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1、浙江省临海市杜桥中学 09-10学年度高二下学期第一次月考试卷与答案(英语) 单项选择 * I dont understand what the engineer means, but Ive got _ rough idea of _ project plan. A the; a B不填 ; the C the;不填 D a; the 答案: D Prices keep _and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet. A going up B rising up C lifting up D raising up 答案: A Hea

2、ring the news that he had been _as general manager of the big company, he _ with excitement and joy, forgetting that he was showing some visitors around. A named; broke out B appointed; erupted C made; was filled D chosen; was full 答案: B Hard as a teacher may try, he cant _to make all his students m

3、ake a difference in study, letting alone in life. A make sure B be sure C guarantee D insure 答案: C In April, 2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, _ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. A marking B marked C having marked D being marked 答案: A .People who do not smoke h

4、ave less _ of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so. A potential B cause C hope D choice 答案: A Dont expect too much of him, and after all, he is a child of _ intelligence. A average B slight C strange D different 答案: A My patience is _. A running over B running out of C running out D using

5、 up 答案: C - Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night. - _ Im sure you had a wonderful time. A Sounds good! B Very well. C How nice! D All right. 答案: Thousands and thousands of people attended the presidents inaugural ceremony, with ages _from 5 to 100. A varying B changing C r

6、anging D rating 答案: A Large quantities of solid fuel _consumed every day and too much carbon dioxide is sent into the air, which in turn _ the going up of temperature. A is; results in B are; results in C is; leads to D are; results from 答案: B _the fact that there was great prejudice against women e

7、ntering mens profession then, she succeeded as a manager of a big company. A While B In spite of C Despite of D As 答案: B Is it in the restaurant _ we had dinner last Sunday _ you left your wallet A where ; where B where; that C that ; where D that; that 答案: B _ with the size of the whole earth, the

8、biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A Compare B When comparing C Comparing D When compared 答案: D 16 Please tell me how the accident_. I am still in the dark. A came by B came out C came to D came about 答案: D -I will not come here tomorrow. - _to me, because I dont care. A It doesnt make any diff

9、erence B It makes much difference C It doesnt make no difference D It makes a difference 答案: A You can go out, _you promise to be back before 11 oclock. A as far as B so far as C when D so long as 答案: D He is quick to _ himself to new environment. A adopt B adore C adapt D adept 答案: C It is _ it was

10、 yesterday. A as beautiful day as B as a beautiful day as C as beautiful a day as D beautiful as a day as 答案: C Once you have become _ to cigarette smoking or alcohol, it is hard to _it even though you try hard. A used; get away with B addicted; get rid of C adapted; get down to D accustomed; get of

11、f 答案: B 完型填空 三完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分) Last September, a terrible typhoon struck our neighborhood. Roofs were flying. Trees were being uprooted. Outside our front window. I _33_ see a nearby tree. It had served as the neighborhoods Christmas tree for ten years. Children expected its _34_ every Dec

12、ember. “Just bend; dont break!” I made a wish. The _35_ gathered in force. Rain was falling _36_, and water was pouring into the house around the edges of the closed windows. I heard people shouting, “The river is coming down on us!” I rushed out and found that the _37_, which crossed the river and

13、was the only way to _38_ ground, was already under water ! We all _39_ at a neighbors house and tried to think of a way out. _40_ it was too late. Soon, we found ourselves stuck on the roof, holding together against the wind, trembling with cold and fear. As we looked around, the _41_ near our house

14、 could no longer be seen. Despair surrounded us. Luckily, a group of soldiers _42_. With their help, ten hours later, at 2:oo a.m. , everyone was finally off the roof. We were saved! The rain stopped during the night. At dawn, with the water gone, we found our _43_ a wasteland covered with sand and

15、mud. A s we made our way to what was left of our home, we found the tree _44_ there, bent but not broken! Our symbol of _45_ had been spared by nature. Life may not become _46_ so soon, but our neighborhood has tried its best. _47_ , in December, the Christmas tree will light up again. 33.A. should

16、B. would C. could D. might 34. A. arriving B. growing C. standing D. lighting 35.A.energy B. coldness C. storm D. darkness 36.A. peacefully B. slowly C. noisily D. heavily 37. A. house B. bridge C. road D. hill 38. A. richer B. cleaner C. higher D. narrower 39.A. gathered B. shouted C. worked D. swa

17、m 40. A. So B. For C. And D. But 41. A. flood B. tree C. window D. roof 42. A. looked out B. got up C. turned up D. set out 43.A. ground B. river C. nature D. neighborhood 44. A. already B. still C. even D. also 45. A. health B. respect C. hope D. honor 46. A. special B. normal C. excellent D. fortu

18、nate 47. A. Hopefully B. Particularly C. Perfectly D. Generally 答案: 3347 CDCDB CADBC DBCBA 阅读理解 In Egypt, smoke-filled offices are common along with taxi drivers who light one cigarette after another while stuck in Cairos heavy traffic. Non-smoking sections in restaurants are unheard of and water pi

19、pes which fill cafes often overflow onto sidewalks, leaving the sweet smell of fruit-flavored tobacco lingeringon the streets. But some doctors and lawmakers here want to change this culture of Egypts. The countrys parliament recently passed laws banning smoking in some public places including gover

20、nment buildings, schools and hospitals. It also calls for health warnings to be put on cigarette packs and allows the government to increase the price of tobacco, according to parliament member Hamdiel-Sayyed, who proposed the new laws. If individuals break the law, they could be fined up to $17. To

21、bacco factories can be forced to pay about $3,500, if they dont follow the law and advertise their products. Egypts laws are modest compared to other countries including Britain and some American cities where smoking in all indoor public places is banned. But they are a start, especially for a count

22、ry where 80 billion cigarettes are smoked a year. “Part of the objective is to keep children and young people from becoming smoking addicts,” said el-Sayyed. But in a country burdened by poverty and high unemployment, will the laws be able to force people not to smoke Mustafa Ahmed, 25, said laws to

23、 ban smoking are a good idea in principle but are not realistic. “Smoking is popular in Egypt. There is a lot of pressure on people here, especially because the economy is bad. People smoke because they think it will relax them.” Sherif Omar, a parliament member, also has his doubts about the new la

24、ws. “Laws by themselves dont work well unless you have education in schools and in the media,” he said. 59. What does the underlined part “this culture” in the second paragraph refer to A. Heavy traffic a big headache for drivers. B. N o non-smoking areas in buildings. C. The wide-spread smoking hab

25、it in Egypt. D. No effective measures taken to stop smoking. 60. Which of the following is NOT a part of the new laws passed by the parliament A. Not allowing tobacco advertising. B. Warning people of the danger of smoking. C. Allowing the government to increase the price of tobacco. D. People who b

26、reak the law will be fined up to $3,500. 61. Compared with Britain, Egypts laws _. A. will be more effective in reducing smoking B. set stricter limits on smoking C. do not set very strict limits on smoking D. will not be effective 62. According to Sherif Omar, the new laws are hard to carry out bec

27、ause _. A. Egyptians face high work pressure B. Egyptians are addicted to smoking C. many people are strongly against these laws D. people dont receive anti-smoking education 63. What would be the best title of the passage A. Egypt starts to ban smoking everywhere. B. Egypt attempts to control smoki

28、ng in public places. C. Egypts laws increase peoples sense of health. D. Egypts laws arent supported by the common people. 答案: 59-63 CDCDB A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe. Airlines have stopped or changed the flights across the Atlantic Ocean, leaving hundreds of p

29、assengers stuck in airports. Grimsvotn is one of the largest and most active volcanoes in Europe. What makes Grimsvotn different is that it lies under a huge glacier of ice up to12 meters thick. The hot volcano heats up the ice above it, which then forms a layer of water between the glacier and the

30、volcano. This layer of water puts pressure on the volcano, keeping it stable. As the water flows out from the volcano then comes up to the surface. This is exactly what happened today. Now, airlines have to make changes to their flights so as not to fly through the clouds of volcanic ash. According

31、to KLM, one of Europes biggest airlines, airplanes cannot go under the cloud or over it. Going through the cloud can result in the ash getting stuck in the airplanes engines, causing damage to the plane. The eruption has also caused problems for animals in Iceland. The volcano left ash and sharp, gl

32、ass-like rocks all over the country side. Farmers are keeping their animals inside to stop them from eating ash-covered grass or the sharp objects. 55.What makes Grimsvoth different from other volcanoes A. It is below ice. B. It lies under the sea. C. It is the largest volcano. D. Its lava affects a

33、irlines. 56.What keeps Grimsvotn still A. The slow flow of water. B. The low water temperature C. The thick glacier. D. The water pressure. 57.Which of the following is the result of the volcanic eruption A. People stop traveling in Europe. B. Airlines suffer from the loss of planes. C. It becomes d

34、angerous for animals to eat outside. D. Farmers have lost many of their animals. 58. This text is most probably taken from _ A. a research paper B. a newspaper report C. a textbook D. a geography textbook 答案: 5558 ADCB You Mi, a lovely and confident 17-year-old student, is the first Chinese high sch

35、ool student to appear on the cover of the popular young adults fashion magazine Seventeen. “You is IN,” said Wang Lihua, Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen. “She is active and mature because of her knowledge on everything from academic studies, to books on art, to movies. We found shes the very style were

36、 looking for to represent young peoples attitudes.” You also impressed Wang with her fluent English when they first met last year. As the hostess of an English broadcasting programme at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University, You is always praised for speaking English almost like a native s

37、peaker. “Ive built up my English by watching thousands of English DVDs since I was 10,” she explained. But for You, watching isnt enough. Last year, while in Senior 1, she met a talented boy who showed self-made DV movies at the English Corner in her school. “I thought it was so cool and I knew that

38、 I should start making my own films,” she said. So she wrote a campus story, persuaded schoolmates to star in it and then began shooting a 30-minute DV movie, all in English. “I played one of the leading roles, actually I was everything in my film. I worked on it every single day during the SARS hol

39、idays,” she recalled. The movie finally became a big hit on campus, earning You a strong reputation as a DV movie director.来源 :学 ,科 ,网 But this is not the only field she wants to master. Despite being a science student, You likes art, literature and fashion design very much. “There are people who ca

40、n be artists, there are people who edit books, and there are people who become film producers. But I just hope to mix all the things up!” she said. “There is an old saying I believe: Chance favours only the prepared mind.” 51. You Mi was chosen to be a cover of Seventeen, mainly bec ause she _. A. i

41、s beautiful B. she is lovely and full of confidence C. is active and ma ture D. has rich knowledge 52. The author mentioned a talented boy to show _. A. the great influence he had on You Mi B. he was admired by his schoolmates C. the young can do things as well as the adults do D. self-made DV movie

42、s are popular at school 53.In the 30-minute DV movie, You Mi didnt act as a(n) _. A. director B. musician C. actress D. producer 54. We can learn from the passage that _. A. You Mi hopes to be a mixed talent B. the success of a 30-minute DV movie shocked You Mi C. You Mi dreams of becoming a scienti

43、st D. the outbreak of SARS delayed You Mis studies 答案: 51-54 CABA 四、阅读理解(共 16小题;每小题 2分,满 分 32分) LOST AND FOUND ROOMATES FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white marking. Found near Linden and South U.Steve, 800-4661 FEMAL ROOMATE WANTED Own room near campus. Available December 1st. Rent $80 per mon

44、th until March 1st.$129 there after. Call Jill for details,8007839. LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800-2896 NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $92/mo. Starting Jan. 1st. Call 800-6157 after 5:00 FOR SAIL HELP WANTED MOVING: Mu

45、st sell. TV b/w2 seconds, $50; AM/FM transistor radio A/c or battery, $15;cassette tape recorder,$10; music records.Call John or Pat, 8000739 after 5 or weekends. BABYSITTER-MY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school-age childr

46、en, please call Gayle Moore days 8001111, evenings and weekends 8004964. USED FUR COATS and JACKETS GOOD CONDITION. $50-¥ 125. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon. WAITRESS WANTED: 10 a.m.2 p.m. or 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Apply in person, 207 s. Mai.Curtis Restaurant. 48. If you want a job of taking care of child

47、ren, which ad will you answer A.LOST AND FOUND B. ROOMMATES C. FOR SAIL D.HELP WANTED 49. You will call_ if you want to buy a radio. A. 800-0436 B. 8000739 C.8004661 D.8004964 50. If your aunt wants to rent a room from Feb.1st to Apri.1st, how much money should she pay A. $160 B. $ 129 C. $ 209 D. $

48、418 答案: 48-50 DBC 单词拼写 五单词拼写(共 6小题;每小题 1分,共 6分) 1. Tianshan is home to a great d_ of plants and animals . 2.He didnt pass the exam d_ to his laziness. 3.There is no d_ that the earth is becoming warmer. 4.Tom g_ through the report before he got into the meeting room. 5.He a_ himself quickly to the environment. 6.We all wondered why John o_ the building of a motorway. 答案: 1.diversity 2.due


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