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1、雅思听力十大场景词汇,By Jed,场景 1. Accommodation,住宿问题,恐怕是各位学生出国后考虑的第一个问题了。雅思听力考试既然强调场景的真实性,考题就免不了经常涉及本场景。本场景涉及的内容广泛,不但涉及租房,学校住宿问题,还可能包括房屋保险,搬家,房屋设备报修等等延伸内容。对词汇的把握,借助场景的贯穿,才能形成系统性,然后在考到本场景的时候,不但可以胸有成竹,还可以准确预测答案信息。现在,将本场景的词汇细分为:,1. People Involved,租房的时候,难免涉及些牵线人, 如:“house agency 房产代理公司, house agent 房产代理人”;这些牵线人必

2、然要联系“landlord (landlady)”; 最后跟我们这些“tenant=lodger=renter=roomer(美式)房客”谈论细节。,2. Type of Accommodation,住宿类型依各人经济及喜好而定, 有住在学校“halls of residence 集体宿舍, student hostel 学生公寓, dormitory ”;还有自己去外面租房子的:有经济能力并想快速提高英语的去“homestay 在当地居民家中住宿”;也可以租幢“house”来住,里面有“garden ,courtyard ,garage ,swimming pool,fountain ,ba

3、lcony ,en-suite facilities 全套设施 (注意en suite的读音,来自法语,读法特殊)等等;,还可以租套“flat=apartment公寓”或者“studio apartment 单身公寓”或者“bedsit 卧室兼起居室”来住; study囊中羞涩点的租“single room 单人间, double room=twin room 双人间,triple room 三人间”也就凑合吧。,3. Location,房屋位置是我们租房子一定得考虑的问题,这将决定我们上学或工作的方便与否。那么,有的人喜欢风水论或者有看风景的偏好,就会要求位置在“east ,west ,so

4、uth ,north ,southeast ,southwest ,northeast,northwest ”为上;喜欢价钱便宜点,空气好的,最好住在“suburb=outskirts 郊区,countryside 郊外”;喜欢热闹,出行方便点的最好选择 “city centre = downtown 市中心,urban area 市区”。,4. Surrounding Facilities,交通和周围的环境也是决定租房意向的重要因素之一。关于这些,我们得掌握: Transportation交通设施:tube=underground=subway=metro ,bus,minibus ,med

5、ium-sized bus=midibus ,coach ,taxi=cab ( taxi rank 的士车站 ),tram 电车,caravan 大篷车,ferry , express train 快速列车, shuttle bus , commuter train 通勤车, train ,plane , four-wheel drive 四轮驱动, automobile (注意发音) = car,Public Facilities: parking lot,clinic ,toilet=washroom=lavatory police station, First Aid Center 急

6、救中心, telephone box=telephone booth公用电话亭, card phone 磁卡电话机,restaurant=dining hall=refectory ,caf , dustbin=trash can,bar=pub, snack bar=fast food Restaurant , Western Restaurant,Chinese Restaurant gym=keep-fit studio stadium, smoking area, lawn 草坪, quiet neighborhood 安静环境,5. Interior Structure & Faci

7、lities,租房时,难免谈论到房屋的结构 detached house 独立式房屋, semi-detached house 半独立式房屋, cottage, cabin, lodge living room = sitting room,bathroom ,bedroom ,balcony , kitchen laundry room 洗衣房,corridor, porch,roof ,ceiling 天花板,window ,shutter百叶窗 curtain,storehouse,basement, fire escape安全出口,6. furniture & facilities,这

8、可太重要了,决定所租房屋的性价比啊,也是日常生活中我们经常讨论的话题了。 Electronic Appliances 家电: refrigerator=fridge,washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, microwave oven, stereo system,radiator 电暖炉,(central) heating system (中央)暖气装置,toaster 烤面包机,hair dryer , (central) air conditioner=(central) air conditioning, electric fan,ceil

9、ing fan 吊扇,TV (television),telephone ,PC = personal computer, laptop,Kitchen Facilities : gas cooker 煤气灶,electric cooker 电磁炉, coffee maker ventilation 通风装置,kitchen ventilator 抽油烟机, exhaust fan 排气扇,detergent 清洁剂,tap 水龙头,sink 污水槽Bathroom Facilities 浴室用具: towel 毛巾,sponge,shampoo,soap ,lotion,cream, sha

10、ver 剔须刀,shower,tub 浴缸,toilet 马桶,mirror ,mop,broom 扫帚,dustbin=trash can,Bedroom Facilities 卧室设备: single bed 单人床,double bed 双人床,king-size bed 特大号床,queen-size bed 大号床, bedlinen 被单和枕套,床用织物 blanket,sheet ,mattress,quilt,pillow , wardrobe,dresser 梳妆台Sitting Room Facilities客厅设施: sofa,couch,coffee table,car

11、pet ,armchair,ashtray,7. Special Requirements,no other guests 唯一租客, no red meat 不吃牛羊肉(印度),no pork , vegetarian,carnivore 食肉主义, no pets ,no smoking ,no parties , food allergies 食物过敏,8. Rent and Deposit,Rent = rental price, deposit, maximum rent,minimum rent , one months rentbills,water bill,gas bill,

12、electricity bill,phone bill, expensive,reasonable price, cheap,场景 2. 旅游度假,度假地的选择,交通工具的选择,住处的选择(这部分与租房类似) book a room / reserve a room (make a reservation) 预定 confirm a reservation 确认预定 cancel ones reservation 取消预定 first come, first serve one-way ticket单程票 round-trip ticket往返票 飞机里面的:VIP/first class头等

13、舱 business class商务舱 economy class经济舱 express way 高速公路, express train 高速列车,17,付帐 check(美国) cheque(英) A.T.Mcashier 收银员 give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额 pin number/password/code密码 check the present balance in my account. change pounds into dollars the current rate 汇率 exchange rate 还有时常会考到银行的开放时间,一

14、般是几点到几点?还有周末或许不同(注意),18,travel agency 旅行社 book the ticket flight number 航班号 take off 起飞 land 降落 departure arrival check in 办理登机手续 motel汽车旅馆 youth hostel青年旅社 passport 护照 visa 签证 driving license/licence驾照 expire (v.) credit card 信用卡 (Visa 维萨卡; MasterCard 万事达卡;American Express美国运输),19,一般是司机,导游,BBC prog

15、ram介绍某个地方,城市的基本情况。多为表格题。 主要包括: 名字,行政区划 人口,语言风土人情 好处,不利 吸引人之处 platform 站台 museum 博物馆 souvenir 纪念品 art gallery 画廊 exhibition,20,mountains deserts hilly areas丘陵地带 wetlands 湿地 bush land tropical rain forestsresorts 胜地 coastal areas hot springs waterfalls beaches fountain cave,21,peak, stream/creek/brook

16、, jungle tourist attraction, scenic spots, landscape historical interest, botanical garden castle cathedral palace on foot, by minibus, by train, coach, tram, four-wheel drive, motorcycle, bicycle,22,public transport 公共交通 private transport 私人交通 underground/subway/tube/metro 地铁 ferry cruise 乘船游览 curr

17、ency 货币koala kangaroo ostrich falcon parrot coral jelly fish shark turtle crocodile,23,distance from nearest city, population, advantage/disadvantage 注意转折词汇的运用:however, nevertheless, on the other hand 当地的education, main industry; climate/weather: wet and windy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sn

18、owy. Shape:rectangle长方形 triangle square,24,backpacker 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人 hiking 徒步旅行 hitch-hike 搭便车旅行 diving 潜水;跳水 Scuba Diving 器械潜水skiing water skiing hang gliding camping,package tour, tent horse riding, cycling,25,go sightseeing, go camping, go hiking, trekking rock climbing, go surfing, go swimming, b

19、ush walking barbecue, cliff walks, bungee jumping, sky-diving, roller coaster,26,socks sun block sunscreen sun-tan lotion long trousers walking boots hiking bootsT-shirt jacket sweater pullover pants pajamas jeans,27,sports shoes sneakers sandals slippers bathing suit / swimming costume bikini first

20、-aid kit sleeping bag camera sunglasses mosquito net sunshade flashlight / torch,28,场景 3. 日程活动介绍参观,包括会议,节日,组织旅游等。 主要抓四类:when, where, what, why convention, conference (会议) 开场白经常由会议的president或者organizer进行自我介绍,然后介绍会议内容,还要介绍会议的会期多长,经常考的考点-这次是第几次会议。 要避免经典陷阱,即听力原文出现的并不是所需要的答案。,30,例1. 听到:This is my third t

21、ime of the annual retailers convention. Ive been here twice. 看到:How many conventions have already been held? 答案: 2,31,例2. 听到: A: When will you send the equipment? B: Well , weve got a lot of work on at the moment. A: Well, say 25 June? B: Cant we put it later? A: The last date is July 1. Why not say

22、 that? 看到:send the equipment by _ 答案:July 1.,32,指路/指示方向 十个方位词right, left, in front of, behind, near, next to, at the end of, cross road to, opposite to, the one after . 这些词是听方位的关键词汇,掌握它们对于做地图题至关重要。 be far from 距离某处很远 be nearby 距离某处很近 go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过 go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南) go b

23、ack/back/back up 向回走 go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北 go on/alongtill you meet 沿一直走/直到,33,be on sbs left/right 在某人的左边/右边 be the first / second / third from the left / right 从左/右数第一/二/三个 directly opposite 和相对 be located behind/in front of 坐落在的前面/后面 be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街交汇的拐

24、角处 be in the corner of 在的角落里,34,ground floor(英)首层 wing配楼/建筑的一部分 annex 配楼/建筑的附属建筑 basement, twin building, landmark block/complex 由若干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区 stairs step 台阶 aisle 过道 wheelchair access 无台阶的/残疾人用通道 intersection/crossroad/crossing 十字路口 a fork on the road 分叉路口 a T road 丁字路口 intersection/crossroads/ju

25、nction/clover-leaf/flyover 立交桥,35,场景 4. 求职,行业 Industry n.工业,产业 Forestry industry 林业 Mining industry 矿业 Energy industry 能源业 Fishing industry 渔业 Farming 农业 Company 公司 Agriculture 农业,1)招聘求职的表达Vacancy, position, post, recruit, hire, employ, job inquiry2)得知招聘信息的渠道(source of information)website, radio,new

26、spaper, a friend3)工作类型 (category of job / profession / occupation / work)full-time job, part-time job, internship, probation, period (试用期),4)时间相关内容(各种time)工作时间preferred working time, working hours, day shift, late shift, full-time, part-time开始工作的时间starting date/day, available to work from.to (日期,星期,

27、时间点是重要考点)休息时间time off, day off, break, betweenand面试时间interview arranged from/ on+星期+时间点/ call sb. before/after证书过期时间certificate will expire at / on / in,5)时间相关内容(各种time)payment basispaid for every hour/ day/ week/ year, total weekly pay, on a weekly basis pay 5.50 etc.,6)工作经验+需要技能/条件(working experie

28、nce+skills/ qualities required)工作经验once worked as waiter, waitress, baseball coach, cook, babysitter, nurse, consultant, lifeguard相关技能diving, worked at a beach, driving, Japanese, administrative work, keyboard, guitar, jazz相关要求certificate,diploma, degree, driving license, truck license, work permit,

29、 visa type推荐人/信referrer, references, recommendation letter,7)联系方式 (contact details)考察点:电话号码,e-mails,地址(Central Hostel, Elsinore等地点的拼写),8)其他相关内容饭餐方面 free dinner / lunch / meal待遇方面 extra pay when you work at weekends / work late / extra hours, sick pay, paid leave, raise (提薪)交通方面 free transportation,

30、free public transportation住宿方面 provide accommodation, accommodation in a nearby town, near subway / bus No.+数字培训相关 free training, promotion,人员 employ accountant n.会计 engine n.发动机 customer answer the telephone marketing organization firm n.&adj.公司;坚实的 power n.权利,能源 shift v.倒班 product n.产品 payment n.报

31、酬,director n.主任,董事,导演 factory business council n.委员会 role committee n.委员会 flexible extension n. 分机,延期 staff n.员工 manager cleaner n.清洁工 farm colleague n.同事 vacancy n.空缺,recruit n.招聘 cooperation n.合作 salary contact industrial regular adj.规律的 commission n.委员会, 佣金 business trip corporation n.公司 welfare

32、n福利 position n.位置,职位 contract,场景 5. 个人健康,headache, got a headache, avoid smoky area , vitamins, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet, try to avoid sugar, salt, butter not too much milk, lean meat, nuts, eggs, need lots of bread vegetables and fruit.,看病场景 考点:健康检查 病症状况表现 医生诊断结果 治疗方案 相关建议 clinic诊所 sur

33、geon外科医生 physician / internist 内科医生 oculist / eye doctor眼科医生 dentist牙医 mental hospital 精神病医院 vet兽医 psychiatrist / shrink心理医生 symptom flu have / catch a cold have a sore throat have a stomachache have a fever have a cough have a headache have a toothache,feel dizzy头晕 feel chilly 觉得发冷 vomit / throw up

34、 / nauseate 呕吐 pills tablet eyedrops vitamins medication injection cold cure take ones temperature see a doctor send for a doctor feel ones pulse take ones blood pressure have an operation make an appointment,场景 6. 日常生活,日常 shop n.商店 local shop 当地商店 coffee shop workshop 工作室,车间 bookshop 书店 shopping ce

35、nter shopping mall shopping 购物 online shopping 电子购物 item n.项目,货物,东西 single item 单件物品,饮食 diet 素食者 vegetarian, pie, pudding, soup, coffee, 炸鱼和薯条 fish and chips, 油腻的 greasyrestaurant caf buffet 自助餐 barbecue snack bar 零食店 candy bar 糖果店 vending machine 自动售货机 chilli 辣椒 spicy / hot 辣 sweet 甜 sour 酸 bitter

36、苦 salty 咸,no cheese product 非奶酪制品 no red meat 不吃红肉 garden salad 蔬菜沙拉 snack refreshments 零食 pork steak sandwich appetizer 开胃菜 main course 主菜 desserts beverage 饮料 sea food take-away 外卖 drive-in 免下车路边餐馆,晚会 decoration n.装修,装饰 festival n.节日 guest n.客人 waitress n.女服务员 waiter n. 服务生,男服务生 interest n.兴趣 ball

37、oon n.气球,服装 dress code 着装要求 casual 随便的 raincoat sweater n.毛衣 trousers suit n.西装 costume swimming window dressing sandals spare socks 备用袜子clothes 服装 cloth n.布 dress jeans sportswear comfortable uniform boots skirt blouse n.女士衬衫 shoes jacket,场景 7. 新生报到会, 新入会,新生报到会,一般向新生介绍学校的设施,选课情况,学校的历史,如何注册,应该做什么,不应

38、该做什么。 一般由Admission office的Counselor来向新生介绍。 accommodation homesickness 想家,新生入学及入学后大致过程 register / enroll (登记、报到) 一般会到student union office New Students Enrolment 新生报道处 opening ceremony 开学典礼 orientation meeting (介绍会)指学校综合情况 orientation week (初到校)适应周 open a student account.开个学生帐户,一些相关词汇: campus common r

39、oom师生公用的休息室 canteen dining hall cafeteria accommodation dorm / dormitory dormmate / roommate / flatmate / housemate car park / parking lot / area parking regulations shopping mall teaching building 教学楼/教室楼 lecture theatre 大教室/阶梯教室,facilities 设施 divisions 系 departments 系 financial 财务的 auditorium 会堂;礼

40、堂 lounge, gymnasium体育馆, gym locker roomlibrary 图书馆 the School of Law 法学院 law faculty Recreation Center 娱乐室 faculty 教职员总称 , 系,laboratory / lab 实验室 student union club society 学生社团 student account current account 活期帐户 chequebook / checkbook 支票本 draw / withdraw cash deposit money in a bank,场景 8. 图书馆,主要考

41、察情景和词汇 catalogue (under titles / authors / subjects) 目录 reference stacks书库 library card / admission card 借书卡 date slip / deadline / date of expiry 期限 due overdue and pay a fine 过期并交罚款 renew 续借 available 可获得的 resource center 资料中心 audio-visual resources 音像资料中心,out on loan借出的 closed reserved只读不借 in cir

42、culation在书库里 out circulation借走了 not for circulation不外借 held in the closed reserved 闭馆保存的classification 分类 category种类 bibliography 书目(籍者检索目录) librarian 图书馆管理员 encyclopedia 百科全书,periodical (magazines and journals) 定期刊物 return in time 及时归还 interlibrary service 图书馆际服务 open / closed shelves 开架 / 闭架书库 考点:

43、作品名称,哪年出版,作者姓名,student card, library card,借出费用,几时到期,欠款多少等。,场景 9. 选课,selective / elective / optional 选修课 required course/compulsory course 必修课 涉及选课主要是对语言的选择 language: Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin (Standard Chinese), Cantonese, Spanish, French, German,选择级别: fundamental / elementary ,

44、 intermediate , advanced 选课的时间,日期。 Time and date applicant, enrolment, register, admission office foreign student office, international student, oversea(s) students (部分相关词汇见后面的10.授课场景),too high expectations 期望值太高 wrong courses technical terms plagiarism cheat on exam attendance 出勤率 assignment paper

45、thesis dissertation lecture tutorial 辅导课 seminar (学生发言的)讨论课,学术讨论场景,Conduct a survey主要是在课外研究一些小的项目,小的调查研究,包括对学校里各个地方,食品(咖啡,小吃)等的价格的比较。个人认为,这也是与文化背景有关系的,外国人注重人的实践能力,从小培训。听时特别关注的是人名,并注意先判断男女,以及各自的观点。,表支持的,同意的: Thats great!/ That would be of great help. / Why not? Its of great benefit. / It would be you

46、r best guide. 不同意的: I dont see any reason for that. I wouldnt recommend it. To be frank, avoid them. / Why? / Whys that? (部分场景详见后面10授课场景),enrolment application form course arrangement 课程安排 letter of recommendation 推荐信 programme/program 某一专业的课程总称 school学院 graduate school 研究生院 undergraduate本科 postgrad

47、uate 研究生 School of Arts and Sciences 文理学院,score 分数 credit 学分 degrees 学位 assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估 handout 上课老师发的印刷品 assignment 作业 presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言 project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题 paper/thesis/dissertation论文/硕士论文/博士论文 essay 短论文 journal周记/每周要做的作业 participation / attendance 出勤 lecture 老师的讲课 tutorial 辅导课 seminar TA (Teaching Assistant) 助教,


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