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1、河北省唐山一中 2010届高三下学期第三次调研考试试卷与答案(英语) 其他 第一节语音知识(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分) 从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1 opinion A holiday B oral C biology D introduce 2 explanation A experience B explain C example D exercise 3 president A still B wise C beside D disappear 4 break A death B beat

2、C great D teach 5 national A nation B nature C natural D navy 答案: 1 5 DDBCC 第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (注意:如果所用的答题卡没有提供 E、 F、 G选项,请按以下方法填涂:选 E请涂 A、 B,选 F请涂 B、 C,选 G请涂 C、 D。) Good morning 61 . Yes Id like some information about English courses in your college 62 Yes, theres a beginn

3、ers course on Monday evenings at 7:30. On Monday 63 Yes, Im afraid so. Well 64 But do you think youll have a course on some other night in the future Well 65 Perhaps we will offer one in the future. A I work on Mondays, so Im afraid thats no good for me. B Do you have any courses for complete beginn

4、ers C Is that the only course youve got D Why not come earlier E Can I help you F I want to have English lessons. G Wait for some time, please. 答案: 6165 EBCAG 单项选择 * Are you getting a new apartment this year _ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new apartment. A Dont mention it B You must

5、 be joking C Are you sure D Good idea. 答案: B As far as I know, he is seldom, _ , late for school. A if so B if never C if ever D if any 答案: C My mum is a typist. I know this sort of work _ skill and speed. A asks for B looks for C calls for D pays for 答案: C You were out when I dropped in at your hou

6、se. Oh, I _ for a friend from England at the airport. A was waiting B had waited C am waiting D have waited 答案: A A new library is being built _ there was a playground . A that B in which C where D when 答案: C Have you got your result of the final Not yet I was told that the papers _-. A were not gra

7、ding B have already been graded C were still being graded D have not grading 答案: C It is reported that a merchant ship sank fifty miles _ the French coast A on B by C along D off 答案: D The plane must be ready within ten minutes There should be no in sending the blood to the injured people. A hurry B

8、 delay C time D wait 答案: B It is really hard to find a nice place in this city we can have a picnic. A where B that C which D when 答案: A We _ last night, but we went to the concert instead. A must have studied B might study C should have studied D would study 答案: C Has the little girl passed _ P.E t

9、est She has tried twice, and the teacher will allow her to have _ third try. A the; 不填 B a; the C the; a D the; the 答案: C Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winter the winds be pretty cold . A must B can C ought to D need 答案: B What do you think of the service here Oh, _ We couldnt have fou

10、nd a better place. A too bad B sorry C wonderful D impossible 答案: C There_no strong earthquake in the area in the near future, people have no fear in mind A being B will be C be D going to be 答案: A What should I do with the text _the topic sentence of each paragraph. A Finding out B Found out C To f

11、ind out D Find out 答案: D Susan was expecting her favorite singers, but to her disappointment, _appeared. A some B none C everyone D no one 答案: B 完型填空 第三节完形填空 (共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分 ) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It used to be our custom to take handmade baskets to

12、friends on May Day We would 21 baskets on a doorstep, knock on the door, and then run away as fast as our legs could 22 us It was delightful to peer (窥视 ) around a bush and watch our friends open their 23 and pick up the colorful gift, 24 who had left it out for them. I clearly 25 the May Day of the

13、 year when I turned ten That year I was faced with a(an) 26 involving one of my dearest friends, Pam We had studied and 27 together nearly every day, but things 28 after a new family had moved into our small town Pam was spending more and more time at their house and I felt 29 and left out. When my

14、mother asked me 30 I was going to take a May Day basket to Pams house, I responded 31 , “Absolutely not! I hate Pam.” I began to cry. Mom wiped away my 32 and told me that things and people change She explained that one of the greatest things friends can do is to give each other a 33 to grow, to cha

15、nge and to develop, and that its 34 for ones friends to spend time with other people. I 35 decided to give Pam a basket as a sign of forgiveness, and asked my sister to help me do it As we watched from our 36 place, Pam picked up the basket and said loudly enough for us to hear, “Thank you, Susie, I

16、 hoped you wouldnt 37 me!” That day, I made a 38 that changed my life: I decided to hold my friends tightly in my heart, but 39 in my expectations of them, allowing them 40 to grow and to changewith or without me. 21 A hang B place C throw D give 22 A send B transport C carry D support 23 A baskets

17、B eyes C arms D doors 24 A asking B wondering C mentioning D informing 25 A remember B experience C remind D grasp 26 A plan B task C opportunity D challenge 27 A lived B played C traveled D discussed 28 A failed B finished C changed D proved 29 A started B hurt C paid D injured 30 A why B what C wh

18、ether D how 31 A anxiously B weakly C angrily D happily 32 A tears B thoughts C unhappiness D freedom 33 A reason B means C chance D direction 34 A able B impossible C acceptable D doubtful 35 A nearly B hardly C finally D generally 36 A covering B hiding C cheering D passing 37 A miss B forget C di

19、sturb D control 38 A decision B mistake C suggestion D difference 39 A deeply B shortly C highly D loosely 40 A time B space C sense D care 答案: 2125 BCDBA 2630 DBCBC 3135 CACCC 3640 BBADB 阅读理解 Illegal removal of coral(珊瑚 ) along Sri Lankas coastline increased the amount of destruction on the island

20、by last Decembers tsunami, say researchers. Harindra Fernando, a fluid dynamicist (力学家 ) at Arizona State University in Tempe, made the connection after a visit to his native Sri Lanka earlier this year While serving as a scientific expert and translator for a BBC-documentary team, he chatted with l

21、ocals who said they saw the tsunami turn sideways when it hit coralwhich would have made it less powerful than in coral-free areas Fernando linked this to trucks he had seen last year carrying piles of coral away from the sea. Using the eyewitness reports, estimates (估算 ) of wave heights, and a seri

22、es of divers to check the presence or absence of corals, Fernando and his colleagues produced a map of coral gaps and wave flooding along Sri Lankas southwest coast. The tsunami reached significantly farther inland through the gaps: in one instance, the water traveled 1.5 kilometres long and knocked

23、 a passenger train off its tracks, killing 1,700 But only a few kilometers away, where the coral was still undamaged, the wave travelled just 50 metres inland and caused no deaths. There is a similar phenomenon In Nicaragua in 1992, a tsunami poured through a break in the coral reef made to let boat

24、s through “Within this passage, water went one kilometre inland,” says Fernando “But nearby, where the coral was undamaged, there were still beach umbrellas standing.” In Sri Lanka, coral is illegally mined to provide souvenirs for tourists, or to be used in house paint Coral harvesters sometimes bl

25、ow it up with dynamite (炸药 ) in order to collect fish at the same time Often, the reefs in the best shape are those in front of hotels, as the hotel owners maintain them for the tourists Fernando hopes that his findings will encourage the Sri Lankan government to enforce(实施 ) its laws against coral

26、mining. 57 Harindra Fernando did all the following EXCEPT _. A serving as a translator for a BBC-documentary team B helping the Sri Lankan government enforce its laws against coral mining C producing a map of coral gaps along Sri Lankas southwest coast D linking the coral removal with the destructio

27、n of Tsunami 58 The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that_. A undamaged coral can greatly decrease tsunami damage B coral-free area is a danger to passenger trains C in general, water travels 30 times farther inland in a coral-free area D it is urgent to enforce laws against coral mining 59 Which of the

28、following may NOT be the cause of coral gaps A Boat passages B Tourists sightseeing C Fish collecting D Tourists souvenirs. 60 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage A Harindra Fernando, a Great Environment Protector B Stop Using Coral as Souvenirs C Coral Cried “Help! Help!”

29、 D Coral Mining Enhanced (加剧 ) Tsunami Damage 答案: 5760 BABD Coal mine accidents are frequently headline makers in China, offering a plentiful supply of long lists of the dead Before this, five major coal mine accidents since January have already claimed lives of 287 coal miners. Once an accident hap

30、pens, the safety measures are scrutinized, officials and owners responsible are punished or warned or fined But the accidents keep happening time and again. The background of this endless disaster is a country thirsty for energy to satisfy the appetite of its economic engine. With the rich reserve(储

31、存) of coal and relatively limited petroleum(石油)reserve, the former makes up 67.12 percent of energy consumption By contrast, petroleum and natural gas take about 60 percent of the energy consumption in other countries. Such a situation is unlikely to change within a foreseeable future because the co

32、untry still counts heavily on coal for more and more energy If no measures with great effects are taken to improve the safety in the mines, the accidents will remain a long-term headache for China. Digging coal underground is, by its nature, a dangerous job No equipment can guarantee 100 percent saf

33、ety for the miners working underground because numerous uncertainties exist. Most of Chinas coal mines are far from being mechanized The average output of coal for each Chinese coal miner every day is 1 ton, while the number in the US coal mines, where the production is highly mechanized, is 40 tons

34、. Mechanized production in coal mines can cut down the number of miners who have to work on the dangerous coal face It can also enhance the capability of the mines to detect potential danger In this way mine accidents will be decreased. Admittedly, the mechanized production demands financial support

35、. But what is the price of a life, or a dozen, a score a hundred Compare these awful figures with the misery they bring, heavy investment is worthy. 53 The writers attitude towards dealing with coal mine accidents is _ A critical B positive C unclear D doubtful 54 The underlined word “scrutinized” m

36、ost probably means _ A made B examined C criticized D discussed 55 According to the writer, the best way to stop coal mine accidents is to _. A perfect safety measures B use more natural gas C cut down the number of miners D improve mechanized production 56 The writer implies in the article that _.

37、A by improving mechanized production, we can stop coal mine accidents B its improper to depend too much on coal for energy consumption C officials and coal mine owners didnt take safety measures seriously D losing lives costs much more than improving mechanized production 答案: 5356 ABDD LINDA MAYNARD

38、 11 Windrift Circle Methuen, MA 978 555 4539 JOB OBJECTIVE Seek special education, primary school, or middle school math teaching position. EDUCATION Rivier College, Nashua, NH Bachelor of Arts in Education May, 2006 Major: Elementary Education Have successfully completed PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II Meet

39、 highly qualified testing requirements for Massachusetts and New Hampshire. TEACHING EXPERIENCE November, 2005 January, 2006 Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH Student Teacher Developed and completed student centered lessons in all subject areas for various groups of fifth grade special and regu

40、lar education students. Adapted lessons to meet students needs by reviewing their backgrounds and learning needs through IEPs. Communicated with parents on a regular basis via newsletters, daily or weekly progress reports, phone calls, and email, resulting in increased parental participation at home

41、. September, 2005 November, 2005 Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH Student Teacher Taught reading and writing through Language Experience Approach methods. Introduced a Writers Workshop appropriate for first grade students to help them to develop their writing skills. Developed learning

42、 stations in reading and science, enabling students to be more independent learners. Spring, 2005 Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH Designed and taught a unit on Insects and Spiders, based on New Hampshire Standards to 23 self -contained, third and fourth grade students with disabilities. Fall,

43、 2004 Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH Taught a class of 24 third grade students with a wide range of abilities. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE After-School Aid, Amherst School District, Amherst, NH (2004 2005) Summer Camp advisor, YMCA, Nashua, NH (Summers, 2002 and 2003) Big Brother / Big Siste

44、r Volunteer, Nashua, NH (2002 2005) 49 What kind of job does Linda want to get A A Big Brother / Big Sister Volunteer B A middle school math teacher. C A special education advisor D A summer camp advisor. 50 Linda has worked for the following schools EXCEPT _. A Rivier College, Nashua, NH B Wilkins

45、Elementary School, Amherst, NH C Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH D Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH 51 What can we know about Linda according to the passage A She was merely interested in developing students math abilities. B She was not active in participating in after sc

46、hool activities. C She is permitted to teach in any high school of New York. D She has plenty of experience in teaching. 52 Which of the following is NOT included in the ways Linda used to communicate with the students parents A Newsletters B Phone calls. C Face-to-face talks D Daily or weekly progr

47、ess reports. 答案: 4952 BADC The easiest way for the English to deal with their social discomfort is to avoid social interaction altogether, by choosing either leisure (闲暇 ) activities that can be performed in the privacy of ones own house, or outdoor activities that follow their interest without direct contact with anyone other than ones own family members, such as going for a walk, or to the cinema, or shopping In recent survey, over half of all the leisure activities were of this private domestic type, and of the top ten


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