1、A-A-58017 9 Aug 1993 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION Recovery Unit, Anti-Freeze Abstract. This Commercial Item Description (CID) describes an anti-freeze recovery system which recycles engine coolants by filtration and deionization. Salient characteristics. The unit shall be portable and with the option
2、 of being capable of attaching to radiators without cutting or splicing hoses. A means shall be provided indicating when filters should be changed. Additives shall easily be capable of being added to the purified solution. The recycled solution shall be capable of being held in a separate reservoir
3、and/or dispensed from the machine. Additives shall be capable of being dispensed from the unit in order to restore the proper silica and corrosion inhibitors. The unit shall be designed and constructed for withstanding the strains, shocks and vibrations incident to shipping and operations. The unit
4、shall be designed to be corrosion resistant and capable of being attached to all vehicles and trucks. Filtration will be by a basket strainer for gross particulate contamination and two cotton-wound cartridge filters with activated carbon cores for the filtration of finer suspended solids. The unit
5、shall be supplied with two ion-exchange tanks. One tank shall be for the removal of cations from the coolant and replacing them with hydrogen ions. The other tank shall be for the removal of anions and precharging them with a hydroxide ions. Final flow of the coolant shall be through an activated ca
6、rbon filter for the removal of gases. Pump flow rate of 2-6 gallon per minute (gpm) The unit shall be capable of purifying contaminated ethylene glycol at a minimum rate of 1 gallon per minute. The pump and all accessories used on the unit shall be operable from 115 volt, 1 phase, 60 Hz, 20 amp outp
7、ut receptacle. I - comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any data which may improve this document should be sent to: SA-ALC/LDTPE, Kelly AFB, Tx 78241-7289 I -_I DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FSC 4940 Licensed by
8、 Information Handling ServicesThe unit shall be capable of purifying ethylene glycol to the following minimum levels: Constituent Diluted Glycol Diluted Glycol Glycol Organic Acids Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Sulfate I ron Copper Aluminum Lead Silicate Hardness Before Purification After Purifica
9、tion 40 +/- 5% 50 +/- 5% 200 ppm max. 5900 ppm max. 80 ppm max. 300 ppm max 27 ppm max. 20 ppm max. 0.5 ppm max. 6 ppm max. 100 ppm max. 600 ppm max. Less Less Less Less Less Less Less Less Less Less than 10 ppm than 300 ppm than 10 ppm than 10 ppm than 1 ppm than 1 ppm than 1 ppm than 0.05 ppm than
10、 3.0 ppm than 150 ppm The recycled coolant, anti-freeze plus supplemental coolant additives (SCA), must exhibit the following properties: Freezing point OF(OC) Nitrate, ppm -10 (-23) to -80 (-62) 1200 to 2200 Requlatorv Reauirements. The recovery unit shall comply with the Federal OSHA Requirement i
11、n effect as of the date that the proposal issued. In the event that state and local OSHA regulations are also in effect, the Federal OSHA regulation shall take precedence. Preservation, Dackaqinq, ackins, labelins, and markinq. The preservation, packaging, packing, labeling, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order. MILITARY INTEREST: Military Coordinatinq Activity Air Force - 82 Custodians Air Force - 99 Review Activities User Act ivit les Aqent Air Force - 99 Project 4940-0655 FSC 4940 2 Licensed by Information Handling Services