AIR FORCE A-A-59169 VALID NOTICE 1-2009 Generator Function (0.1HZ to 15MHZ)《(0.1HZ-15MHZ)函数发生器》.pdf

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AIR FORCE A-A-59169 VALID NOTICE 1-2009 Generator Function (0.1HZ to 15MHZ)《(0.1HZ-15MHZ)函数发生器》.pdf_第1页
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1、COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS (CIDS)Generator, Function (0.1HZ to 15MHZ)A-A-59169, dated 21 April 2004, has been reviewed and determinedto be valid for use in acquisition.Reviewer Activities: Air Force - 99NOTICE OFVALIDATIONINCH-POUNDA-A-59169NOTICE 129 January 2009NOTE: The activities above were in

2、terested in this document asof the date of this document. Since organizations andresponsibilities can change, you should verify the currency ofthe information above using the ASSIST Online database athttp:/ N/A FSC 6625Custodians:Air Force - 84Preparing Activity:Air Force - 84Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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