the Thai rice and also we still have for our old customer - China, some Arab countries

45、 - they will increase the demand. Prices on the global market could again near the record above $1,000 a ton set in the middle of 2008. This month, export prices for Southeast Asian rice have jumped from about $550 a ton or less to more than $650. Vichai Sriprasert, president of the Thai Rice Export

46、ers Association, says further weakness in the US dollar and concerns over drought add to pressure on prices. Market experts say next year India is likely to try to import three million tons of rice entering the world market for the first time in 21 years because of a drought. Vichai also warns that

47、increasing demand for bio-fuels(生物燃料 ) from grain could reduce food crops, forcing the price of food grains higher. This is very serious. Thats why the price of rice will not go back to the level that we used to see, Vichai said. It will have to be elevated at a higher level, but I dont know where.

48、The Philippines this week said it is cutting rice imports because of high prices, even though the country lost more than a million tons of grain to typhoons this year. Officials from Vietnam, a leading export competitor with Thailand, predict prices will reach about $800 a ton by the middle of 2010. This week the Philippines National Food Authority offered almost $665 a ton for 600,000 tons


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