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1、福建省福州三中 2010届高考模拟(英语) 其他 短文填词(共 10题,每小题 1分 ,满分 10分) People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred _ in the world. 76._ Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, _(含有 ) four or five hundred thousand words.

2、77._ But we do not need all these. To r_short stories, we need 78._ to know only about two thousand words_we leave school. 79 ._ The words we know are _(称为 ) our vocabulary. 80. _ We should try to make our vocabulary b_as we continue to study. 81._ Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of bo

3、oks _(写 ) 82. _ in easy English. We will enjoy them. When we come _ a new word, 83. _ look it _ in our dictionary. Our dictionary is 84. _ our _ (much) useful book. 85. _ 答案: 1 languages 2 contains 3 read 4 when/before 5 called 6 bigger 7 written 8 across 9 up 10 most 单项选择 * - What about _ book - It

4、s too difficult _ book for beginners. A the; the B a; a C a; the D the; a 答案: D _ Mary is sleepy, she insists on finishing her homework rather than _ to sleep. A While, going B Though, goes C As, going D Despite, go 答案: A It is _ the customers needs that has made chain stores so popular in big citie

5、s in China. A meeting B met C to have met D being met 答案: A Out of the crowded bus , who was dressed in a black suit and waved to a woman. A a tall man in his thirties stepped B stepped a tall man in his thirties C did a tall man in his thirties step D did a tall man step in his thirties 答案: B Never

6、 care, dear. Even _ you started a bit earlier, the result would still not be quite different. A have B have had C had D had had 答案: C With the help of high technology in the past few years, electronic business _ to bank industry and travel industry. A applied B have applied C had been applied D has

7、been applied 答案: D Every Friday afternoon of this month is _ as a time when students can learn how to design a website. A set aside B set out C set up D set down 答案: A We all know the truth _ there is air, water and sunlight, there are living things. A that what B what that C where what D that where

8、 答案: D When he reflected on his failure in the interview, he found that he _ some inappropriate comments regarding the topic mentioned. A could have made B should have made C must have made D would have made 答案: C After many years both countries have come to realize that neither side could ever succ

9、eed in getting rid of _ by means of war. A other B another C the other D others 答案: C When we arrived in the middle of the night, there was no food _ as all the shops were shut. A left B available C remaining D convenient 答案: B A dozen family members gathered at the table _ were traditional local fo

10、ods such as preserved ham sausage. A what B which C that D where 答案: D - How is everything going on with you in Europe - Quite well, not so smoothly as I hoped, _. A though B instead C either D too 答案: A _ the poem for a second time, the meaning will become clear to you. A While reading B If reading

11、 C When read D When you read 答案: D - Since you cant find a better way out for the time being, why not follow his advice - oh, you are right. _. A I believe so B I might as well C It doesnt matter D I dont care 答案: B 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55各题所给的四个选项( A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选

12、项 Grandparents are important and influential persons in all peoples lives. They are those people who take care of you and (36) you. They are special persons who can give you (37) advice. My grandparents always taught me to (38) others, and they showed me with their (39) that love and feelings are im

13、portant things in my life and that I dont have to pay attention to (40) things or what people externally look like. To (41) my grandparents I have to say that they are beautiful people that I admire because they are so (42) and so healthy. Even though they are old, they always have a strong (43) to

14、enjoy life. (44), the most important thing is that they are full of love and offer it to other (45). My grandparents are a huge (46) of culture and nationalities because they come from (47) countries. For example, from my (48) side my grandfather is from Spain, and my grandmother is (49) from Spain,

15、 but from a different city. From my fathers side, my grandfather is from Venezuela, and my grandmother is from Italy. Even though this is a huge mixture, my grandparents have a very good (50). My four grandparents have a goal in common in their lives; their goal is to see our family full of happines

16、s and to see us growing up healthy and happy because they want me and my family to have a successful (51), and so they can prove to themselves that they did a great job (52) my parents. Furthermore, my grandparents are people that are always in tune to the new things in the world. For example my gra

17、ndmothers always care about (53), how they dress and their personal appearance. And my grandfathers always (54) economics or important issues in the world. I think I am very (55) that all of my grandparents are alive because I have learned so much from them. 36. A. love B. accompany C. raise D. prot

18、ect 37. A. useful. B. best C. necessary D. wise 38. A. help B. love C. bless D. congratulate 39. A. words B. wishes C. life D. experience 40. A. cultural B. mental C. material D. rare 41. A. describe B. introduce C. discuss D. retell 42. A. diligent C. clever C. active D. free 43. A. plan B. desire

19、C. intention D. interest 44. A. And yet B. After all C. Even so D. In addition 45. A. people B. friends C. relations D. lives 46. A. symbol B. background C. mixture D. part 47. A. foreign B. different C. other D. many 48. A. grandfathers B. grandmothers C. fathers D. mothers 49. A. ever B. even C. a

20、lso D. however 50. A. relationship B. understanding C. condition D. atmosphere 51. A. harmony B. future C. job D. career 52. A. picking up B. taking up C. bringing up D. building up 53. A. clothes B. food C. news D. fashion 54. do with B. deal with C. care about D. look into 55. A. perfect B. lucky

21、C. satisfied D. confident 答案: -40 ADBDC 41-45 ACBDA 46-50 CBDCA 51-55 BCDCB 阅读理解 I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: seize the moment. Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet. Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they havent thought

22、about it, dont have it on their schedule, didnt know it was coming or are too strict to depart from their routine. I cant count the times I called my sister and said, “How about going to lunch in half an hour ” She would gasp and stammer (结结巴巴地说 ), “ I cant . I have clothes on the line. My hair is d

23、irty. I wish I had known yesterday. I had a late breakfast. It looks like rain.” And my personal favorite response: “Its just Monday.” She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together. From then on, Ive tried to be a little more flexible. Life has a way of going faster as we get older. The

24、 days get shorter, and the list of promises made to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awake, and all have to show for our lives is repetition of “Im going to”, “I plan on” and “someday”, when things are settled down bit. When anyone calls my “seize the moment” friend, she is open to adventure a

25、nd available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and youre ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungle cord. My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice

26、 cream. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy. Nowgo on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to not something on your SHOULD DO list. 72. The example of the writers sister serves as _. A. an argument B

27、. an introduction C. a support D. a conclusion 73. The writer thinks that the underlined excuse “Its just Monday.” is acceptable, because _. A.it is still likely that they can have lunch together some time later B.it sounds most reasonable of all the excuses C.it shows respect for the writers sugges

28、tion D.it indicates the time when they can have lunch together 74. The underlined word “contagious” in the fourth paragraph means “_”. A. appropriate B. influential C. practical D. evident 75. What did the purpose of the writer by writing this passage A. To suggest how time flies. B. To persuade bus

29、y people to relax. C. to advise people to keep their promise. D. To convince readers to be flexible on their schedule for practical joy. 答案: 7275 CABD Board, But Not Boring Roll the Dice and Take a Chance on Something New Are you vacationed-out, tired of video-gaming, waterlogged by too many trips t

30、o the pool and ready to scream if you see one more “SpongeBob” rerun In other words, are you bored with summer Weve got a suggestion: Kill that boredom with some great board boredom games. We went to game expert Lizzy Palmer of Barstons Childs Play in the District and ask for suggestions. All the ga

31、mes you see on this page are a ton of fun, she said, and there are sure to be at least one or two that you dont already have. Maptangle Borderline Games Ages 7 and older, 4 to 6 players, $24.95 This clever take on the classic game of Twister challenges your gymnastic and geographic skills at the sam

32、e time. A huge floor map of the world serves as the game board. There are lots of geographic elements: countries, oceans, rivers, deserts, even man-made landmarks. A deck of cards tells you where to put one foot, then the other. The round is over when someone falls. Jungle Speed Ages 7 and older, 2

33、to 8 players, $25.99 This is a fast-paced shape-recognition game. A wooden totem (图腾柱 ) sits in the middle. Players flip (翻 ) over cards one at a time. When your card matches another, be the first to grab the totem so that you can give your card to the loser. But be careful: Some cards look the same

34、 but arent! Enchanted Forest Ravensburger Ages 6 and older, 2 to 6 players, $24.99 A classic memory game. Take a winding path through the forest and check under the trees for fairy-tale treasure. Remember what you saw so that when you need a particular treasure you can go back to that tree to get it

35、. Cool rule: You can split your dice (骰子 ) rollfor example, move five spaces in one direction and two in the other to land at the right tree. Go fish for Wildlife Birdcage Press All ages, $9.95 Birdcage has several decks (副 ) of cards that are more like trading cards. You fish for sea creatures, rep

36、tiles, wild animals. Each deck has instructions for several card games, and each card has great photos and fun facts. Great for a trip. HedBanz Funrise Ages 6 and older, 2 to 6 players, $13.99 Put on a headband and slip in a card that shows an animal or thing. Everyone else can see it but you.Ask qu

37、estions until you guess what it isbut do it before time runs out! 68. Whats the purpose of writing the article A. To advertise several board games to attract potential consumers. B. To introduce several board games for readers to pass the summer. C. To try to persuade readers to give up video games

38、and choose board games. D. To make some suggestions on how to spend the long summer. 69. Suppose Doris, a mother with a six-year old boy, wants to buy some board games for her child. How many kinds of board games can she choose A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 70. Which of the following games will be the best ch

39、oice for Mr Smith who wants to find an indoor game that can benefit both his daughters mind as well as her body A. Go Fish for Wildlife B. Jungle Speed C. Maptangle Borderline Games D. Hedbanz 71. Which of the following can match the games with their benefits to players (1) Enchanted Forest a. to pr

40、actice your quick response (2) Maptangle Borderline Games b. to practice your memory (3) Jungle Speed c. to practice your geographic knowledge (4) Go fish for Wildlife d. to increase the knowledge about animals A. bacd B. bcad C. cbad D. cdab 答案: Some people look at a hole and see empty space. Other

41、s see opportunity. Thats what Sheri Schmelzer spotted a few years ago when everyoneincluding her three childrenstarted wearing Crocs, the colorful shoes dotted with holes. “My kids and I were clowning around, and my eldest daughter, Lexie, got the sewing kit out. I brought one of the Crocs, pulled s

42、ome buttons, rhinestones, and fabric out of the kit, and stuck them in the holes. Lexie said, Mom, I love that!” Sheri and Lexie, then seven, spent the rest of the day filling holes in the familys 12 pairs of Crocs. Every look-alike shoe was suddenly unique. When her husband, Rich, experienced in se

43、tting up businesses, came home later that day, says Sheri, “I could see the light bulb go on over his head,” Crocs had sold millions of pairs of shoes; the couple figured they could create a business simply by riding the wave. Rich refused to let a decorated Croc leave their Boulder, Colorado, house

44、 until hed filed a patent. But first they needed a name. “Rich and I had seen a movie where Meg Ryan says to Tom Hanks, Im such a flibbertigibbet! That became my nickname, so I called the business Jibbitz.” While Sheri designed, Rich strategized. They decided to sell the charms through a website, J

45、Six months later, in February 2006, Sheri was doing so well that Rich left his business to work with her full-time. She was making hundreds of Jibbitz to order, by hand, by herself, in their basement. And filling those holes wasnt as easy as it looked. The bigger the shoe, the bigger the holes; it t

46、ook six models before Sheri figured out how to make her charms one-size-fits-all. Later Rich found a way to get plastic Jibbitz manufactured in China. Someone at Crocs was sure going to notice the charmsafter all, the company was headquartered (总部设在 ) just ten miles down the road. Duke Hanson, one o

47、f Crocs founders, spotted Lexie and her Jibbitz at the local pool, handed her his business card, and said, “Have your mom call me.” Sheri and Rich met with Crocs executives, but no one suggested buying the company. Sheri was actually relieved because she wanted to see if she, not Crocs, could make i

48、t big. And she did. In December 2006, Crocs bought Jibbitz for $20 million, with the Schmelzers staying on board. 64. The passage is mainly about _. A. how the Schmelzers found opportunities out of nothing. B. how the Schmelzers found opportunities and developed their business C. how creativity matters to a successful business D. how the business of Crocs became successful. 65. When Sheri said, “I could see the light bulb go on over his head”, she meant that _. A. Rich was really excited B. R


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