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AIR FORCE MIL-P-8225-1955 PILOT AUTOMATIC ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT TYPE E-12《E-12型直升机之水平螺旋桨自动驾驶仪》.pdf_第1页
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AIR FORCE MIL-P-8225-1955 PILOT AUTOMATIC ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT TYPE E-12《E-12型直升机之水平螺旋桨自动驾驶仪》.pdf_第2页
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AIR FORCE MIL-P-8225-1955 PILOT AUTOMATIC ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT TYPE E-12《E-12型直升机之水平螺旋桨自动驾驶仪》.pdf_第3页
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AIR FORCE MIL-P-8225-1955 PILOT AUTOMATIC ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT TYPE E-12《E-12型直升机之水平螺旋桨自动驾驶仪》.pdf_第4页
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AIR FORCE MIL-P-8225-1955 PILOT AUTOMATIC ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT TYPE E-12《E-12型直升机之水平螺旋桨自动驾驶仪》.pdf_第5页
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1、MG?- A225 (usj?) 15 August 1955 PIIL1TAR.Y SPECIFICATION PILOT, AUTOEiATIC, RTARII hING AIRCRP-FT, TYPE Preparation of MILITARY ._ MIL-STD=129 MIL-ST51 9 Markings For Shipment and Storage Identification Farking of U. S. Paitary Properw AIR IBCE-lAVY AERNAWICSil, - AN310 AN302 AN3106 Connectors - Ele

2、ctrical, Receptacles, Wall Eoiantirg Connectors - Electrical, Receptacles, Box Rounting Conr.ectaru - Electrical, Plugs, Straight Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PUBLICATION AIR FORCZ-XAVY AEiN“P1ICAL BLLElJN 405 Storage Life - Aerona

3、utical Articles (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by contractors in connection with specific procarement functions should be obtained from the procuring act5.vity or as directed by the contracting officer. ) 3. axis _- 3- _ - _ =- _ 4 Provided by IHSNot for Re

4、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-8225 bb W 7777706 0326675 T mF MIL-P-8225 -( USAF) The control shall have a freedom of k650 in pitch and k90“ in roll. tne of signal pick-off. of freedom in both dbectione. the zero position up to 521 2“. driven

5、gyro operating on ilSv, single phase, 400 cycles ac power. to maintain the gyro in a vertical position. operate to erect the gyro to the vertical position from any position within the range of freedom of the gyro. effective at angles greater than 402 1-1/2“ from the established vsrtical position. of

6、 vertical to within I.2So of vertical. Signals for automatic control shall opiginate with a potentiometer It shall furnish signals throughout the fll range Signals shall be contimously variable from ,3.3.1,3 The vertical gyro control shall incorporate an electricolly The vertical gyro shall

7、incorporate a two-speed erection device The erection device shall A high-speed erection rate shall. be A low-speed erectiori rate shall be effective from withln 42 1-1/2“ The signal pick-off shall be of the potentAometer type. Signals shall have a zero-phase angle between the excitation volb

8、ge for one direction of movement from the null signal and a 180“ phase angle between the excitation voltage for the opposite direction of movement fmni the null signal. and roll signal potentiometers shall be capabLe of withstanding an excitation of 40V and shall have a minimum definition of eight t

9、urns per degree of gyro deviation. roll axis to furnish a signal to the pitch axis of the automatic pilot to compensate for loss of altitude during turns, The pitch An additional signal pick-off shall be actuated by the gyro on the The control shall be provided with an AN3102A-20-27P recepta

10、cle. The designation of “lotf shall be marked with durable white on the case adjacent to the electrical receptacle. The vertical gyro control shall conform to- dimensions Shohm on figure 1, 3.3.2 Cohtrol, flight, rate gyro (roll - pitch) The rate gyro shall be designea to operate wit

11、h an automatic pilot and to furnish a signal proportional to the rate of turn of the airplane about the roll and pitch axes. .- A potentiometer Gpe- of signal source shall be provided. The signal therefrom shall have a zero-phase angle with the excitation voltage, for the excitation voltage,

12、 for the opposite direction of movement from the null signal. operating on li!? ter, by means of a magnetically operated clu=ch. the sokmold magnat is energized. potenbiometer coiltact arm in the position it had attained at the Instant the clutch dissngagernent, apera6ed centering device shall posit

13、ion the poteWomater contact arn at the electrical centar of the potsntianoter winding. release the potentimeter contact am when its magnetic solenoid is energized. ,I socond poEentiom2ter shall. be provided to furnish a signal to ds of the contioller parallel to the axis of the aircraft about which

14、it will effect control. controller shall contain the necessary allied mechanism connected to the knobs, such as potentiometers, synchronizing motors and noise filters, automaticaly centered after energizing the automatic pilot system, and their operation will. be by manual means after the automatic

15、pilotis engaged* The controller shall contain a master ffon-off“ switch for enger- giaing the engaging and other awdliary dc circuits of the automatic pilot sytitem. 10 -=- The * 3a3.7.3 Trim knobs shall. oporate in such a rrlanner that they will he o - - - _- - - - I - -1 Provided by IHSNot

16、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-225 bb 77777Ob 0326683 7 7 *- DXMENSIONS IN INCHES NLE23S (XHERJlfSE SPECIFIED TOLERANC: FRIi.CTINS f 1/32 DECBALS 5 .OI ANGLE3 2 1/2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

17、ense from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3,3.7.5 The controller shall. contain a push button type switch for engaging the aut,omatic p3.lot system. 303e7.6 engagenent. piiot yaw axis is disengaged and that.manual control of t

18、bat axis is required. Loth lights are engaged. energized but not engaged. Two lights shall be provided to indicate the status of system One light f80n81 and one 1iofft8 shall indicate that the automatic shall indicate that al1 three axes of the automatic pilot Both lights 810nt8 shall indicate that

19、the automatic pilot is The controller shall contain a heading triw indicator meter. Two electrical receptacles shall be provided conforming with AN312A22-14P designated No. 13, ar,d AN3102k-22-14PX designated No. 14. designation shall be in durable dull white on the case adjacent to

20、the elecxical receptacle. cent material., or edge lighted in accordance with Specification ND,-P-7786: The 3.3.7.? The fol3cawing markings shall be finished in fluorescent lumines- Position - Height (in. 21/64) The heading trim indicator shall be appropriately lighted and the nomenclature o

21、f the engaged button and the indicator lights shall be edge lighted. The controller shall conform to dimensions shown on figures 7, 8, and 90 3.3. E. 303.l Controller, flight, pistol grip actuated The controller shall provide means for controlling the aircraft The controller shall contain s

22、ignal potentiometers and switches t through the automatic pilot in pitch, roll, and coordinated turns. necessary to maneuver the aircraft through the automatic pilot. meters shall be actuated by a universally pivoted pistol grip type of handle, which is spring loaded to resist displacement, and whos

23、e motion in the roll and pitch axes is restrained by suitable smooth acting, damping devices. The potsnti- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i: - 188 L I i2 L.922 I I I P I T c H 1 I ON 1 OFF TU * 13 3% Provided by IHSNot for Re

24、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-h 3 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES NISE SPECIFIED MLERAWCESt FRACTICNS+z1/32 DECWLS - *O03 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-t I- C p o (F Q ni r DIMENSIONS LN INCHES UNLE35

25、 0“EZYJISE SPECIFIBD TOLERANCES: FRACTIONS $i./32 _- r- 1 DEIMAU ?“,O03 I ANGLES 21/2 1 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r- MIL-P-8225 bb m 77777Ob OL2bb87 T = . -. #L*P-8225 (USCLF) “he controller handle shall be spring retu

26、rned to the neutral position from any operational position when the actuating force is removed. The handle shall be similar to the Tgpe E-8 control and in accordance with Specification MIL-S-SZlO. with size No. 21 (AWG .0265) flexible leads brought out above the controller mechanism, 3 feet long ten

27、alnating in an AN3106A-22-14P connector. The switches incorporated in the controller handle shall be wired 3,3.6.5 An arm rest shall be fastened to the controller and shall be adjustable up and down and fors and aft. permit locking by use of one locking knob. grip, shall be electrical throug

28、h an AN3102A-Z2-1 receptacle, designated No. if;. The, arm rest shall be designed to 3.308.6 All connections to the controller, except those to the E-6 stock The controller shall have a control freedom of 300+ 2., -0. right and left from neutral and 38+2“, -Oo fore and aft.from neutral. free

29、dom of the controller fore an8 aft from neutral shall be 3+ 2O, -0“. While the The controller shall conform to the dbiensions shown on figures 10 and 11. 9 3.3.9 Calibrator unit The calibrator unit shall be designed to funcion as a general junction box and calibrator for the system.

30、 The calibrator unit shall contaia Wibrator potentiometers for Suitable filters shall be included for r-f noise the automatic pfiot system, engaging relays, designated VI, . Six special receptacles he six special receptacles shall be -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networki

31、ng permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-8225 bb W 9999906 OLZbb90 b W Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-syst%m to a stabLLized di

32、rectional reference. of four positions of rotation on a horizontal surface. 3,3.10.3 The chassis shall be so designed that it can be installed in any The chassis shall conform to the dimensions shown on figures 15 3,3*11 Suitch, selector, 3-positions ad 16. 3.311.1 The switch shall provide

33、a means of contmUiag the mode - shall be in accordance with Specification YlLT-9107, 4.3.3 Design data.- In addition to the test report specified in 4.3.2 the contractor shall submit design data as specified in paragraph titled “Design data“ of Specification M procedure I for a period of10 cycles, P

34、recaution sha.1 be taken to prevent dripping on the unit. The tests at room temperature shall again be conducted at %he completion of the cycles, and the values shall not have changed by more than the tolerance specified herein from the resu2-t;s obtained at the beginning of the humidity cycling tes

35、t. d. Sand and jected to the individual test require- The unit shall be mounted in a position such that the - ments, The same tolerances sha apply, h. Low temperature.- Procedure II. No component of the automatic pilot shall have been damaged and the tost resSts after the component or system has been energized for10 minutes sha.1 confom to the applicable requirements of this specification. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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