ANSI American Society of Sanitary Engineering SERIES 5000-2015 Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard.pdf

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1、Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 ASSE Board Approved: October 2015 ANSI Approved: November 2015 ASSE International An American National StandardASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 Professional Qualifications Standard i Issued: November 2015 Copyright

2、Information . ii Foreword iii ASSE Professional Qualifications Standards Committee iv ASSE Series 5000 Working Group . v Standard #5013 1 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers (RP) and Reduced Pressure Principle Fire Protection Backflow Prevente

3、rs (RPF) Standard #5015 3 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DC) and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DCF) Standard #5020 5 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblies (PVB) Stand

4、ard #5047 7 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Reduced Pressure Detector Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (RPDF) Standard #5048. 9 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Double Check Detector Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DCDF) Standard #5056 11 Mini

5、mum Performance Requirements for T esting Spill Resistant Vacuum Breakers (SRVB) Standard #5063 13 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Air Valve and Vent Inflow Preventers Standard #5110 15 Professional Qualifications Standard for Backflow Prevention Assembly T esters Standard #5120 18 Pro

6、fessional Qualifications Standard for Cross-Connection Control Surveyors Standard #5130 22 Professional Qualifications Standard for Backflow Prevention Assembly Repairers Standard #5140 25 Professional Qualifications Standard for Fire Protection System Cross-Connection Control T esters Standard #515

7、0 28 Professional Qualifications Standard for Backflow Prevention Program Administrators Appendix A 31 Troubleshooting Flowcharts ASSE Test Procedure Flowcharts . 31 One-Hose Test Procedure Flowcharts . 59 Appendix B 65 Schematics Backflow Assembly Schematics 65 Backflow Test Kit Schematics 74 Appen

8、dix C 77 Field T est Report Forms Appendix D . 89 Troubleshooting Guide Appendix E 97 ASSE Field T est Procedures Using Three- and Five-Valve T est Kits Appendix F 123 One-Hose Field T est Procedures Appendix G 131 Vocabulary and Definitions TABlE oF ConTEnTS Cross-Connection Control Professional Qu

9、alifications Standardii ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 Professional Qualifications Standard Issued: November 2015 ASSE International Mokena, Illinois Copyright 2015, 2009, 2004, 2000, 1998, 1990 All rights reserved. CoPYRIGHT InFoRMATIon Neither this standard, nor any portion thereof, may be reproduced

10、 without the written consent of ASSE International. Organizations wishing to adopt or list any ASSE standard should print the ASSE standard number on the cover page first and in equal or larger type to that of the adopting or listing organization. Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications

11、 StandardASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 Professional Qualifications Standard iii Issued: November 2015 FoREW oRD This foreword shall not be considered a part of the standard. However, it is offered to provide background information. ASSE International professional qualifications standards are developed

12、 in the interest of consumer safety. In 1987, ASSEs Board of Directors recognized the need to develop a professional qualifications standard for individuals involved with backflow prevention. The resulting qualifications standard, the ASSE Series 5000, established minimum industry requirements for t

13、he backflow prevention assembly tester, backflow prevention assembly repairer and cross- connection control surveyor. This voluntary consensus standard was the first in the plumbing and water supply fields to set minimum requirements for qualified professional. The Series 5000 was first issued by th

14、e ASSE Board of Directors in 1990 and was designated as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on November 14, 1991. The standard series has been updated and revised in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2009, with the current revision released in 2015. Backflow preventi

15、on methods, devices and assemblies, along with their selection, installation, testing and repair, have been an important part of protecting the public health and the water supply for many years. With the growing use of recycled or gray water systems, and the chronic shortage of water in some areas o

16、f the country and world, it is vital that this important resource be protected. There is no understating the importance of requiring trained personnel to specify, install, test and repair this critical protection the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 standards mandate the proper level of training, testing

17、 and experience needed. T o prepare, update and revise this standard, representatives from different regions and industry segments dedicated themselves to achieving true consensus, thereby advancing the backflow prevention community. In order to better meet the needs of the industry, this revised st

18、andard defines the minimum requirements for testing backflow prevention assemblies meeting the performance requirements of ASSE Standards 1013, 1015, 1020, 1047, 1048 and 1056, and the minimum qualifications requirements for becoming an ASSE Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly T ester, Fire Prote

19、ction System Cross-Connection Control T ester, Backflow Prevention Assembly Repairer, Cross- Connection Control Surveyor, and Backflow Prevention Program Administrator. This 2015 revision has added Standard #5063, Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Air Valve and Vent Inflow Preventers. Re

20、cognition is made of the time volunteered by members of the working group, the original qualifications standards committee members, and of the industry members who participated in the previous revisions of this standard. Compliance with this standard does not imply acceptance by any code body. It is

21、 recommended that all cross- connection control professionals be in compliance with federal, state and local codes. This voluntary, consensus standard was promulgated in accordance with procedures developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Cross-Connection Control Professional Qu

22、alifications Standardiv ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 Professional Qualifications Standard Issued: November 2015 ASSE PQ STAnDARDS C oMMITTEE Cross-Connection Control Professional Qualifications Standard Donald Summers Jr., ChairpersonUA Local 562St. Louis, MO Kenneth Borski UA Local 68 JACHouston, TX

23、 Philip CampbellUnited AssociationAnnapolis, MD laurence T . ColemanUA Local 597Mokena, IL Dana ColomboNational Inspection T esting responsible persons name and address; building address; physical location of assembly within the building (as descriptive as possible); description of application (i.e.

24、 equipment or system served); date and time of the test; initial test results (pass-fail of first check and second check, relief valve discharge, static line pressure); test gauge manufacturer, model number, serial number and expiration date/last date of calibration; repairs made; repair parts used;

25、 cleaning performed, as applicable; printed name, signature and certification number of the tester/repairer; final test results (pass or fail of the assembly), affirmation statement of assembly performance at the date and time of the test, comments relevant to discharge, improper installation/ orien

26、tation, etc. B. The tester shall provide copies of the report to the owner and other appropriate parties as required. The tester shall maintain a copy of the report for their records in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. 4.0 Testing A. The following tests shall be

27、 performed in accordance with local performance requirements, with provisions for both vertical and horizontal installations. (In the absence of local performance requirements, note Appendix E for sample test procedures.) - Confirm the assembly is at no-flow during the test - Confirm the proper oper

28、ation of the first check - Confirm the proper operation of the second check - Confirm the proper operation of the relief valve B. If the assembly passes, the responsible party shall be notified and the system restored to pretest condition. C. If the assembly fails, or does not conform to 2.2(B), the

29、 responsible party shall be notified and the assembly repaired or replaced in accordance with applicable codes, standards and local practices. Any assembly that has been repaired or replaced shall be tested to these requirements.ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI Series 5000 Professional Qualifications Standard 3 Issu

30、ed: November 2015 SerieS 5000 Standard #5015 Minimum Performance Requirements for T esting Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DC) and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DCF) 1.0 Scope, Purpose and Definitions 1.1 ScopeThis operational performance test requirement

31、includes all activities that shall be addressed while field testing ASSE Standard 1015 Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DC) and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DCF). 1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this standard shall be to establish minimum field testing performan

32、ce requirements for ASSE Standard 1015 Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DC) and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies (DCF). 1.3 DefinitionsField Testing Performance Requirement: A test procedure that evaluates a backflow prevention assembly for compliance to the mi

33、nimum performance requirements. Refer to Appendix G for additional definitions. 2.0 Field T esting RequirementsAt a minimum, backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation, annually and immediately after repair or when returned to service. The test shall be performed by a trained a

34、nd certified backflow tester meeting the requirements of the 5110 standard. 2.1 Administrative Issues A. Initial arrangements shall be made with the responsible party to schedule the test. B. Arrangements/notifications shall be made where a continuous water supply is necessary or where testing creat

35、es a special hazard, inconvenience or risk in buildings or piping systems. C. The proper information, reporting forms and equipment shall be gathered to properly perform the test. 2.2 Site Issues A. Safety Evaluation The evaluation shall be made for hazards to persons and property in accordance with

36、 applicable federal, state and local safety regulations and statutes. Some of the issues to be examined are, but are not limited to: - Confined spaces access, atmosphere - Chemical, electrical or flammable hazards - Hazards related to elevation - Excessive noise B. Evaluation of the Installation 1.

37、The assembly shall be confirmed for code compliance with respect to the degree of hazard, markings, prohibited locations (i.e. where subjected to flooding, freezing, toxic fumes) and special installation requirements. 2. The assembly orientation and direction of flow shall be confirmed as proper. 3.

38、 The assembly shall be checked for alterations or special needs, such as, but not limited to, the evidence of illegal bypasses. 4. The general appearance of the assembly shall be checked for condition of shutoff valves and test cocks. 3.0 Reporting A. The test report shall contain, but not be limite

39、d to, the following information: manufacturers name, model number, serial number, type of assembly and size of assembly; responsible persons name and address; building address; physical location of assembly within the building (as descriptive as possible); description of application, (i.e. equipment or system served);

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