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1、河南省 2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试题(英语) 单项选择 * . Could I speak to Mr Smith Soory, we have no_Mr. Smith here,but we have _Mrs. Smith here. A / , / B a , a C / a D a , / 答案: C . He left without a word as if _. A, never to teturn B. never returning C.he had never returned D.he would never be returning 答案: A . I do

2、nt want to be a person that always cries , but today apparently_. A. I am B, I will C. I have D, I did 答案: A . There was a strong wind and _. A away went his hat B away his hat went C away did his hat do D did his hat go away 答案: A . I have told her never to write to me again afterwards . You_be sor

3、ry for what you said to her . A need B shall C have to D ought to 答案: B . Lets hurry .Perhaps we can catch the train . Its too late now ,_ A otherwise B. therefore C anyway D someway 答案: C . I met John the other day .Guess what What He changed so much that I didnt_ him_ at first. A. put, out B.take

4、out C make out D.turn ,out 答案: C . When you get your paper back , pay special attention to _ has been marked . A. where B. which C what D.that 答案: C . The coach gave the team members a call immediately the results were announced ,_them on their success . A to congratulate B congratulating C congratu

5、lated D having congratulating 答案: B . What I care about most is _we can raise enough money for the project by the end of this month . A that B if C whether D where 答案: C . Where have you spent this terms scholarship, Lucy On a computer ,_on the desk over there . A that B this C one D the one 答案: D .

6、 Jane has been working for three months without going on holiday . . She should have taken a vacation ,but she couldnt _the time. A afford B spend C take D waste 答案: A . He spent more than twice as much time on the problem _ I spent on it . A than B as C less D so 答案: B . Did you see a girl in white

7、 pass by just now No , sir .I _a newspaper . A read B had read C would read D was reading 答案: D . You must have had a good time at the party last night ,didnt you _.Actually , it was a bit boring . A Oh ,grate B I sppose so C Not really D Thats Ok 答案: C 完型填空 . 第二节 完形填空 ( 共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分 ) 阅读下

8、面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A B C D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The animals were all awakened by the same loud sound. It sound like a(n)_.Deep in the woods they could see a figure holding a long narrow object . In the past in most _it meant that danger was near._there was something different about the figur

9、e this time .Suddenly the figure fell to the ground. A deer , named Sheena, moved_. Finally she could see that_was the forest ranger (护林者 ). Soon she noticed that his right foot was _in a beer trap(夹子 )。 Sheena then attempted to release his foot_the trap .Later he opened his eyes.Their presence did

10、not_him. At this_he felt that he needed their help_anything else. Sheena and other animals began dragging the ranger toward the rangers cabin(小木屋 ). The ranger was_.It was almost as if the animals could _-his mind. As they_the cabin , the animals began to cry for_.When the door of the cabin began to

11、 open, the animals ran back into the forest. The animals all_from a distance as the ranger was taken into the_-for care. The ranger told his fellow that while he was _in the forest, he stepped into a bear trap . He add that while rescuing _,he shot himself in the shoulder accidentally and _the anima

12、ls saved his life .The fellow thought that he must have injured his head and was _the animals rescue. 36. A .whistle B gunshou C. explosion D.crack 37. A. places B times C.cases D.conditions 38. A.And B. So C.Because D.But 39. A. close B.far C.backwards D. forwards 40. A.it B.he C.she D. one 41. A.s

13、et B.placed C.stuck D.wrapped 42 A of B.beyond C.from D.onto 43. A.frighten B.disappoint C.delight D.excite 44. A.place B.point C.present D.situation 45. A.less than B.more than C.better than D.worse than 46. A.frightened B.worried C.anxious D.shocked 47. A.hear B,speak C.write D.read 48. A approach

14、ed B,left C.moved D.entered 49. A.food B.clothes C.help D.medicine 50. A.listened B. wached C. talked D.shouted 51. A.woods B.cabin C.hospital D.bed 52. A.wandering B.waching C.hunting D.checking 53. A.a deer B. an animals C.a child D.himself 54. A.why B.when C.where D.how 55. A.imagining B. expecti

15、ng C.remembering D.considering 答案: 3655 BCDAA CCABB DDACB BADDA 阅读理解 . 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20分,每题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A B C D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I strongly believe its happy to have a day in the year , when we can toghter talk about the progress women have made over the years , although we still

16、 have to deal with many more lifestyle pressures compared to men. For all the fellow sisters whove still not figured out the power of being a woman,its high time to realize how easy it is for us to brust into tears in public to get the pressure out ,or cry for emotional reasons, or for no specific r

17、eason at all. Our tears are at least regared as an outlet for emotional stress ,and not as a sign of weakness . Please allow me to say jokingly herethe tears can best be used as a winning tool in an argumentativeyour point will have to be heard and agreed upon! We are socially acoepted as proud “hom

18、emakers”if we choose to live that way . What a relief from the social burden of “earning enough for the family “. We have the amazing option of wearing make-up. Of course , we are “natural beauties “, but who minds improving those pretty looks ! How easy it is for us to look taller whenever we want

19、to. We can wander in those fashionable dresses and dont lack choices when it comes to dressing up for parties and weddings . What an advantage : You can wear his shirts or T-shirts if you want, but poor he cant even think of feel getting into any of your designer dresses ! You cant ignore the benefi

20、ts that may come in your way from men in the name of gentlemans behavior ! You can feel important every time he opens the car door for you before sitting into the driver/s seat hinself. If youre a daddys girl , you can comfortably feel most protective . But as to a mammas boy , he isnt easy . Cheers

21、 to the “advantages of womanhood”. 56. The passage is mainly about A , the difference between being a woman and being a man B, the disadvantages of being a man C. the advantages of being a woman . D. the pressure coming from being a woman. 57. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text

22、 A. Like the husband, the wife should also be a breadwinner in a family. B. Generally speaking, it is acceptable for a woman to make up. C. It is good manners for a man to open the car door for a lady. D. People can be dasily touched by womens tears. 58. The writer implies that women can look taller

23、 easily by_. A. talking exercise B.talking some kind of medicine C. putting on high -heeled shoes D. going on a diet 59. What tone (口气,语气 ) does the author use in the passage A. Unpleasant B. Serious. C. Regreful. D, Relaxing . 答案: 56-59 CACD . Dear Sir , I recently found your website of Chinese a v

24、ery Culture a very good source .I am a professor teaching at Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan , and I would plan to quite often use some articles on your website for my coures of Introduction to Chinese Culture. Therefore, Id like to inform you of educational purposes and hopefully to have your p

25、ermission. Meanwhile, I do wish I could have more materials from your service. Much grateful to you. Yours sincerely, Byron Gong Dear Mr. Byron Gong, It is pleasue to know that our websit has been of help for you to introduce Chinese culture in your class. Sharing the same mission in promoting cultu

26、re ,we are glad to grant you the permission in using the sourses of our website for your educational purposes, under the condition that all the sources are credited .However ,if the pictures or articles are to be used for publication, you can mail us and further discuss on that. We are happy to prov

27、ide you with some furthetr material, but we would like to know what kind of information would be of interest to you. Thank you again for attention to our website .Any suggestion is welcome ,and we would appreciate your help if you could tell us what contents in our website are of most interest and s

28、ignificate to you and what parts shoud be given more attention. Sincerely yours Chinaculture .org 60. What is Mr. Byron Gong doing A. He is working for Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan as a cleaner. B. He is nothing to do with Soochow University. C. He is a professor teaching at Soochow Universit

29、y. D. He is searching for some scholars. 61. Why does Mr. Byron Gong write the letter A. He intends to introduce to his students if Chinese Culture is worth learing . B. He asks for the permission from the website to use the material in his teaching. C. He expects to be allowed to work in the group

30、in the website. D,He would like to inforn the website that he hopes to help then introduce Chinese culture. 62.What was the response of the website after they received the letter A The wehsite responed to his letter coldly. B. The wehsite responed to his letter in a polite and anxious way. C. The we

31、bsite answered him enthusiasticaly,reasonably and suggestibly. D. The website answered him eagerly. 63. What can we learn from the response of the website A. They would be grateful to informed what contents are interesting and significant. B. They wish to learn more about Mr. Byon Gongs hobbies. C.

32、They expect to know more about their mistakes in the material. D. They hope for his appreciation in return for the use of their material. 答案: CBCA . An old man walked slowly into the restaurant. With heard tilted , and shoulder bent forward he learned on his trusty stick with esch unhurried step. Hi

33、s torn cloth jacket, patched trousers, worn out shoes, and warm personality made him stand out form the usual Saturday morning breafast crowd. He stopped, turned with his whole boby , and winked(眨眼 ) at a little girl seated by the door. She flashed a big smile right back at him. A young waitess name

34、d Mary watched him toward a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said, “Here, sir.Let me give you a hand with that chair .” she pulled the chair away from the table. Steadying him with one arm, she helped him in front of the chair ,and get comfortably seated. Then she moved the table up clo

35、se to him ,and learned his stick against the table where he could reach it . In a soft ,clear voice he said ,”Thank you. Miss.And bless you for your kind gestures.” “Youre welcome ,sir.” She replied. “And my name is Mary. Ill be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time,just

36、 wave at me!” After he had finished a big meal, Mary brought him the change. He left it on the table. She helped him and walked with him to the future door. Holding the door open for him,she said,”Come back and see us.Sir!” He turned and nodded a thank-you. “You are kind.”He said softly,smiling. Whe

37、n Mary went to clean his table. She almost fainted. Under his plate she found a business card, and a note scribbled on a napkin.Under a napkin was a one -hundred-dollar bill, The note on the napkin read,” Dear Mary, I respect you very much ,and you respect yourself too. It shows by the way you treat

38、 others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.” The man she had waited on was the owner of t he restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she, or any of his employees had ever seen him in person. 64.The old man left $100 und

39、er the napkin because he_. A. wanted to help Mary out B. Wanted to encourage Mary to do more good deeds C. thought highly of the tasty meal in the restaurant D. appreciated Marys kindness and work attitude 65. It can be inferred that the old man went to the restauran to_. A.have a good meal B. enjoy

40、 good service C have an onsite visit D. show his generosity 66. The passage is developed mainly by_. A. following the order of space B. following the order of events C. making comparisons D. providing examples 67. The best title of the passage would be_. A. The Secret of Happinese B. Employer and Em

41、ployee C Gift from a Businessman D. Good Service in the Restaurant 答案: DCBA . Last month ,studenrs from 103 universities in 88 coontries took part in international computer programming contest. The Battle of the Brain took place in Harbin, China. Three-person terms from each school had hours to solv

42、e eleven real world problems. Jerry Cain coached the team from Standford University in Palo Alto,California. He says the problems involved, among other things, paperweights, robots, castles and lakes. JERRY CAIN: “One of the programming problems was trying to figure out how to break an chocolate bar

43、 into a certain number of pieces of a certain number of sizes and to do it as quickly as possible. And thats probably the simplest of all them.” The students first listed the problems in order of difficulty and then they wrote the needed software systems. They designed ways to test their solutions.

44、And they wrote the needed software systems , Even the winning team from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China was not able to solved all the problems within the given time limit. Stanfords team solved five problems and finished in fourteenth place. Standford was one of twenty-one America universitie

45、s that took part in the conest this year. The conest began in 1970 at Texa A and M University. The first final competition was held in 1977 at the Association for Computer Machinery Computer Science Conference. It developed and grew as more and more schools took part in local and area contests. Cont

46、est spokenman Doug Heintzman says the world champions receive prizes and scholarships. They are also guaranteed an offer of employment or practice period with IBM. “Were had past world champions that IBM has given a post to in our Zurich research Iaboratory and they are now working on some of the Ie

47、ading edge materials in science and physics. So this competition is an opportunity to be recognized and to be recruited by some of the top technology and firms around the world “ 68. It can be inferred that_. A .the contest is increasingly unpopular with the universities B.the contest this year was

48、not easy for the participants C. most of the American universities took part in this contest D. whether to win or not has nothing to do with the participants future 69. Which of the following is true about contest A. Every team consisted of five members. B. The participants from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China performed best. C. Except American, there are sixty-seven countries taking part. D. Finally Stanfords team came fourth in the contest 70. The underline word in the text can be best replaced by_. A. promoted B. fired


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