I love my family (演讲稿).doc

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1、I love my family 601 班 赵浩杨 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 你们看, 太姥、姥姥、姥爷、爸爸、妈妈和我组成了一个快乐的大家庭 。 九十三岁的太姥正戴着老花镜给我缝棉衣,她的腰弓得很低很低 。 我端着饭小心翼翼地送到床 边,再把筷子递到了太姥手里。 太姥伸出双臂把我揽在怀里, 她 的怀抱那么温暖,抬起头来,我看到了她满是皱纹的脸上写满了笑意。 大家在餐厅 吃饭 ,我突然放下筷子,跑向了太姥 屋里,端出了餐具。妈妈奇怪地问:“淼淼,你怎么知道太姥吃完了?”我仰起小脸说:“我听到了太姥放筷子的声音。” 大家夸我真是个乖孩子,我明白了, 家是有爱的地方, 家人爱 我,我

2、也 把他们装进 了 心里。 我爱我家,姥姥给我做饭,我给她捶背;我爱我家,姥爷接我放学,我给他端茶;我爱我家 ,妈妈陪我读书,我 帮她打扫 ; 我爱我家 ,爸爸陪我玩耍,我给他讲笑话。有爱才有家,我一天一天幸福地长大。 长大了,我才明白 ,原来我的家很多,我的家很大: 郝斌中学是我们的家,同学帮我我帮她,老师爱我我爱她;蓬莱仙境是我们的家, 这里有蓝蓝的大海,这里有美味的鱼虾 ; 中国是我 的家 ,长江、长城、 黄山、黄河,我们的家风景如画。把祖国建设得更加美好是我们每一个人的 梦想和责任。我爱我的家! 谢谢大家,我的演讲到此结束,感谢你们的倾听! Good morning, my dear

3、teachers and classmates, The topic Id like to share with you today is “ I love my family”. I have a big and happy family, with six members in it. They are my great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me. Now lets look at how happy we are! My 93-year-old great-grandmother is sew

4、ing me a cotton-padded coat, wearing her reading glasses and lowering her waist. I served the food with care to my great-grandmother in bed and she took me in her arms gently. I felt the warmth of her hug and looked up at her , finding a smiling face with wrinkles all over. We were having a meal whe

5、n I put down my chopsticks and ran into great-grandmothers room and cleared the dishes. Mother asked me curiously, “ Miaomiao, how did you know that your great-grandmother had finished the meal?” I answered proudly, “I heard the sound of chopsticks being laid down!” Everyone praised me for my being

6、cute. And at the same time I realize that family is a place filled with love ,where they give me much love and I love them in return. I love my family, because Grandmother cook for me and I massage her back: I love my family, because Grandfather pick me up from school and I serve him with a cup of t

7、ea; I love my family, because Mother accompany me reading and I help her do some cleaning; I love my family ,because Father play together with me and I tell him jokes. It is love that makes a home, where I grow up day by day. I grow up and I realize that I have a large family. Haobin Middle School i

8、s my family, where teachers love me and I love them in return, and classmates help me and we help each other. The Paradise of Penglai is my family, where there is a blue sea and delicious fish and shrimp. China is my family, where the Great Wall , the Yangtse River, the Yellow River, and Huangshan make beautiful scenery. It is our dream and duty to make our big family more beautiful. Father and Mother I love you. I love my big family. So much for my speech. Thank you for your listening!


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