ANSI American Society of Safety Engineers Z9.9-2010 Portable Ventilation Systems.pdf

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1、BY THE ANSI/AIHA Z9.9 SubcommitteeA Publication by American Industrial Hygiene AssociationANSI/AIHA Z9.92010 PortableVentilation SystemsPlease note the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is now the Secretariat of the Z9 ASC and holds the copyright to this standard.American Society of Safety

2、 Engineerswww.asse.orgASSEANSI/AIHA Z9.92010American National Standard Portable Ventilation SystemsSecretariatAmerican Industrial Hygiene AssociationApproved: June 21, 2010American National Standards Institute, Inc.Please note the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is now the Secretariat of

3、 the Z9 ASC and holds the copyright to this standard.American Society of Safety Engineerswww.asse.orgAmericanNationalStandardApproval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI thatthe requirement for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approvalhave been met by the sta

4、ndards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than asimple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires th

5、at allviews and objection be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetoward their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary. Their exis-tence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he or she hasapproved the Standards, or not, from manufacturing, marke

6、ting, purchasing, orusing products, processors, or procedures not conforming to the Standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authorit

7、y to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressedto the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of thisstandard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may

8、 be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw thisStandard no later than five years from the date of approval. Purchasers ofAmerican National Standards may receive current information on

9、all standardsby calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.Published byAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association2700 Prosperity Ave., Suite 250Fairfax, VA 22031www.aiha.orgCopyright 2010 by the American Industrial Hygiene AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may

10、 be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of America.Stock No: SVEA10-769ISBN: 978-1-935082-21-7ContentsPage Foreword .iiiCommittee and Subcommittee Membersiv1. Associated Standards a

11、nd Publications 12. Definitions43. Scope 104. General Requirements 115. Specific Requirements.43AppendicesAppendix A. Labeling System for Portable Ventilation Equipment.59Appendix B. Portable Ventilation Equipment and Ignition Hazards .63FOREWORDThis Standard describes fundamental good practices rel

12、ated to the design, manufacture, labeling,use and application, as well as maintenance and testing of portable ventilation systems used forthe control of airborne contaminants or environmental conditions. Intended users of this Standardinclude owners of facilities, designers and manufacturers of port

13、able ventilation equipment,employers, industrial hygienists and safety professionals, maintenance personnel, and end users.This Standard is compatible with other recognized standards of good practice.This Standard is new. It intends to address a long-standing need in the ventilation arena. Portablev

14、entilation is a broad and complex subject. Much of what applies to portable ventilation systemsdoes not apply to fixed (in-place) systems and vice versa. Use of portable ventilation equipmentoccurs in many applications: confined space (sewer) entries; collection of welding plumes; main-taining negat

15、ive pressure in structures during asbestos, lead, and mold remediation; and control-ling emissions from spray painting and abrasive blasting, to name just a few. This equipment is usually unobtrusive, often just another piece of clutter in surroundings crowdedwith other portable and mobile equipment

16、 and tools. The environment in which much of this equipment is used is rough and tumble. These units can beused in any kind of condition and unpleasant weather. They can be thrown or kicked in frustration,dropped off trucks, and accidentally run over. These types of units require solid construction.

17、 Thus,design and fabrication may require incorporation of subtle features such as abuse-tolerant bondingfrom the electrical box to the frame to the ground connection through the electrical cord. Safetyfeatures must provide reliable protection in situations of high abuse.Portable equipment comes in a

18、ll shapes and sizes, ranging from the home built to the shop built tothe factory built, and the utilitarian to the elegant. Very little, if anything, exists in standard text-books on ventilation about this subject. Yet, the subject is far more complicated than meets the eyeof the casual observer.The

19、 Standard is presented in a two-column format. The left column presents requirements of theStandard; the right column clarifies and explains the requirements and provides information on howto comply with them.Appendices supplement information provided in the Standard. This Standard presents minimum

20、requirements adaptable to the needs of the user establishment.Demonstrably equal or better approaches are acceptable. When deviating from the Standard, theresponsible agent should provide documentation. Suggestions for improvement of this Standard are welcome. The Committee will carefullyconsider al

21、l comments and suggestions. Please send comments to: Scientific and TechnicalInitiatives, AIHA, 2700 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 250, Fairfax, VA 22031.Trademark OK here?iiiANSI/AIHAZ9.92010ivThe Z9 Accredited Standards Committee on Health and Safety Standards for Ventilation Systemsprepared, processed

22、, and approved this Standard for submittal to ANSI. Committee approval of theStandard does not necessarily imply unanimity among all members of the Committee. At the timeof approval, the Z9 Committee had the following members: Lou DiBerardinis, CIH, CSP, ChairJ. Price, CIH, CSP, PE, Vice ChairMili M

23、avely, Secretariat RepresentativeOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAlliance of American Insurers S. Ecoff American Chemical Society D. Walters American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists G. Knutson American Foundrymens Society R. Scholz American Society of Heating, Refrige

24、rating, and Air Conditioning Engineers T.C. Smith American Society of Safety Engineers P. Osley Massachusetts Institute of Technology L.J. DiBerardinis National Association of Metal Finishers K.C. Hankinson National Spray Equipment Manufacturers Association D.R. Scarborough U.S. Department of Labor

25、Occupational Safety and Health Administration I. WainlessIndividual Members D. Blackburn D.J. Burton J.L. Cook S. Crooks C. Figueroa S.J. Gunsel L. Hathon T. Knutson N. McManus D. OBrien K. Paulson E. Pomer J.M. Price J.C. Rock M. Rollins J.W. SheehySubcommittee Z9.9 on Portable Ventilation Systems,

26、 which developed this Standard, had the fol-lowing members:N. McManus, ChairD. AngelicoH. OasR. WeinmeisterM. HarrisB. MoatsG. AdamsJ.M. PriceK. PaulsonS. EcoffD. WaltersK. HankinsonANSI/AIHAZ9.9201011. Associated Standards and Publications1.1. Standards and Regulatory Requirements The following cod

27、es, regulations, standards, and guidelines contain provisions that havepotential impact on provisions of this Standard. Where published requirements conflict,the more stringent shall apply. All regulations, standards, and guidelines are subject torevision. Users of the Standard are encouraged to con

28、sult the most recent edition todetermine continued applicability.1.1.1. Air Movement and Control Association (Arlington Heights, IL)Classifications for Spark Resistant Construction (AMCA Standard 99-0401-86). Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating (ANSI/AMCA210-99; ANS

29、I/ASHRAE 51-99).Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Circulator Fans for Rating (AMCA Standard 230-99). Laboratory Method of Testing Positive Pressure Ventilators for Rating (ANSI/AMCAStandard 240-96).Laboratory Methods of Testing Jet Tunnel Fans for Performance (ANSI/AMCA 250-05).1.1.2. American Gas A

30、ssociation/Canadian Gas Association (Arlington, VA)Gas Fired Appliances for Outdoor Installation (CAN/CGA-1-2.21-M85 (R1996).Gas-Fired Central Furnaces (CAN/CGA-2.3-M93/ANSI Z21.47-1993).Automatic Safety Shut-Off Gas Valves (CAN/CGA-3.9-M87).Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators (CAN/CGA-6.3-M95/ANSI Z2

31、1.18-1995).Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances (CAN/CGA-6.5-M89/ANSI Z21.21-1995).Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas-Fired Appliances (CAN/CGA-8.4-M96/ANSI Z21.54-1996).Electrical Features of Fuel-Burning Equipment (CSA C22.2 No. 3-M1988 (R1993).1.1.3. American Industrial Hygiene Associati

32、on (Fairfax, VA)Open-Surfaced Tanks (ANSI/AIHA Z9.1).Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems(ANSI/AIHA Z9.2).Spray Finishing Operations (ANSI/AIHA Z9.3).Abrasive Blasting Operations (ANSI/AIHA Z9.4).Laboratory Ventilation (ANSI/AIHA Z9.5).Grinding, Buffing and Polish

33、ing (ANSI/AIHA Z9.6).Recirculation of Exhaust Air (ANSI/AIHA Z9.7).Fundamentals Governing the Management, Operation, Maintenance, and Testing ofExisting HVAC Systems for Maintaining Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in EmployeeOccupancies through Dilution Ventilation (ANSI/AIHA Z9.8).Fundamentals Govern

34、ing the Design and Operation of Dilution Ventilation Systems inIndustrial Occupancies (ANSI/AIHA Z9.10) (in preparation).American National Standard Portable Ventilation SystemsAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI Z9.920101.1.4. American Petroleum Institute (Washington, DC)Requirements for Safe Entry and

35、Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks (ANSI/APIStandard 2015 2001) (Sixth Ed.).Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks(ANSI/API Recommended Practice 2016) (First Ed.).Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents, 6th Ed.(RP 2003).

36、1.1.5. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (New York)Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components (ASME N509-2002).Testing of Nuclear Air-Treatment Systems (ASME N510-1989).1.1.6. California Air Resources BoardSmall Off-Road Engines and Equipment(http:/

37、e/sore.htm). Information concerning emissionstandards referred to in promotional material from some manufacturers. 1.1.7. Canadian Standards Association (Rexdale, ON)Bonding and Grounding of Electrical Equipment (Protective Grounding) (CSA C22.2 No.0.4-M1982 (R1993).Compressed Breathing Air and Syst

38、ems (CSA Z180.1-00).Enclosures for Use in Class II, Groups E, F, and G Hazardous Locations (CSA C22.2No. 25-1966 (R1992).Explosion-Proof Enclosures for Use in Class I Hazardous Locations (CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986 (R1992).Special Purpose Enclosures (CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 94-M91). Fans and Ventilators (CSA

39、C22.2 No. 113-M1984 (R1993).Motors and Generators for Use in Hazardous Locations. (CSA C22.2 No. 145-M1986(R1992).1.1.8. Compressed Gas Association (Arlington VA)Commodity Specification for Air (ANSI/CGA G-7.1).1.1.9. Electrostatic Discharge Association (Rome NY)EOS/ESD Association Standard for the

40、Protection of Electrostatic Discharge SusceptibleItems - Grounding - Recommended Practice (ANSI EOS/ESD S 6.1).ESD Association Standard for the Development of an ESD Control Program for theProtection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (ExcludingElectrically Initiated Explos

41、ive Devices) (ANSI/ESD S20.20).ESD Association Standard for Evaluating the Performance of Electrostatic DischargeShielding Materials Bags (ANSI/ESD STM 11.31).ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge SusceptibleItems Packaging Materials for ESD Sensitive Items (ANSI/ESD

42、 S541). ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge SusceptibleItems Surface Resistance Measurement of Static Dissipative Planar Materials(ANSI/ESD STM 11.11).ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge SusceptibleItems Two-Point Resistance Measu

43、rement of Static Dissipative Materials (ESD STM11.13 (Pending).2ANSI/AIHAZ9.92010ESD Association Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge SusceptibleItems Volume Resistance Measurement of Static Dissipative Planar Materials (ESDSTM 11.12).ESD Association Standard Test Method for the Pr

44、otection of Electrostatic DischargeSusceptible Items Garments. (ESD STM 2.1).1.1.10. International Electrotechnical Commission (Geneva)Classification of Hazardous Areas (IEC 79-10). 1.1.11. Mine Safety and Health Administration (Arlington, VA)Code of Federal Regulations: Title 30, Part 7, Subpart B

45、(Technical requirements andperformance tests required on fabrics manufactured for use in mining applications).1.1.12. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (Rosslyn, VA)ANSI Z535.1-2006. Safety Color Code. ANSI Z535.2-2006. Environmental and Facility Safety Signs. ANSI Z535.3-2006. Criteria

46、for Safety Symbols. ANSI Z535.4-2006. Product Safety Signs and Labels. ANSI Z535.5-2006. Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (For Temporary Hazards).ANSI Z535.6-2006. Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, andOther Collateral Materials.1.1.13. National Fire Protection Association (

47、Quincy, MA)Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids (NFPA 321).Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapours and of Hazardous (Classified)Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas (NFPA 497).Classification of Combustible Dusts and of Hazardous (Classi

48、fied) Locations forElectrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas (NFPA 499).Explosion Prevention Systems (NFPA 69).Fire Hazards in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres (NFPA 53).Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solids (NFPA 325M). National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).Spray A

49、pplication Using Flammable or Combustible Materials (NFPA 33).Recommended Practice on Static Electricity (NFPA 77). 1.1.14. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Part 1910, Section 94, Ventilation.Office of the Federal Register: Code of Federal Regulations Title 29, Part 1926Construction (OSHA). National Archives and Records Administration/Office of theFederal Register, 1996.1.1.15. Underwriters Laboratories (Northbrook, IL)Electric Fans. UL Standard 507.Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Haza

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