AGMA 1003-H07-2007 Tooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur and Helical Gearing《小模数直齿轮和斜齿轮用轮齿比例》.pdf

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AGMA 1003-H07-2007 Tooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur and Helical Gearing《小模数直齿轮和斜齿轮用轮齿比例》.pdf_第1页
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1、ANSI/AGMA1003-H07ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07Reaffirmed March 2014AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur andHelical GearingiiTooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur and Helical GearingANSI/AGMA 1003-H07ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIthattherequire-ments fo

2、r due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplem

3、ajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the stan

4、dards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, nope

5、rson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications

6、 are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Ci

7、tationsshouldread: SeeANSI/AGMA1003-H07,ToothProportionsforFine-PitchSpurandHelicalGearing,pub-lished by the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 500 Montgomery Street, Suite350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/ September 19, 2007ABSTRACTToothproportionsforfine-pitchgearin

8、garesimilartothoseofcoarsepitchgearingexceptinthematterofclear-ance. For20degreeprofileanglefine-pitchgearing,thisstandardprovidesasystemofenlargedpinionswhichusetheinvoluteformabove5degreesofroll. Dataon14-1/2and25degreeprofileanglesystems,aswellasadiscussion of enlargement and tooth thickness are

9、included in the annexes.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2007 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval sys

10、tem or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 978-1-55589-902-8AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 1003-H07AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2007 - All rights reservedContentsForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Terms and

11、symbols 1.4 General features 35 Basis for enlarged (long addendum) pinions 6Bibliography 25.AnnexesA Tooth proportions for 14-1/2 degree fine-pitch gearing 13B Tooth proportions for 25 degree fine-pitch gearing 15.C Helical pinion enlargement 16D Calculations to obtain standard clearance for enlarge

12、d pinions andstandard gears 18E Comparative systems for selecting tooth thickness of pinions 20Tables1 Terms and symbols 2.2 Diametral pitch, standard tooth proportions and formulas (inch system) 43 Standard diametral pitch tooth dimensions, inches 5420 Profile angle - enlarged spur pinions 9.520 Pr

13、ofile angle - reduced spur gears 10.Figures1Basicrack 3.2 Effect of profile shift (addendum modification) 6.3 Form diameter on undercut teeth 64 Form diameter on fillet blend teeth 75 Center distance and line of action 11ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AGMA 2007 - All rights reserved

14、ForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of AGMA Standard1003-H07, Tooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur and Helical Gearing.As originally developed by the American Gear Manufacturers Assoc

15、iation, this standardwasintwoparts:thefirstpart,Clearancefor20-DegreePressureAngleFine-PitchGears(AGMA 470.01); and the second, 20-Degree Involute Fine-Pitch System for Spur Gears(AGMA 207.02).In May, 1949, the two standards were combined and completely re-edited. The nextrevision of this standard w

16、as begun in 1955.Asaresultoftheincreasinguseofgearsbysinteringandinjectionmoldingprocess,andforgreater tooth strength, tooth forms for 25 degree pressure angle were included. Controlgearing containing large numbers of teeth was recognized by data on the 14-1/2 degreepressure angle system in the info

17、rmation sheets.AGMA 207.05, was approved by Sectional Committee B6 and by the sponsors, anddesignated USA Standard B6.7-1967 as of September 18, 1967.Due to difficulties encountered in fabricating gears with involute profiles to the base circle,theFine-Pitchcommitteedevelopedanewsetoftoothproportion

18、sforenlargedpinionsthatwould not require active tooth profiles below five degrees of roll.AGMA 207.06 was approved by the Fine-Pitch Gearing Committee in June, 1971 andapproved by the membership as of May, 1974.ANSI/AGMA 1003-G93 was a revision of AGMA 207.06. The term “profile angle” wasintroduced

19、in place of the basic rack “pressure angle”. Metric data were added, includingISO symbols. Tables for 20 degree profile angle were revised, and supported with simplerequations and procedures. The lower range of tooth numbers was redone with lessenlargement,improvedcontactratio,andlessspecificsliding

20、. Datafor7and8toothpinionswere omitted, as they require special design consideration beyond the scope of thisstandard. A revised procedure was employed to verify undercut limits, superseding theapproximateandmoreconservativepriormethod. Formulasweresuppliedforalltabulateddata. The data on helical ge

21、aring was revised using a simple procedure to allow helicalconfiguration.Information was added to clarify the distinction between form diameter as generated andthe limit diameter established by operational contact, which determines the contact ratio.Clarificationwasmaderegardingcategoriesofcenterdis

22、tancewhichoftenwasasourceofconfusion in the prior standard. Cautionary notes were added to indicate that meshesemployingverysmallnumbersofteeth,whilegeometricallycorrect,stillrequireanalysesforstrength,durability,andclearances. The5degreeformdiameterenlargementmethodwasextended to include the 14-1/2

23、 degree system, and revisions were made to the 25 degreesystem.ANSI/AGMA 1003-G93 was approved by the Fine-Pitch Gearing Committee in February,1992 and approved by the AGMA Board of Directors as of May, 1992.ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07 adds clause 4.9 on fillet root radius values due to cutting tool tipradiu

24、s, and annex E, which compares several systems for selecting tooth thickness ofpinions.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMA1003-H07wasmadeinSeptember,1999. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinMarch,2006. ItwasapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardon September 19, 2007.Suggestions for improvementofthis standardwillb

25、ewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2007 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Fine-Pitch Gearing CommitteeChairman: Daniel J. Seger Perry Technology Corpora

26、tion.Vice Chairman: M. Khawar Anwar All American Mechanical Components and.Gears, Inc.ACTIVE MEMBERSD.E. Bailey Rochester Gear, IncT.H. Dobosz MPC Products CorporationM. Eichinger MPC Products CorporationY. Kotlyar Bodine Electric Company.I. Laskin ConsultantH. Minasian Consultant.ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07

27、 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvi AGMA 2007 - All rights reserved(This page is intentionally blank)1 AGMA 2007 - All rights reservedANSI/AGMA 1003-H07AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDAmerican National Standard -Tooth Proportions forFine-Pitch Spur andHelical Gearing1 ScopeThis standard is applicable to externa

28、l spur andhelical gears with diametral pitch of 20 through 120and a profile angle of 20 degrees.It only applies to standard gears with 24 teeth ormore; enlarged pinions with 9 through 23 teeth; andreduced gears for meshing with enlarged pinions atstandard center distances.Much of this same informati

29、on is applicable tointernal gears.1.1 Tooth proportionsThetoothproportionsshownhereinmaybeusedformany gear designs offiner than120diametralpitch;however, such designs should be checked forsuitability, particularly in the areas of contact ratio,undercutting, and clearance.This standard is similar to

30、ISO 53, Cylindrical gearsforgeneralandheavyengineering - Standardbasicrack tooth profile.The main difference between the proportions offine-pitch gears and those of coarse-pitch is in theclearance. In fine-pitch gearing, wear on the pointsof the cutting tools is proportionally greater than incoarse-

31、pitch tools. The fillet radius produced bysuch tooling will therefore be proportionally greater.The increased clearance in gearing of 20 diametralpitch and finer provides both for the relatively largerfillet and also for foreign material that tends toaccumulate at the bottoms of the teeth.1.2 Number

32、 of teethGear designs with low numbers of teeth should bechecked for suitability, particularly in the areas ofcontactratio,undercutting,andclearance,aswellasforstrengthanddurabilityforloadandlifeconsidera-tions.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which,throughreferencein

33、thistext,constituteprovisionsofthis American National Standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this American National Stan-dard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most rec

34、ent editions of the standardsindicated below.AGMA 904-C96, Metric UsageAGMA 917-B97, Design Manual for Fine-PitchGearingANSI/AGMA 1012-G05, Gear Nomenclature,Definitions of Terms with SymbolsANSI/AGMA1102-A03,ToleranceSpecificationforGear HobsANSI/AGMA 2002-B88, Tooth ThicknessSpecification and Meas

35、urementANSI B94.21, Shaper Cutters3 Terms and symbols3.1 TermsThe terms used, wherever applicable, conform toANSI/AGMA 1012-G05, Gear Nomenclature,Definitions of Terms with Symbols.3.2 SymbolsThesymbolsusedinthisstandardareshownintable1.NOTE: The symbols and definitions used in this stan-dard may di

36、ffer from other AGMA standards. The usershould not assume that familiar symbols can be usedwithout a careful study of these definitions.ANSI/AGMA 1003-H07 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2007 - All rights reservedTable 1 - Terms and symbolsAGMASymbol Description UnitsWherefirst useda Addendum in Ta

37、ble 2aGAddendum, gear in Table 5aPAddendum, pinion in Table 4B Backlash in 4.6b Dedendum in Table 2C Center distance in Table 2CeCalculated tight mesh center distance in Eq 16c Clearance in Table 2ceClearance, gear tip to pinion root in Table 4D Pitch diameter in Table 2DGStandard pitch diameter of

38、gear in Eq 15DoOutside diameter in Table 2DoGOutside diameter of gear in Eq 15DoPOutside diameter of pinion in Eq 15DPStandard pitch diameter of pinion in Eq 15DrRoot diameter in Table 2hkWorking depth in Table 2htWhole depth in Table 2mcContact ratio - - Eq 15mceContact ratio, enlarged - - Eq 16N N

39、umber of teeth - - Table 2NeNumber of teeth, calculated - - Eq 20NGNumber of teeth, gear - - Table 2NPNumber of teeth, pinion - - Table 2PdDiametral pitch, transverse in- 1Table 2PndDiametral pitch, normal in- 1Table 2p Circular pitch, transverse in Table 2pnCircular pitch, normal in Table 2RbGBase

40、radius of gear in Figure 5RbPBase radius of pinion in Figure 5RoGOutside radius of gear in Figure 5RoPOutside radius of pinion in Figure 5rfmaxFillet radius, maximum in Table 2t Tooth thickness, transverse in Table 2tGTooth thickness, gear in Eq 19tnTooth thickness, normal in Table 2toTooth thicknes

41、s at outside diameter in 5.4tPTooth thickness, pinion in Eq 19toGTop land, gear in Table 5toPTop land, pinion in Table 4a Addendum modification in Eq 6C Center distance enlargement with rack in 5.9e Enlargement in Eq 3t Tooth thickness modification in Eq 4 Profile angle degrees Table 2(continued)ANS

42、i/AGMA 1003-H07AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2007 - All rights reservedTable 1 (concluded)AGMASymbolDescription Units Wherefirst usedeTransverse pressure angle at calculated tight mesh center distance degrees Eq 16nProfile angle, normal degrees Table 2oPressure angle at outside diameter degrees E

43、q 13tBasic rack transverse profile angle degrees Eq 20 Helix angle degrees Table 24 General features4.1 Basic rackThe basic rack shown in figure 1 is used to illustratethetoothproportionscoveredbythisstandard. Thisstandard permits freedom of choice in makingchanges in the gear tooth proportions to m

44、eetspecial design conditions as long as the resultinggears are fully conjugate to the basic rack. Suchchanges may be indicated when a special contactratio or modification for tooth strength is desired.4.1.1 Spur gearsThe basic rack shown in figure 1 and the toothproportions shown in table 2 provide

45、the basicdesign data for spur gear teeth.4.1.2 Helical gearsHelicalteethcoveredbythisstandardareconjugatein the normal plane to the basic rack shown in figure1 and table 2.4.2 Pressure angle and profile angle4.2.1 Pressure angle, While profile angle is the slope of the cutting tool, apressure angle

46、may be defined at any point on theflank of a gear tooth. See ANSI/AGMA 1012-G05.4.2.2 Profile angleThe standard profile angle is 20 degrees, and isrecommended for most applications. In the an-nexes, data may be found on 14-1/2 and 25 degreeprofileanglesystems. Profileangleofhelicalteethistaken in th

47、e normal plane.In certain cases, notably some sintered or moldedgears, or in gearing where greatest strength andwear resistance are desired, a 25 degree profileangle may be required. Profile angles greater than20 degrees tend to require the use of generatingtools having very narrow point widths. In

48、addition,larger profile angles require closer control on centerdistance tolerance for those gear trains in whichbacklash is critical.Incaseswhereconsiderationsofangularpositionorbacklash are critical, and where both pinions andgears contain relatively large numbers of teeth, a14-1/2 degree profile a

49、ngle may be desirable. Ingeneral, profile angles of less than 20 degreesrequire a greater amount of modification to avoidundercut problems, and are limited to larger totalnumbers of teeth in gear and pinion when operatingon a standard center distance.WorkingdepthClearanceWholedepthCircularpitchAddendumDedendumPitchlineFilletradiusTooththicknessProfileangleNOTE: The value of the fillet radius is determined by the type and design of the cutting tool.Figure 1 - Basic rackA


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