1、AIIM MSqL 96 W 1012348 0503037 93T Dimensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture, Camera, Copy and Image Cards) Approved As American National Standards institute (ANSI) U Standard Report July 16, 1996 ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION AND IMAGE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL 11 O0 Wayne Aven
2、ue Suite 11 O0 Silver Spring, Morylond 20910 AIIM 301-587-8202 41161 US41 96 1022348 0581i038 876 W ANSUAIIM MS41-1996 O by Association for information and Image Management International 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100 Silver Spring, MD 20910-5603 Tel: 301/587-8202 e-mail: aiimaiim.org Website: http:/
3、www.aiim.org Fax: 301/587-2711 ISBN 0-89258-189-1 Printed in the United States of America AIIM MS41 36 LOL2348 0503033 702 M ANSVAIIM MS41-1996 Standard for Information and Image Management - Dimensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and Image Cards) Associatio
4、n for Information and Image Management International Abstract: This standard specifies the dimensions and location of the aperture and carrier for aperture, camera, copy, and image cards. AIIM MS41 96 1012348 050L040 424 ANSIIAIIM MS4 1-1 996 Dimensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (
5、Aperture. Camera. Copy. aiid Iinage Cards) Contents Foreword . 1 1 Scope aiid purpose. . 1 2 Normative refcren 3 Deliiiitions 7 - 4 Requirements . 3 Annex Annex A Recommendations (Iiifonnative) . 5 Figures 1 lab D aperture location and dimensions 3 2 lab D buildup location and dimensions 3 Al Tab C
6、buildup location iiid dimensions 6 A2 Tab E buildup location aiid dimensioiis 7 A3 Tab F buildup location aiid dimensioiis 7 Foreword (This foreword is not ;I pari of tiie American National Staiidard for Infonnation aiid Itnage Managetnent - Dimensions of IJnitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (
7、Aperture, Camera, Copy, aid Image Cards), ANSI/AIIM MS41-1996.) . ANSIAIIM MS41- 1996 is a replacement for ANSUAIIM MS4 1 - 1988. MS41 is one in a group of industry. international. federal government, aiid military publications associated witli microfilm carriers, tabulating cards, and non-tabulatin
8、g cards (military an adjustment must be made to accommodate Style B. Users are cautioned that after making the ad.justment, a card with Style A buildup or any other card without buildup must not be used until the automatic feed mechanism is readjusted. To measure buildup, procedures in ANSI/AIIM MS9
9、 apply. There are two classifications: - Style A uildup - The buildup cannot be more than 0.005 mm (0.0002 inch) greater than the thickness of the card. - Style Buildup - The buildup is more than 0.005 mm (0.0003 inch) but cannot be more than 0.140 mm (0.0055 inch) greater than the thickness of the
10、card. NOTE: Additional information on buildup classifications can be found in Military Specification MIL-C-9949(4). 4.3 Sizes 4.3.1 80-column tabulating card As specified in IS0 3273/3 and ANSI X3.11, the cards size is nominally 187.33 mm (7.375 inch) in length, 82.55 mm (3.250 inch) in width, and 0
11、.18 mm (0.007 inch) in thickness. 4.3.2 A4 aperture card The size of the A6 card is nominally 148.00 mm (5.837 in) in length, 105.00 mm (4.134 in) in width, and 0.145 mm f 0.01 mm (0.0057 inch) in thichess. A Type II carrier is two pieces of static-free. optically clear polyester material that must
12、not adhere to itself. One piece is bonded to the cards face and one to the cards back. The intent of a Type II Carrier is to have only a developed frame of silver halide microfilm inserted. The Tpe III carrier construction method has been discontinued. The reason Type III cards are identified is tha
13、t cards using Tpe III carriers mal still be in use. 1 In lieu of bonding tape. the skived construction method has a portion of tlie card ground away and the frame of microfilm (usually diazo) is glued to the skived portion. 4 Association for Infomiation and Image Management International AIIM MS43 9
14、6 1012348 0503045 Tob m ANSVAIIM MS4 1 -i 996 Dimensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture. Camera. Copy. and Iinage Cards) Annex A Recommendations (Informative) (This annex is not 11 part of American National Standard for Information and Image Management - Dimensions of I Jiiit
15、ized Microfilm Chniers and Apertures (Aperture, Canera, Copy, and Image Cards), ANSI/AIIM MS41- 19%. 1. A card aiid its microfilm are subject to wear, abrasion. and darnase. For example, to avoid microfilm damage when keypunching an 80-colurnri tabulating cxd. tiic keypunch device must bc modified s
16、o no brushes or rollers comc in contact with the microfilm (columns 53 through 76). 2. When mounting ;I rame of silver roll inicrollin (p:uticulxly when the iina9e size is equal to the maximum aperture hiLe), pay close attention lo tlic dimensions specified in Figure 7 to preclude encroachmenl on tl
17、ie bonding tape. Frame sizc dimensions are specified in ANSI/AIIM MS32 and MIL-M-986% 3. To avoid confusion. do not misinterpret or intermix the card classificatinris specified in 4.3.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 with microfilm classifications. Microfilm classifications are specified in Military Specification
18、, MIL-M-9868E. 4. To avoid confusion, it must be understood that the chemical and physical requirements of ANSI X3.11 and Federal Specification, G-C-l16F(2) are identical, except for weight, size and smnple quantity. 5. To avoid confusion when referring to an 80-column tbulating card (aperture. cane
19、ra, copy, and image), the following clarifications are provided: Aperture card - An unprocessed iabulating card whose aperture (rectangular hole) is designed for Uie subsequent mountins of a developed frame of Type I silver (canera or noncamera) microfilm. (Fiirherriiorc. tie expres.sior? “aperirire
20、 curd” is con.itiioiilT irsed M.hen wferring io at?! tabiilatiiig or non-tabiilatirzg card (militan or corrirriercial, whether processed 01- iiizyrocs.sed, that has mi ayemirc?. Do not confiise the popiilarity of the generic “apertiirr card” expression nith the specific ?azcriorzal characteristics u
21、f uti iizdiiidiial apertiire card, caiirera card, cop? card, and iriiage card Camera card - An unprocessed iabulatin card whose aperture contains undeveloped Type I silver camera microfilm. A canera card is designed for its film to he exposed and processed while in the aperture. Thus, camera cards c
22、an only be used with cameras capable of this process. Copy card - An unprocessed mbulating card whose aperture usually contains undevelopcd Type II diazo noncamera microfilm. A copy cards undeveloped diazo film is designed to be exposed and processed by contict printing in a card-to- card duplicatin
23、g device (it the emulsion layer of the undeveloped diazo film must be in direct contact with the emulsion layer of Uie developed film in the image card being copied). Image card - A processed aperture card. camera card, or copy card. A processcd c,uU is keypuiiclied (Hollerith information). has eye-
24、readable (unaided) header information, and its aperture (rectangular hole) contains developed (imaged) microfilm (silver, diazo, or vesicular). 6. Because cards with :i Tab C, Tab E, or Tab F size aperture are not commonly uscd, only the buildup location and dimensicins of Tab D are illustrated in F
25、igures Al, A2. and A?. The Tab C, Tab E, aiid Tab F buildup locations are illustrated in Figures Al, A2. and A?. 1 Association tor information aiid hiage Maiiageiilent Liitematioiial AIIGI MS41 96 D 1012348 0501046 942 D edges to be parallel io datum lines within limits shown ANSUAIIM MS41-I 996 Dim
26、ensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture. Camera. Copy. and Image Cards) 26.39 mi (1.039 in MAX) I ?1% I 68.38 min MAX (2.692 in MAX) 13.97 mm MIN r (0.565 in MIN) I - 56.16 min MIN Inner and outer I I (2.211 inMIN) 1 X Datum Line Y iiMAX I A 26.39 mm MAX L+ 80 Column I / I I B
27、uildup Location I (Shaded) I 64.92 inm MAX (2.556 in MAX) I I Y Datum Line Figure Al - Tab C buildup location and dimensions 6 Acsociatioii for Information aiid hiage Manageiiient International ANSI/AIIM MS-I 1-1996 Diiiiensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture. Camera. Copy. a
28、nd Image Cards) 20 75 iniii MAX (O 817 in MAX) 6 I 77 iiiiii MIN 11 4.3 iiiiii MIN Inner and outer x Dntuiii Line 25 15 iiim MIN 35 10 niin MAX (1 867 in MIN) Datuin Line Figure A2 - Tab E buildup location and dimensions 35.10 niin MAX (1.382 in MAX) 47.42 inin MIN 6.67 nim MIN Inner and outer x Dat
29、uni Line L+ 80 Column I (1.382 in MAX) i Tabulating I Buildup Location I I I (2.208 in MAX) I-_-_-_- Y Datum Line Figure A3 - Tab F buildup location and dimensions 7 Association for Iiifoniiatioii aiid hiage Maiiageiiieiit hiteniatioiial AIIM IS41 b 1012348 0503048 715 = ISBN 0-89258-1 89-1 July 1996