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1、江苏省新海高级中学 09-10学年高二下学期期中考试(英语) 其他 任务型阅读(每小题 0.5分,满分 5分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填 l个单词。请将答案:写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 What makes people happier: money or having happy friends and neighbors Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego, have found an an

2、swer as part of a study. Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler based the study on the emotional health of almost five thousand people. They used information gathered over a period of twenty years, until 2003, in the Framingham Heart Study. That study began sixty years ago in Framingham, Massachusetts

3、, to learn more about the risks of heart attack and stroke. The new study found that friends of happy people had a greater chance of being happy themselves. And the smaller the physical distance between friends, the larger the effect they had on each others happiness. For example, a person was twent

4、y percent more likely to feel happy if a friend living within one and a half kilometers was also happy. Having a happy neighbor who lived next door increased an individuals chance of being happy by thirty-four percent. The effects of friends happiness lasted for up to a year. The researchers found t

5、hat happiness really is contagious(可蔓延的,传染的) . Sadness also spread among friends, but not as much as happiness. People removed by as much as three degrees of separation still had an effect on a persons happiness. Three degrees of separation means the friend of a friend of a friend. The study showed

6、that having an extra five thousand dollars increased a persons chances of becoming happier by about two percent. But the researchers found that the influence of a friend of a friend of a friend can be greater than that. Another finding is that people who are married or work together do not have as m

7、uch of an effect on happiness as friends do. The findings appeared in the British Medical Journal. The National Institute on Aging in the United States helped pay for the study. The study is described as the first to demonstrate the indirect spread of happiness. In other words, that your emotions ca

8、n be affected by someone you do not directly know. Earlier studies by the two researchers described the effects of social networks on obesity and efforts to stop smoking. The new study shows that happiness spreads through social networks like an emotional virus a virus people would be happy to catch

9、. The (81) _ of the study To find what makes people happier. The (82) _ of the study Having extra money meaning (83) _ chances of becoming happier. People after marriage or working together not (84) _ a person a lot. Friends happiness having an (85) _ on a person. Happiness as well as sadness (86) _

10、 among friends. (87)_ less than a year. Three degrees of (88) _ playing a role, too. (89) _ (90) _ happiness affecting a person more. 答案: . aim/ purpose 82. findings 83. increasing 84. affecting 85. impact/ effect/ influence 86. spreading 87. Lasting 88. separation 89. Conclusion 90. Friends 单项选择 *

11、There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow_ -No, Id rather buy _in the bookstore. it; one B. one; one C. one; it D. it; it 答案: A Such good use had been his spare time_ his English has improved a lot A made of; as B made of ;that C made in; that D found in; as 答案: B When

12、 I was young, I was always _ my elder brother wherever he went. A attached to B attacked at C attended in D surrounded by 答案: A I hear Tom _ playing games recently _ no wonder he is easy to feel sleepy in class. A is addicted to; There is B addicts; There is C addicts; It is D is addicted to; It is

13、答案: D What do you mean _ saying “He is over weight”? - I mean that he is too fat _ his age. A to; for B by; for C about; with D by; about 答案: B This passage puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to _. A make it up B make it out C make it for D make it over 答案: B _ the news of the accid

14、ent in the coal mine, she _pale. A On hearing, got B At heard, changed C On hearing, went D On heard, appeared 答案: C Theres no bus now, and we cant get home _ by taxi. A rather than B other than C more than D less than 答案: B Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away

15、 ,_ into the woods. A seizing ; disappeared B seized ; disappearing C seizing ; disappearing D seized ;disappeared 答案: B _ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence. A Equipped B Equipping C Having equipped D Being equipped 答案: C Faced wit

16、h a bill for $ 10,000, _. A John has taken an extra job. B the boss has given John an extra job. C an extra job has been taken. D an extra job has been given to John. 答案: A With a large amount of work _, the chief manager couldnt spare time for a holiday. A remained to be done B remaining to be done

17、 C remained being done D remaining to do 答案: B Millions of people gave freely _the starving peoples appeal. A in charge of B in case of C in response to D in favour of 答案: C I dont think your lecture _ the audience, for they appeared quite puzzled. A got across to B got around to C got away from D g

18、ot along with 答案: A Do you think I should go to the seaside for a rest _ .You have been busy for such a long time. A It depends. B Its up to you. C What about you D Why not 答案: D 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C、 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Positive ThoughtA Strong Tool

19、 of Success Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs that arranged a running competition. The 36 was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had 37 around the tower to see the race and 38 on the competitors. The race began. Honestly, no one in the crowd really 39 that the tiny fro

20、gs would reach the top of the tower. You heard 40 such as, “They will 41 make it to the top. Or: Not a chance that they will 42 . The tower is too high!” The tiny frogs began falling, 43 , except for those, who in fresh tempo (速度 ) were climbing higher and higher. The crowd 44 to yell (大叫 ), “Its to

21、o difficult! No one will make 45 !” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldnt give up! At the end, 46 else had given up 47 the tower, except for one tiny frog. After a big 48 , he was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other t

22、iny frogs 49 wanted to know how this frog 50 to do it. A competitor asked the tiny frog 51 he had found the 52 to succeed and reach the goal. It turned outthat the winner was 53 ! Never listen to other peoples tendencies to be 54 or pessimistic (悲观的 ) because they take your most 55 dreams and wishes

23、 away from youthe ones you have in your heart! You should always be positive and above all be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! 36. A. dream B. end C. result D. goal 37. A. prepared B. gathered C. started D. hidden 38. A. cheer B. depend C. call D. turn 39. A. doubted B.

24、 hoped C. believed D. predicted 40. A. statements B. lines C. orders D congratulations 41. A. finally B. sometimes C. always D. never 42. A. fail B. succeed C. fight D. follow 43. A. one by one B. hand in hand C. year after year D. up and down 44. A. stopped B. wished C. continued D. forgot 45. A. t

25、hat B. them C. one D. it 46. A. nobody B. everyone C. something D. a few 47. A. climbing B. building C. painting D. examining 48. A. rest B. decision C. effort D. difference 49. A. politely B. carefully C. naturally D. seriously 50. A. pretended B. tried C. happened D. managed 51. A. why B. how C. w

26、hen D. whether 52. A. strength B. power C. secret D. bravery 53. A. blind B. disabled C. dead D. deaf 54. A. positive B. negative C. common D. active 55. A. interesting B. dangerous C. wonderful D. frightening 答案: -40 DBACA 41-45DBACD 46-50 BACCD 51-55BADBC 阅读理解 Even as Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda wrappe

27、d up a tired appearance before Congress, the head of the worlds largest automaker wasnt leaving his problems behind Toyota faces a criminal investigation by federal lawyers in New York The company is now being investigated Its US dealerships(特许经销商) in difficulty now are facing repairs to potentially

28、 millions of customer cars that have been recalled The company is offering customers money back for rental cars and other expenses Its lawyers are busy preparing to cope with lawsuits A new hearing will be conducted. And the cost to Toyotas reputation is only now starting Despite back-to-back hearin

29、gs this week, left to be said were a better explanation for slow actions to deal with the faults and believable promises that the problems that led to sudden, unintended accelerations will be fixed Toyoda said those changes were being made nearly around the clock, but during three hours of often ten

30、se questions and answers he repeated that there was no link to the vehicles electronic systems Many drivers making complaints against Toyota and the government say their acceleration problems had nothing to do with floor mat interference(油门踏板故障 )or sticky gas pedals(刹车 ) Outside experts have suggest

31、ed electronic problems. House lawmakers expressed serious criticism on Toyoda, the grandson of the companys founder The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)is seeking records on Toyotas recalls and is conducting its own review on whether electronics were behind the car faults NHTSA

32、also continues to look into steering(转向操控装置)complaints from drivers of the popular Corolla model Toyota has recalled 8.5 million cars, more than 6 million of them in the United States It may be a while before car buyers believe that Toyota really makes safe cars Toyotas January sales already fell 16

33、 percent even as most other automakers jumped back from last years bad results Analyst Koji Endo of Advanced Research Japan in Tokyo said he expects February sales, due out next week, to be down 30 percent to 40 Toyotas sales problem could continue beyond that It will take some time to feel the full

34、 effect of this, he said 67 The best title for this passage is A Toyota is in trouble B Toyota is under hearing C Toyota is finished D Toyota is still running 68 What is the purpose of the hearing A America hopes that Toyota apologizes to the US customers B America wants to get Toyota out of the US

35、market C America wants to help Toyota out of difficulty D America hopes that Toyota admits their cars have electronic system problem 69 What can we infer from the passage A Toyota provides very good post sale service B Toyotas biggest market is in the United States C Toyota will become better D Toyo

36、tas dealership in the US will all be closed 70 The last sentence of this passage indicates . A Analyst Koji Endo is fully confident about Toyota B Toyota could meet a worse situation C Toyota would get out of trouble sooner or later D Toyota would build up a better reputation among its customers 答案:

37、 -70 ADBB I hear many parents complain that their teenage children are rebelling (叛逆 ). I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taki

38、ng the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of starting acting independently, most of them are holding one anothers hands for reassurance (放心 ). They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. Bu

39、t they all end up listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (茧 ) into a larger cocoon. It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her o

40、wn way. Industry has firmly developed a market for teenagers. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. This is a great roadblock for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. But the roadblock is worth climbing over. The path is worth

41、following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you dont care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will c

42、omewith the people who respect you for who you are. Thats the only kind of popularity that is really important. 63. The authors purpose in writing this passage is to tell_. A. readers how to be popular with people around B. teenagers how to learn to make a decision for themselves C. parents how to c

43、ontrol and guide their children D. people how to understand and respect each other 64. According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but in fact most of them_. A. have much difficulty understanding each other B. lack confidence C. dare not deal with any pro

44、blems alone D. are very much afraid of getting lost 65. The author thinks of advertisements as _to teenagers. A. instructive B. attractive C. beneficial D. influential 66. The main idea of the last paragraph is that a teenager should_. A. differ from others in as many ways as possible B. become popu

45、lar with others C. find his real self D. rebel against his parents and the popularity wave 答案: -66 BCDC The Kingdome in Seattle was destroyed on March 26, 2000 It was taken down to make room for a new stadium The blast(爆破 )from the failing building caused the earth to shake as if an earthquake had h

46、appened Scientists placed more than 200 earthquake recorders in the earth to measure the movement They found which parts of the city shook the most This information helped them know which parts of the city would be damaged in a real earthquake at an early time A real earthquake happened on February

47、28, 2001 in Seattle The Nisqually earthquake was 6.8 on the Richter scale(里氏 6.8级 ) It damaged the same parts of Seattle that scientists had predicted from the pulling down of the Kingdome It was a plate quake It started deep in the earth, 37 miles below the surface on the Juan de Fuca Plate Sometim

48、es, huge plates under the earth cause earthquakes when the plates move against each other suddenly Scientists have learned that deep earthquakes have very few aftershocks(余震 ) The Nisqually earthquake had only 4 ones Another earthquake in California that was close to the surface had over 120 aftershocks Scientists do not know why the deep earthquakes have fewer aftershocks Scientists plan to bla


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