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1、e A-A-58000 36 W 9999974 0064430 9 m A-A-58000 16 MAR 1992 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION TANK, STORAGE8 LIQUID ARGON-NITROGEN-OXYGEN, Cryogenic, Hori- zontal, 3000 and li000 Gallon The aeneral Services Administration has authorized ttie use of this Commercial Ikem Description. 1. SCOPE 1.1 ScopeL This

2、 Commercial Item Description (CID),.describes a 3000 and 6000 gallon horizontal cryogenic storage tank capable of storing and delivering liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen. 1.2 Classification. The storage tanks shall be of the following types and sizes. The type and size of storage tank to 0 be furnis

3、hed shall be as specified (see 6.1). Type I - Liquid Oxygen Type TI - Liquid Nitrogen Size A - 3000 Gallon Size B - 6000 Gallon Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any other data which may improve this document should be sent to: SA-ALC/SFRT Kelly AFB

4、 TX 78241-6000, by using ttie Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 14261 appearing at the end of this document, or by letter. _._ DISTI$IBUTION -_ -_-_-I- STATWENT - A. Approved for public release; . distribution is unlimited, . FSC 3655 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

5、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-58000 36 9999974 0064431 O 9 i A-A-5 8 O00 2 o APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 doernment_locument_sL The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposals form a part of this description to the ex

6、tent s ge c: i f i e d he re i n . Mi c i. tam MTIJ-i-27301 - Hose Assembly, Metal, Cryogenic Transfer iquid, MIL-STD-130 - Identification, Marking of U.S. Military Property PED-STD-376 - Preferred Metric Units For General Use By The Fedeye1 Government FED-STD-595 - Col06S Un ess otherwise indicated

7、, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Nuval Publications and Forms Center, ATTN: NPODS, 51301 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 112O-5O9W. 8987831 8987840 8987856 8987857 8987870 8987877 8987878 8987889 8981891 8991172 8991174 Assembly, LOX Cou

8、pling, Female Half, All Sizes Hebairiing Ring, l-Inch Cone, l-Inch Nut, l-Inch Plug, l-inch Cone, l-Inch Nut, 1 Inch Assembly, Liquid Nitrogen Coupling, Female Half, All Sizes Plug, l-Inch Assembly, Liquid Nitrogen Coupling, Female Half, l-Inch Assembly, LOX Coupling, Female Half, l-Inch 2 Provided

9、by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. A-A-5 8 O00 _ Air- Force 8221044-01 Decal, Liquid Oxygen 8221045-01 Decal, Liquid Nitrogen 8321391 Filter Assembly, 1-Inch 8518507 Filter, Assembly, 2-Inch 8752448-01 Nameplate (Copies of Drawings required by

10、suppliers in connection with specific acquisition functions shall be obtained from the contracting activity, or as directed by the contracting officer. 1 (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) are available by contacting, Superintendent of Documents, Congress

11、ional Sales Office, U.S. Government Printing Ofice, Washjrigtori, DC 20.102 1 L. 2 Other.Pi!kl c-at-_ionsc. The following document forms a part of t.Iiis specification to the extent; specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on the date of invitation for. bids or request for

12、proposal shall apply. . Ame?- icnn Sc_ci e.tx of. Mec!a!.cal-Engineers ASME Boiler and Fressure Vessel Code, Section VITI, Div 1 (Copies may Le purchased from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1Jni.ted Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 1001 7 ) G-4.1 Cleaning Equipment,

13、Por Oxygen Service V-6 S taridard Cryogenic Liquid Transfer Connections (Jnless otherwise indicated, copies shall be obtained from, Coniprecsed Gais AssocitI,ion Znc., 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Ar1 i rigton VA 22202 ) 2.3 Order oi-Pr.ecedence.r In the event of a conflict between Lhe text, of thi

14、s CID and the references cited herein, the text of this CID shall talie precedence. Nothing in this CID, however, shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless tl specific exemption has been obtained. 3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 DesignL The storage tanks shall be new and of the mariufact

15、urers commercial design in effect on the date of the solicitation. The storage tanks shall meet the requirements specified herejn and shall conforin to current commercial industrial practj ce. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-580

16、00 36 W 9999974 0064433 4 A-A- 5 8 O O O 3.2 CapacitL The storage tanks shall have a net volume of 3000 gal.lons (t 1 or (-) 2 percent or 6000 gallons (t 1 or (-) 2 percent (see 6.1). The tank shall have a gross water volume rating of not less than 102 percent of the rated net volume. ,- 3.3 Djmeng.

17、ionsI. The envelope dimensions of the tank shall not exceed 9 feet, iii width and 10 feet in height. The length for the 3000 arid 6000 (see 6.1) gallon tank, including the plumbing, shall not exceed 20 feet and 32 feet, respectively. 3.4 Gapabiljties, The Lank shall be capable of storing and deliver

18、ing liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen (see 6.1). The tank shall be designed and fabricated per ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VILI, Div 1 for a maximum allowable working pressure of not less than 55 psig. The tank shall incorporate ari integral pressure building unit with adequate hea

19、t absorption cliaracteristics for the respective size tank. 3.5 P-Iug!bing Requ-irementsL The tank shall have plumbing lines and associated valves to include, as a minimum, top and bottom fill, liquid withdrawal, vent, full trycock, pressure building unit and instrumentation. 3.5.1 Top-and Bottom Fi

20、ll Line.% The top and bottom fill line shal I iiicorporate a 2-inch filter, per AF Drawing 8518507, iipstrearn of the fill line valve. The filter shall be incorporated into the plumbing system to facilitate removal and replacement. The top and bottom fill line shall terminate ir a SLandard Connectio

21、n, OX-150 or NI-150 (see 6.1), IAW CGA Paniphlet V-8, Standard Cryogenic Liquid Transfer Connections. A ill line safety valve, a fill line drain valve and a fill line check valve shall also be required. 3. 5. 2 Li_qui.cawllhd_r.awu.l_Lhn-. The liquid withdrawal line shall incovporate H l-inch filter

22、, per AF Drawing 8321391, downstream of the 1iqiii.d withdrawal line valve. This filter shall also be j ricoryorated into the plumbing system to facilitate removal and replacement. The liquid withdrawal line shall terminate in a 1-inch inale NPT nipp1.e to facilitate the attachment of the hose speci

23、fied in 3.8. A withdrawal line safety valve and a withdrawal line drain valve shall also be required. 3. 6 P.rolect;on_lle.ces, Pressure relief devices shal.1 be provided for protection of the inner tank arid the outer shell. The inner tank shall have, as minimum, a primary and secondary rel.ief dev

24、ice sized and set per ASME Code, section VIII, Division 1 to allow for- a normal operating pressure of 50 psig. 3.7 nstritentatt,onL All instruments and isolation valves necessary for effective and safe operation of the tank shall be provided. Specific marking requirements for the pressure gage arid

25、 1 iquid level gage are as follows: 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.- A-A-5OOO 3b 9999974 00b4434 b A-A-58 O00 3.7.1 LiguidIJeye_l-Ga_gel The liquid level gage shall be scaled . - to indicate gallons of 1.iquid. The scale shall be

26、of the dual reading type, capable of reading liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen. (This dual reading gage is required irregardless of the type tank specified in 6.1.) The outer band shall indicate arid be marked for oxygen. The inner band shall indicate and be iiiarlced for nitrogen. Both bands, inner

27、 and outer, shall be green from O gallons to the net volume of the size tank specified (see 6.1) und shall be red from the net volume to the gross volume of the size tank specified (see 6.1 1. The scale range shall be from 0 to the gross volume of oxygen for the size Lank specified (see 6.1). The sc

28、ale shall have graduations every 200 galloris with 50 gallon increments. The gage face shall also be marlred in red lettering, “USE NO OIL”, 3.7.2 fressuyewagcx The pressure gage provided shall have a range from 0 to 100 psi. The gage shall have a green color band fi.oii1 O to 50 psi and a red color

29、 band from 50 to 100 psi. The scale shall have graduations every 10 psi with 1 psi increments. The gage face shall also be marked in red lettering, “USE NO 07: L” , 3.8 Liquid WLthdyam-1 Hose and Storage Provisions. A liquid wi thdrawal hose conforming to MIL-H-27301 (see 6.1) and I,erniiriating in

30、R l-inch liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen female ordnarice coupling assembly ( see 2.1 Drawings , Ordnance Corps and see ti. 1 ) on one end shall be provided with the tank, Storage provisions for the hose assembly shall also be provided on the Larilc or transportation purposes. 3.9 (:QJQ- ai!d -Pltt

31、rki._r!gs? The final finish paint coating color shall be gloss white number 17875 per FED-STD-595. All valves aiid gages shall be identified by securely attached nameplates to reflect t.he iioinericlatiire or symbol utilized in the operating instrucl.ions. The tank shall be niarked for identif icati

32、ori in accordance with M11,-STD-lJO. The tank nameplate 8752448-1 ( see G.l 1 shall be securely attached to the tank in a. readily visible location. Each Laiiir shall require decals, 8221044-01 for liquid oxygen and 8221045-01 for liquid nitrogen (see 6.1), applied one on each side of Lhe tank at th

33、e middle above the horizontal cent-er line of the tank, and one centered on each end of the talilr , e 3.10 CleanJ-iness. All surfaces, parts, fittings, etc. that will be in contact with oxygen or nitrogen shall be thoroughly cleaned as specified in CGA Pamphlet (3-4.1 to remove all metal shavings,

34、oil, grease, and other .foreign material. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Contractor cg_r.tificat,ion. The contractor shall certify, und maintain objective quality evidence, that; the product offered meets this commercial item description, and that the 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

35、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ A-A-So00 36 W 9999934 00b4435 - A-A-5 000 prodiic.1; conforms to the producers own drawings, specifications, stiiridards, and quality assurance practices. The government reserves the- right to require proof of such conformance prior to first

36、 delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provi sioiis of the contract. 4.2 MarlrelIuceptabity? The item offered must have been sold to the goverliment or conimercial market. The item must have been on Lhe market, for ai, least 5 years to determine reliability and performan

37、ce of ttie item. A niodi fied commercial, off-the-shelf iteiii is required to iniriimize design and engineering risk, to assure that nri eslablistied end producl, is routinely supported by spure and repair parts and to preclude untested or experimental 1111 i ts. -1.3 RespncikLLj-gf- inspection, Unl

38、ess otherwise specified i 11 the corit,ruct or pitrchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection, examination, and test reqiiiienients specified herein. Except as otherwise specif ieti in Lhe contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any oLher f

39、acilities suitable for the inspection requirements spec; ified Iierein, unless disapproved by the government. The Govei-iiiiierit reserves 1.lie right to perform any of the inspections, exaini natioris, or Lests set fort,h iii this descrj ption where such i rispectioris, extirniriations, and tests a

40、re deemed necessary to assiire siippl ies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 1.4 res-tir!g. Documentation of testing ( see 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 ) when required shall be as slwcif ieci by the contracting officer. -1.5 Exnrnin+l-ion? Each tank shall be visually examined to deterinirie conf

41、ormance with alJ requi rements of this description. a1 ,6 Pressui-t? Lest. Each component and circuit of the tank that operaI,c:s under positive pressure in normal service shall be pressure LesLed in accordance with Section VI11 of the ASME Eloilei. and Pressure Vessel Code. Any distortion, damage,

42、or leaks resiil Ling lrom the pressure testing shall be cairse for re,jec:tioii of tlie coniporient, afected. -i .7 Vac!um-_ie!-t_i_oII test;.% The annular insulation space ubso1iit;e pressure shtill be determined and verified to comply with Lhe lirnils established by the manufacturer. 4.8 cleanLjrr

43、ess-tesC The cleani iness tests apecif ied in CGA PaniphleL G-4.1 per para 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.5 and 11.2.6 shall be performed uti1 izing the pass/fail criteria specified by ttie appI icable test, , 6 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-

44、,-L i * A-A-5A000 3b 9399974 OObY43b T A-A- 5 8 O00 4.9 Metric. .-Prodjc.t Products manufactured to metric ab dinierisions will be considered on an equal basis with those manufactured using inch-pound units, provided they fall within the tolerances specified using conversion tables contained in Lhe

45、lutest; revision of Federal Standard No. 376, and all other requirements of this Commercial Item Description are met, If a product is manufactured to metric dimensions and those dimensions exceed the tolerances specified in the inch/pound uniLs, tt reqitesl; should be made to the contracting officer

46、 to deLerniine if the product is acceptable, The contracting officer has Lhe option of accepting or rejecting the product. 1.3 O Regil) g1,oy-y FquxnIet.s In accordance with section 23,403 o Lhe Federal Acquisition Regulations, the Governments policy is to acqiiire items composed of the highest perc

47、entage of recovered materi tils practicable, consistent with maintaining a sat. is factory level of coiiipetition wilhout adversely affecting petormnce requirements oc exposing the suppliers employees to riridue Iiazards From the recovered materials. fi. PRESERVATION, PACKAGING, PACKING, LABELING, A

48、ND MARKING 5 1 The preserval.ion, packaging, packing!, labeling$ and marking shall be as specified iri the contract or order, 5.2 CIj .based. part,_ The following part identi Picution nuinhering procedure is for government purposes and does not constitute a requirement fo

49、r Lhe contractor. PrecerYa i;iQ!ll l?ac-!caging,_ack;ng,_.abelng,_a_ndmark A-A-_ Designales u (:oniiiiercial Item De s c r i p I, i on CID nunibcr. Does not include the revision letler or activity synibol. 6. NOTES ti. 1 jcquis_iiion.! Acquisition documents should specify the following: a. Title, number, and date of this commercial item descri p t ion. b. Type, size, a


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