ANSI ATS-2017 STANDARD FOR ACCEPTANCE TESTING SPECIFICATIONS for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems (Incorporating Errata May 21 2017).pdf

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1、FOR ELECTRICAL POWER EQUIPMENT their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does

2、 not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.

3、 Caution Notice: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive curren

4、t information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Published by InterNational Electrical Testing Association 3050 Old Centre Ave., Suite 102 Portage, MI 49024 269.488.6382 FAX 269.488.6383 Melissa Richard - Executive Director

5、Copyright 2017 InterNational Electrical Testing Association All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ANSI/NETA ATS-2017

6、 Copyright Information and Alteration of Content ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems, 2017 edition, (ANSI/NETA ATS-2017) is protected under the copyright laws of the United States, and all rights are reserved. Further, the ANSI/NETA ATS

7、-2017 may not be copied, modified, sold, or used except in accordance with such laws and as follows: Purchasers may reproduce and use all or a portion of the ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 provided ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems are clearly id

8、entified in writing as the source of all such uses or reproductions. Section 7 of the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems may be reproduced and used on a “cut and paste” basis for the particular type of equipment to be tested. The follo

9、wing sections of the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems must be incorporated by reference as part of any subsection: 3. Qualifications of Testing Organization and Personnel 3.1 Testing Organization 3.2 Testing Personnel 4. Division of

10、Responsibility 4.1 The Owners Representative 4.2 The Testing Organization 5. General 5.1 Safety and Precautions 5.2 Suitability of Test Equipment 5.3 Test Instrument Calibration 5.4 Test Report 5.5 Test Decal The purchaser is required to include the above sections with any section(s) of 7. Copyright

11、 2017 InterNational Electrical Testing Association 3050 Old Centre Avenue, Suite 102 Portage, MI 49024 E-mail: Web: Standards Review Council ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 These specifications were submitted for public comment and reviewed by the NETA Standards Review Council. James

12、 G. Cialdea Timothy J. Cotter Lorne J. Gara Roderic L. Hageman Leif Hoegberg Daniel D. Hook David G. Huffman Ralph E. Patterson Alan D. Peterson Melissa A. Richard Kristen K. Wicks Ronald A. Widup Ballot Pool Members for ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power E

13、quipment and Systems, 2017 Edition Ken Bassett Tom Bishop Scott Blizard Michael Bowers John Cadick Michel Castonguay James Dollard Peter Green James Harvey Kerry Heid Andrew Kobler Korey Kruse Mark Lautenschlager Eric Nation Steve Park Lee Perry Tony Perry Mose Ramieh Diego Robalino Eddie Roland Ran

14、dall Sagan Mark Siira Jeremy Smith Richard Sobhraj Charles Sweetser Adis Talovic Alan Turpen Gary Walls John White Jean-Pierre Wolff Chris ZavadlovNOTICE ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 In no event shall the InterNational Electrical Testing Association be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or

15、consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of these materials. This document is subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition. Comments and suggestions are invited from all users for consideration by the Association in connection with such r

16、eview. Any such suggestions will be fully reviewed by the Association after giving the commenter, upon request, a reasonable opportunity to be heard. This document should not be confused with federal, state, or municipal specifications or regulations, insurance requirements, or national safety codes

17、. While the Association recommends reference to or use of this document by government agencies and others, use of this document is purely voluntary and not binding. InterNational Electrical Testing Association 3050 Old Centre Avenue, Suite 102 Portage, MI 49024 Voice: 888.300.6382 Facsimile: 269.488

18、.6383 Email: Web: Melissa Richard - Executive DirectorFOREWORD (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/NETA ATS-2017) ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 The InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) was formed in 1972 to establish uniform testing procedur

19、es for electrical equipment and apparatus. NETA developed specifications for the acceptance of new electrical apparatus prior to energization and for the maintenance of existing apparatus to determine its suitability to remain in service. The first NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electric

20、al Power Equipment and Systems was produced in 1972. Upon completion of this project, the NETA Technical Committee began work on a maintenance document, and Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems was published in 1975. NETA has been an Accredited Standards Deve

21、loper for the American National Standards Institute since 1996. NETAs scope of standards activity is different from that of the IEEE, NECA, NEMA, and UL. In matters of testing electrical equipment and systems NETA continues to reference other standards developers documents where applicable. NETAs re

22、view and updating of presently published standards takes into account both national and international standards. NETAs standards may be used internationally as well as in the United States. NETA firmly endorses a global standardization. IEC standards as well as American consensus standards are taken

23、 into consideration by NETAs Section Panels and reviewing committees. The NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications was developed for use by those responsible for assessing the suitability for initial energization of electrical power equipment and systems and to specify field tests and inspections that

24、 ensure these systems and apparatus perform satisfactorily, minimizing downtime and maximizing life expectancy. Since 1972, several revisions of the Acceptance Testing Specifications have been published; in 1989 the NETA Technical Committee, with approval of the Board of Directors, set a four-year r

25、eview and revision schedule. Unless it involves a significant safety or urgent technical issue, each comment and suggestion for change is held until the appropriate review period. Each edition includes new and completely revised sections. The document uses the standard numbering system of ANSI and I

26、EEE. Since 1989, revised editions of the Acceptance Testing Specifications have been published in 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2009, and 2013. On February 2, 2017, the American National Standards Institute approved the NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and System

27、s as an American National Standard. Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the InterNational Electrical Testing Association, 3050 Old Centre Avenue, Suite 102, Portage, MI 49024, or emailed to PREFACE (This Preface is not part of American

28、National Standard ANSI/NETA ATS-2017) ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 It is recognized by the Association that the needs for acceptance testing of commercial, industrial, governmental, and other electrical power systems vary widely. Many criteria are used in determining what equipment is to be tested and to what

29、 extent. To help the user better understand and navigate more efficiently through this document, we offer the following information: Notation of Changes Material included in this edition of the document but not part of the 2013 edition is marked with a black vertical line to the left of the insertio

30、n of text, deletion of text, or alteration of text. The Document Structure The document is divided into thirteen separate and defined sections: Section Description Section 1 General Scope Section 2 Applicable References Section 3 Qualifications of Testing Organization and Personnel Section 4 Divisio

31、n of Responsibility Section 5 General Section 6 Power System Studies Section 7 Inspection and Test Procedures Section 8 System Function Tests and Commissioning Section 9 Thermographic Survey Section 10 Electromagnetic Field Testing Section 11 Corona Studies (Reserved) Tables Reference Tables Appendi

32、ces Various Informational Documents Section 7 Structure Section 7 is the main body of the document with specific information on what to do relative to the inspection and acceptance testing of electrical power distribution equipment and systems. It is not intended that this document list how to test

33、specific pieces of equipment or systems. Sequence of Tests and Inspections The tests and inspections specified in this document are not necessarily presented in chronological order and may be performed in a different sequence. Expected Test Results Section 7 consists of sections specific to each par

34、ticular type of equipment. Within those sections there are, typically, four main bodies of information: A. Visual and Mechanical Inspection B. Electrical Tests C. Test Values Visual and Mechanical D. Test Values Electrical PREFACE (Continued) (This Preface is not part of American National Standard A

35、NSI/NETA ATS-2017) ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 Results of Visual and Mechanical Inspections Some, but not all, visual and mechanical inspections have an associated test value or result. Those items with an expected result are referenced under Section C., Test Values Visual and Mechanical. For example, Sectio

36、n 7.1 Switchgear and Switchboard Assemblies, item 7.1.A.8.2 calls for verifying tightness of connections using a calibrated torque wrench method. Under the Test Values Visual and Mechanical Section 7.1.C.2, the expected results for that particular task are listed within Section C., with reference ba

37、ck to the original task description on item 7.1.A.8.2. PREFACE (Continued) (This Preface is not part of American National Standard ANSI/NETA ATS-2017) ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 Results of Electrical Tests Each electrical test has a corresponding expected result, and the test and the result have identical n

38、umbers. If the electrical test is item four, the expected result under the Test Values section is also item four. For example, under Section 7.15.1 Rotating Machinery, AC Induction Motors and Generators, item 7.15.1.B.2 (item 2 within the Electrical Tests section) calls for performing an insulation-

39、resistance test in accordance with IEEE Standard 43. In section D, Test Values Electrical, the expected results for that particular task are listed in the Test Values section under item 2. PREFACE (Continued) (This Preface is not part of American National Standard ANSI/NETA ATS-2017) ANSI/NETA ATS-2

40、017 Optional Tests The purpose of these specifications is to assure that all tested electrical equipment and systems supplied by either contractor or owner are operational and within applicable standards and manufacturers published tolerances and that equipment and systems are installed in accordanc

41、e with design specifications. Certain tests are assigned an optional classification. The following considerations are used in determining the use of the optional classification: 1. Does another listed test provide similar information? 2. How does the cost of the test compare to the cost of other tes

42、ts providing similar information? 3. How commonplace is the test procedure? Is it new technology? Manufacturers Instruction Manuals It is important to follow the recommendations contained in the manufacturers published data. Many of the details of a complete and effective testing procedure can be ob

43、tained from this source. Summary The guidance of an experienced testing professional should be sought when making decisions concerning the extent of testing. It is necessary to make an informed judgment for each particular system regarding how extensive a procedure is justified. The approach taken i

44、n these specifications is to present a comprehensive series of tests applicable to most industrial and larger commercial systems. In smaller systems, some of the tests can be deleted. In other cases, a number of the tests indicated as optional should be performed. Likewise, guidance of an experience

45、d testing professional should also be sought when making decisions concerning the results of test data and their significance to the overall analysis of the device or system under test. Careful consideration of all aspects of test and calibration data, including manufacturers published data and reco

46、mmendations, must be included in the overall assessment of the device or system under test. The Association encourages comment from users of this document. Please contact the NETA office or your local NETA Accredited Company. Standards Review Council InterNational Electrical Testing Association Jame

47、s G. Cialdea Timothy J. Cotter Lorne J. Gara Roderic L. Hageman Leif Hoegberg Daniel D. Hook David G. Huffman Ralph E. Patterson Alan D. Peterson Melissa A. Richard Ronald A. Widup Kristen K. WicksANSI/NETA ATS-2017 This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS ANSI/NETA ATS-2017 1. GENERAL SCOPE 1 2.

48、 APPLICABLE REFERENCES 2.1 Codes, Standards and Specifications . 2 2.2 Other References . 8 2.3 Contact Information 8 3. QUALIFICATIONS OF TESTING ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL 3.1 Testing Organization . 10 3.2 Testing Personnel 10 4. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 The Owners Representative . 11 4.2 Th

49、e Testing Organization 11 5. GENERAL 5.1 Safety and Precautions 12 5.2 Suitability of Test Equipment . 12 5.3 Test Instrument Calibration . 13 5.4 Test Report 14 5.5 Test Decal 15 6. POWER SYSTEM STUDIES 6.1 Short-Circuit Studies . 16 6.2 Coordination Studies . 17 6.3 Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis . 18 6.4 Load-Flow Studies 20 6.5 Stability Studies . 21 6.6 Harmonic-Analysis Studies . 22 7. INSPECTION AND TEST PROCEDURES 7.1 Switchgear and Switchboard Assemblies . 23 Transformers, Dry-Type, Air-Cooled, Low-Voltage, Small . 28 7

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