2016年级英语上unit2 I have a rabbit课件.ppt

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1、,Unit 2,I have a rabbit,,二年级上册,(Story time),育英二外 王珍,1,学习目标,Story time,I can say the new words :. 我能说新单词 cat ,dog, rabbit, hamster, big ,small。 2. I can understand and read the story.我能理解并正确朗读故事。 3.I can talk about the pet with “I have”我能介绍并描述宠物。,Review the animals.,Warm Up,分组,说一说你所知道的动物朋友。,,What is

2、this?,Its a cat.,1,2,What is this?,Its a dog.,3,4,What is this?,Its a rabbit.,5,6,What is this?,Its a hamster.,7,8,I have a dog.,What do they have? 小朋友,猜猜看他们有什么宠物?,?,?,?,Lets watch the video.,Lets review,I have a .Its white. Its small.,I _ a dog .Its brown. Its big.,I have _ .Its _. Its_.,Lets read.

3、,(朗读story time。),I have a dog.Its Its .,Lets say. 你能帮助他说一说吗?,I have a Its Its,Lets say.,I have a Its Its,What do you have? I have a . Its . Its.,Talk about your pet/toy animal. 和你的伙伴们谈一谈你的宠物或者玩具动物吧!,Homework,2 . Recite Story Time after class.(背诵story time ) 3. Try to talk about the pet/toy animal.(用

4、I have.Its描述自己的宠物或者玩具动物) 4 . 下次课,请带自己的玩具动物。,Listen and repeat about the story time(听录音,跟读story time ),Homework,2 . Recite Story Time after class.(背诵story time ) 3. Try to talk about the pet/toy animal.(用I have.Its描述自己的宠物或者玩具动物) 4 . 下次课,请带自己的玩具动物。,Listen and repeat about the story time(听录音,跟读story time ),


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