ANSI AGMA 2007-C00-2000 Gears -- Surface Temper Etch Inspection After Grinding.pdf

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1、ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00ISO 14104:1995, IDTReaffirmed August 2013American National StandardGears - Surface Temper EtchInspection After GrindingANSI/AGMA2007-C00iiGears - Surface Temper Etch Inspection After GrindingANSI/AGMA 2007-C00ISO 14104:1995, IDTRevision of ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92Approval of an American

2、National Standard requires verification by ANSIthat therequire-ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review,substantial agreement has been reached by dire

3、ctly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandards is completely voluntar

4、y; theirexistence does notin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will i

5、n nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed

6、 to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnicalpublicationshouldbesurethatthepublicationis thelatestavailablefromtheAs-sociatio

7、n on the subject matter.Tables or other self-supporting sections may be quoted or extracted. Credit lines shouldread: Extracted from ANSI/AGMA 2007-A00, Gears - Surface Temper Etch InspectionAfter Grinding, with the permission of the publisher, the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation, 1500 King S

8、treet, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.Approved November 2, 2000ABSTRACTSurfaceTemperEtchInspectionAfterGrindingexplainsthematerialsandproceduresnecessary todetermine,evaluate,anddescribelocalizedoverheatingongroundsurfaces.Asystemtodescribeandclassifytheindica-tions produced during this inspe

9、ction is included. However, specific acceptance or rejection criteria are notcontained.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2000 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication ma

10、y be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-55589-761-4AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 2007-C00AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiiiContentsPageForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Equipment

11、 1.3 Reagents 14 Procedure 2.5 Inspection criteria 4.6 Rework of surface tempered parts 5.7 Temper etch removal 68 Maintenance and control 6.9 Safety and environmental precautions 6.10 Specifications and documentation 6.Tables1 Examples of cleaning methods 22 Type 2 etching 33 Type 3 etching 44 Surf

12、ace temper classification system 5Figures1 Procedure flow chart 2ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDivForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a partof ANSI/AGMAStandard2007-C00, Gears -

13、 Surface Temper Etch Inspection After Grinding.AGMA 230.01 was written to standardize a process of surface temper inspection.An industry wide survey conducted by the committee indicated a wide variation in solutionstrengths and times used, which gave rise to that standard. The safety and environment

14、alprecautionsincludedthereinwereacautionforthosenotfamiliarwiththestorage,handling,useanddisposalofconcentratedacids,alkalis andsolvents. Thoseprecautions,however,did not supersede the latest OSHA, EPA, and DOT requirements. The solutions and timesstated therein work and were acceptable to the great

15、est number of users.Thesafetyprecautionsnodoubtaresuperfluoustomany. However,duetothedifferenceofthis inspection from ordinary shop practice, it is felt that some caution should be directed tothose manufacturers without benefit of personnel trained in the proper use and handling ofthese materials.Th

16、e first committee draft of AGMA 230.01 was prepared in September, 1963. It wasapproved by the Surface Temper Inspection Process Task Committee as of September,1964. AGMA 230.01 was approved by the AGMA membership as of April 13, 1967.The revision of AGMA 230.01, designated ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92, was be

17、gun in May1989. It was renamed Surface Temper Etch Inspection After Grinding, for better definition,the contents reorganized, and obsolete procedures deleted. Type 1 (hot bleach) Etchingwas published in AGMA 230.01 as table 2A in an appendix. This table was not included inthe revision; the use of Ty

18、pe 2 or Type 3 Etching was recommended instead.Another specification covering temper etch inspection is MIL-STD-867A, Temper EtchInspection.ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92 was adopted as an International Standard (ISO 14104:1995)through ISOs fast track procedures, by Technical Committee TC 60 Gears.This ANSI sta

19、ndard, designated ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00, is an identical adoption of ISO14104:1995. The differences between it and ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92 are:- The Scope is modified to delete the statement that the standard applies to steel parts40 HRC or greater. In addition, the stipulation that the procedure is to be p

20、erformedafter grinding and before additional finishing operations is made.- Clause 2 in ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92, Requests, approval and certification is locatedin clause 10, Specifications and documentation in this standard. The requirementWhen this standard is referenced, materials, equipment and proces

21、ses, as listedherein, shall be used is deleted.- In the last paragraph of sub-clause 4.2, Etching, a recommended time for elevatedtemperature bake is indicated.- In table 3, Type 3 etching, the recommended time for step 4, nitric acid etch, inalcohol, is 1.5 to 3.5 minutes, instead of 1.5 to 2.5 min

22、utes.- Sub-clause 5.1 contains an additional paragraph, recommending that users of thestandard set their own reference standards.- Clause 9, Safety and environmental precautions, is revised to delete reference tospecific U.S. regulatory agencies.- The standard is metric only.- Minimal editorial chan

23、ges have been incorporated.ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMA2007-C00wasmadeinAugust,1998. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMA membership on March 2, 2000. It was approvedas anAmerican NationalStandardon November 2, 2000.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welc

24、ome. They should be sent to theAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDviPERSONNEL of the AGMA Metallurgy and Materials CommitteeChairman: Richard Shapiro Derlan Precision Gear, IncVice Chairman: A.

25、Alan Swiglo IIT Research InstituteACTIVE MEMBERSM. Abney Fairfield Manufacturing Co., IncC.F. Berndt Caterpillar, IncJ.D. Chodrow ABS Americas.R.J. Cunningham Boeing Defense - abrasive cleaning: select particle size andblasting procedure to maintain surface finish anddimensions;handleparts withclean

26、whitegloves;- alkaline or ultrasonic clean; examine forwater breaks and repeat if water break occurs.4.2 EtchingThe following etching techniques are effective prep-aration for surface temper inspection. The type ofetching should be chosen based on the material tobe inspected and the ease of handling

27、.Type2etching(seetable2)isgenerally acceptedasa good production inspection method. Type 2 isnormally used for inspecting carburized steels andcan also be used for surface-hardened areas ofthrough-hardened steels. Type 3 (see table 3) isnormally used for inspecting tool and high-alloysteels,andcanbeu

28、sedinplaceofType2. WhentheType 3 etching procedure is used, abrasive cleaningis not required.Parts which cannot be immersed in tanks can beetched using cotton swabs, using the same materi-als and techniques described either in table 2 or 3.The swabbing technique is difficult to control andinterpret,

29、 therefore, tank immersion is preferredwhere practical. Use of a swabbing techniqueshould be agreed upon by the customer andsupplier.Inspect parts immediately following the completeetch procedure.An elevated-temperature bake to relieve hydrogenembrittlement is optional. The maximum baketemperature s

30、hall be at least 14C below the finalheat-treat tempering temperature. A baking time of2 to 4 hours is recommended.Table 2 - Type 2 etchingStep1)Process Solution2)Recommendedtime3)Remarks1 Nitric acid etch4)Nitric acid,3% to 5% (by volume);in alcohol: inwater: .30sto60s10sto30sExact time to develop b

31、lack oxidefilm will vary; time should beestablished and reproduced.2 Rinse Water As required To remove acid.3 Alcohol dip5)Alcohol Dip and dry To remove water.4 Bleach4)Hydrochloric acid,4% to 6% (by volume),in alcohol: inwater: .30sto60sPart should be immersed for asufficient time to cause a unifor

32、mbrownish-gray color on part; exactbleaching time should be estab-lished by test and reproduced.5 Rinse Water As required To remove acid.6 Neutralize Alkali solution with pHof 10 minimum10sto60s Agitate parts while immersed.7 Rinse Water As required To remove caustic solvents.8 Alcohol dip5)Alcohol

33、Dip and dry To remove water.9 Oil Rust preventive Dip only To prevent corrosion and aid in colorcontrast.NOTES:1)Uniformagitation ofthe partswhile immersedin therespective bathsand rinsesis requiredto avoida spottyetchingcondition as well as to accomplish complete neutralization.2)All solutions are

34、used at ambient temperature.3)It is permissible to deviate from these recommended times.4)Areaswithclosetoleranceswhichdonotrequiresurfacetemperetchinspectionshouldbesuitablymasked toavoidstockremoval. Approximately0.003mmofstockpersurfaceisremovedbyetchingeachtimethisprocessisperformed.5)Optional p

35、rocedure: hotwaterrinse at65Cminimum,followed by a dry airblast, may be used in lieu of alcohol dip.ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD4Table 3 - Type 3 etchingStep1)Process Solution2)Recommendedtime3)Remarks1 Hydrochloricacid clean4)Hydrochloric acid,4% to 6% (by volume),in alcohol:in wat

36、er:1.5 min to 3.5 min30sto60sExact time to be established bytest.2 Rinse Water As required To remove acid.3 Alcohol dip5)Alcohol Dip and dry To remove water.4 Nitric acid etch4)Nitric acid,3% to 5% (by volume),in alcohol:in water:1.5 min to 3.5 min30sto60sExact time to develop black oxidefilmwillvar

37、y;timeshouldbeestab-lished and reproduced.5 Rinse Water As required To remove acid.6 Alcohol dip5)Alcohol Dip and dry To remove water.7 Bleach4)Hydrochloric acid,4% to 6% (by volume),in alcohol:in water:1.5 min to 3.5 min30sto60sPart should be immersed for a suf-ficient time to cause a uniformbrowni

38、sh-gray color on the part;exactbleaching timeshould bees-tablished by test and reproduced.8 Rinse Water As required To remove acid.9 Neutralize Alkali solution with pHof 10 minimum10sto60s Agitate parts while immersed.10 Rinse Water As required To remove caustic solvents.11 Alcohol dip5)Alcohol Dip

39、and dry To remove water.12 Oil Rust preventive Dip only To prevent corrosion and aid incolor contrast.NOTES:1)Uniformagitation ofthe partswhile immersedin therespective bathsand rinsesis requiredto avoida spottyetchingcondition as well as to accomplish complete neutralization.2)All solutions are use

40、d at ambient temperature.3)It is permissible to deviate from these recommended times.4)Areaswithclosetoleranceswhichdonotrequiresurfacetemperetchinspectionshouldbesuitablymasked toavoidstockremoval. Approximately0.003mmofstockpersurfaceisremovedbyetchingeachtimethisprocessisperformed.5)Optional proc

41、edure: hotwaterrinse at65Cminimum,followed by a dry airblast, may be used in lieu of alcohol dip.5 Inspection criteria5.1 Visual appearance and classificationThe appearance of tempering indications is de-scribed in table 4. Parts with no temper indicationswill be uniform gray in color when properly

42、cleanedand etched. Localized tempered areas appear asdark gray or black areas on the etched part.Generally, the severity of temper burns increases asthe color becomes darker. If sufficient heat isgenerated during grinding, rehardening may result.The rehardened area will contain an area of white orli

43、ght colored untempered martensite, and may besurrounded by a black tempered area.Any indications, especially rehardening burns, i.e.,untempered martensite, may affect the durability ofthe part, but the part may still be functional.It is good practice to magnetic particle inspect partswith temper ind

44、ications, especially those with classD or E indications, which are more susceptible tocracking.Theclassificationsystemintable4shouldbeusedtodevelop the acceptance or rejection criteria.It is recommended that users of this standard settheir own reference standards.5.2 Surface hardness effectsThese et

45、ching methods detect surface hardnesschanges more readily than most hardness testing .Experience warrants reduction in allowable stressANSI/AGMA 2007-C00AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD5number (contact), HP, values for carburized sur-faces with localized tempering. When possible,inspection of tempered are

46、as should be performedusing microhardness testing methods. Because ofdifferencesinhardnesstestmethods,theequipmenttype, loads, and conversion charts used should bereported. There are some portable microhardnesstesters available that will allow hardness testingwithoutdamagingparts.However,theirproper

47、useisessential to ensure accurate hardness readings.Some difficult to reach areas may also be inaccessi-ble to this equipment.False indications which may be caused by smears,stains,rust,orotherdifferencesinsurfaceconditionsshall require cleaning and retesting. Since repeatedetching may result in app

48、reciable metal removal,care must be exercised to ensure that close toler-ance dimensions are maintained. Stains may oftenbe distinguished from actual temper indicationssincestainscanbewipedoffalmostentirely.Temperindications will remain darker than the surroundingarea even after wiping. It should be

49、 noted thattheseetching procedures may be used to discover otherhardnessdifferencessuchasthoseduetochemistryvariation, spotty or non-carburized areas.6 Rework of surface tempered partsIf stock permits, finish ground parts found not to beacceptable by surface temper inspection may bereworked. Permission to rework parts may berequired by the customer.Magnetic particle inspection is required before andafter rework operations.Controlled shot peening may reduce some of thedetrimentaleffects causedby abusivegrinding. Useof shot peeni

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